What would you tell your younger self?



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,248 Member
    Don't pick at that scab... it WILL leave a scar. :grumble:

    You can too run. You just need to learn how. Go slower.

    You're going to love how you look at 40. Except for that scar from the scab you picked. Right between your eyebrows.
  • sam2674
    sam2674 Posts: 55 Member
    Don't marry that *kitten*.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    1. There is a statute of limitations on your childhood traumas, and it has likely expired. (I can never remember where I heard this, but I think it's a wonderful thing to keep in mind.)
    2. "Reason" and "excuse" are not synonyms. You often don't get to choose reasons, but only your choice can turn them into excuses.

    3. Life is all about choices. You alone are responsible for yours, and every single one will have consequences-- some good, some bad, some really, really bad. Approach everything with this in mind.
  • beinggood
    beinggood Posts: 36
    I wouldn't go near my younger self... I would be tempted to mess everything up by giving advice, which would alter the path I've walked. There were very painful places in my life, and looking back, they were necessary to forge the steely woman I am today. If I were able to go back, simple self preservation would spur me to reach out to my younger self, but that would be counterproductive to building the character and integrity I have today because of my past trials. And, with no exaggeration, my life is very, very difficult today. I would never be able to pull it off if a moment of my past were easy. I am in a good place now, where the work is hard but so rewarding that is surpasses my wildest imaginings. I have purpose to my life and I collapse in bed every night, exhausted. That produces a contentment that I would wager could not be matched any other way.
    LOVE THAT!!!! :laugh:
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    as a teenager - he's a loser, keep it up and you'll miss your chance for the college experience. College after kids is harder!
    as a young adult (20s) - the debt WILL bite you in the *kitten*, stop spending beyond your means
  • Westerville_Willie
    Going to the racetrack is not a good way to spend your time.
  • thebaconbeast
    thebaconbeast Posts: 560 Member
    Since I am my younger-self currently in relation to an older version of myself I wouldn't say anything at all because I would always know what was going to be said or what has been said: so no so no discussion is necessary.
  • keithgi
    keithgi Posts: 96 Member
    1. When you're in school don't focus on girls, focus on your studies. You're too young to do anything about them anyway, so you might as well be making the most of your time. There's time for them later.
    2. Go to the biggest, most well known university you can afford. There's a reason it is large and well known and you local college is not. (In conjunction w/this see #1.
    3. Stay out of debt. If you absolutely must go into debt, keep the amount as low as possible and pay it off as soon as possible.
    4. Have a financial plan. As Warren Buffet says, 'Save first then spend what's left'.
    5. Have a plan for your life with checkpoints and milestones. Life will change your initial plan, but a plan will keep you focused, on the right path and it is much better than reacting to events as they happen.

    I'm sure there are others, but this is a good start.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Don't quit just because it's hard.
  • 1969ned
    1969ned Posts: 219
    spend as much time with your mum as you possibly can - while you can
  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    Get off your big butt and move. Go experience the world out there so much to see and do and so little time. (yes this is what i tell my kids, no not the big butt thing as they don't have what there mother does)
  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member
    After you hook up the Atari 2600, it needs to be on Channel 3.

    Also, buy as much stock in Apple as you can afford. Sure, it seems stupid now, but I'll thank me later.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    The world isn't scary. No matter what your mother believes or has said. Just get OUT there and live for pities sake.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,841 Member
    You are really hot, go round naked all the time, get to London, sleep with film stars and footballers and take the pill so you don't get knocked up,

    That is all
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    save your money..
    enjoy your life.. live it
    follow your dreams... no matter what.
  • jammet80
    jammet80 Posts: 96 Member
    You are beautiful! Be confident! Appreciate your youth and being single! Don't be a nurse!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I would tell myself much, and my younger self to heed the warnings and take the advice.
    And then he'd go out and screw up his life but in some other ways.
    Best to just leave well enough alone.
  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    Im' still young 37 years old. I would say work smarter not harder
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    lol Even though I am only 18, I would still tell my younger self to relax! I spent way too much time stressing over little things that really didn't matter in the long run! Thankfully I learned this early in my life!
  • allisonmrn
    allisonmrn Posts: 721 Member
    Baby oil is not an "awesome way to tan" and peroxide is not a substitute for highlights at the salon. Your neon jelly shoes are hideous, stop wearing them!!! Finally, please stop using Aqua net to create "totally tubular" bangs....NOT COOL, LOL.... :smile: