Awkard Moments....please



  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    You're in an elevator with a midget and he tells you that your hair smells good!
    Think about it...:noway:

    ohhh my gosh lol. when i first moved into a big city from a tiny one thats not even on the map I had a little person moment haha. we were walking around woodmans for the first time (huge food store compaired to the piggly wiggly we used to have to shop at) and a midget walks up to me and asks if i could grab him some creamer off a shelf. im like 'this one?' no. this one? no. this one? NO! then he got all huffy and was like "oh ill just get it myself!" and starts climbing up the shelves! then he walked back to his cart and pushed it holding onto the part just above the under rack. he was wearing a suit too, idk why that made it so much more funny.
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    So I'm in a club for probably one of the first times I can legally drink, and I notice a cutie checking me out from across the room. We lock eyes, and slowly start to make our way to each other. I think I'll take a sexy sip off of my straw without breaking eye contact, so I raise my glass... and MISS, sending that straw painfully straight up my nose! I immediately turn and walk away, avoiding his area for the rest of the night.
  • Walking out of the shower at the gym and having a guy ask me how long I've shaved down there and how the ladies like it. I was speechless, but of course I answer because I was shocked!

    I'll bet.
  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    At my initial army recruitment meeting... recruiter asks if I use any type of birth control and my husband pipes up.. "She has one of those IED thingies"... I wanted to crawl under the table and DIE!! I was like "you dork, its an IUD!". Needless to say the recruiter cracked up and was still trying to stifle his giggling 5 minutes later. :grumble:
  • Running across a busy intersection and my pants,that are too big thanks to MFP, fall down showing my rainbow granny panties to the world.:blushing:

    Oh wow, I have had that happen before. That is truly one of the most embarrassing non scale victories, ever. Great job! LOL
  • FreedomReigns
    FreedomReigns Posts: 195 Member
    Taking a shower and here my nine year old son asking if he can go to so and so's house....i step out if the shower only to see him and so and so standing in the door to the bathroom :ohwell:

    This has happened more than once!
  • Noki1024
    Noki1024 Posts: 302
    Too excited to make it home so hubby and I pulled into a Price Chopper parking lot only moments later to be greeted by a bright shiny flashlight with a cop on the other end.
  • ZoeyRobinson
    ZoeyRobinson Posts: 301
    This happened in PE class back in High School...

    During one of the stretches I was bent over touching my toes when the wire in bra completely flipped causing my bra to go from boobs to abs. I had to have 3 friends make a wall in front of me to get myself adjusted and in the middle of the process my teacher saw me. She thought I was a pervert from then on out.

    Another time I was at gyno exam and it was completely freezing so I wore the paper gown and nothing else but knee socks and all of a sudden over the radio "I'm too sexy" from right said fred came on and I just started laughing hysterically. Because knee socks, stirrups and paper gowns are damn sexy!
  • mstclair03
    mstclair03 Posts: 151
    Hanging out in the staff dining room after work with a few colleagues. Bust out with some "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" theme song, complete with dancing and sideways ball caps wheeeennnn........the boss (actually OWNER) walks in! Silence, straighten ball caps, quietly walk out the door.
  • When my son was 3 years old, who heard the "F" word and started using it whenever he would get upset. One day we were in Church, and the Pastor was just about to go into his sermon. My son started getting restless so I grabbed him by the hand to take him to the Nursery. He protested and as we were walking through the pews, he shouts the "F" word. Everyone turned toward our direction, and I said I don't have your truck and just kept walking. I was so embarrassed and so were my family members.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I got wasted black out drunk with the guys from section one time. Apparently I was making claims of being able to get 'any guy I wanted' and then I kept on trying to hold a guy from section down and grab his weiner. Apparently I was pretty strong and none of the guys from section were trying to stop me, they just sat back and laughed. I had to hear about that for months-until my next drunken incident.

    The other day I called my friend to ask about borrowing a book. I put on my sweetest voice I coud:
    Me- "Hey, can I ask a favor of you?"
    Voice- "Sure what?"
    Me- "Do you think I could possibly borrow that Tucker Max book and bring it to work? I mean if you don't need it. I'd appreciate it."
    Voice-"Who are you trying to get ahold of?"
    Me-"Wait this isn't SSgt?"
    Voice -"No, this is HM2."
    Me- "Whoops, well then nevermind-unless you have a Tucker Max book I can take to work."
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    I was chatting with a bunch of people I'd only just met on holiday ... so one guy says "are you as much fun in bed as you are out" (obviously trying to embarrass me) to which i replied "honey you will never know" ..... he went on for a while trying to get a reaction my final retort "you want references?" finally stopped him ....
  • if you were there. :)
    Running across a busy intersection and my pants,that are too big thanks to MFP, fall down showing my rainbow granny panties to the world.:blushing:
    That was you?
  • :laugh: At my previous job the air conditioning was shut down in August so I had a fan blowing on me to try and keep cool. I just got back from eating chipotle and was working and I had the urge so I passed gas. About 10 seconds later one of my supervisors comes into my office to drop off paperwork. The fan was aimed straight at the door so the aroma hit my supervisor in the face! The look on his face was priceless and I felt so awkward about the whole situation..

    Ok, this one made me literally LOL

    Same here.....literally LOL'
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    I used to work with this really hot guy named Rick. The shifts were weird...11pm - 11am. I came into work (after having a crazy dream about him a few hours before) - I passed him in the hallway and I had INTENDED to say "How was your day Rick?" Instead I said, "How's your d*ck Rick?" - I was mortified...but it got worse, for some reason we both looked at the front of his pants (I asked about it, I couldn't help was not intentional) and, well, there was movement. He looked at me and said "Well, he's glad you asked." I ran away....quickly! EMBARRASING!

    :laugh: :laugh: :sad: :laugh: :laugh:

    OMG, I can't stop laughing! Thanks!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Doing prone jackknifes and having your shirt fall over your head while the very cute trainer look at you
  • aegisprncs
    aegisprncs Posts: 236 Member
    That awkward moment when you're having a pre work smoke, and go to fart and end up ****ting your pants. And you then have to walk the 1/2 km back to your house to get new clothes....

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :sad: :laugh:

    :laugh: :smile: :wink:
  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    walking out of the bathroom in just a towel to find the shades up and the meter lady making her rounds..
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    Taking a shower and here my nine year old son asking if he can go to so and so's house....i step out if the shower only to see him and so and so standing in the door to the bathroom :ohwell:

    This has happened more than once!

    Um, lock the door maybe?
  • muffin_shufflin
    muffin_shufflin Posts: 239 Member
    I was at a family gathering for Thanksgiving a few years ago & my stepdad's great uncle approached me & saw that I had ditched my heels. He said "Oh, you're not wearing shoes." Leaned in & added "I wonder what else you're not wearing." and casually walked away. :noway: < was my exact face

    And yesterday I was walking through the mall & an older guy complimented my hat. I said thanks & that I got it from Target. Apparently I said too much because he walked with me to the store & asked for my number. No dude, you're like 50 & everyone here probably thinks you're my dad.