40+ Club - Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • Texssippian
    Hi all! Save your pumpkin seeds. Check out the chicken pepian recipe on foodnetwork.com Roasted tomatilos, pablano pepper and pumpkin seeds. I think I am going to make the sauce to put over tilapia later this week.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Happy Halloween everyone!!!! I hope you all have a safe trick or treat night....
    I just got home. Took my mother in law, son, and nephew to run all their errands. It was nice to get out of the house and visit for a while. Tonight I plan on getting all my meals ready for the week. I am gonna do the diet I was on before finding this sight. Its just a lot of chicken and veggies along with eating small meals every 2 to 3 hours which is what we should be doing anyway. BUT being as I've NEVER eaten that way its hard to get into the habit. I have a couple of weeks (I think) before I start getting busy again with moving my mother from outta state closer to me then get everything ready for company during Thanksgiving. When I get busy its hard to stay on track.
    Have any of you seen the infomercial for the ab circle pro? It sounds amazing if its true but thats just the thing.... Dos it really work your abs the way it says it does.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Just a quick check in before Church. I hope everyone's weekend is going well.

    Alf, are you a Pirate From the Carribbean? Sorry, I couldn't resist that one! Great job with your run!!

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good morning!

    Tex, I can't wait to see your pumpkin. Please post photos! I hope you had a fun Halloween with Mr. Holiday. :happy:

    alf, great job on the run. How fun that you dressed up for Halloween! I know what you mean about being ready to be done with P90X. I was too. But funny thing is late on Friday, I felt like a workout. I knew I wasn't up to Insanity physically, so the workout I chose to do was P90X Plyo, and I had a great time doing it. I am still surprised, given that my boredom threshold is usually so low, that I feel like doing any of these workouts anymore.

    tron, I've never seen anything about the Ab Circle Pro, but I did just look at their website. I would say a good rule of thumb to follow regarding purchasing exercise equipment via infomercial is to shy away from things that make unrealistic promises....as I feel this one does. From everything I've listened to and read, the best way of getting fat off your belly is to control your diet. In fact, some fitness experts (Jillian Michaels being one) don't even really think the abs need to be worked out as a separate muscle group if you are using them in other exercises (like squats, planks, etc). As I'm sure you are aware, you can't 'spot reduce' fat on your body through exercise, so anything that promises it will 'get rid of love handles' through an exercise like this is, quite frankly, not being truthful because the human body doesn't work that way. I believe a person has a better chance of getting rid of love handles through proper dieting and aerobic activity than through any ab exercise. Now there are benefits to ab exercises, of course, including strengthening your core to support your lower back, etc. And if you have a very low percentage of body fat, ab exercises can provide that 'six pack' look. So they are worth doing. But if you are looking for an opinion on how to lose weight around the mid-section, I would say it is through diet and complete body exercises (like aerobics or strength training activities that utilize your core) and not through focusing totally on working out your abs. But this is just my opinion, of course. :flowerforyou:

    I had an outrageously bad day eating yesterday, but I'm back on track for today. I just figured it was going to be my last blast (after a bad week of eating), but I've had enough. I learned some lessons through this week, though, which is good. I really do feel better when I eat right, that's for sure. I also understand how much eating poorly really makes the cravings far worse than I realized they were....in other words, far worse than they are when I'm eating completely clean. I have no way of knowing how much weight I put on this week, but I feel heavy, and I don't like the feeling (especially since I may have put on, at most, about a pound or two....so there is no real reason for feeling 'heavy'). So back to healthier eating today, that's for sure!

    singfree, thanks for your kind words on Friday. :flowerforyou:

    We leave the country next Saturday. Now that all of the hard work is done, I'm getting more nervous/excited. I hope I can keep the excitement levels higher than the nervous levels throughout the week. But since I'm not a great fan of flying, I"m thinking nervous may win out in the end. :laugh:

    Hope everybody has a great Sunday!
  • Texssippian
    Hi Stirring! Hang in there. Nervous energy burns calories!

    We had a successful Halloween last night. I have to remember with the time change happening after Halloween instead of before, trick or treaters start later. WE had around 150 t-o-ters. Had make more bags as we had only made 120. Lots of groups of kids with their parents. Our trainer brought her two kids by. At 9:15 we called it quits, brought all the decorations inside (just to be safe) and did not have any stragglers after we turned out the lights. I posted pics from last year when Mr. Holiday carved two pumpkins: an owl and a bat. He uses patterns that he buys. Also have some pictures of the decorations. The one on the front porch has fog from one of the fog machines. The St. Francis statue in the background is not part of the Halloween decorations. He stays all the time.

    Looking forward to a great November to get ready for a healthy December.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Well, I have been absent again. Not much time for the computer. The YMCA did not have any classes this past week due to registration week. Soooo, I didn't get any exercise in at all and on top of that I didn't even keep track of what I ate and didn't eat very well. BUT, I didn't gain any weight. I am thinking that having a break may be just what I need to get things going again. What do all of you think?
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    I hope that everyone had a good weekend. We had a nice time with our Grandson on Friday night. He is such a great little boy. Next Monday he will be 2 years old! I got some good exercise in this weekend. I did some Insanity and we took a long hike up on the mountain yesterday. The crip fall air and fallen leaves were wonderful. My eating was pretty good too. On Saturday we had grilled salmon at Red Lobster. Amazingly, I ate no desserts over the weekend...what willpower!!!

    Swiss, I think that change is a good thing, but not exercising and eating poorly is NOT the change your body needs. When I need a change, I vary my exercise and diet a bit, but I never stop exercising. Sometimes a day or two of yoga or stretching is recommended. Believe me, I've fallen into the trap of eating bad and not exercising. At first it seemed ok, but the weight and fat crept back on as if by magic. Especially at this critical time of the year we must guard against weight gain. The weather is getting colder, the days shorter and the holidays are quickly approaching. Nearly every day I need to make food choices, whether they are good or bad. My goal is to cut down on the bad things and increase my exercise so that I don't start gaining. The period between Thanksgiving and the New Year are usually my downfall. I am determined not to let it happen this year.

    Tex, it sounds like you had a great Halloween!!! We are usually not home in the evening so we don't receive the little goblins. If we had candy in the house it would be in this goblin's belly!!!!

    Stiring, thanks for the update. I hope that you are able to stay with us until your departure date. I agree about the abs. Many of my exercises incorporate ab work to some degree. Most people think that by working the abs that the fat around the middle will disappear. They will get strong abs...with a thick layer of fat on top. For me, a good diet and some HIIT gives me far better results.

    This is going to be a very busy week. I'll probably work all seven days this week. Next Monday is our year-end physical inventory...the most dreaded day of the year for me!!!

    Have a great day!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! Looks like we got through the weekend just fine.

    Texassipian, thanks for posting the pics, your house looks SCARY! :laugh: Love how much you and your husband get into the holiday!

    I have far too much Halloween candy left over. I thought we'd have more Trick or Treaters this year because the weather was so nice, but we had less that last year. Odd. My son carved the pumpkin this year and because he is a big Minnesota Twins fan he carved the Twins logo onto the pumpkin, which got quite a few nice comments from people coming by. Cutest costume I saw this year was a little tyke, maybe 12 to 13 months old, dressed up like a lobster, soooooo cute!

    Alf, forgot to tell you congrats on the race. You're amazing! Love that your husband is running with you. Such a great activity to do together!

    Sing, hiking on the mountain sounds great! Good for you! Glad you had such a good time with the grandson. Kids that age are so much fun. Good luck with your tough week at work.

    Stiring, I know exactly what you mean about "slipping." The old habits are so easy to go back to, aren't they? I too have noticed how different I feel when I'm not eating correctly. Even if I stay in my calorie allotment for the day, if I don't have the right blend of fats, carbs, and protein, I feel "off." I'm certain that you will get back on track soon, though, because you've done so well before. Stress is tough on our systems and once you get settled I'm sure you will easily get back into your routine!

    Swiss, I think sometimes a break is needed, but it is too easy to go backwards once we decide to do that. My trainer tells me that taking a week off from exercise every 4 months is a good thing. Allows the body to reset. Hope this week is better for you!

    Hope everyone has a good week! :flowerforyou:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Monday All! I sit at the computer with my water bottle full and sipping away. A good start to the week. I am going to log my food again and am trying to schedule my meals out in the morning. Hopefully this way I want be tempted to eat anything that hasn't already been logged.

    Glad to hear everyone had a Happy Halloween! Stiring you will be in my thoughts and prayers. We've moved 3 times in the last 5 years and know exactly how stressful that can be.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good morning everybody!

    Swissmiss, sometimes I think a break is good as long as it is a reasonable break. I would be hesitant to combine a break on both food and exercise at the same time, and, like singfree, think it may be better to select one or the other instead of both at the same time. I know I just took a break in terms of eating, and I think that helped me because it has helped me remember why I eat cleaner, but I needed a mental break and am now convinced it is okay to take one when needed without dire consequences. But I did workout five out of the eight days I was on that break which I think helped fend off some of the consequences.

    singfree, I'm glad you enjoyed your time with your grandson! I hope your week goes well. And congrats on a good, clean eating weekend. :drinker: Great job given the stress you are experiencing right now.

    duffy, you've moved as much as we have!! This is our seventh move this decade, all but one of those moves over thousands of miles and/or to different countries. Like I've said before, though, no matter how many times we do this, it is still stressful.

    That being said, I feel like I'm back on track with my eating. I did an Insanity workout yesterday, and despite the fact we had a going-away dinner last night, ate very well yesterday. Like you, duffy, I'm going to log my food this week and make sure I stick to what I've logged. This week we are having quite a few going-away breakfasts/lunches, so it would be easy to eat with abandon, but I don't want to do that.

    On tap for today is another Insanity workout (I'm going to do the first week of the rotation this week). I'll probably also try to do a little bit of a P90X workout (probably Shoulders/Arms) with a resistance band. And then I'm going to go for a long walk and enjoy the 80 degree temps here in SoCal while I have them! All that, combined with some better eating, should clear this heavy feeling I've been experiencing the last few days.

    I hope everybody has a good day. I'm hoping to check-in every day this week because I will need you all to keep me in line!! :flowerforyou:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Stiring :flowerforyou: Sounds like you are winning the battle of stress! I know exactly what you mean of remembering why you eat clean. I am so zapped physically and emotionally when I eat poorly. I try to remember that feeling. I just imagine by taking control of your food and exercise you are going to be able to really enjoy all the good bye events this week.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    sing....aren't grandchildren just wonderful? I saw two of mine this past week that I hadn't seen since the first of the year.

    stiring...you are right. I ate well today and feel so much better. I also went to my strength class and am now sore.:laugh: Maybe I should have eaten better last week but to be honest, I was bummed about not having any classes to go to so I just let everything go. I am back on track for sure now.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    It's a frosty morning here in PA. The Autumn landscape looks nice, but I just know that old man Winter is just around the corner!

    Hey, I think I can get the hang of this "good " eating. The biggest obstacle for me is TREATS IN THE WORKPLACE. Man, I can't avoid them. It's funny, the woman who usually brings in the cake, cookies, etc... is always complaining about her weight. Misery loves company!!! I'm no saint when it comes to "cheating". I'm just trying to make my best effort to not eat certain things, or do it in moderation.

    I'm a firm believer that the amount of body fat on a person has a lot to do with the "health" of the blood. When my body fat is low, every indicator in my blood test is good. Yes, a good diet helps, but it's what is stored in the body that is the bigger problem. For example, my wife lost 17 lbs this year (20% of her body weight). She just got the results of her recent blood test. EVERYTHING is normal. Cholesterol went from 210 to 170. Blood glucose in the 70s. And the list goes on. She is thrilled with her new look AND her improved health. Two years ago my cholesterol went from a high of nearly 250 to 190 in only six months. For me, I need to keep reminding myself that what I put in my body will have a dramatic effect on it. We're all vain. We like to look good. If that's the motivation, go for it. If the Dr says to lower your chol. or glucose, do it.

    I look at so many friends and family who are in poor health, mainly due to lack of exercise and a poor diet. I don't want to be one of them too. I don't want to be a drain on the health care system. I hate needles and pills. It's so much easier making small changes to my lifestyle. Hurray!!! Let's stay motivated and focused. This is so much more than beating winter weight gain. It's a new attitude at each one of us needs to pursue. I know I will falter at times...but if I can pick myself up after a fall and keep going and never quit, good things will happen!!!

    We are so fortunate to have a site like this to use as a health and fitness tool. I can't believe that it is free! I'm also thankful for all of my friends here. Each day I anxiously look forward to your posts. Keep 'em coming.

    Have a great day!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    The is a great report on your wife, sing. I am now wondering what my cholesterol reading is. A few years ago it was 249. I'll bet it is way down now.

    I am back on track except for the sugar cookie that I picked up today. I knew I should not have looked in that box. I am feeling better and got a good workout last night. My legs are a bit sore from it.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Swissmiss, I'm happy to hear you are feeling better. I am experiencing the same thing now that I'm back to my usual diet. I really enjoyed the break, but those kind of breaks will definitely not be often for me.

    I think part of the reason I feel better is more mental than physical. I think I actually just like knowing I'm doing the right things for my body, and that alone gives me more energy. Because, singfree, I totally agree with everything you wrote this morning. You put it so well! :flowerforyou: I haven't had blood work done in a long time, but I know I'm not on any pills, am in good health, feel strong, etc. And I want to be that way. My mother (who is turning 80 in two months) smoked, never ate right, wasn't active, etc. and she has suffered some serious consequences for those actions. And the sad thing is she suffered them at a young age (in her early 60s) and that has limited her ability to do things in life that require much physicality. I don't want to be like that, and I'm determined not to if I have anything to do about it. While the compliments on how I look are nice, it is really how I feel--both mentally and physically--that is driving me now.

    This morning I did Insanity Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs. This is the first time I've done Cardio Abs. That's a tough little ab routine there, especially right after Pure Cardio! I really am enjoying Insanity because it gives me so much energy. Unfortunately I'm finding I'm getting hungry alot more. Singfree, did you notice an increase in appetite doing Insanity? I don't usually experience an appetite increase from cardio, but I'm thinking all the power moves in Insanity are kicking up my metabolism.

    I'm headed out for a going-away lunch here soon. I'm hoping to be able to get a healthy option like a good salad. I would love to think this is going to be our last week of heavy social eating, but we already have three dinner functions to attend next week in Korea. :noway: That's alot for our first week there! We're also starting to get invites for Christmas and such, so I'm really going to have to watch myself over the next two months because it looks like both the Koreans and the Americans like to get together to eat....alot! :laugh:

    I hope everybody enjoys the rest of their day.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Hello everyone... Glad to see your all doing well.

    Sing.... Its so hard when another brings the temptation and puts it right under your nose. Unfortunately for me, that's at home. My husband is a sugar junkie. Candy, soda, junk food in general. My kids are at the age when they can buy the stuff themselves and bring it home. Its one thing for them to buy and eat it but to know how hard I am trying and then come home and say.... "look, I bought this for you. I knew you liked it" Uggg!!!!!! But I can proudly say I have turned some of it away. Just need to learn to turn all of it away.

    I also see my mother and mother in law complain about their weight. They've both gotten SOOOooooo big. But the sad thing is they say they didn't eat all day and that they are starving (my in law does this A LOT) and I just watched her eat a whole package of bear claws not even 2 hours ago. Then she cant understand why she has gotten so fat! Everyone keeps telling her that its because of what she eats but she swears up and down that has nothing to do with it. How can people be so clueless???

    Sure, I have a good 10 to 15 more lbs that I should be losing but I also realize its my lack of motivation for exercise and my lack of self control to eat clean all the time. I am not gonna shove 8 bear claws into my mouth and cry all day, every day about how big I have gotten and wonder why.

    Thats just my 2 cents for the day:laugh:
  • Texssippian
    Tron: Great insight into your family dynamics. Good for you to fight the temptations! Every battle won is a victory. Celebrate your successes.

    Stiring: Hard to believe you will be in Korea next week with a full social calendar. Best wishes on the trip.

    Sing: Keep up the great work. I can get my cholesterol checked for free at work but have I done that in while? No….

    I had my every three month eye doctor check up this afternoon. It usually takes 2 ½ to 3 hours (I have a glaucoma-like condition for which I use eye drops and have to have my eye pressures monitored every three months). I was in and out in less than an hour so I got home in time to do deep water aerobics! Yea! One of the high school’s water polo team was practicing. I would love to do that. One of their balls got in our water aerobics area so I got to throw it back and almost made a goal! No one came over to offer me a spot on the team.

    Our daughter sent us links with information about the summer program she is planning on doing this summer: studying English in Oxford (England, not Mississippi which is where my husband and I went to school) When Anna first told us she wanted to go study in Oxford, hubs was so excited that she finally thought Oxford MS was a good place. He was crestfallen when she said, “Not Mississippi, England!” We are hoping to go out when she finishes the program. There will be about 12 days between when she finishes and when she has to be back in Austin for her (yikes!) Senior year at UT. Our son will be between semesters of grad school in San Francisco, so we are planning a family trip in England! We have been talking about this since the kids were little.

    We are hitting a challenging time with all the food temptations coming up. I for one know I am in better shape to cope than in years past. So, bring it on! Enjoy the time with friends and family. Each day is its own blessing.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: stiring, please let us know how the food is in Korea. Are you eating completely different? Is it more difficult to keep track of calories?

    :flowerforyou: And Tex... you are going to England!! I am sooo jealous of you people who are going to such wonderful, faraway places. I would love so much to visit Switzerland. You probably could have guessed that.

    :flowerforyou: tron, I can sympathize with you when it comes to husbands who eat things that are not healthy. My husband loves to cook but he uses high calorie ingredients. No matter how hard I try, I can not get him to change a recipe to make it healthier.

    sing....I have decided to take your advice and drink an occasional glass of wine. But, I will not have any until I have drank at least my daily amount of water.

    I went to Zumba tonight after a break of a week. I am exhausted. Am going to bed now.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Another chilly start here in PA. The older I get, the less I like cold weather (at least when I'm working).

    Not too much to report this morning. I walked 2 miles at lunch and did a short Insanity workout after work. I'm resisting temptation at work, only eating healthy choices. If I can at least minimally maintain my eating and exercise this way, I should hit the holiday season in good shape.

    Stiring, at times I did notice an increased appetite with Insanity. I think my body was asking for more cals. I find that if I add a bit more carb to my diet, this helps the hunger pangs. Maybe a bit more fat in the form of nuts or some other healthy oil? Som peanut butter on whole grain bread and a hot beverage help me too. It's funny, but I don't get very hungry after any other type of exercise except for the HIIT-type. It must really ramp up the metabolism.

    Swiss, I mormally get plent of water to drink during the day, but i must say that I do not drink enough water at night. Way to go with Zumba! Our Zumba guru Alf will be thrilled....hey, where is Alf???

    Tex, you better study the language before going to England!!! You will enjoy the trip!

    Tron, I hear you loud and clear! Thankfully, my wife and I are on the same page with nutrition and exercise. She is even more disciplined than me when it comes to diet. I wish I had her willpower!

    I woke up this morning with a scratchy throat. Not a good sign. The next few days will be spent in unheated storage buildings doing inventory work. There is nothing like being sick and having to work in the cold...oh well!

    Have a great day!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    sing, you be sure to take care of yourself. You may be coming down with something. Did you get all that snow in PA last month?

    :flowerforyou: alf, let's talk Zumba !!!! It has become one of my favorite subjects. Can't get enough of it. I am the only member who is taking the Saturday class. Everyone else wants to sleep in.

    :flowerforyou: tex, sing may have a point there. They use a lot of different slang in England that we may not understand !!:wink:

    I have come in to work early today to be here. My day will officially start in 20 minutes. I will be going to my strength class after work. YES!!!