Do you believe in love at first sight?



  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I knew I wanted to marry my boyfriend from the first time I met him.
    I don't know if what I believe is necessarily "love at first sight" but more like when you find the person you're supposed to be with, you both just know that life is much better with each other <3
  • omanitshann
    omanitshann Posts: 179
    Attraction is not love. If you think you're in love by just looking at someone you're wrong. Love is not just physical attraction.
  • Well When I met my late wife Zena, it was the end of the Night at a club in Norwich England, I knew by the end of those three dances I wanted her to be my wife, so I did something I never used to do and I asked her for her phone number, she then did something she never used to do and gave it to me. Not sure its first site but took about 20 mins. We were married 23 years 10 months and 9 days when god called her home.

    This is so beautiful.
  • Attraction is not love. If you think you're in love by just looking at someone you're wrong. Love is not just physical attraction.

    I agree.
  • SquidNebula
    SquidNebula Posts: 107 Member
    I think I do.
    I knew my fiance was the guy for me the first time I met him six years ago and luckily he felt the same way. ;)
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    I do because my dad says he fell in love with my mom the first time he saw her (she was 14 and he was 17). They've been together for 37 years now :heart:

    I don't because I've never experienced it. However, I have experienced lust at first sight which has led to what I felt was love after a period of time. Not really sure if that counts or helps, lol

    The only people I have ever loved at first sight are my children, and actually I loved them the moment I knew I was pregnant. I didn't need "time to get to know them" or wait for them to "develop their personality" or felt they were just a "responsibility" I loved them with my whole being and now that they are 12 and 14 that feeling has only gotten stronger, along with the craziness they cause me to feel on a daily basis:laugh:

    ETA: I'm not with any of those guys now so I'm pretty sure it doesn't help in the end :laugh:
  • Yeah, you feel that sweet panic all over ur body when u see him. I didn't fall in love when i first saw him but i did when he first smiled at me and talked to me! Now after a 1.5 year I have a crush and it's awkward.
  • Edwin_S
    Edwin_S Posts: 440 Member
  • Shawty_Ro
    Shawty_Ro Posts: 135
    I don't think I believe in love anymore ...
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    i would say yes. My mom worked at a diner and my dad came in for 2 weeks everyday and waited for her to waite on him. At the end of the 2 weeks he asked her to marry him while she was a work. They left went to JOP and got married on her coffee break. She went back to work after her coffee break was over. They have been married for 53 years.
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member

  • braign
    braign Posts: 89
    I believe in love at first meeting. And after that, love at every sight of them.
  • heagler870
    heagler870 Posts: 280 Member
    Nope. Not sure how I can love someone by just seeing them. I would hope there would be something deeper there that I love besides just their look.
  • Hmm, call me a cynic but not really, however, I do believe in First Lust. My hubby was the hottest guy in college and I wanted him purely for sexual reasons before I'd even spoken to him, once we got to know one another properly love developed but it was mostly lust to begin with.
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    Nope. Not sure how I can love someone by just seeing them. I would hope there would be something deeper there that I love besides just their look.

    My thoughts exactly. I can imagine physical attraction at first glance, and perhaps infatuation after some brief time together, but love? I don't think so.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member

    I have no luck and it'd be worse person possible for me.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Attraction is not love. If you think you're in love by just looking at someone you're wrong. Love is not just physical attraction.

    For you, maybe. For someone else...maybe not.

    For me...who knows?

    And who said anything about it being just simple physical attraction. I can tell a HELL of a lot about someones personality just watching them for ten minutes in a social setting. Particularly if they don't notice I'm watching them.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    Not really. True love takes time. I don't see anything wrong with a very strong attraction. But to fall in love with someone immediately. How do you know their flaws?
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    How can you be "in love" with someone with whom you have never even had a conversation? With what are you "in love" with exactly? Their f*ckin' haircut? How awesomely they navigate the 20 Items or Less lane at Walmart?

    Holy *kitten* sticks. Really?

    The arcane, asinine notion of "love at first sight" is the very reason this country has a 62% divorce rate, and a 14 year old, prepubesent f*ckstain named Justin Bieber makes $6 million a year pinching-off teeny-bobber bullsh*t songs explaining the "true meaning of love" to me.

    I have a love-at-first-sight story for Justin Bieber's next release... Justin... I'm camming your mom.


    (tee hee)
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    Do I believe in love at first sight? NOPE

    Do I believe in attraction at first sight? YEP

    Love takes time. Infatuation takes seconds.