


  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I feel totally comfortable posting this on here because I don't really have anyone to talk to outside of here.

    I suffer from some pretty severe depression. I do not take medication, simply because I don't believe in it. Yesterday I was awake for about 5 hours of the whole day, and did nothing. I recently quit a really ****ty job with the worst micromanager. I have amazing skills and constantly feel underutilized. (p.s. I still work part time at two different jobs, but it is on call and the time between shifts is unbearable). I am engaged to a wonderful man. I have no friends, and it is not like I don't try. I just find people to be totally selfish and I hate putting in so much effort for people that can only talk about themselves, are sexist, racist, and overall to me boring. Although, I still put in effort because I hate being alone and I am a party girl at heart.

    All of this impacts my health. I don't know why I get up in the morning so I don't even know why I exercise or eat healthy. I try, I really do.

    Does anyone else have an issue like this? I am looking for tips at dealing with this and seeing a doctor is not an option (or a counsellor, I work in the mental health field and know way too many people at almost every agency in the surrounding area).

    Thanks for reading, if you did!

    I don't mean to sound cruel but maybe since you "don't believe in" medcation you haven't hit your lowest. I encourage you seek treatment before you do.
    I wouldn't wish those dark days and hopeless nights on anyone.

    i know far more about medication than someone who just takes it....i work in the mental health field and see people turned to zombies, taking tonnes of pills from 16-60. thanks for your opinion, but it is SO far off base.

    I don't work in the mental health field, but being in my brain is work because of my mental health. I have decided to stop taking my antidepressants because it seems they make it worse. I agree with you, OP, meds may work for some, but for some of us they're bad news. People who like them, yay for you. But I'm afraid my friends who get my midnight texts would agree that they just don't work well for some of us. I just stopped taking my 8th one. They have all effected me negativel.

    The OP is correct to avoid medication. There is no evidence it works. Depression, without medication, is usually self-limiting. With medication people are often treated for the rest of their lives. She is, however, resisting any and all suggestions.

    how can you even say that i am resisting all suggestions

    some of you people SERIOUSLY can't read for your life, or are just so quick to jump to conclusions about others

    i took MANY suggestions, i even downloaded a ****ing a book to start reading and am looking into a new vitamin plan.

    ****ing demonizing someone already deep in a hole. don't be so quick to judge people. i am not being resistant, i said from the ****ing getgo: no meds, no professional help. this was a request for self-help options. the ones i got I THANKED FOR.

    don't be so quick to shove your beliefs down others throats...this is NOT just directed at you.

    AND YES, i do know pretty much all organizations, asking for a referral isn't bad...if i want to pay up the *kitten* which I can't afford. not for profits are slim to none, and i am heavily networked because i am good at what i do THUS THE REQUEST FOR SELF-HELP.

    holy hell.

    Community mental health centers provide services on an "afford to pay" basis. If you can't afford to pay, you don't pay. Whether you realize it or not, you need professional help. Reread your original post. You have no friends because everyone you meet is sexist, racist, and/or boring. You have "amazing skills" but are "constantly underutilized." I offered you some self-help suggestions, but I strongly believe you need professional help.

    i'm aware of sliding scales, i constantly refer people to them. but thanks for still not reading my request despite my stubborn attitude.
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    I feel totally comfortable posting this on here because I don't really have anyone to talk to outside of here.

    I suffer from some pretty severe depression. I do not take medication, simply because I don't believe in it. Yesterday I was awake for about 5 hours of the whole day, and did nothing. I recently quit a really ****ty job with the worst micromanager. I have amazing skills and constantly feel underutilized. (p.s. I still work part time at two different jobs, but it is on call and the time between shifts is unbearable). I am engaged to a wonderful man. I have no friends, and it is not like I don't try. I just find people to be totally selfish and I hate putting in so much effort for people that can only talk about themselves, are sexist, racist, and overall to me boring. Although, I still put in effort because I hate being alone and I am a party girl at heart.

    All of this impacts my health. I don't know why I get up in the morning so I don't even know why I exercise or eat healthy. I try, I really do.

    Does anyone else have an issue like this? I am looking for tips at dealing with this and seeing a doctor is not an option (or a counsellor, I work in the mental health field and know way too many people at almost every agency in the surrounding area).

    Thanks for reading, if you did!

    Can I just be frank with you? Please don't take if as offensive statement. If you have identified you are depressed, you can make the next step. Are you doing it? Or you just want to vent and hear support from community? You have posted 2100 times. Is this helping you?

    The world is in your hands. Take control. If the manager or job sucks, fight, quit, find another. We all dealt with it at least once in our professional life. But believe me, your next job will be better than this one.

    You are engaged and planning your next stage in life. Concentrate on good things. If the pictures are yours, you are beautiful. So, wake up and smile and the rest of the day will smile with you.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    Maybe a change of scenery can do wonders for you. I had really bad SAD when I lived in the northeast (Boston specifically). Since I moved to Florida years ago, I feel 100x better year round.

    I had a similar experience...I was a miserable fat withcy cranky sad girl in Ohio, but when I moved to AZ slowly that changed until now on my bad days all I need to do is get my butt outside and I know I'll feel better. I'm in Portland for the summer and being here even though it's not winter has been harder on my mood - the rain and clouds and yes to me it's COLD Here. Get outside and if you can get your butt somewhere warm and sunny :)
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member

    how can you even say that i am resisting all suggestions

    some of you people SERIOUSLY can't read for your life, or are just so quick to jump to conclusions about others

    i took MANY suggestions, i even downloaded a ****ing a book to start reading and am looking into a new vitamin plan.

    ****ing demonizing someone already deep in a hole. don't be so quick to judge people. i am not being resistant, i said from the ****ing getgo: no meds, no professional help. this was a request for self-help options. the ones i got I THANKED FOR.

    don't be so quick to shove your beliefs down others throats...this is NOT just directed at you.

    AND YES, i do know pretty much all organizations, asking for a referral isn't bad...if i want to pay up the *kitten* which I can't afford. not for profits are slim to none, and i am heavily networked because i am good at what i do THUS THE REQUEST FOR SELF-HELP.

    thank you to those that actually can read. when someone asks for vegetarian recipes, don't give them tips on bbq'ing!

    Well I READ this and I think you have a potty mouth. :blushing:
  • seamaiden1000
    seamaiden1000 Posts: 76 Member
    Read a few of your responses and an ancient Greek saying comes to mind by way of the ultimate challenge...

    Doctor Heal Thyself !

    Work out your strategy and take it as if you are your own patient.
  • CleanKim
    CleanKim Posts: 29 Member
    I completely understand! And don't let people get on you for not taking medication. Statistically anti-depressants do not work. I am going to message you with some info.

    Define "work." If drug companies could not provide evidence that their product produced a statistically significant decrease in symptoms of depression vs. a placebo, in a double-blind study, then they would not receive FDA approval. There are a lot of issues in the clinical approval process, including the fact that in the past, clinical trials did not have to be per-registered, meaning that companies would only report studies showing significant results (now studies are pre-registered so this should not be such an issue). Whether or not to take anti-depressants (or any other medicine for that matter) is a personal decision, that an individual should make in conjunction with information from a health care provider, but please don't go spouting off about what is "statistically" true if you do not understand statistics or the approval process for new medications. Thanks!

    For the OP, I do understand what you are going through to some extent. I have a long history of depression that was not particularly responsive to conventional treatment strategies (e.g. medication, therapy). I find what makes the biggest difference in my ability to function is making sure I get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise regularly. It's hard to make yourself do these things starting off, but they can be of great benefit to at least some people--or at the very least, they keep me functional.
  • CleanKim
    CleanKim Posts: 29 Member
    I completely understand! And don't let people get on you for not taking medication. Statistically anti-depressants do not work. I am going to message you with some info.

    Define "work." If drug companies could not provide evidence that their product produced a statistically significant decrease in symptoms of depression vs. a placebo, in a double-blind study, then they would not receive FDA approval. There are a lot of issues in the clinical approval process, including the fact that in the past, clinical trials did not have to be per-registered, meaning that companies would only report studies showing significant results (now studies are pre-registered so this should not be such an issue). Whether or not to take anti-depressants (or any other medicine for that matter) is a personal decision, that an individual should make in conjunction with information from a health care provider, but please don't go spouting off about what is "statistically" true if you do not understand statistics or the approval process for new medications. Thanks!

    For the OP, I do understand what you are going through to some extent. I have a long history of depression that was not particularly responsive to conventional treatment strategies (e.g. medication, therapy). I find what makes the biggest difference in my ability to function is making sure I get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise regularly. It's hard to make yourself do these things starting off, but they can be of great benefit to at least some people--or at the very least, they keep me functional.

    The recovery rate with anti-depressants falls somewhere between 20-30%. There are awful side-effects as well. They way be the way for some people, but for most it's like putting on a band-aid.
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 204 MFP Staff
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