I hate to sound mean but......



  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    There's nothing worse than someone on a mission.

    Just leave it. It's none of your business. Lead by example. Keep it simple.

    This times a million.
  • This may sound mean but here it goes I HAVE to get this off my chest. There is a woman that sits in the cubicle next to mine. She is severely overweight maybe about 350 lbs and 5'3. Now I would never say mean things about people that are over weight but I cant help but be bothered by her eating habits. Im with her from 9-5 and here is something like how her time her might go:

    Breakfast: Soda and McDonalds or burger king
    Snack: Chips and another soda
    Lunch: McDonalds, burger king, Wendy’s, or other fast foods
    Snack: soda, donuts, candy, chocolate, chips

    Now. I’m am not a clean eater at all and I am not judging by her eating habits but I find it very discouraging being around this. I almost find it repulsive to see someone so over weight eating so carelessly. Another thing is that she is always out sick, which I can attribute to her weight. I know its not my place to say anything however I’m really bothered and I really want to help out. But don’t want to offend her. What would you do?

    How would you feel if someone was judging you by your behaviors that led you to be 40 pounds overweight? "Just Sayin"

    And starting your post out with I hate to sound mean but.... is just mean!
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    so when someone tells you you are wrong for not eating clean.. or wrong for doing your workouts a certain way.. or look down at you for something.. are you ok with that..

    tell you what.... when you become a perfect person then you can go and talk to her.. other than that mind your business..

    if she ever brings it up to you and says i want to lose weight or whatever.. have some class and decorm in how you help her
  • maricash
    maricash Posts: 280 Member
    Now. I’m am not a clean eater at all and I am not judging by her eating habits but I find it very discouraging being around this. I almost find it repulsive to see someone so over weight eating so carelessly.

    You are not judging her? Keeping track of everything she eats and saying you find it "repulsive" IS being judgmental.
    Another thing is that she is always out sick, which I can attribute to her weight.

    You can? Are you her doctor? Do you know what type of health problems she has and what is causing them?
    I know its not my place to say anything however I’m really bothered and I really want to help out. But don’t want to offend her. What would you do?

    Stop thinking about it. What she eats or doesn't eat is none of your business. Would you pay so much attention to her food intake if she were thin? Have you never seen a thin person eat french fries or junk food? Did you find their intake repulsive?

    Finally, MFP is really not the place for your hatred of overweight people.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I know its not my place to say anything
    Keep saying this in your head until it sinks in....
  • sinsangel72
    sinsangel72 Posts: 11 Member
    I know how you feel but unless you two are close friends I wouldn't say anything to her directly. If it is possible to have a conversation around her and possibly get her to join in and say that she wants or needs the help with choosing healthier foods and snacks or expresses that she wants to lose weight. Otherwise, you may be putting yourself at risk of a HR violation and you don't need that. Sad, but you have to keep in mind she has to want to eat healthier and she has to want to lose the weight otherwise it will be a pointless conversation. Chances are her self esteem is severly damaged, she may be surrounded at home by negativity from her loved ones and doesn't know how to break the downward spiral that she is on.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Now. I’m am not a clean eater at all and I am not judging by her eating habits...
    I almost find it repulsive to see someone so over weight eating so carelessly.
    I know its not my place to say anything however I’m really bothered and I really want to help out. But don’t want to offend her. What would you do?
    I'm sure that she has no idea that she is obese, and needs to lose weight. :huh:
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Say nothing. Do nothing. It is not your business.
  • Natashia524
    Natashia524 Posts: 35 Member
    I'd suggest not say anything directly to her about it BUT there are indirect methods of reaching her... Like, casually offering her some of your healthy snack or food options and really ranting and raving about how good, yet healthy, it is. Or talking to a group of people at work (hopefully including her in the conversation) about a new food, new workout, or new health stats that you recently learned about. I'm not sure of how your job is, but you could also try to start a Biggest Loser Challenge or some sort of weight loss initiative for everyone on the job and hope that she joins in-- and even if she doesn't join in she would still be constantly surrounding by healthy eating and more active people so hopefully it will have some sort of effect on her.
  • yelpat
    yelpat Posts: 414 Member
    I wouldn't approach her unless she reaches out to you. I used to eat sh1t like that too, hence why I'm on MFP.
  • I have coworkers like that.....You should be her motivation....When I used to eat that way I hated people telling me whats healthy and not. Just let her see what you do and it may motivate her to get healthy.
  • tyoung8
    tyoung8 Posts: 115 Member
    Acutally I do know that he sickness is attirbuted to her weight. Shes mentioned it before. and I dont hate overweight people at all. Not even her. I just find it very odd that someone that knows they have a problem to continue on the path thats leading them to an early grave. But again I guess its not my place to say anything to a person. And its not my business but if Im around a person I feel some sort of way about them and I would be upset if her health problems became fatal all because of food.

    I wouldnt want that for myself or anyone that I am familiar with. Period.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    I just want to know where you work so that she can afford so much fast food. Fast food is not cheap. And I'm looking to make good coin...
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Not your business. If she wants your help she'll ask for it, and she won't appreciate it any sooner than that.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I know its not my place to say anything

    You're right about this. It's not your place to say anything.

    It sucks but since this is the workplace, I think you need to keep it to yourself (and MFP...)
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 749 Member
    This may sound mean but here it goes I HAVE to get this off my chest. There is a woman that sits in the cubicle next to mine. She is severely overweight maybe about 350 lbs and 5'3. Now I would never say mean things about people that are over weight but I cant help but be bothered by her eating habits. Im with her from 9-5 and here is something like how her time her might go:

    Breakfast: Soda and McDonalds or burger king
    Snack: Chips and another soda
    Lunch: McDonalds, burger king, Wendy’s, or other fast foods
    Snack: soda, donuts, candy, chocolate, chips

    Now. I’m am not a clean eater at all and I am not judging by her eating habits but I find it very discouraging being around this. I almost find it repulsive to see someone so over weight eating so carelessly. Another thing is that she is always out sick, which I can attribute to her weight. I know its not my place to say anything however I’m really bothered and I really want to help out. But don’t want to offend her. What would you do?

    I wouldn't do nothing it is her body, sad thing is hopefully she realizes the health risks before severe consequences happen to her and yum sounds like great food choices hahaa
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Now I would never say mean things about people that are over weight but I cant help but be bothered by her eating habits.

    I would never say mean things but....

    You just did. Unless she asks for your help it is none of your business. What she eats is none of your business, and it is pretty nosy of you to keep track of what she eats. If she wants your help she'll let you know, but I wouldn't hold my breathe.
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 350 Member
    Please don't do or say anything. Just don't let it bother you.

    Also, you do not know if that is why she is calling in sick, it's none of your business! If anything, let her inspire you to NOT eat that way!

  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 749 Member
    I just want to know where you work so that she can afford so much fast food. Fast food is not cheap. And I'm looking to make good coin...

    ** cough cough being a college student (:wink: )

    Its called the dollar menu duh hahaha
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 476 Member
    I would say do nothing. People are going to do what they want to do. If someone suggested to me to change my eating habits before I was ready to, I would not have listened and I would have been very pissed off. It is up to her to change, not up to you to change her. At one point, people would have looked at my food choices and been repulsed as well. Thankfully no one said anything. People have to want to change.

    THIS ^^^^ I couldn't agree more.
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