Age 40's, 50's 60's weight loss stories PLEASE

NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
Just looking to see and hear any success stories from those of us who are in their 40's, 50's and 60's....

How old are you? (you don't have to be specific if you don't want can just say 50's, 60's 40's--whatever, okay)

How much have you lost?

How long did it take you to lose the weight (and/or issues/attitudes that kept you overweight/obese)?

How long have you kept it off?

What did you do/are doing to STAY slim and healthy?

Please do share, okay?


  • demningoreilly
    Hi, I'm 46 (10 days from turning 47). I have lost 80 lbs. and still could lose another 25. I started this journey Jan. 2011. I had a bit of a weight issue in my late 20s. Then in my 30s when I had the 2 children, 2 yrs. apart, all hell broke lose. I had over the years lost 20 lbs or so, only to gain it back with alot more. When I started I weighed 255 lbs. and I'm only 5'4". With me it's an every day battle. I forget to be thankful of how far I've come and can only see how far I've to go. Anyway, I'm still figting. I love to hear stories of women my age that have finally done something for themselves. Good luck to all of us!!!
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I'm only 39... But am thinking a healthy body is an awesome 40th birthday gift to myself... I've got until November 15th to get the rest of the weight off! I started in November and have lost 72lbs so far.
  • LizHowerton
    LizHowerton Posts: 329 Member
    Just looking to see and hear any success stories from those of us who are in their 40's, 50's and 60's....

    How old are you? (you don't have to be specific if you don't want can just say 50's, 60's 40's--whatever, okay)

    I am 49.

    How much have you lost?

    90 lbs.

    How long did it take you to lose the weight (and/or issues/attitudes that kept you overweight/obese)?

    8 months

    How long have you kept it off?

    3 years

    What did you do/are doing to STAY slim and healthy?

    Drink half my body weight in ounces of water. I exercise almost 7 days a week (that's my goal...sometimes it's 6 days a week)
    I log all my food into MFP to keep myself accountable. If I can add in additional exercise I do (go for a lunch time walk, etc.) being active is very important. Practice portion control. Stay away from anything I feel that I can not eat in moderation (for instance I know I can't eat just one or two chips with salsa, so I don't eat them at all, same thing with certain other foods)

    Please do share, okay?

    I FEEL great.

    I used to wake up every morning and have foot pain. That is gone. I was borderline type 2 diabetes, gone. I can buy cute clothes.

    It is a daily effort to maintain, but so very worth it.

    I've always been up and down on my weight, but I was dx with MS, and two years later my oldest brother passed away. I became very depressed and ate my emotions and it showed.

    Exercise is a huge mood lifter and I crave it if I don't get a chance to work out now.
  • stacymama5
    stacymama5 Posts: 391 Member
    I am 52, 53 in August and I started in January 2012. My beginning weight was somewhere between 165 and 170. I have reached my goal (currently weigh 138, 5'7"). I am now really trying to tone.
  • TrophyWifeSass
    TrophyWifeSass Posts: 490 Member

    My story from awhile ago. I am now sitting at 149 and I life heavy, train hard, took up boxing, and eat like a boss.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    50 years old.

    55 lbs. so far this year.

    Still have a LONG way to go, but I will get there.

    Good luck to everybody!!!
  • tracyjoys
    tracyjoys Posts: 69 Member
    How old are you? 46

    How much have you lost? 50+

    How long did it take you to lose the weight (and/or issues/attitudes that kept you overweight/obese)? I'm still losing, and I started my journey in June 2011.

    How long have you kept it off? It's a daily effort, but I've been going in stages. I lose some weight, then maintain that weight for awhile. Lose a little more weight, then maintain for awhile, etc. It helps keep things realistic for me.

    What did you do/are doing to STAY slim and healthy? Eating high-quality protein, fruits & veggies mostly, with limited dairy. I also cook with coconut oil and use coconut extensively; oil, butter, milk; unsweetened of course! I try to avoid starch as much as possible; it tends to make me gain weight. I also definitely avoid processed sugars and artificial sweeteners. The sugar/starch as consumed on an occasional basis. I like to think that if I eat REALLY clean 80% of the time, then I can indulge in something reasonable with sugar or starch the other 20% of the time. My theory - based on 20 meals in a week - if I desire, I can work something into 4 meals/week that contains sugar or starch.

    This is just my method, mind you. Everyone's different! I have done some experimenting with my own body to see what seems to cause gains. Sugar and starch both affect me negatively, more so the starch. I'm not celiac, but I'm willing to bet that I'm gluten intolerant based on my body's reaction when I consume it. I also do better with full-fat items such as sour cream, because MANY low-fat foods use starch as filler/thickener which sends my body reeling. I'm a big label reader now!

    Naturopaths can conduct a test to help determine what a person's body is most sensitive to...I have a friend that has troubles with some fruits/veggies that you would consider "healthy". She was eating tons of salads and gaining weight. After her testing, when she eliminated those things that her body considered toxic from her diet, she started losing weight.

    As I age, I know it's a lot harder to find the magic key to weight loss/maintenance. If I eat clean (for my body) and exercise, I do quite well on about 2,000 calories/day. If I eat a lot of crap, it doesn't matter what my calorie intake is - I gain weight, and quickly!

    Oh, and WATER, WATER, WATER!

    Thanks everyone for sharing here - you all deserve a pat on the back! Way to go!
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    Liz Howerton - I love your story! It is so nice to hear how you are maintaining too!!!

    How old are you? (you don't have to be specific if you don't want can just say 50's, 60's 40's--whatever, okay)

    How much have you lost?
    63 pounds

    How long did it take you to lose the weight (and/or issues/attitudes that kept you overweight/obese)?

    I started here on MFP in May 2011. I had tried many other diet plans and failed in the past, and I was at the point of thinking there was not a plan I could live with on a long term basis. I took it step by step when I did start MFP. I was picky about not starting something I didn't think I could keep up so my first step was to get in enough water and tame down my daily calories. Once that was under control I added in more fruits/veggies in my diet along with some light exercise. I have gradually increased my exercise plan and try to make healthy choices more often.

    How long have you kept it off?

    What did you do/are doing to STAY slim and healthy?

    I have about 20-25 more pounds to lose before I can get to these questions, but I am interested in hearing how others are keeping with the lifestyle changes after meeting their goals. This is the first time since jr. high school that I feel like my goal is within reach. I would really like to meet my goal by my 47th b-day (November 20).

    Thanks to everyone who is sharing their story.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Great thread: thank you all for sharing. I'm going to keep checking back for inspiration.
  • JenGranzow
    JenGranzow Posts: 116 Member
    How old are you? 44

    How much have you lost? 70.6 pounds. I went from busting out of a size 16 to now wearing size 2-4 pants. Michelle Obama tells people that she wants *my* arms. Ok, kidding, but it's possible that she would say that if we met. lol

    How long did it take you to lose the weight? 410 days

    How long have you kept it off? I am just transitioning to maintenance. Actually, I reached my goal of losing 60 pounds in under a year, but rather than going directly to maintenance, I eased in by spending a few months at that .5 lbs/wk calorie level.

    What did you do/are doing to STAY slim and healthy? I work out 6-7 days per week. I do strength training 3x, and cardio 3-4x per week (if I don't take an all-out rest day, I will do a lighter cardio day once per week). I track here on MFP and try to keep as close to my macros as possible. At this point, I am going to really focus on fine-tuning diet. I don't want to lose more weight, I just want to get a bit leaner.
  • rpounds1957
    rpounds1957 Posts: 177 Member
    You may be looking specifically for females to respond. However, my answers are below if you're interested.
    Just looking to see and hear any success stories from those of us who are in their 40's, 50's and 60's....
    How old are you?

    I will turn 55 on September 5th
    How much have you lost?

    So far, I have lost 25 pounds in about 9 1/2 weeks. In the same time, my 52 year old wife has lost 16
    How long did it take you to lose the weight (and/or issues/attitudes that kept you overweight/obese)?

    I quit smoking 3 years ago and ballooned up afterwards. Plus, I am diabetic. The medication given to diabetics in order to control blood glucose also have the side effect of making it difficult to lose weight. I used to coach baseball, which kept me very active. After quitting coaching, quitting cigarettes and treating my diabetes - those factors put my weight on and kept it on. Losing it was a matter of getting some control over my behavior (self control), watching what I eat and exercising even when I really don't want to. My peak weight was 242 pounds. I had lost down to 230 before joining MFP. It took nearly 3 years to lose that 12 pounds. With MFP, I am now down to 205 (so far).
    What did you do/are doing to STAY slim and healthy?

    I am not to goal yet, but I plan to continue using MFP and exercising in order to control my weight once I hit my goal.
  • Valera0466
    Valera0466 Posts: 319 Member
    Great thread: thank you all for sharing. I'm going to keep checking back for inspiration.

    Me Too
  • beth230blue
    beth230blue Posts: 45 Member
    How old are you? 49

    How much have you lost? 25 lbs

    How long did it take you to lose the weight (and/or issues/attitudes that kept you overweight/obese)? I've been on my journey since January 2012 so almost 6 months

    How long have you kept it off? same

    What did you do/are doing to STAY slim and healthy?
    Counting calories on MFP, and working out 6x per week + including a 1.5 hour bootcamp every Saturday.

    Please do share, okay?

    Originally I thought my modest 4 lbs per month was too slow. 1 week at Fitness Ridge changed my mind. (BTW....well worth the investment....learned a ton) I now have a new lifestyle that allows me to live + lose weight. I'm not starving, I treat myself, and I'm still losing. I have about 20 lbs more to lose and with my RMR + exercise I'm eating about 1500 calories per day which with good food is alot.

    January I barely exercised at all, and now I just finished at 5k in 34:18. So proud. I also monitor every month or so my measurements....which are declining faster than the weight loss. That's the exercise. I exercise every morning for at least 40 minutes.

    I'm thrilled with where I am at, and hope that by December 1st, I'll be at my goal weight and have a new wardrobe.

    Thanks MFP - you are a big part of my success.
  • joyfulnoise27870
    joyfulnoise27870 Posts: 32 Member
    How old are you? 42
    How much have you lost? 115 lbs

    How long did it take you to lose the weight (and/or issues/attitudes that kept you overweight/obese)? I started 8/15/2010 and still have about 8 more lbs to lose to hit my goal of weighing 125 lbs. I've been overweight almost my entire life. Health issues for me and my husband prompted us to make a life style change. He has lost 65 lbs and has maintained for over a year. My weight loss has definitely slowed down but I hope to make my goal by 8/15/2012.

    How long have you kept it off? still a work in progress

    What did you do/are doing to STAY slim and healthy? I watch portion sizes, eat healthy foods and exercise (walk approx 6-7 miles per day)
  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    I'll be 44 this August & I started to get into shape this year, & I've lost & kept off 40 pounds in 6+ months. I'm exercising a lot more, eating better & drinking lots more water than I ever did.

    This time last year I was miserable. My plantar fasciitis (had it for over 5 years) was giving me hip & back problems, and I work two jobs, so when i came home, I didn't have the energy or the want to do much of anything. I've had 2 cortisone shots in my heels & I have orthopedic inserts, but they helped only some. Last summer my wife told me to go to a place called Synergy chiropractic center. They perform ACT (active release therapy) which means they don't just align your spine, they work they tissues around the affected areas. After going there for about 3-4 months, my back pain was minimal & my plantar fasciitis rarely bothers me at all. We joined a gym at the end of December, and I was off.

    I began by lifting 3-4 times a week & running only a couple of times, but gradually I began to run more & more. Now I run 3-4 times a week & lift 2-3 times. This past Saturday (June 9th) I ran my first ever race (a 10K) & I completed it in 55:45 & came in 261st out of over 650 people. I have no interest in running a full or even a half marathon, but I'll probably run a few 3, 5 or 10K races a year.

    I'm happier than I've been in a long time, I have the energy to do things with my kids even working the two jobs, but the problem I'm having now is that I'm going to need a third job in order to replace all the clothes that belong to some fat guy that I don't even know anymore!
  • lindaschultz45
    lindaschultz45 Posts: 60 Member
    am 46

    How much have you lost?

    27 lbs.

    How long did it take you to lose the weight (and/or issues/attitudes that kept you overweight/obese)?

    4 months

    How long have you kept it off?

    Still working on my goal.

    What did you do/are doing to STAY slim and healthy?

    Drinking my water. I exercise almost 6 days a week, your body needs one day to rest but walk on that day if possible.)
    I log all my food into MFP to keep myself accountable. If I can add in additional exercise I do. I have to agree being active is very important. Practice portion control. If I fall of the wagon, I don't beat myself up, just climb right back on with the next meal. :) Everyone on here is great for support and encouragement!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I am 56 years old. Since menopause I had gained weight and was borderline diabetic. I decided to take control and watch what I was eating. I bought a food scale and cut my carbs down, not out. I don't exercise so I did it all just eating better. Dropped over 30 lbs and have kept it off for over a year. Back in size 4 and feel so much better.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    You may be looking specifically for females to respond. However, my answers are below if you're interested.
    Just looking to see and hear any success stories from those of us who are in their 40's, 50's and 60's....
    How old are you?

    I will turn 55 on September 5th
    How much have you lost?

    So far, I have lost 25 pounds in about 9 1/2 weeks. In the same time, my 52 year old wife has lost 16
    How long did it take you to lose the weight (and/or issues/attitudes that kept you overweight/obese)?

    I quit smoking 3 years ago and ballooned up afterwards. Plus, I am diabetic. The medication given to diabetics in order to control blood glucose also have the side effect of making it difficult to lose weight. I used to coach baseball, which kept me very active. After quitting coaching, quitting cigarettes and treating my diabetes - those factors put my weight on and kept it on. Losing it was a matter of getting some control over my behavior (self control), watching what I eat and exercising even when I really don't want to. My peak weight was 242 pounds. I had lost down to 230 before joining MFP. It took nearly 3 years to lose that 12 pounds. With MFP, I am now down to 205 (so far).
    What did you do/are doing to STAY slim and healthy?

    I am not to goal yet, but I plan to continue using MFP and exercising in order to control my weight once I hit my goal.

    Thank you so much for replying!!!! This post is for EVERYONE, not just us gals, so thanks again for posting and you rock sir!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    These replies are just too encouraging, inspirational and just plain terrific. Thanks so much to EVERYONE for your replies!

    :flowerforyou: YOU ALL ROCK :drinker:
  • ItIsJessMe
    ItIsJessMe Posts: 19
    I'll be 46 in 3 months. Since January I'm down 15 lbs, to 147, want to get to 140 or possibly 135.

    I'm down almost 40 lbs from my adult high of 185. That came after 8 years of fertility drugs-->pregnancy-->nursing-->nursing and pregnancy-->just pregnancy-->ridiculously long nursing.

    I lost 35 lbs 2 years ago, then put 30 back on in 6 months (I have a VERY seasonal job, half the year I barely work and get fit, the rest of the year I am completely sedentary). I lost 27 of those last year, then put on only 10 during my busy season at work (and all within the last 6 weeks, I maintained until Dec. 2 then on Jan 15 was up 10!). Now I'm down below where I was and doing my best not to put anything on this busy season which is just heating up.

    It's definitely been harder the older I get and the less weight I have to lose. I'm really hoping to drop these last 7 by Aug. 1 and then maintain until mid-January when I can start pushing myself again.
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