Five Random Facts About Yourself



  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    1. I absolutely hate hot weather/summer/heat/sun. Puts me in a bad mood (dont even approach to me while summer is here or ill kick your butt). Nothing better than a cloudy/chilly day.. If it has rain or snow, even better!. And yes, even tho I live in south Ca I hate it, I have experienced ´real ´ winter, and I :heart: it. So when ppl come and say ´oh you just love cold weather cause you dont really know what it is´, i say stfu, i have! :laugh:

    2. I hate roadtrips, boooooring no matter how fun is/are the people in the car. Give me a plane.. so much faster! , and fun , I always ask for the window seat btw.

    3. I have the biggest crush on men with uniform, I always drool when I see a soldier/sailor/marine (OMG) or cop... I have a friend who used to be a cop, damnnnnn... dunno if he noticed I always tried to see him with his uniform lol

    4. I love mystery movies/books. (not horror where blood comes out of your screen, just mystery where you sit on the edge of your seat biting your nails the whole damn movie :tongue: )

    5. I like puzzles, the more pieces the better. I already have 2 on the wall of my living room. I like city views/skylines. Its soooo relaxing.
  • LivingstonIpresume
    1)I had the upbringing of a feral cat and spent my childhood moving from house to house, living in cars, homeless shelters and even under bridges and hopping trains at the end of my youth.
    2) I failed to complete high school and eventually got my g.e.d. In college however, I graduated as one of the top of my class, with honors.
    3)I absolutely love to sing. My wife said I made her like me singing falsettlo journey and made her love me by singing her angels fall sometimes, long black train and your man by Josh Turner. I also sing a mean Johnny cash.
    4) I accidentally killed a giraffe when I was a young kid when feeding it at a place called grand kid acres.It took the plastic bag from my hand and swallowed it, choking to death.
    5) I can recite every lyric of "baby got back" by sir mix-a-lot, including doing the turn table portion during the "little in the middle" portion.
  • harristim88
    i have been on 3 combat deployments.
    i have a awesome three year old.
    the first time i jumped out of a plane i hit the side of it lol thought my life was ending.
    i was born in boston moved to chicago when i was pretty little
    i broke so many bones and got so many stitches when i was little the hospital thought my parents abused me ha
  • meggrand
    meggrand Posts: 2
    Hey everyone, I'm Megan, I'm new, thought I'd join in here :)

    1. I hate coffee and love tea! I take it black with splenda, and I will try mostly any kind!

    2. I've been a vegetarian for about 8 years now. I can't imagine eating meat again, it hasn't been a part of my life in so long!

    3. My favorite celebrity couples are Ellen Degeneres and Portia DeRossi, and Beyonce and Jay-Z.

    4. I go to school for music, I'm a singer and a songwriter and I play the piano.

    5. I have a stuffed Dalmation dog named Perdita that I've had since birth. I sleep with her every night!

    Nice to meet you all! :)
  • talkingtohope
    ---- former tennis pro
    ---- I love my Kindle!!!!!
    ---- see a shrink for PTSD
    ---- hate cleaning house
    ---- drive a 4-runner
  • kymillion
    kymillion Posts: 791 Member
    I am drunk.

    I love you all seriously

    I have a strange scar that cheers me up

    I was burnt really badly and have massive freckles in one spot.

    boring things bore me.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    1. I hate math
    2. I play the guitar
    3. I sing at weddings and funerals
    4. I played field hockey in college
    5. My favorite meal is Kentucky Fried Chicken
  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    2. I am a huge baseball fan. Although I have no athletic ability to ever play competitively , (well softball, since I'm a girl! ha!) Texas Rangers are life!!

    5. Although I have several dream solutions, this is how I would love for my life to go: Spend my young adult life traveling the world and working as a photographer (of wildlife or sports ideally), have a ton of crazy adventures, then get married and have kids, move to wyoming, buy and run a therapeutic riding center, then after my kids are grown, retire and travel the US with my husband visiting all the mlb ballparks!!! Ridiculous, but totally perfect in my mind :)

    We must be related.

    1) Huge Texas Rangers fan
    2) Former sports photographer
    3) Loves iced coffee
    4) Straight edge
    5) Needs 9 hours sleep
  • mrkennethjay
    I am drunk.

    I love you all seriously

    I have a strange scar that cheers me up

    I was burnt really badly and have massive freckles in one spot.

    boring things bore me.

  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    1. I have two tattoos. One is the initial and birth date of my son (on my inner left wrist), the other is the Majesty symbol, which is the logo for the band Dream Theater (top centre of my back, between my shoulder blades, just below the base of my neck). if and when I have another child, their initial and date of birth will go on my right inner wrist in the same font as my son's.

    2. I've had a really weird mix of jobs - everything from night club bouncer, to cinema manager, to hair model. I also used to run a theatre company, and while there was involved in every aspect of theatre from acting, singing and dancing, to writing, directing, choreography,wardrobe, set and scenic design, prop making and vocal coaching, to promotion, advertising and ticket sales.

    3. I was on the stage from the age of three, and quit when I was 23, despite making a fairly decent living from it. I eventually quit because I got sick of moving around and wanted to settle down. I also have the world's worst memory, which made learning lines an absolute chore. Oh, and I suffered major stage fright too - LOL! I figured 20 years in one business was plenty long enough!

    4. I have weird feet. The little toes on both my feet look like they're on sideways. My second toe on my left foot is slightly longer than the big toe next to it, and on my right foot, my first three toes are the same length. I broke the fourth toe on my right foot about a dozen times over a three month period - every time it started to knit back together, I broke it again by stumbling, tripping or knocking it against something. As a result, it looks a bit bumpy. I'm not awfully fond of how my feet look, but at least they don't smell!

    5. I am allergic to loads of things - feathers, fur, animal dander, animal saliva, pollen and dust are the main contenders. Actually, any kind of powder is enough to set me off. I also have an allergy to laundry powder/liquid. As a result, my skin is pretty bad on all those areas you usually have covered by clothes. In the summer, my arms get marginally better, but not entirely because I still have to sleep on sheets and use towels. I periodically switch laundry powders/liquid and it will get better for a while, but at some point, it inevitably gets worse again as my skin decides it doesn't like that one either.
  • gromithere
    gromithere Posts: 172 Member
    1. I can kick myself in the a** with my left foot but not my right.
    2. I have a "sex scar" that I am considering getting covered with a tattoo.
    3. I have gone by at least 20 different nicknames over the past 5 years.
    4. I am really craving a whiskey sour right now.
    5. I should probably be asleep right now.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    I love muscle cars so much that I got another one(prof pic.)

    I used to be a rock star

    I liked my personal limo and driver

    I have been to college to become an NSCA certified personal trainer

    I mainly exercise for bodybuilding to be a big n strong guy but yet I enjoy romantic movies or romantic comedys

    I love to travel and see new places

    Last random fact is that I obviously can't count as I just posted 7 random facts instead of 5 haha :laugh:
  • samanthastewart
    samanthastewart Posts: 20 Member
    1. I've had melanoma.. damn redhead problems

    2. I want to eventually be in a fitness magazine

    3. If you tell me I can't do something.. I'll do everything I can to prove you wrong (and I normally do).

    4. I have played sports all my life and was offered a scholarship for volleyball.

    5. I love whiskey.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    1. My first ever girlfriend is married to my first ever boyfriend. They are aware. We are all still friends even though it's been 5+ years since I dated either of them.

    2. I've owned 8 cars (I'm 24) and wrecked them all AT LEAST once. Not counting the ones I rented/borrowed that I "redecorated".

    3. I've never had a hangover.

    4. I like Flamin' Hot Cheetos and peanut butter. Together.

    5. I was once told by a doctor that she was 99% sure I was in Stage 3 or 4 of lymphoma, which was the consensus of she and a few other specialists. Surgery proved them wrong. I was 22. Most frightening experience of my life.
  • gone2facebookprint
    gone2facebookprint Posts: 154 Member
    1. I am middle child

    2. I love LEGOs

    3. I love editing photos

    4. I have trouble with fitness

    5. I've never been wasted!!
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    1. I went to elementary school with actress, Tara Reid from "American Pie".

    2. I hate jell-o.

    3. I am a big wrestling fan.

    4. I've never tried an illegal drug.

    5. I hate yogurt.
  • ShareeMorty
    ShareeMorty Posts: 324 Member
    1: I am an airforce brat

    2: I lived in Singapore for 3 years as a kid

    3: I hate needles but have tattoos and am great at giving injections

    4: I am the only one in my family who has a tertiary education

    5: I once fell off a cliff
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I have a twin sister.
    I'm allergic to hot sauce.
    I have a love hate relationship with my car, I love to hate it. I am going to cry when it dies, or when I sell it.
    I own my own beautiful home, and I'm only 23, I bought it when I was 21.
    I used to be lactose intolerant, I grew out of it.
  • pashton2004
    1. I sing and dance when I cook.
    2. I brush my teeth too often.
    3. I squeal when spooked.
    4. I miss driving a pickup.
    5. I love to float.
  • megan24209
    megan24209 Posts: 23
    1) My favorite animals are tunicates

    2) I home schooled myself through much of high school using a long distance learning program and got into a top college

    3) I'm a huge football fan (Go 49ers!!!)

    4) I'm an atheist

    5) I can identify almost any flower by sight, at least down to genus.