Whats your pet peeves?



  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    untied shoes. I work at a daycare, I can not stand seeing any child walking around with laces untied.
    not flushing the toilet, or leaving a clogged toilet for someone else.
  • bethabethh
    bethabethh Posts: 14 Member
    Panty lines --- haha -- not sure why it bugs me so much, but it does. Ladies --- wear a thong :laugh:

    People who would rather play on their smart phone than socialize with the people around them. (There are always a few in the room at the same time. The more people playing on their phone the more it bugs me).

    Funny topic.....thanks.....it has entertained me for the night :tongue:
    you try wearing a thong
  • Flugangst
    Flugangst Posts: 98 Member
    Tail gaters.

    That's all. :)
  • People who camp in the left lane and don't move over when they're supposed to. People who drive side by side in the middle of nowhere blocking traffic all the while using the self righteous "i'm going the speed limit" excuse.

    Borderline criminal overuse of quote marks in emails. I work with a couple of people who write things like: Today we are having a "meet and greet" in the upstairs "break" room. So let's all get together and "socialize" ... etc. Grrrr!

    Irregardless... it isn't a word.

    Dethaw. I love to respond with "it's already dethawed and it's called frozen". :)

    Yelling into a cell phone as if it were a system of soup cans connected by string. 90% of cell phone usage is done in an inconsiderate fashion.

    People who wait until all of their groceries are scanned and they are told their total to bother digging for their checkbook to start writing a check. Who the hell uses checks for retail transactions anyway?! At least be ready to just plug in the amount... and have your drivers license ready.
  • BigAlfrn
    BigAlfrn Posts: 173 Member
    People that cant park. That grinds my gears
  • xoEmmyBxo
    xoEmmyBxo Posts: 10

    Hahaa , Iseewhatyoudidthere
  • IllianaIman
    IllianaIman Posts: 131
    where to start????? :grumble:
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    guys who disrespect woman. I see so much of that around here.
  • 2143661
    2143661 Posts: 566 Member
    Ugly eyebrows
    People who drag their feet when they walk...seriously how lazy can you be?
    People that come to work sick as hell!
    People who don't cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze.
    Really long finger nails and toes nails.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    People that come into my store shop for hours before I notice they left their dog in the car,its TX its hot.

    People that hound us for a job,then complain about the pay,complain about getting enough hours then call in sick every other day. Those are the people that get knocked down to 10 hours a week real fast.
    Retail sucks I know this,but these people are making more than they were when they were not working,they knew what the job paid when they took it......shut the *kitten* up and do your job.
  • girlsaint
    girlsaint Posts: 209 Member
    I really get this. My daughter has no children at the moment, and gets seriously annoyed with the Mommy-set and all of the trappings of motherhood. She is just at a different place in her life, and was raised by me--who refused to talk baby-talk to her, and found that the whole social mommy scene is quite awful for someone who never feels like they fit in. I have avoided at all costs play-groups and whatnot, so her aversion to children and sticky things and gymboree is probably genetic. It's probably not a blanket statement about those groups to not like to be around them, more of a personal preference to not be surrounded by "fluff". To each their own.

    edited to add, this was supposed to quote the lady that doesnt like stepping on goldfish crackers lol
  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 396 Member
    women that tie an expensive scarf around their Coach purse handle and then proceed to leave their purse on every tabletop for people to see...it's so....pretentious for starters AND I don't want your germbag close to my stuff or food!

    pet peeve - MOTHERS OF BABIES AND TODDLERS. have to hit an all time nerve with me! I hate goldfish crackers under my shoes, I hate their stupid mom-stroller exercise groups at the park, I hate the baby plastic containers and organic juice boxes, and I hate more than anything when you tell me their kid is a friggin' Einstein at 8 months old. I really really hate other mothers.

    oh wait, you said pet peeves...yeah i hate hair left on my bathroom floor. ooops.
    Hah you just described me. Cool now I have an MFP enemy.

    me too! :drinker:
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    People who cut in line.....:angry:
    I'll punch a guy into next week for this.

    HA! This one made me think of the father of my sister's friend. He was standing in a line and some woman cut in front of him and declared "I'M IN A HURRY!" He calmly responded "Is your broom double parked?"
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 324 Member
    - When people leave a load of washed clothes in the washing machine

    - When people say "Bless you" after I sneeze even though they know I'm not religious. I always feel obligated to say "Thank you" because I'm polite.

    - Staunch hardcore Republicans and when they try to push their narrow-minded political views on me

    - Emo kids.

    - Walking onto a wet bathmat while wearing socks. Wet socks are the worst thing in the world to me.

    - The color pink

    - Improper usage of you're/your and their/they're/there

    - Improper usage of apostrophes (some idiots would say apostrophe's)

    - Poor spelling

    - High Fructose Corn Syrup

    - When people don't properly bathe or keep their infants and toddlers clean (sticky fingers, faces, and dirty clothes are the worse)

    - People that constantly breathe from their mouths

    - When people sexualize their children. I've noticed a lot of people on social networking sites that post a picture of their cute little babies doing something adorable but put the caption as "I'm sexy and I know it."
  • 2143661
    2143661 Posts: 566 Member
    - When people leave a load of washed clothes in the washing machine

    - When people say "Bless you" after I sneeze even though they know I'm not religious. I always feel obligated to say "Thank you" because I'm polite.

    - Staunch hardcore Republicans and when they try to push their narrow-minded political views on me

    - Emo kids.

    - Walking onto a wet bathmat while wearing socks. Wet socks are the worst thing in the world to me.

    - The color pink

    - Improper usage of you're/your and their/they're

    - Improper usage of apostrophes (some idiots would say apostrophe's)

    - Poor spelling

    - High Fructose Corn Syrup

    - When people don't properly bathe or keep their infants and toddlers clean (sticky fingers, faces, and dirty clothes are the worse)

    - People that constantly breathe from their mouths

    - When people sexualize their children. I've noticed a lot of people on social networking sites that post a picture of their cute little babies doing something adorable but put the caption as "I'm sexy and I know it."

    ugh i sit right next to a heavy mouth breather, it's so annoying!!
  • fit4lyfeLisa
    fit4lyfeLisa Posts: 529 Member
    Slow drivers
    Fake friends
    People who call and text at all hours of the night
    People who don't use punctuation
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    pet peeve - MOTHERS OF BABIES AND TODDLERS. have to hit an all time nerve with me! I hate goldfish crackers under my shoes, I hate their stupid mom-stroller exercise groups at the park, I hate the baby plastic containers and organic juice boxes, and I hate more than anything when you tell me their kid is a friggin' Einstein at 8 months old. I really really hate other mothers.

    Add to this, the yoga pants women dropping their kids off at school in the mornings. They stand around with each other drinking their Starbucks, in ther yoga pants. Do they ever go workout? I dunno, it's a mystery. They don't look like it.
  • caberselli
    caberselli Posts: 34 Member
    Other people's ill-mannered pets. I don't want your animal on my lap or sniffing my hoo-ha. Then I hate myself for saying, "It's okay, I don't mind."
  • People who start their responses with "Quite honestly, I think....".

    My expectation is that you are being honest. Not only is it annoying filler, but it makes me think that when you DON'T say it then you are not being honest with me.

    This guy two offices down from me... I must hear him say it 10 times a day. Drives me crazy.
  • SMJ1987
    SMJ1987 Posts: 368

    pet peeve - MOTHERS OF BABIES AND TODDLERS. have to hit an all time nerve with me! I hate goldfish crackers under my shoes, I hate their stupid mom-stroller exercise groups at the park, I hate the baby plastic containers and organic juice boxes, and I hate more than anything when you tell me their kid is a friggin' Einstein at 8 months old. I really really hate other mothers.
