Told my mum i'm thinking of loosing weight...



  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    Tell me about it! No one else eats it, so it just stares at me.

    Toss it in the garbage. That'll teach your mum not to waste money trying to sabotage your efforts!
  • Boo_TBrans
    Totally know how that feels.. told my mom I wanted to lose weight and she took me to get Chinese for dinner and then she wondered why I didn't eat... All you have to do is stick with it to prove to her that you can and you didn't need her help anyways. Good luck :):):)
  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    That's pretty much why I don't tell very many people, especially my own family much about what I'm doing, why or how I'm doing it or trumpet my goals or progress at large. If I stick to the plan, they will see the results eventually and I don't need the naysaying and mocking and pressure about progress -- or not. Besides if someone doesn't like me the way I am now, it's not someone I want to give alot of attention or credence to no matter what my weight. I am who I am. I seriously do not like exercise. I don't mind meal planning and eating healthy; I'm actually pretty good at that part having lived with a diabetic husband for 10 years now. I'm losing weight because of my knee and ankle pain issues but this is SO not tied into my self worth....I just don't relish the pain or the idea that my alternative is being on addictive painkillers that make the pain worse for the rest of my life. So this is an experiment to see if it helps although I am pretty sure there is more to my pain than just that no matter what my doctor thinks. So we'll find out who is right this way. But my weight has absolutely nothing to do with who I am and if someone is going to like me better just because I weigh less or have some cute little figure, then that's not much of a friend.
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    I understand EXACTLY how you feel!!! My Mom came home today with Enchiladas, tortilla chips, and some kind of cheese dip. REALLY MOM?!?!?! and when I complained she said "Well, you don't need to lose weight anyway!!" Moms...I swear. What is up with people saying "Just don't eat it then!" Umm...not all of us have that kind of will power!! I know for a fact I cannot be around desserts or alcohol. If they are there...they will end up in my belly!! Also, what's up with saying her goal weights are low? lol I'm taller than her and I actually have the exact same starting and goal weights as her lol.
  • TheDudette
    TheDudette Posts: 174
    You can eat that within moderation and your calorie goal, if you choose.

    Very smart response. Unless you plan on never eating cakes again it's not a bad idea to start learning about moderation. This will help you in the future when you are maintaining. Also, I find a few small portions of "bad"foods scattered throughout my weekly menu keeps me from wanting to overindulge.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    take the food to a food shelter or church they are always looking for donations even food. It will remove the temtation and help someone out at the same time win win.
  • blazeybug87
    blazeybug87 Posts: 226 Member