What would you tell your younger self?



  • Jay_Jay_
    Jay_Jay_ Posts: 194 Member
    Stop eating cupcakes and start eating bacon.
  • TheDreadPirateRoberts
    TheDreadPirateRoberts Posts: 225 Member
    Dont try that alcohol stuff... it will cost you no end of money over your life with little to show for it aside from a hazy recollection of frequent trips to the toilet.

    Dont be so damned shy. Those women actually ARE looking at you and not some other guy.

    Dont marry the person you did.

    Dont listen to your catholic parents who later became Jehovah's Witnesses and who ensured you spent your formative years wracked with guilt for so much as lookin at a woman that you weren't married to.

    Work harder at school you're actually a lot smarter than you realise.

    Dont pull out just ahead of that car.... that instinctive feeling that something is going to go wrong just before you did is right... in fact just trust that "feeling" a lot more, it tends to know better than you do.

    Live more, worry less.
  • mandiemma
    mandiemma Posts: 128 Member
    Do NOT listen to that little voice in your head that says "oh i have a great metabolism" --> no you don't! you worked on a farm growing up and now while in Uni you sit on your *kitten* and its going to catch up to you... get off ur *kitten* and run!
  • TheDreadPirateRoberts
    TheDreadPirateRoberts Posts: 225 Member
    Oh and main point would be "Buy Apple shares... all you can afford and then buy more"... while waiting, develop a social networking site.... call it Facebook...
  • _Thanatos_
    _Thanatos_ Posts: 166
    I'd tell myself to quit eating so damn much or else you'd get fat and disgusting and then no one would want you. I finally fixed that problem though.. but it would've been nicer to catch it sooner than later.
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    1) Listen to your orthopedist. Don't do gymnastics until you're 45. It'll come back to haunt you real soon. :angry:
    2) Find another way to burn calories besides gymnastics. :brokenheart:
    3) Don't eat the same portions as your husband, no matter how good it tastes. :grumble:
    4) Go back to doing gymnastics. You're gaining too much weight! :tongue:
  • lisawants2bskinny
    lisawants2bskinny Posts: 21 Member
    to not worry so much, what matters today won't matter tomorrow. Also.... your parent's are usually generally right. Spend more time with your grandparents, run more - one day it won't be as easy. Enjoy life and never sell your girl friends out for your boyfriend. Save your money!!!! :)
  • krissyliz78
    krissyliz78 Posts: 181 Member
    DONT DO IT....When it came to marrying my x husband!!
  • yogsvr4
    yogsvr4 Posts: 149 Member
    Call the FBI - I have lots of things they're going to want to know.
  • mali240
    mali240 Posts: 126
    Oh and main point would be "Buy Apple shares... all you can afford and then buy more"... while waiting, develop a social networking site.... call it Facebook...

  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    Do your Kegels.


    Dooo them.
  • ScubyUK
    ScubyUK Posts: 271 Member
    Don't put up with the bullies, report the fu**ers despite their threats.
    There's nothing wrong with being Gay, at least admit it to yourself and don't be afraid of what it means.
    Get the paper route, but not the bags of M&Ms to munch while doing the route.
    Don't get a credit card at 18, your Mum's philosophy to money is right, your Dad's is wrong!
    When you start working, stay out of debt, start a pension plan and get a mortgage. Less now is more later!
    Patent a diskless music playback device.
    Whatever happens take the job in Angola, it'll suck living there for 2 years, but the friends you make in South Africa because of it will be the best friends you'll ever have.
    Don't hire P*** K*****, the little kiss *kitten* will have you sidelined for 2 years and then you'll spend the next 18 months cleaning up the **** he leaves behind when he leaves.
  • cholibear
    cholibear Posts: 86
    He's not worth your tears.
    Follow your dreams; stay in school.
    Don't give up so fast.
    Smile more; worry less.
    Enjoy the young carefree years while you have them.
    Tell your siblings you love them more...
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    Get married assuming it's for life, but keep a separate bank account for when it proves not to be.

    This plus take better care of yourself
  • DrJackson6
    DrJackson6 Posts: 156 Member
    You are really hot, go round naked all the time, get to London, sleep with film stars and footballers and take the pill so you don't get knocked up,

    That is all

    Might want to add in a condom.
  • sweetmspea
    sweetmspea Posts: 87
    Learn to cut your losses and walk away, don’t waste your life stubbornly attempting to make things work that just don’t.

    Oh and put the fork down fatty.

    hahahaha....funny! But I totally agree with you!
  • amberm912
    amberm912 Posts: 85 Member
    I am only 23, but I feel much older than that, I had my daughter at the age of 17 and instantly grew up much faster than most people my age & I wouldn't trade a moment of it! :-)

    but I'd say this for then and even for now...

    Promise yourself:

    To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
    To talk about health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.
    To make all your friends feel that there is something worthwhile IN them
    To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
    To think ONLY of the best, to work ONLY for the best, and to expect ONLY the best!
    To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
    To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
    To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature you meet.
    To give so much time to improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others.
    To be to large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
    To think of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud word, but in great deeds.
    To live in the faith that the whole world is on your side, so long as you are true to the best that is in you!

    This was not written by me, but the moment I saw it I saved it on my phone and look at it everytime I need a kick in the butt.
    There is no reason to live one moment of your life unhappy, especially with yourself.
    As they say..."Be the change you want to see in the world."

    (told you i feel older than 23 lol):happy:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    I would tell myself to drop the fear.

    Fearless is the way to go... embracing fear is crippling.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Thanks to everyone that posted. I'm in my early 20s and a lot of this was good to hear, especially those regarding relationships.

    A few of mine:

    -I would tell my high school self that it was actually a good thing that I never dated. I had time to learn about myself and grow into a mature woman. I saved myself from a lot of heartbreak. And, having never felt the magic of a relationship, I was more content being single then than I am now. Very glad I waited, but I had self esteem issues because of it back then.

    -As a college freshman, I would tell myself to stay close to God when life is falling apart and keep friends that encourage my faith near. My mom had cancer, and it freaked me out. I had no support, was not going to God. And I was miserable.

    -Be honest with your parents when you've messed up or are feeling pathetic. They love you more than anything and you need their hugs.

    -And finally, a little over a year ago...break up with that boy! You see so many red flags and are making so many compromises. You love him, but that is not a reason to stay with someone that you can't see a future with.
  • TM2794
    TM2794 Posts: 51 Member
    I would tell my (few years) younger self that I'm not fat, and to see how attractive and fun i was. I would say stop trying to find the love of your life at 18. do NOT depend on anybody else to get you out of the hole you're in. go out more often! quit being so sad all the time, people love you so love yourself! i'd say a whole lot of other things, but they're way too personal.