Five Random Facts About Yourself



  • krissyliz78
    krissyliz78 Posts: 181 Member
    1~ I HATE when people use any of the LOL LMAO ROTLFLAO or how ever it goes

    2~I was deathly afraid of being abducted by aliens when I was little

    3~I have a HUGE phobia of throwing up

    4~I have to sleep 8-10 hours a night or Im miserable

    5~I have my ex boyfriend's initials on my foot that I tried to make into a vine...(BURN)
  • GermanicKnight
    1. I have a fraternal twin sister.

    2. We were born on our Mother's birthday

    3. I know WAY too much about beer, beer styles, beer pairings, and beer knowledge.

    4. Bacon, Beer, and Boobs make up 90% of what I think about.

    5. I have not had a cold, flu, sore throat, or virus-like symptoms in 25 years.
  • WhiteCoc0
    WhiteCoc0 Posts: 192 Member
    1. I am an artist. Although most people dont even know. My inspiration comes from anatomy, scientific models and nature. My favorite artist in Roy Litchenstein and I feel he has influenced my art for decades.

    2. I am a speed reader. I love reading and as a young child, I always choice to read books rather than spent time with friends. I can finish books a lot quicker than anyone I know.

    3. I have a photographic memory.

    4. My brother saved my life when I was 3 from a snapping turtle and drowning. I am not a fan of water....from that experience and because I can invision all the micro-life and "yuck" in water.
  • janile1
    janile1 Posts: 23
    1) I am very forgetful so don't ask me to remind you of anything or do two things at once. lol

    2) I need to pray and read the word more than I do!

    3) My worst fear is child birth!

    4) I want to be a salon owner

    5) I sometimes talk too much
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    1. My hands and feet get extremely cold after I eat a meal.

    2. Between the ages of 16 and 26, I always had at least two jobs at any given time. I had 28 different jobs in total.

    3. I always wanted to be an architect, but ended up being a chemist.

    4. I absolutely, positively HATE seeing pictures of myself. (No, that is not me in my profile pic, LOL)

    5. I sing in my car, in the shower and even in my office at work.
  • SarahK2710
    1. I have a crippling fear of mushroom, I will cry if I have to look at them.

    2. My first car was a 1980 Cutlass Brougham, got it from my grandpa.

    3. I hate having to kill bugs with a Kleenex, because I hate feeling the crunch and squish of their shells.

    4. I have a weird obsession with Henry VIII. I've been to several of his castle, I'm officially a stalker of a dead guy.

    5. I've been spit on, kicked, attempted to be mounted by, and 'ridden' alpacas.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    1♥ Everyone that knows me already knows this: I am a Beekeeper...

    2♥ I have a fractured vertebrae in the middle of my spine

    3♥ I Do not remember most of my childhood

    4♥ I want to go to Wales, live in the country side, have some goats and chickens, and play with the other sprites and Fae folk...

    5♥ I have a horrid fear of not existing, and I am not speaking of just death, but I just fear never again seeing a tree, never feeling a spring breeze, never smelling the rain, of my soul floating away with the morning mist, lost in darkness...
  • evenduchess83
    evenduchess83 Posts: 28 Member
    1) I am an only child...sometimes I wish I had a sibling because I was bored at times.

    2) I have been married for 3 years but been with the same guy for 13 years (since I was 16).

    3) I am originally from Rochester NY but I now live in the Adirondacks.

    4) I really suck at housekeeping....but i try.

    5) I am doing grad school online for mental health counseling. I hope to someday be able to help children who have been through trauma and their families. I tried teaching but that was not for me.
  • evenduchess83
    evenduchess83 Posts: 28 Member
    1♥ Everyone that knows me already knows this: I am a Beekeeper...

    2♥ I have a fractured vertebrae in the middle of my spine

    3♥ I Do not remember most of my childhood

    4♥ I want to go to Wales, live in the country side, have some goats and chickens, and play with the other sprites and Fae folk...

    5♥ I have a horrid fear of not existing, and I am not speaking of just death, but I just fear never again seeing a tree, never feeling a spring breeze, never smelling the rain, of my soul floating away with the morning mist, lost in darkness...

    I had a compression fracture in the L2 vertebrae in 2010. I feel your pain. I hope it feels better.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    1. I prefer animals to people, really just dogs.
    2. My dream in life is to have a Boxer rescue.
    3. I still have a fear of the dark. All I can imagine is walking through the house and bumping in to someone that is not supposed to be there.
    4. I do not like children except for my own. All the others gross me out.
    5. I own 3 homes.
  • pj12string
    pj12string Posts: 128 Member
    1. I'm married to my high school nemesis, we started dating the summer we graduated. We'll be married 19 years in July.
    2. I am a born again Christian, baptized into Christ in February 2009
    3. I have played guitar in a few bands and even opened up for such acts as Stone Temple Pilots, Eddie Money and Bonham.
    4. I share a birthday with my son Gregory.
    5. Me and Babygirl928 were born on the same day, in the same year and at hospitals only a few miles away from each other.
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    I can't swim, but I had a summer job as a lifeguard. :laugh:

    I'm the youngest of 5 kids

    I'm a non drinker ( alcohol never appealed to me)

    I've never been to a night club ( yes ever)

    If I could I would eat cereal all day
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    1. I will randomly lapse into an accent all the time... Chinese and Mexican are the two I can do the best.

    2. I can do a one-handed Clap

    3. I went Skinny Dipping... (or chunky dunking as the case would be) at cocoa beach in broad daylight

    4. I absolutely cannot stand being called 'hun' by someone I don't know well... especially by 16 year old cashiers... blah! I'm not your hun.

    5. I've been to 15 different countries, including the country I live in (America)
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    1: I am the tallest member of my family.

    2: I don't own a suit, but work in a field were suits are universal. somehow I get away with sports coats and khakis.

    3: If I miss more then three answers while watching Jeopardy!, I count it as a fail.

    4: I drive a Jeep Wrangler.

    5: I went to a Catholic High School.
  • abcmom03
    abcmom03 Posts: 89 Member
    1. My dream is to own a purple jeep!
    2. 13 is my favorite number!
    3. I am a little OCD...ok...I am ALOT OCD!
    4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE dill pickles!
    5. My favorite bubble bath, music and no interruptions!
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    1. I'm OCD (currently off meds...don't judge) but still cannot leave the house without checking the stove 7 times and that the door is locked 3 times.

    2. I break into song and dance any time, any place...I don't care (yes...I'll confess, I sang along to a Justin Bieber song this morning...please slap me)

    3. I'm a mother to twin boys and a little girl.

    4. I hate brussel sprouts.

    5. My hair is naturally curly, and all I ever wished for was my mother's beautiful straight thick Asian hair.
  • missemily1124
    1) I'm a born-again Christian and my goal is to glorify God in all that I do (but I fail miserably).

    2) I hate flying.

    3) I hate brushing my teeth. I enjoy having clean teeth, and I do brush them, the act of brushing does not appeal to me. Seems like such a waste of my time.

    4) I work at a clothing store and spend wayyy too much money on the clothes - however, I'm usually well dressed.

    5) Ever since I can remember, my dream job is to be a stay-at-home mom. Still is!
  • FollowThatUnicorn
    FollowThatUnicorn Posts: 200 Member
    1.) I hate tomatoes.

    2.) I died when I was little. My dad gave me CPR and brought me back.

    3.) I have always had a bizarre love of Winnebagos. I even had Winnebago books & toys when I was little.

    4.) I love llamas.

    5.) I currently have a nail polish obsession.
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    1. My mom, dad, sister and I all have birthdays on the 24th. November, May, August and July.

    2. Amazing gift at winning on those claw machines. Amazing.

    3. I am a Notary for the State of Maryland.

    4. My hair is naturally cork screw curly and I MIGHT get it cut once a year.

    5. Terribly allergic to bee throat closes up and you have about 15 minutes to shoot me with my epi pen before I start choking.
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    1. I have an ungodly fear of needles
    2. I hate big, crowded cities...need room to breathe, I never travel anymore.
    3. I have a job as an structural steel estimator / drafter with no college ( self taught )
    4. My wife and I are polyamorous
    5. I carry a gun everyday.