Five Random Facts About Yourself

contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
Post a reply with five random facts about yourself. Nothing too personal, just the kind of thing that is too obscure to ever really come up in normal conversation. I'll start:

1. Every girl I've ever dated has had severe allergies to something so common it's unavoidable. I've become convinced that, due to this reason, if I ever do get married, it's going to be to a woman who has to live in a plastic bubble.

2. I like my shoe laces tied really really tight. Almost to the point of cutting off circulation but not quite.

3. When I was younger I had no tolerance whatsoever for spicy foods. Even a Slim Jim was a bit too much for me. But then sometime around 2005, practically overnight, I began developing a craving for spicy foods like buffalo chicken. I've been hooked ever since.

4. I never graduated high school, but in standardized tests I've taken, I score in the top 97 percentile.

5. My first car was a black 1986 Camaro Z28. I liked it so much that I ended up buying another one after that one was totalled when I let a friend take a spin in it once.


  • genuinelyfrans
    1) Never "officially" dated a girl. There were girls I talked to online that I really liked and they liked me but we never actually went out.

    2) I am valedictorian of my class but I have absolutely no common sense, so in that respect I am pretty stupid lol.

    3) When I was younger, I hated foods like sushi and strawberries but now I love them.

    4) I was so scared of the dark when I was younger. Now I keep a light on just out of habit lol (I don't care if it is dark).

    5) I grew up in a house full of women (my dad and uncle worked for most of the day so a lot of the time it was just me, my three girl cousins, my sister, and my grandma, and some days my mom and my aunt).
  • pxkjmeandmine
    1. I never graduated high school but somehow landed a job that pays pretty darn good.

    2. When I was in high school one of the students had long bouncy hair and I wanted to beat her up and cut it off. (Sorry Nicole)

    3. My children get on my nerve but I wouldn't change them for the world!

    4. I hate listening to music when people are talking.

    5. I am organized and efficient (obsessed) at work but home is a different story.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    1. I can't listen to two or more things... if I am playing music on my computer or watching a movie. I have to mute it if someone starts talking to me. When my dad or brother walk into the room, I just now mute my laptop.... drives my brother insane oh and I hate yelling between rooms.

    2. I had a low C average in high school. All the tests was A or B's, so I knew the material, but when it came to doing a report or homework on it... I just didn't care. Mostly because, I didn't care for it.... I didn't care about a lot of things back then. Also, getting ideas down on paper wasn't my strongest ability back then...still isn't. Now If I ace tomorrow's finals I will graduate with honors.

    3. If it is someone else's, emotions, items, well being...... it will be placed on the mantle and treasured, mine... the floor to be stepped on. I take no pride in myself, or my things. I have certificates of perfect attendance, and where I made honors... the only reason I keep them... is because my mom always liked seeing them.

    4. I hate tv.... and can't really get into playing video games. I prefer to play a board game, or cards or something that is more socal, than kill aliens who have invaded earth... or see the new season of shows. Sadly, I am the only one in my family that thinks that...

    5. I tend to be the go to guy, everyone complains to about everyone else.... cause I don't normally show that I am bored out of my mind and don't really care. But I guess that is better than, the two butting heads... eh
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    1. I have a phobia of touching raw wood. Things like coffee tables and such are alright, but any kind of skid at work, or just raw lumber gives me chills up my spine, and I can't touch it at all. Not only does this stop me from eating any kind of ice cream on a stick, but at my son's parents dinner at school last month, I had to get a napkin to stir my tea as the stir sticks were wooden.

    2. I LOVE animals ALL ANIMALS, from lions to rats, and everything in between. And I have no fear at all losing my mind on someone I think is not being kind to an animal.

    3. When I choose to watch a TV show, any TV show, I have to see every single episode. I will literally stop watching something if I miss an episode or will not watch something if I do not catch it right from the beginning, because I will always feel like I am missing something important. Same goes with movies, if I miss even the first two minutes, I won't watch it.

    4. I am a bit of a hippy/naturalist. I do not cut my hair or shave anywhere on my body, I have no piercings, not even my ears, ever, and no tattoos or anything of the like, I do not wear make up, or dye my grays or anything like that at all.

    5. I do not travel, I do not care to, and I hopefully never will HAVE to. I like to be at my own home by the end of each night, it is rare that I sleep out of my home more than once a year for a night or so. The furthest I went was about ten hour drive in 1996 to see my sister, and the whole time, all I could think was, this is nuts, why am I doing this, I am never doing this again, and I didn't. When I do have to spend a night away from home, I will make a list starting as soon as I know I am going, and add to it as I go along, I have a huge fear of being away from my home, and needing something that is here, and I do not have with me.
  • AgentWalker008
    1. Despite being a grammar and diction warrior, I fail to correct my own. I'm a bit hypocritical like that, but as I am aware of my need to correct others I am applying it to myself.

    2. I like to garden. Nuff said.

    3. Despite both my parents being antiques collectors, they don't interest me.

    4. I'm following in the family "business" and becoming a teacher in 2014 after taking my PGCE.

    5. I'm the first person in my family (of my generation) to get married.
  • poshcouture
    poshcouture Posts: 610
    * I'm a bookworm and can get lost in a library or bookstore for hours at a time if you let me.

    * I drive a Ford Focus and secretly pretend it's a Cobra

    * I'm a tomboy (video games, football, hot wings and beer) with a fetish for 5" heels

    * I love hot wings and beer

    * I don't like public speaking
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    1. I have a raw terror , it goes beyond a mere 'phobia' of snakes but I love all animals and have never ever eaten one nor want to

    2. I LOVE NFL's an obsession that simply isn't healthy. I stopped being a 'fan' a long time ago and am now a professor of the sport.

    3. I want to retire in Kenya where I can photograph the wildebeest migration all day long and watch the Kenyan runners..the BEST in the world bar NONE. We will own the London Olympics and I will be there to photograph them doing it.

    4. I am a closet hippy and way more eclectic than my dour corporate facade.

    5.If I didn't hate tattoos so much, then I would have given this life in the corporate rat race and joined the Hell's Angels.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,058 Member
    1. I prefer animals over people.
    2. I've lived in six states.
    3. I am an only child.
    4. Getting me to clean house is a major achievment.
    5. I always bring my own shopping bag. Or I go out to the car to get it right before check out.
  • heagler870
    heagler870 Posts: 280 Member
    1. I prefer animals to people. Mainly dogs. They don't disappoint like people do.

    2. I play piano

    3. I can now twist my ankle, fall, and get up without it bothering me

    4. I have an impeccable memory for remembering people by their face and names. Even if I've only met them once

    5. I'm not allergic to anything! hahaha, just thought I'd throw that in for the OP...... But really, I'm not.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    1. I have some pretty insane fears: Getting struck by lightening, being buried alive, drowning, getting eaten by a shark to name a few

    2. My favorite number is 4 and I have a thing for even numbers. I don't freak out or anything like that if an odd number pops up some where but I prefer even numbers.

    3. When I walk up and down steps I count them in my head. I do this at home too (which actually has helped me in a power outage because then I know exactly how many steps it is to each landing). I've tried to NOT count steps but it's impossible.

    4. I am fiercely loyal. I treasure the very few friends that I have and I'm always there for them. If any of them were to call me up any time day or night and need me I'd hop in my car and be there in a second. I'll defend them to the end. If you cross them you cross me.

    5. I'm a grudge holder. Sad but true. I have a hard time letting go of some things in the past. I can but it will always be in the back of my mind.
  • StartingOver4Me
    1.) I eat all the chocolate off of the outside of candy bars and then eat what's inside.
    2.) I feel like my arms are short-I don't know why, but I feel like they aren't long enough.
    3.)I hate coconut!!! It's about the only food that I quiver at.
    4.)I'm a country girl-a Prissy *kitten* tomboy!
    5.)I have a - New Paper/New Pen/New Pencil fetish.
  • sashanicole88
    sashanicole88 Posts: 180 Member
    1. My TV crush is Jason Segel's character in How I Met Your Mother...oh how I love Marshall Erikson :wink:

    2. I'm super sensitive to caffeine! I just had a cup of green tea & I'm SUPER wired haha

    3. I graduated in December and will start teaching this fall!

    4. I sing loudly in my car & don't really care if everyone is windows aren't tinted at all :)

    5. I'll be turning 24 this year!
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    1. I am an identical twin
    2. I am vegetarian
    3. I have broken my arms 5 times (once both at the same time)
    4. I own over 200 books and have read them all
    5. People tend to walk all over me and take advantage of my niceness. I'm aware of it yet I let it happen :/
  • uxbridgeheli
    I can turn my eyelids inside out

    I used to dance and was trained at the Royal Ballet

    I am a control freak

    I can block out things around me and focus on one thing

    I started reading the Sookie Stackhouse collection of book about 4 months ago and am now half way through book 11

    H x
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    1.I write lists for everything-drives me nuts ,obsessed!

    2.I have a hard time sleeping,and paint surreal art till morning several times a week.

    3.I have to have closet doors shut before i go to bed.

    4.I talk to myself too much

    5.When I stay overnight away from home(which i prefer not 2) I need my own pillow blanket-don't like unknown items touching my
  • Presley0381
    1.) I am scared to death of the dark and yet I can't sleep unless my room is pitch black..I even have black curtains and cover the clock lights...:sad:

    2.) I hate being touched...Especially on my feet. It's drives me insane. :grumble:

    3.) I am obsessed with my hands. I wash them constantly and my nails are always polished!!

    4.) I brush my teeth no less than five times a day. And if I can't brush them because I'm away from my house, I chew gum. Lots of gum. I have 4 packs in my purse right now as a matter of fact.

    5.) I am in constant fear that something is going to happen to my girl's and because of this I have become quite obsessed. When they are not with me I text them almost every hour to make sure they are ok. And if they do not text me or call me back right away, I start panicking :frown: I wake up several times a night to make sure they are still in bed. I have to admit it's gotten a little out of control but I blame Nancy Grace for this. I do think I need help too. :embarassed:
  • ADM1979
    ADM1979 Posts: 105 Member
    1. I love, love, love cowboys. Gonna marry one in October 2013. I think I have an old soul and should have lived in the 1700's. I would rather be working on the land then working in the office.

    2. I am a nerd. There I have said it. I love to learn new things. I love school. I love to research. I love reports. I love to know why.

    3. I am not an emotional person. Girls at work cry over their boyfriends and I am like, get rid of him. I have no sympathy what so ever. Could be because of my past, but then again all this drama is really stupid. This could be why I don't have many girlfriends. LOL!

    4. I am overly creative. Give me an object and I am darn sure I can use it to make something. Example: I am taking paper towel rolls, cutting them into thirds, and making candy holders for my wedding. I make Martha Stewart wanna ask for help!

    5. I am terrified of storms. I can deal with rain and thunder. But add some lightening in there and I am hiding in the basement until its calm.
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    1.) Any type of numerical thing, has to be on a 5 or a 0. Idk why, it just does.
    2.) I wear my heart on my sleeve, & tend to fall for guys a lot, but I have only been in 2 serious relationships, 1 1/2 years & almost 3 years.
    3.) I despise my sister. She is the blonde hair blue eyes model. And thin. I WISH I had her body. :grumble:
    4.) I love EVERY kind of music, from Jazz to Heavy Metal.
    5.) I am a dirty girl :wink:
  • thebaconbeast
    thebaconbeast Posts: 560 Member
    1) I hate needles and feet.

    2) I have strange moments where I get very paranoid.

    3) I like pulling silly facial expressions.

    4) Every other sentence of mine has some level of sarcasm to it.

    5) I add lemon juice to all the water I drink.
  • sktllmdrhmz
    sktllmdrhmz Posts: 2,073 Member
    1) I hate needles and feet.

    2) I have strange moments where I get very paranoid.

    3) I like pulling silly facial expressions.

    4) Every other sentence of mine has some level of sarcasm to it.

    5) I add lemon juice to all the water I drink.

    Wait, so which sentence was the serious starter?