Really need some support.. non-weight loss related..



  • aubhob
    aubhob Posts: 25
    sorry to hear about your problems-check with your pastor or anybe a couselor at your local scholl who could steer you yo work study programs in college
    good luck
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,342 Member
    Is living with your dad an option? College or some type of training would also be helpful. I know that finding a job nowadays is difficult. Hope you find a solution that works for you.
  • fitnesspalloser
    fitnesspalloser Posts: 15 Member
    It's difficult when you don't have a job and you aren't in school and you don't have a car. I am assuming all these things though. At 19, if you are not being treated in a kind and respectful way, you should move out. Easier said than done.

    You could call churches and see if they have anyone willing to take you in to help you get on your feet. My husband and I have done that on two separate occasions. One for a girl who felt like Cinderella from a step-parents home and another from a woman who was pregnant and living in her car. Let them know your predicament. They can help you apply for aid, give you food, and possibly a place to live until you get a job.

    You could check the internet on and check every job you can in your area. Do you like children? Live in nanny positions may be a way to move out, get a job, and bring some fulfillment to your life as well as the lives of children. It's good that you are reaching out. Don't give up.

    Unfortunately, we live in a fallen world and there will always be many difficulties in our lives. I will pray that you are able to move on and feel respected, loved, and cared for.
  • Jessastar
    Jessastar Posts: 234
    It sounds like your mother has problems of her own, but they're her problems not yours (or shouldn't be anyway)

    It's time to stop doing all the cleaning & cooking etc and start thinking about other living arrangements. No one needs this kind of emotional abuse.

    I don't have a job..& no one wants to hire me that's why I pretty much need support and love from MFP friends, so I can deal with this right now positively..

    Find a job in a neighboring town and get your own place or a roommate.

    Do something, but move out.

    You're 19. It will do you some good.

    And that is advice intended to help both your situation AND your mental state.

    I don't know if you've read, but there is no job here that will hire unless I have a car. The only civilization I have is family runned buisiness that refuse to hire outside their family and a liquor store & Gas station, which I can't because I'm not 21. I applied at Subway over and over, and I had an interview, still no because I have no transportation, and again, I've applied and nothing.

    Other than that, they're all 3-4 miles away and i've tried, and nothing because I have no car.

    What about a bicycle? 3-4 miles is pretty easily done on a bike and you'd get your exercise in. I had the same difficulty a long time ago and had to put in a lot of ridiculous effort to get a job without a car.

    They don't accept bikes either, already tried.
  • Amandaleemixon
    Amandaleemixon Posts: 7 Member
    I was in a similar situation, and I found solace in music. I would put on headphones and let myself escape in the words. It was the one place I could go and be alone. Maybe you need to find your escape (as long as it is healthy).

    Sometimes people project their own feelings. I sounds like she is really frustrated with her own life and took it out on you. Life is messy, just keep your head up and things will get better.
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    In regards to your mom moving to a remote place to trap you I have to wonder if you ever considered that you mom is just simply making life choices based on her own needs. When kids get older parents don't make all of their life decisions based on their adult kids or kids that are very close to adulthood, they make them based on their own needs because they know that their kids will soon be doing their own thing.

    While I don't know your mother do you think your mother is having anger problems because she has two unemployed adult children living in her house? Is the sole financial burden all on her? You don't need to actually answer that, but you should try to see it from her perspective.

    Even though you're going to move on with you dad, you really need to figure out what you want to do with your life, because living with your dad isn't a permanent fix either. If I were you, and of course this is just my opinion, I would try to make the best of the next month with your mom. Repair your relationship before you go because someday you will need and want to have a healthy mother daughter relationship with her as an adult. And really take the time this month to figure out exactly where you want to go with things in your life. FAFSA is a good place to start if you're college bound. You might even want to consider some military branches. That could open you up to a whole new world.

    One more mini tip before I go, some places you can apply online. Maybe if your dad lives in a bigger area, you can start applying now for jobs so that when you are one step ahead of the game before you move there. Good luck!