My Breasts are changing :-(



  • oceanamy2287
    oceanamy2287 Posts: 19 Member
    Unfortunately, yes. Mine look like rocks in socks. Just get a good push up bra... It's sad and unfortunate side effect of becoming healthy.
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    i have always been happy with my breasts (as has my husband) even though i hate the rest of my body. problem is, i have lost a stone now my breast have changed SIGNIFICANTLY, hubby said they are like empty duffle bags :-( he wasnt trying to be mean as he is very supportive of my weight loss efforts but it makes me sad that in the effort to look and feel better i am losing the only thing i liked!
    Is this a common problem for ladies?

    Mine are like deflated balloons! Victoria's Secret does wonders to "empty duffel bags" ;) .... maybe hubby could have a look at their website and start treating you to new bra's!!!!!
  • MoreThanMommie
    MoreThanMommie Posts: 597 Member
    Yep. After breastfeeding 2 kids, I still had bangin' boobs! Then I lost 30 pounds...I now have pancake books. :sad:
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Very common problem. I see myself developing a close personal relationship with a plastic surgeon in my future!
  • mlewon
    mlewon Posts: 343 Member
    Chest press can help because it builds up muscle under the sagging tissue (which is only sagging because you're losing weight, and it is going to come off everywhere, so think of it at a positive!!). They will never look like they did (without surgery), but it can definitely help a bit!
  • bluegrasschica
    I've gone down a cup size already and l've only lost 25lbs
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    It's nothing a good push-up can't fix. It's a common problem, and they'll continue to change the more your lose. What's more important? A healthy body or a hearty bust?
  • estrange22
    estrange22 Posts: 210 Member
    I had the same problem after losing weight after having my son....4 years later I starting doing a lot of weight lifting and voila, much better texture. they dont feel "fluffy" anymore
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Just be glad they are healthy. I watched my Mom go through treatment and surgery for breast cancer for 18 months.
  • tinabell153
    tinabell153 Posts: 298 Member
    I went from a B to an A. My boyfriend definitely doesn't like it.. But they are still perky and attractive in my opinion lol. Big boobs are a hassel anyway. They cause back problems, they get in the way, and you can't wear smaller sized shirts!

    I like my little boobs.
  • complicatedmoves
    complicatedmoves Posts: 84 Member
    Sucks doesn't it! It's like after you give birth and the titty fairy takes your breasts away. The more fat you lose, you loose a little 'plumpness' to your breasts. You can try to build the tone and definition by strengthening those muscles....but you may still loose some of the 'size'.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Def a common problem. I'm only 21 & now mine look like crap. I miss having my big boobs! Come baaaack boobies!
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    Yep, it's a common "problem" for women who aren't naturally top heavy. I went from a D cup to an A/B cup depending on the brand. Unfortunately, we can't determine where we lose the fat. But, I'll take my little B cup any day than to go back to the weight I was at a D cup.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Who cares as long as your abs change to.... Besides more than a mouthfull is a waste.

    More than a mouthful a waste... no its not.

    This is something only flat chested people say.. :wink:

    ^ lmao exactly
  • BoatReadyBody
    Who cares as long as your abs change to.... Besides more than a mouthfull is a waste.

    More than a mouthful a waste... no its not.

    This is something only flat chested people say.. :wink:
    This is something only fat chicks lol...
  • theprettyone1010
    theprettyone1010 Posts: 408 Member
    yup, my boobs are all deflated and the skin is saggy. CHEST PRESSES x 100!
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    Who cares as long as your abs change to.... Besides more than a mouthfull is a waste.

    More than a mouthful a waste... no its not.

    This is something only flat chested people say.. :wink:
    This is something only fat chicks lol...

    Yeah because apparently only fat chicks have big breasts right?? What a generalization..
  • BoatReadyBody
    Lmao. You will see once you get healthy that they don't matter. Boobs mattered alot when I was fat toand they were the only thing that i Had going for me. You can pick what fat you lose..
  • Vitamin_K
    Vitamin_K Posts: 47
    it happens.. so do what I did... once you get close to your goal weight, schedule an appt to get a breast lift/augmentation.. did not hurt that bad & was totally worth it!!
  • SashaMegan
    SashaMegan Posts: 110 Member

    Breast augmentation has nothing to do with whether or not you'll get breast cancer.

    This. An implant contains no cells to mutate into cancer.

    The surgery makes wounds and inflammation which challenges both breast cells and immunity. The OP should consider that question with a specialized doctor if she wants to have implants!