Whats your pet peeves?



  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    women that tie an expensive scarf around their Coach purse handle and then proceed to leave their purse on every tabletop for people to see...it's so....pretentious for starters AND I don't want your germbag close to my stuff or food!

    pet peeve - MOTHERS OF BABIES AND TODDLERS. have to hit an all time nerve with me! I hate goldfish crackers under my shoes, I hate their stupid mom-stroller exercise groups at the park, I hate the baby plastic containers and organic juice boxes, and I hate more than anything when you tell me their kid is a friggin' Einstein at 8 months old. I really really hate other mothers.

    oh wait, you said pet peeves...yeah i hate hair left on my bathroom floor. ooops.
    Hah you just described me. Cool now I have an MFP enemy.
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    Geez I could come up with a list
    1. Daughters not doing the dishes, their only chore
    2. Empty ice cube trays in the freezer
    3. Drinking all my water in the Brita pitcher and never refilling it
    4. someone parking in my spot
    5. children covering every flat surface in my house with their crap
    6. Eating my packed lunch, when the refrigerator is filled with food
    7. Drinking out of my glass
    Guess I will stop there but could come up with many many more
  • kmende2
    kmende2 Posts: 16
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    Panty lines --- haha -- not sure why it bugs me so much, but it does. Ladies --- wear a thong :laugh:

    People who would rather play on their smart phone than socialize with the people around them. (There are always a few in the room at the same time. The more people playing on their phone the more it bugs me).

    Funny topic.....thanks.....it has entertained me for the night :tongue:
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member

    That is a good one. Instead of taking the time to complain, take the time to do something about it.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Bad grammar.
    *"What are your pet peeves?" (what're) not "What is your pet peeves" (what's).

    When I mention that I have depression and they ask me "What do you have to be depressed about?"

    When I mention I have PTSD and people insensitively ask "What's the trauma?". Like anyone with PTSD enjoys talking about their traumatic experiences.

    People who tailgate me and get mad at me for driving the speed limit.
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    let's not forget the people that don't recycle.

    everyone's recycle bins should be FULL. lazy wasters...
  • Danger2OneSelf
    Danger2OneSelf Posts: 883 Member
    well, on here it is people who use this like a twitter site. you think they are going to be cool, instead they turn into being log obsessed with their daily life " I am going to the gym , bye all " " went to gym, had a great workout, going to make supper now" " made supper, it was good, going to do dishes now" "boy I went potty a lot today, all that water I guess "
    " going to go to bed, see you tomorrow !" ect.
    Yep, thats my biggest pet peeve on here.

    Well you would truly hate me. I fuking love this site with all my heart, I've never been so motivated to get my *kitten* in gear. So given that my friends are going to hear about it. I only post things related to fitness and/or my accomplishments, and I love to hear about my friends' accomplishments or complaints as well because that's what what this site is for! People that complain about hearing about their MFP friend's trip to the gym are my biggest pet peeve. What good are your friends here if your not willing listen to them talk about their feats in this journey (little or big)?
  • Danger2OneSelf
    Danger2OneSelf Posts: 883 Member
    Did I mention this site is freaking addictive! It makes it really hard to not tell you about the poo I took in the morning :laugh:
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    let's not forget the people that don't recycle.

    everyone's recycle bins should be FULL. lazy wasters...

    MMMhm me too! I work with a lot of people who throw a box away when literally all they have to do is a 180 to put it with the rest of the recycling boxes!
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member

    When I mention that I have depression and they ask me "What do you have to be depressed about?"

    Exactly why I never mention it to anyone, ever. I'd rather not hear the comments people have in regards to my mental state.
  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    Geez I could come up with a list
    1. Daughters not doing the dishes, their only chore
    2. Empty ice cube trays in the freezer
    3. Drinking all my water in the Brita pitcher and never refilling it
    4. someone parking in my spot
    5. children covering every flat surface in my house with their crap
    6. Eating my packed lunch, when the refrigerator is filled with food
    7. Drinking out of my glass
    Guess I will stop there but could come up with many many more

    Six of those seven can be fixed with a leather belt across their bottom. :wink:
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Bad grammar.
    *"What are your pet peeves?" (what're) not "What is your pet peeves" (what's).

    When I mention that I have depression and they ask me "What do you have to be depressed about?"

    When I mention I have PTSD and people insensitively ask "What's the trauma?". Like anyone with PTSD enjoys talking about their traumatic experiences.

    People who tailgate me and get mad at me for driving the speed limit.

    Or they say, " but you look normal...". Like people with PTSD turn into little green men.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Bad grammar.
    *"What are your pet peeves?" (what're) not "What is your pet peeves" (what's).

    When I mention that I have depression and they ask me "What do you have to be depressed about?"

    When I mention I have PTSD and people insensitively ask "What's the trauma?". Like anyone with PTSD enjoys talking about their traumatic experiences.

    People who tailgate me and get mad at me for driving the speed limit.

    Or they say, " but you look normal...". Like people with PTSD turn into little green men.

    :laugh: I've never gotten that one before!

    That's another pet peeve too. When people think you're going to act especially sad or whatever just because you have depression or another mental illness. Obviously I've had plenty of time to learn to act "normal", despite how I feel inside.
  • anniemjay
    anniemjay Posts: 10 Member
    This peeve actually involves pets.

    !) My old roommate and my brother's family does this:

    We are eating dinner, someone finishes eating, then gives the plate to the dog to lick! Yuck! my meal just got ruined after seeing the dog slobber all over the plates. I bought my own plates when my roommate did that.
    I love pets! Its not that. I just think they have their own bowl and their own food.

    2) the smell of cigarette smoke. I go out jogging in Waikiki at 5:30 AM and so many people are smoking! even at that time. I try to stay away from it, but if I gets in my face, that makes me sooo mad. I can also smell it when the person in the car in front of me in bumper to bumper traffic is smoking. My windows are rolled down since my air conditioner broke. Oh and don't even mention cigars. I can smell that a mile away. It makes me nauseous.

    3) The birds that poop all over my balcony railing and scream loud outside my bedroom window before my alarm goes off. I need to find something to scare them away. I try throwing pillows at the window to scare them. Sometimes I have to actually get up, yell out the window and go back to bed. I feel like a crazy women doing that. I tried putting an owl out there. That didn't work. I put aluminum foil around the railings. I strung CDs from the railing. It all works for a short while, then stops. i even bought some of those pinwheels. they just broke after the sun weakened them. If anyone has suggestions let me know:)
  • Bastiencade
    1) People who say "praying for you" like it's something nice. Some of us don't believe in prayer, and it only makes me feel like the person saying it is an idiot.

    2) People who talk in movie theatres

    3) People who text you when they have nothing to talk about
  • Sockimobi
    Sockimobi Posts: 541
    Totally myself. No one can piddle me off more than I can pee myself off. I annoy the heck out of me.

    Everyone else is fine.
  • brandon0523
    brandon0523 Posts: 516
    Beautiful but yet stupid women..
    late people
    and people who corul in the squat rack or do abs on my bench
  • alovesopure
    alovesopure Posts: 610
    People on cell phones!!! I could elaborate but I could go on and on about how rude it is lol
  • underthecherrytree
    underthecherrytree Posts: 532 Member
    Liars- HATE them
    People who brag a lot
    People who crunch loudly (especially ice!)
    Cracking knuckles