chocolate covered zombie elves (questions only)



  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    Can I second that Greg?

    It has totally frustrated me how many people want to make this tragedy a political issue before those babies, teachers, mothers, etc are laid to rest. I will be the first to bet that drunk driving has killed more than any of the mass murders combined. AND don't get me started on GUNS not being the only weapon used to kill people.

    MJ, I agree with you to a certain point dear. I agree that upbringing MAY play a part in some of the wrong doing in this world; however, the bottom line is CHOICES. What my children do after they reach the age of accountablily does not weigh on how or what I taught them; but more on what they choose to do with what I taught them. This is merely my opinion.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    Do you agree that what this person did goes way beyond what kind of parenting he received? Do you pity his parents, who were probably put through hell for many years, raising a person this disturbed? Shouldn't we come up with better support for families, and remove some of the stigma, so that more people can get help?
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    Do you agree that what this person did goes way beyond what kind of parenting he received? Do you pity his parents, who were probably put through hell for many years, raising a person this disturbed? Shouldn't we come up with better support for families, and remove some of the stigma, so that more people can get help?

    Can I second this? Even as I am known to be about the most Conservative of my friends and beleive that every person is ultimately responsible for his/her own actions, I still beleive there is something wrong with a system when 30 years ago there was more opportunity for people to receive treatment. Now it is gone due to lack of funds
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    I do believe I can go along with that as well.

    Can I share with you guys that I am having trouble believing that he planned this all by himself? I know very little about autism, but in my mind I can not fathom, he did this alone as it was carefully planned, followed thru, and lastly, premeditated. (I hope that came out right).
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    Can I disagree, based on knowing someone with autism who has a genius level IQ?
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    If that be the case then, shouldn't this young man be held accountable for his own actions then?

    Why are we going to the government's lack of help, or his parents?
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    Because someone can have superior intelligence and the ability to craft and execute a plan and still be mentally ill?

    Also, have you read this incredible article?
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    Can I apologize that my mind just can not wrap around that concept?

    I haven't seen that but I will read it.
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    Can I say that was an interesting article and very well written?
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    And did you hear about the incident that happened in China last Friday, with the man slashing 22 schoolchildren and one 85 year old woman? Do you know that it is just one in a series of recent similiar knife attacks at schools and kindergartens there, and that it is being blamed on the medical system's inability to diagnose and care for people with mental illness?
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    Did you know that an Irishman had something to say on this about 250 years ago?
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    That is so sad, Angel.

    Do you care to share Hugh?
  • MissyJessy
    MissyJessy Posts: 1,279 Member
    Anyone else as excited as i am to get off work in an hour? i have my dinner cooking in the slow cooker as we speak!!

    I cant wait!!

    Sorry to change the topic i know its all relevant but i guess im just not very sensitive to the whole "mental illness thing" (as it applies to the POS from Friday in CT)

    Just because a person has a mental illness does not mean that they are unable to comprehend what is right and what is wrong... i do believe that some people with mental illness' have a some what skiewed view of that... but i (my personal opinion) dont believe that we should be allowing a monster to become human because he was suffering from a mental illness... and that sounds very unfair and im aware of that but there are millions of people with mental dissabilities..... its like we are making it ok, people are now focusing either on gun control, religion not being in schools, and mental illness at this point instead of the bare truth... on friday a monster slaughtered his mother to the point where she was unrecognizable (that my friend is a crime of passion) then went to a school to slaughter kids.. kids that had nothing to do with anything....

    i guess i cant get past the kids thing... i dont think ill be able to see it from any other way other than a parents perspective
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    Do you care to share Hugh?
    In 1770 Edmund Burke wrote in 'Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents' that "when bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."

    This is attributed to him in paraphrase as, " "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for (a few) good men to do nothing".

    It is true that guns are no more evil than the internet is evil.
    Uncontrolled access to both gives opportunities that could not otherwise arise - this is not to say that other opportunities would not instead

    Is it inevitable that if all swords and spears were to be beaten into ploughshares and pruning hooks then someone would contrive a way to cause mayhem with agricultural products?

    We can no more un-invent gunpowder than reassemble the atom, nor get either genie back into its bottle.
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    Can I thank you for this Hugh? Some good material to think about. I enjoy some of the points of view that you bring to the table. And I do wish that I had your way with words.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    Did you know that Edmund Burke's political reputation has suffered in English history through his support of "Our English Brethren in The Colonies"?
  • MissyJessy
    MissyJessy Posts: 1,279 Member
    Do you care to share Hugh?
    In 1770 Edmund Burke wrote in 'Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents' that "when bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."

    This is attributed to him in paraphrase as, " "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for (a few) good men to do nothing".

    It is true that guns are no more evil than the internet is evil.
    Uncontrolled access to both gives opportunities that could not otherwise arise - this is not to say that other opportunities would not instead

    Is it inevitable that if all swords and spears were to be beaten into ploughshares and pruning hooks then someone would contrive a way to cause mayhem with agricultural products?

    We can no more un-invent gunpowder than reassemble the atom, nor get either genie back into its bottle.

    i really enjoy this line :smile: i dont think there is any better way to put it... and yes i attempted to read the entire thing in my head with an english accent. (and yes i have NO idea why an english accent when the gentleman is Irish.....maybe because i cant do an irish one... hmmmm)

    This Edmund Burke fellow seems pretty interesting do you have any recommendations of things to read about him?
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    WOW! Hugh...can I thank you for that too? I must also agree with Greg on your way with words.

    MJ, I am with you girl. I've read article after article and appreciate Angel trying to help us understand. I just can't imagine why he killed those babies for nothing.

    I know in times like these we want answers, we want to know why (esp the families of the deceased), but the truth is we will never know why he did what he did because he took his own life too. We can only speculate now. That being said, does the govenment need to help more with assisting the mentally ill...YES. But they can only do so much. If you remember some of our criminals down thru time didn't show signs of being mentally ill. For example, Ted Bundy was a charming, handsome, man with a bright future ahead of him. If I remember correctly, no one suspected he would do what he did.

    I apologize if my thoughts are a bit jumbled!
  • MissyJessy
    MissyJessy Posts: 1,279 Member
    That is the same with the movie theater guy.... wasnt he on his way to getting his doctorate?

    Anywho i think there has been more than enough talk about what happened... and it has created major anxiety for me... I feel very blessed to have been able to have a child and have him as healthy as he is considering all the stress of his birth and shortly after... and lately with all the bad things going on in the world i have such bad anxiety... maybe its just because he is leaving next week to go to Disney land with his dad.... for 10 days... longest i have ever been without him... lol AND he is making my anxiety so much better by asking me what would happen if he got lost in Disney Land

    He needs to stop growing!! lol
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    Can I say that I am really proud of how much good the media is bringing out? The stories about the children, and the families. Yes, unfotunately, the bad makes for good ratings....but I am loving the goodness of people and how others have joined together to help that community.

    I wish I could keep my boys little too. Relish what you can, and enjoy each moment as he grows.