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Five Random Facts About Yourself



  • MNchick
    MNchick Posts: 371 Member
    1 - I'm afraid of thunderstorms
    2 - I drool when I sleep
    3 - have totally started window shopping at the sperm bank
    4 - I hate mushrooms
    5 - I'm my mom's favorite kid
  • MissLuana
    MissLuana Posts: 356
    1. I close my eyes when I brush my teeth.

    2. I used to have a tongue ring.

    3. It wasn't until I was stung by a giant bumble bee that we discovered I am allergic to bees (all bad by the way)

    4. My eye lids get red and puffy when I cry.

    5. I wanted to be a truck driver when I was little.
  • tishajo
    tishajo Posts: 142 Member
    1 - I spent four months in Europe. Traveled to Paris, Germany, Holland, Luxembourg, and Belgium
    2 - My birthday is shared with my grandpa and nephew. Also two of my previous co-workers shared my birthday (same year)
    3 - I can start collecting a retirement paycheck in 12 years if I so desire (I am 26 now)
    4 - Never broken a bone in my body, ever.
    5 - I am absolutely awful at public speaking!!
  • Lizlicious2187
    Lizlicious2187 Posts: 178 Member
    1. I've broken my left arm three times- at ages 5, 10, and 15....luckily I skipped 20 and fingers crossed for 25 :tongue:
    2. My karaoke song of choice is Don't Stop Believing....if that's taken it's only natural to go to Livin on a Prayer
    3. I was born in the tiny town of Birkenfeld, Germany.
    4. I went to three different high schools in four years (army brat).
    5. I'm absolutely addicted to the show Swamp People....Chooooot em!

  • kittyfrost
    kittyfrost Posts: 54
    1. I can speak French, until I actually go to France because I'm too shy to say anything.
    2. I'm really interested in the paranormal but also a huge skeptic!
    3. My favourite animal is Tiger.
    4. I used to listen to Eminem...so glad that changed!
    5. I'm pretty sure I could live on fruit.
  • simplysassi
    simplysassi Posts: 137 Member
    1) I drive a Honda Accord

    2) I was married and a mom while still in high school (still graduated, and went on to get a college degree)

    3) I can't carry a tune in a bucket, but it doesn't stop me from singing. (same way with dancing)

    4) I love shows about real-life murder (non-fiction only). Seriously, can't get enough of it.

    5) I know nothing about football (nothing at all), but can beat the tar out of my Fantasy Football team, year after year.
  • PhillyTD
    PhillyTD Posts: 375 Member
    1. Have have won a "hot dog eating" contest.
    2. I like the smell of gasoline.
    3. I have never solved a Rubik's cube.
    4. Screw Google, I was once a Dewey Decimal System badass.
    5. Admit I saw "Cool World" in the theater.
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    1.) I can quote movies better than anyone you know.
    2.) I can be the best friend you've ever had or the worst thing that has ever happened to you...so tread carefully.
    3.) I still have high hopes that Sly Stallone will divorce his 3rd wife and marry me.
    4.) I've had some really horrible times, and some really great times in my life but I wouldn't change a thing. They all have made me who I am today and has made me appreciate life and how much I can grow.
    5.) I love sharks but are scared to death of them. I hope I never meet one.
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    1. I was a journalism major in college before I dropped out.

    2. I am allergic to penicllin

    3. I sprained my right ankle 6 times, and never my left

    4. I am petrified of spiders

    5. I once hit an inside the park grand slam in little league, and had an unassisted triple play in the same game. I was 9.
  • catpow2
    catpow2 Posts: 206 Member
    1) I hate wearing shoes and/or socks--even in the winter.
    2) I was born in the second largest state (TX), and I now live/work in the second smallest state (DE).
    3) My husband and I have lived in different states for over half our 13 year marriage because of work-related issues. I'm an academic and he's a researcher so we're together for long weekends as our schedule permits during the academic year as well as winter and summer breaks. At times it's been really tough but we've been able to make it work so far.
    4) I like spiders. I go out of my way to put them outside when they get in and try not to run into their webs outside.
    5) I've been to Mexico and Canada, and I've visited 30 of the US states. I'd like to visit Europe, Asia, and Africa before I die.
  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    1. I have two tattoos--one on my ankle and one of my ribs.
    2.I have a basenj named Chloe. She's my baby.
    3. My legs are my favorite part of my body. Therefore I live in shorts, skirts, and dresses. You are welcome men of the world ;)
    4. I typically get along with men better than women. I'm a pretty straight forward person. I don't like the games women play.
    5. My current fitness goals are running a 5k in under 30 minutes and getting a 6 pack. (Note: If I make a goal I WILL achieve it. So look out world.)
  • lisasch67
    lisasch67 Posts: 135 Member
    1. I have metal plate and 7 screws in my left wrist and which is covered by a scar that looks like I tried to kill myself.
    2. I'm lactose intolerant.
    3. I have at least 1 billion freckles.
    4. I brew my own beer.
    5. I have a masters degree in architecture, but I am not sure that's what I want to do when I grow up...
    5 1/2. I need more friends on here, so add me please!

  • brewerchick
    brewerchick Posts: 70 Member
    2) Google is my god

    Amen to that.

    3. I can't drink milk if it's been out for 10 minutes or more

    and it has to be very cold in the first place!
  • brewerchick
    brewerchick Posts: 70 Member
    1) I do not mix cereal and milk in a bowl. I take a handful of cereal and pour it in my milk and dunk it around with a spoon before I eat it. I do this for each few bites because I hate soggy cereal. I've been doing it for 25 years.

    2) I'm a horrible driver.

    3) I play keyboard and got to play in a band at bars a couple of times. Did some blues and stuff...it was AWESOME to be part of a band.

    4) I don't think I've ever been in love and yup, I'm 30. Maybe once, just maybe. I haven't ever told someone "I love you."

    5) Spooky Mulder on X-Files says "Trust No One." I tend to agree.
  • 1. I love anything and all things country. Music, Cowboy Boots, Farms, Barns, Animals (especially dogs).
    2. I hate worms. I have no idea why but they gross me out and I'm cringing as I type this at the thought of them.
    3. I'm 32 and afraid of the dark. At night, I run and jump in bed really fast in case something is under my bed.
    4. I love to sing. At the top of my lungs and I don't care who hears me. I even dance sometimes.
    5. I can't dance. I have no rhythm at all.
  • kornmaiden
    kornmaiden Posts: 109
    1. In the best shape of my life at 65 yrs old and getting better.
    2. I manage meals for the sick and bereaved at my church
    3. I have a goofy labradoodle
    4. I LOVE love love to travel and have seen a good portion of the US and world.
    5. I love the country life but long to live somewhere with convenient walking or biking.
  • cls_333
    cls_333 Posts: 206 Member
    1. My life has been a serious train wreck for a damn good part of it, but it is pretty great now...finally!

    2. Insanely love the outdoors, especially lakes, woods, mountains. Could never cut down a big majestic tree. It is more important on this earth than I am.

    3. Absolutely LOVE dogs. Certainly more than humans.

    4. Could never kill anything, God's creatures are too special, and who am I to kill one? But I do eat meat....I know, stupid.

    5. I count everything, I count as the glass fills with water (it takes to the count of 40 from my fridge in-door dispenser), count the stairs I take, how many steps to the bathroom, when I run strides I count how many steps, I always think it's because I'm going to go blind some day and will need to know this info.
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 610 Member
    1) I want to believe in true love, but I'm afraid of getting hurt again.

    2) Most people laugh when I say I have a temper. I've taken to telling them I'm Irish/Italian, they usually stop laughing.

    3) I love to take care of people, but have trouble accepting care from others even though I appreciate it.

    4) I've been invisible most of my life, to suddenly not be is scary but exciting but nerve wracking :laugh:

    5) I have 6 1/2 tattoos (the 7th isn't finished yet), and I'm already planning my next one.
  • 2muchsauce
    2muchsauce Posts: 1,078
    1) I have twins (Owen and Gwen)

    2) I played baseball in Europe

    3) I coach T-ball

    4) I taught my daughter to cast

    5) My first car was a 1939 Chevy:)
  • 1) I have three cats (Boyardee, ColecoVision, and Faulkner)

    2) I can serve a tennis ball 111 mph

    3) I won the orgasm contest at the Rocky Horror Picture Show

    4) I have never been outside of the US of A :-(

    5) Johnny Depp thanked me.