Anyone wanna join? 30 Day Shred Today!



  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    What is your favorite and most hated exercises in Level 1? My favorite was the chest flies and I loathed the anterior raises with side lunges! (Which I think EVERYONE knows by now :laugh: )

    Congratulations on starting level 2! You can do this!
    I also distain those awful awful anterior raises - I think my favorite move might be the boxing!
  • kgsprenger
    kgsprenger Posts: 12 Member
    Well, I didn't realize you were supposed to wait until day 10 to do level 2 and did it today, my day 7. I also did level 2 because I had such a bad diet day (tuna melt and ice cream!) and I didn't do any other exercise today. It was tough. Lots of plank involved. I think I'll go back to level 1 tomorrow and do level 2 on day 10 again.

    But, I'm excited to weigh myself and measure myself soon! At my brother's suggestion, I've been taking pictures of myself each day to be able to look back and see a difference even if my scale doesn't work with me. Hopefully, the pictures and the scale will show a difference. :happy:
  • schauj1
    schauj1 Posts: 6
    I didn't have time to read through all the posts on here and I'm sure this has been asked already, so sorry.

    But I was planning on using youtube to do this workout, and I was wondering how often you are supposed to do it every week?
  • LaniCanDoIt
    Day 7 complete :smokin:
    Today I started to add the Butt Bible after I finished with 30DS, I heard of great result so I am going to add that to my routine along with the c25k, I hope I can handle all of these together. Luckily the c25k schedule alternates with the Butt Bible.
  • iCupCakeNZ
    iCupCakeNZ Posts: 228 Member
    Day 8 - level 1 of the shred DONE :D

    2 more days and I get to do level 2 SO PUMPED

    NSV- can finally do the final sit ups/ tricycle sit up thing with out pausing for a single second!
  • cat_s85
    cat_s85 Posts: 24 Member
    Today will be day 4 of level 1. Still struggling with some of the exercises, particularly strength. It takes me long enough to get into a squat position without adding weights!
    Just jumped on the scales I've lost 2 and a half pounds! A mixture of this and cutting back on calories for the last two weeks.

    Very motivated, thanks to this thread for bringing 30DS to my attention :bigsmile:
  • rachey_v
    rachey_v Posts: 127 Member
    What is your favorite and most hated exercises in Level 1? My favorite was the chest flies and I loathed the anterior raises with side lunges! (Which I think EVERYONE knows by now :laugh: )

    Congratulations on starting level 2! You can do this!
    I also distain those awful awful anterior raises - I think my favorite move might be the boxing!

    I too hate anterior raises, my arms cry! Also the skipping but only when it's straight after the jumping jacks, this really really makes my legs want to cramp. I pretty much love the rest though! (as much as a starter loves exercise anyway haha)
  • o2bfitnhealthy
    This sounds good. I have the 30day shred dvd and I will start on Sunday, 1st July. Hope I can do it, (Keep up with the workout)
    By the way I have only joined last night. I am 60 yrs of age and have approx 8kgs to lose. Been having a bit of a read around the forums and everyone is so supportive on here. Really pleased I found this site.
  • DonnaThw
    DonnaThw Posts: 9 Member
    Just started this DVD yesterday. Arms were sore today but powered on and did day 2 this arvo. Took before photos, so am very keen to see a difference at the end. Looking forward to seeing other before and after photos also. Good luck everyone. MORE POWER TO US !!!!!! :wink:
  • garbor16
    garbor16 Posts: 43 Member
    Well, I did Level 2 today, it was...... different! Definitely a bit more challenging, but I felt like the moves were a little bit more fun! Definitely more ab work in there this time, some of the moves were a little awkward, like the second strength circuit called pendulum lunges or something. I'm not altogether very coordinated so it took me a few seconds before I felt like I was doing the move properly. Can't wait to hear how you guys are doing and what you think! What is your favorite and most hated exercises in Level 1? My favorite was the chest flies and I loathed the anterior raises with side lunges! (Which I think EVERYONE knows by now :laugh: )

    Finshed Day 4, level one last night~ in this awful heat! ugh.
    Anterior raises with side lunges SUCK! LOL! I like the chest flies the best too. I actually add a little twist of the wrist,so your pinky fingers almost touch when meeting above your chest. Learned that from one of the Biggest Loser DVD's. Just gives that little extra oomph to the chest!
    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    Day three today for me.
    I've not done it yet but I hurt so much already from the first two days.

    My body says have a rest day but my heart and my head say push through.

    best option?
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    Does anyone else look like some sort of dying animal doing the bicycle crunches?
    I roll all over the place!
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    Day three today for me.
    I've not done it yet but I hurt so much already from the first two days.

    My body says have a rest day but my heart and my head say push through.

    best option?

    I think you should go ahead and do it! If you have to modify/simplify the movements here and there, go ahead. But sticking with it will make it more of a routine and that seems important. Even if you do look like a dying animal LOL That cracked me up.
    I'm sure i look ridiculous myself.

    Go for it!
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    Well, Day 10 of Level One is complete. I won't be exercising tomorrow (Saturday out of town) so I think I'll redo Day 10 on Sunday and then start LEVEL 2 on Monday. That sounds so scary!!

    In other news, I am HORRIFIED that I gained 3 pounds, especially since i started this I have tried to eat exceptionally well. I know, I know, it's just muscle water retention but still I almost screamed when I weighed in this morning. So darn frustrating! Looking forard to seeing that scale go DOWN and meanwhile hoping the tape measure will be a better friend to me.

    Be well, good luck with your workouts. Never surrender - Never give up!!!
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    Day three today for me.
    I've not done it yet but I hurt so much already from the first two days.

    My body says have a rest day but my heart and my head say push through.

    best option?

    I think you should go ahead and do it! If you have to modify/simplify the movements here and there, go ahead. But sticking with it will make it more of a routine and that seems important. Even if you do look like a dying animal LOL That cracked me up.
    I'm sure i look ridiculous myself.

    Go for it!

    I did it!
    Thank you.
    Feel great now.

    I don't think my dying animal was AS ill tonight :O)

  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    Well, Day 10 of Level One is complete. I won't be exercising tomorrow (Saturday out of town) so I think I'll redo Day 10 on Sunday and then start LEVEL 2 on Monday. That sounds so scary!!

    In other news, I am HORRIFIED that I gained 3 pounds, especially since i started this I have tried to eat exceptionally well. I know, I know, it's just muscle water retention but still I almost screamed when I weighed in this morning. So darn frustrating! Looking forard to seeing that scale go DOWN and meanwhile hoping the tape measure will be a better friend to me.

    Be well, good luck with your workouts. Never surrender - Never give up!!!

    Well done on this.
    Keep telling yourself it's water or muscle.
    I bet you look more toned already.
    I've done three of these and already I can see the effect it's going to have.

  • Sia_33
    Sia_33 Posts: 36 Member
    i started it today too. what else should i be doing besides the workout everyday. just 20 imnute of that is a killer as it but i have to shred. i do walking everyday.
  • Sia_33
    Sia_33 Posts: 36 Member
    well done. I started it today and hope results will show soon. let's do this together.
  • Sia_33
    Sia_33 Posts: 36 Member
    i started today and i hate the one where you bend side ways and lift the weights. i think it comes in the last set of circuit. i only use 1.1 weights but its a killer after a while. and also the bycyle one on the floor. ouch
  • Sia_33
    Sia_33 Posts: 36 Member
    well done.u've done really well. my problem is tomorrow i will have to wake up before my kids wake up and do the dvd. i don't like an audience when i workout at home.gym is different of course cuz we are all in the same boat. but making time at home with other people around is hard. plus my 8month old baby wakes up regularly over night. so waking up early is hard.