What's the weirdest thing you've ever binged on?

Mine would probably have to be melted butter with graham cracker crumbs mixed in or melted butter with powdered sugar.


  • kelbelzz
    kelbelzz Posts: 92 Member
    Um. Cinnamon Maple Graduates lil' crunchies. Baby food. Why? Hahaha.
  • loztredders
    loztredders Posts: 142
    Ryvitas covered in icing and buttercream!!
  • tehpounce
    tehpounce Posts: 64
    Mashed potatoes and sauer kraut.
  • Softly_Sedated
    Handfuls of chocolate chips. Need...chocolate...now.
  • MissYogapants
    MissYogapants Posts: 106 Member
    Blackcurrant jelly (meant for having with some meat dishes). I usually can't stand the taste of it, but one evening I suddenly got the cravings for it! I had an unopened jar that someone (most likely my mother) had given to me about a year earlier, and I ate the whole thing. Today I can't even stand to see those jars in the grocery store! :)
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    last year i had a need to satisfy 3 cravings...bread/carb, salty, fatty.

    so naturally, i made a couple BLTs....with roughly a half pound of bacon, scoops of mayonaise, and ZERO lettuce and tomato.

  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    Haha glad I'm not the only baby food person!!
    Anyway weird I dunno lol anything chocolate!
    I guess I would probably say half finished cookie dough... Didn't have the flour and all that in it yet :-) its delicious both ways ha
    I also like taking a spoonful of peanut butter and covering it in chocolate chips bahaha
  • tsaarloos
    tsaarloos Posts: 58 Member
    Knowing myself all too well, I almost never have sweets in the house, but what to do when you have a sweet craving? Cream cheese, sugar, vanilla extract and lime juice.... kinda tasted like a key-lime cheese cake... I felt awful when I was done though...
  • sarah3333
    sarah3333 Posts: 222 Member
    Me + a jar of Goobers (that strawberry jelly and peanut butter in the same jar) + a spoon...I thought I was in heaven until I thought "Hey wouldn't some reddi-whip go great on this?" (for real!) I will never buy Goobers again. It is stronger then I am.
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    Half a jar of Nutella (the chocolate spread stuff). I used to eat up to that EVERY day..... :sick:
  • FrauHausMaus
    FrauHausMaus Posts: 194
    Mustard. Sucked it right out of the bottle. Downed the whole bottle standing in front of the fridge.
  • mikejacobs1958
    Flying Ants (pan fried in butter)
  • tappae
    tappae Posts: 568 Member
    Flying Ants (pan fried in butter)

    You binged on flying ants? It must have taken a while to catch all of them! I had fried termites once, but it was more of a snack.

    For me, I would say cake icing. I was going to make a cake, but I just ate the icing instead.
  • mikejacobs1958
    Ate them in back in South Africa, they congregate around the street lights, lose their wings and then become crawlers, easy to catch........

    Dried Mopani Worms are just as nice :)

    Thank goodness I live in UK now, Bangers and Mash........
  • Miss_Chanelle
    Miss_Chanelle Posts: 87 Member
    Mashed potatoes and sauer kraut.

    Nice ticker
  • psychofantasy
    For me, I would say cake icing. I was going to make a cake, but I just ate the icing instead.

    Cake icing on graham crackers.....mmmmm
  • hannydee
    hannydee Posts: 246
    Half a jar of Nutella (the chocolate spread stuff). I used to eat up to that EVERY day..... :sick:

    Oh god, I've done that one before!

    The last binge I remember (I've been reeeally good for a while!) was 6 mini cheese and onion pastries followed by 8 chocolate-filled brioche rolls. Ridiculous.
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    I ate a whole bag of fortune cookies once...
  • FitBarbie2986
    FitBarbie2986 Posts: 202 Member
    I went through a phase where all i ate for like 3 days was Funyuns,lol :D i just craved them soo bad, & had my ex get me a bag like everyday for seriously 3 days..i didn't eat anything else,lol..i was addicted
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Weirdest? That's hard. I can't remember! I did have a wine fuelled binge on those spanish fried donut things (churros?) at a friends last year. I actually think I may have eaten all of them.

    But I used to binge all the time without even realising! Cake mix was always good, in fact anything to do with baking. I once made a cheesecake to serve 16 people and ate half of it in one evening. It wasn't even that nice! Also Ben & Jerry's - I can't quite decide if the fact they don't sell it here in South Australia is good or bad :-/. Is it bad that the Ben & Jerry's store in Sydney was the top thing on my list when we went to visit??

    But nowadays, chocolate is always my binge. Always. Bloody Cadbury's, they make a fortune out of me!