Five Random Facts About Yourself



  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    1. I Loathe Walmart. I mean to the point I DO NOT go there unless I necessarly have to.
    2. Popscicle sticks freak me out. It grosses me out when I feel it on my teeth.
    3. I am a HUGE Music lover. My motto: No Music No Life.
    4. I'm ODC about something being in its place..if it is out of its place, it bothers me big time.
    5. I'm claustraphobic..crowds, tight spaces.
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    1) I used to be a funeral director/embalmer

    2) Recently discovered I love steak tartare

    3) I hate the feel of wet grass on my bare feet

    4) I have no desire to have kids of my own

    5) Total science geek.
  • AnnaVegngal86
    1.I have 22 tattoos, over 60 hours of work, and plan on having roughly 2/3 of my body worked on
    2.I have been vegan for a little over a year
    3.I am anamoured with the female form. Curves, definition, tone, LOVE IT. (Hence, my bisexuality)
    4.I am slightly terrified of heights..doesn't mean i don't face my fears, but they exist.
    5.I love finding new ways to push myself physically, exercise keeps me sane
  • CdnPgnMom
    CdnPgnMom Posts: 172 Member
    1. I moved 14 times in 4 years.
    2. If I could spend my entire life sitting in a sunny meadow reading I would be happy.
    3. I was born and raised in Nova Scotia.
    4. I've done any drugs and never tried to smoke; didn't drink until I was legal, either.
    5. I have 2 step sisters, 2 step brothers, a full brother, and a half brother. I only actually grew up with one of them.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    I have a huge issues with needles.

    Nothing is more theraputic, or relaxing to me in the world as the river. When everything is at it's worst, I will drive anywhere and just sit next to a flowing river to feel better and gather my thoughts.

    I hate cottage cheese. It is the only thing I have never tasted, and absolutely refuse to eat.

    I've drove nothing but standard vehicles since I was 16.

    I went to the same school from K-graduation. (Pretty sure this holds 'some' of the reasons why I'm so socially awkward) It was also the school my dad went to.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    1) I enjoy all things Chevy and Superman. Even my license plate says it (Superman)

    2) I write poetry / short stories

    3) I poop 3-5 times a day

    4) II am a huge Geek

    5) I LOVE to learn new things especially when its on the history channel and Science Channel
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    1. I am an only child

    2. I never wanted kids until I was 33, so I had one, now Im good...and I know why Im an only child. (love him to bits, just sayin...)

    3. I am an atheist

    4. I completely ruptured my achilles jumping up to give someone a high five.

    5. My home burned down last year due to an unextinguished cigarette. (not mine). Thank goodness for insurance.
  • sazzyp1973
    sazzyp1973 Posts: 517 Member
    !) I can't tolerate liars
    2) Google is my god
    3) I am short
    4) I am addicted to the shop called Lakeland
    5) I am a ninja
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    My husband is my best friend. :)

    Even though I sunburn like a champ I love being at the beach, with my gallon of sunblock in tow. (hence the profile pic at the beach)

    I haven't had a cold/virus in YEARS, but I will totally call in "sick" for work.

    Since I live in the boonies, I will drive an hour to a decent grocery store and be completely content walking up every aisle.

    I don't aspire to be rich, just enough to pay my bills, buy nice running shoes and fix our house up nice.
  • iamfranniefierce
    iamfranniefierce Posts: 305 Member
    I am terrified of mice.
    I love bok choy.
    I am a beauty school dropout. (maybe I should change my profile name to Frenchy, LOL)
    I've always wanted a sister.
    And I appeared on a wedding reality show.
  • Brazilll
    Brazilll Posts: 503
    1. I am allergic to avocados.

    2. I can write with my toes. Try having two broken elbows at once.

    3. I am terrified of spiders.

    4. I play the ukelele.

    5. I can write/speak in three languages and am learning a fourth.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    1. ) I am a singer. I sing with a 6-piece "dance" band, and have sung a lot weddings and funerals.
    2.) I have 7 siblings. Our dad died when I was 3, and my youngest sister wasn't born yet (my saintly mother passed away 4 years ago.....she remained single after Dad's death)
    3.) I love the NUMBER 3! I see 3's everywhere, am always trying to divide numbers by 3, and just plain like 3.
    4.) I am very sensitive to smells.........I get headaches from strong perfumes and get sick from noxious smells (although I kinda like the smell of skunk, if it's not TOO strong!)
    5.) I am looking into RETIREMENT this year, and it's scary and exciting :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • travisseger
    travisseger Posts: 271 Member
    1) I actually look forward to going to the dentist. I never feel more relaxed than when I am in the dental chair.

    2) I have an irrational fear of the flying monkeys from The Wizard of Oz. I won't let my kids watch it if I'm home.

    3) I once worked as an on-air radio personality.

    4) I have read at least 50 books a year for the last 20 years.

    5) The proper usage of the semi-colon is the thing that confuses me most in life. And I have an English degree.
  • kzivic
    kzivic Posts: 326 Member
    1. I wore a back brace for years for scoliosis.

    2. I wear my watch upside down on my wrist.

    3. I'm allergic to red food dye.

    4. I can't whistle or do a cartwheel.

    5. I speed read.
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    1.) I don't like kissing. Not even my husband.

    2.) I have a horrible fear of palmetto bugs... aka " giant cockroaches"

    3.) I am a certified riding instructor, and used to break unruly horses for fun

    4.) Spit sort of grosses me out. Probably the reason for #1. Its getting better since I have a baby though!

    5.) I am terrified of having another super high maintenance child like my son.
  • MamaKeeks
    MamaKeeks Posts: 234
    1) I have OCD (and so do a LOT of you! lol)
    2) I always wanted to be a ballet dancer - I would love to feel that light and to know what it is like to dance on pointe
    3) I prefer animals to people for a multitude of reasons... mostly because they are smarter and kinder and more loyal. (We are NOT the superior species, people...!)
    4) I have 2 different sized boobs. Like, full cup different. Makes for some awkward bra shopping!
    5) I know every line from The Blues Brothers. And I can rap! lol
  • MamaKeeks
    MamaKeeks Posts: 234
    1. I'm OCD (currently off meds...don't judge) but still cannot leave the house without checking the stove 7 times and that the door is locked 3 times.

    2. I break into song and dance any time, any place...I don't care (yes...I'll confess, I sang along to a Justin Bieber song this morning...please slap me)

    3. I'm a mother to twin boys and a little girl.

    4. I hate brussel sprouts.

    5. My hair is naturally curly, and all I ever wished for was my mother's beautiful straight thick Asian hair.

    OMG you and I are like twins!
    1) me= OCD
    2) me too! people at work think I'm nuts! AND
    3) I have taught my twins to do it too!!! (they sing and dance all the time!)
    4) I don't mind brussel sprouts, but don't get me started on beets....
    5) my hair is natually straight and I'd KILL for some Julia Roberts natural curl action or something!!! lol
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    1. I am also OCD and have twins! Seems to be a trend here...
    2. I love to dance, especially salsa dance
    3. I don't share spit (with the exception of kissing my husband). If you drink my water or stick your fork in my food- it's now yours.
    4. My parents managed reggae bands for the majority of my life
    5. I don't eat meat because my aunt and uncle owned a cow. I thought it was a pet (I was young) but we ate it for Easter. I stopped eating meat that day.
  • ChanniVincent
    1. I had my first peircing (eyebrow) when I was 12.

    2. I am a diabetic.

    3. I don't like summer because it's too hot, but I dislike winter because of the snow in my shoes.

    4. I have been with my boyfriend for 6 years.

    5. My daughter named herself so I didn't have to.
  • DuckyBugden
    Really interesting thread :)

    1) I have 9 piercings (but wish it was more)

    2) I can name and identify every orca at seaworld without ever having been there.

    3) I I have a 'special whistle' that no one has ever managed to replicate - so far.

    4) I am a quote geek and collect them by the dozen

    5) Out of four kids I am the only girl. My mum was also the only girl with three brothers. My nan however has two sisters and one brother. I feel doomed to have four children!