~ Clean Eaters Thread ~



  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    Hi everyone. I haven't been posting what I eat because I am so busy making it and eating it all the time that I never feel I get time for it! But I am going to try to start posting so that you guys can let me know how it looks. I'd appreciate anyone's input/advice and am specifically requesting yours, Jess. :)

    I am still having a problem making sure my net calories are at least 1200. Yesterday I ate 1400 calories but burned off 450, so my net was only 950. :( My average net calories per day for the past week is at, like, 1160. (I usually have a "cheat" meal/day like last Saturday when I ate the Chicago pizza w/ my BF -- so then I try to balance it out the rest of the remaining week).

    I guess I am not eating enough but I rarely feel hungry and when I do, I don't have any clean food around (even though I carry it around all the time!!) so I wait until I get home to eat all the stuff I've chopped and cooked etc.

    I am going to start putting a little more into every meal -- ex., a whole scoop of protein powder instead of half a scoop (I used to not like the taste but now it's fine). Maybe eat some veggies along with the chicken or turkey wrap I usually have for lunch. Any other suggestions on how I can make sure I meet all my calorie requirements?

    Hey girl!! Funny how similar we eat!! It looks like you answered your own question. Maybe just a little more to each meal? And I would add in some protein after your workout, you just had carb. Your body needs a combo of carb and protein (and good run too, go girl! :bigsmile: ). Cottage cheese and fruit would be a good combo. Try eating 3-4oz meat (that will add 30 cals an ounce of chicken). Maybe add a tsp. of olive oil to your salad (40 cals) for good fat. You're eating great, just try to get in a little more!! :drinker:

    I agree with the oil for your salad. Some vitamins (A, D, E, K if I remember correctly) are fat-soluble so they won't be absorbed w/out fat. I make a nice balsalmic dressing:

    2 tsp olive or walnut oil
    1 tsp balsalmic vinegar
    1 tsp dijon mustard
    salt, pepper.

  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Thank you, Jess and Astrid for the suggestions. I was always afraid of olive oil because of its high fat content but I know it's good fat so now I try to eat more of it. I also didn't think of chicken/protein after the run. I eat sooo much chicken and I start thinking I should strive for variety... but I guess there's no need to, right? Chicken at three different times in one day is fine? :laugh:

    Jess- I think we like the same kind of food and some of the food I eat, I learned from you -- when I first started at MFP some time ago, I had no idae what was nutritious and what wasn't, I thought cereal that said "whole grain" was nutritious. :laugh: And I ate a lot of "protein" bars and bars like Fiber One and Special K, and I ate a lot of "low fat"/ "low carb" foods, thinking it was healthy, not realizing about the chemicals and such. So it was easy for me to start eating some of the same things you eat since I liked them too. Other things I didn't think I would like very much - like oatmeal and protein powder, etc. - but now I love them.

    As for realistic goals - it's great that you've met yours and continue to meet them, very inspirational! I try not to compare myself to other women -- I feel healthier and think I look better than I have in a long time, although I'd still like to keep losing more weight. I just don't want to set myself up for thinking I can have these killer abs and these toned muscles, and then be disappointed! If there's one thing I've learned it's that the transformation takes awhile. I started feeling good right away and I know I"ve made progress but I have to remind myself to be patient because the numbers on the scale seem to inch more than they used to "slide right off" when I was on crash diets.
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Hi!! I'd like to join. On most days I am eating clean 80-90% of the time. I do take packets of instant oatmeal to work and I also use lite yogurt and bake with sugar once a week. The rest of my family is only at 50% and I am slowly switching things over for them.

    It's a very slow process to switch over from processed foods. I have been working on this since January. In April I also cut out all caffeine, red meat, cheese and milk per my Dr's recommendation.

    My next challenge is the sugar. That has always been my weakness.

    This is a great thread. I've already gathered a couple of breakfast recipe ideas!!
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    Im just starting to eat clean again, and it definitly works i have done it before and would like it to be a lifestyle change for me, i just have to keep on doing it. From Mid September to mid november i lost 15 lbs and i was so toned last year and then life got in the way and i gained again cuz i had stopped eating clean and working out. So yes Toscas books and cookbooks are GREAT, i own all of them, u can get them for cheap on amazon usually, i learned so much and the recipes are delicious!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Hi!! I'd like to join. On most days I am eating clean 80-90% of the time. I do take packets of instant oatmeal to work and I also use lite yogurt and bake with sugar once a week. The rest of my family is only at 50% and I am slowly switching things over for them.

    It's a very slow process to switch over from processed foods. I have been working on this since January. In April I also cut out all caffeine, red meat, cheese and milk per my Dr's recommendation.

    My next challenge is the sugar. That has always been my weakness.

    This is a great thread. I've already gathered a couple of breakfast recipe ideas!!

    Welcome, spiralgirl! It is a gradual process and it sounds like you're on the right path. Although I don't know if I could live without cheese! :wink: And I like my daily cup or two of coffee, although I've cut out the hazelnut creamer I used to use, along with most sugar.

    Good for you and keep up the good work!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Im just starting to eat clean again, and it definitly works i have done it before and would like it to be a lifestyle change for me, i just have to keep on doing it. From Mid September to mid november i lost 15 lbs and i was so toned last year and then life got in the way and i gained again cuz i had stopped eating clean and working out. So yes Toscas books and cookbooks are GREAT, i own all of them, u can get them for cheap on amazon usually, i learned so much and the recipes are delicious!

    Welcome wks777. I like to read the "clean eating" success stories. So you lost 15 pounds in one month? That is amazing. I try to lose 1 pound a week but it has been slow going... more like .8 pounds a week. :laugh: I don't know how much you had to lose at that time? I have also eaten clean before but recently got back to being dedicated about it. At that time I had about 15 pounds to lose and now I have about 11 pounds to lose. I've found that the weight comes off more slowly -- but at a more realistic pace -- with clean eating than with "crash dieting", and I feel like the weight loss is more consistent and that it will be long-term. I also find that I get a lot more toned and lose inches more quickly with clean eating, and feel way better!!, and to me all of this is more important than weight loss. But I have to admit I would *love* to lose these last 10 or so pounds I have been struggling with for years.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    OK, I haven't eaten enough today!! Had an eye Dr. appointment and didn't pack anything to eat!! Got some awesome deals at Kroger on organics though!! :bigsmile: Cascadian Farms Organic cereals and granola bars were on sale plus had coupons on the boxes. I got most of the cereal that was normally $3.99 for $1.99 or less!! :bigsmile: The granola bars are awesome for my kiddos lunches.

    Snack (bought at Kroger!):
    Apple Pie Larabar (need to remember to keep in my purse when I'm out!)

    1 c. plain yogurt + 1/2 c. blueberries + 1/2 c. strawberries
    1/4 c. Nature's Path Pumpkin Flax Granola
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    I am having a really stressful day. It doesn't help that it's almost TOM. I am having a big dispute with the neighbor of a townhouse I own but am renting out, more about parking issues than about my tenants, but he sure isn't being very nice to my tenants.

    I have so much to do today and I feel like there are just not enough hours in one day. I am so busy and it is really hard to prepare 5-6 clean meals every single day. I love the way my body feels when I eat clean and I want to keep this up. But it is draining!! It is a lot more food than I used to eat and it requires a lot more preparation and planning. Does anyone else feel this way?

    I had a hard workout class over lunch which made me feel way better. But boy do I feel like eating Coldstone and drinking a margarita. I won't!!! But I sure feel like it. :'( I guess I am still not over turning to my old ways of coping with stress.
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    I'm sorry you're feeling a bit overwhelmed today
    my semester starts tomorrow so I will pretty quickly be in the same boat.:angry:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Morning snack:
    1 c. plain yogurt + 1/2 c. blueberries + 1/4 c. Nature's Path Pumpkin Flax Granola

    Lunch: (tuna salad)
    3 oz romaine, 1/2 c. peas, 1/2 oz matchstick carrots, 1/2 c. garbanzo beans, 2oz tuna,
    1 hard boiled egg, 1 tsp. olive oil and balsamic

    And... made cream cheese banana bread (it's cleaner, but still has some sugar in it!)
    And my 10yo made peanut butter blossom cookies. NONE for me, not even a lick of the spoon. :bigsmile:

    Jess, I'm sorry if I missed this somewhere, but I'm very intrigued by the sound of cream cheese banana bread:love: ... would you mind sharing the recipe? :flowerforyou:
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    I'm sorry you're feeling a bit overwhelmed today
    my semester starts tomorrow so I will pretty quickly be in the same boat.:angry:

    Sorry to hear that. I know that I would probably be feeling even *more* stressed if it weren't for clean eating and exercise. I just wish I had a personal chef to cook healthy meals for me, ha ha ha. I am not a domestic person or a cook or food person, etc., by nature, so this is really hard for me. I always used to eat out, eat fast food, eat a bowl of cereal or ice cream or chips and salsa after work because it was easiest, etc.

    My boyfriend, who I live with, is really sweet and he just asked me if there's anything he can do to help. The other night he grilled a bunch of chicken on the patio while I made green beans in the kitchen. So I think if we can do that a little more often and I can put the leftovers in tupperware and freeze them etc., it will help me manage everything better. I will just have to devote more of my free time to preparing the food in advance, because it is stressful trying to do it every morning or going home for lunch AND working out, etc.

    I'm also wondering if maybe I shouldn't worry about tracking every little calorie. That seems to take up a lot of time and I know I will lose weight naturally if I just keep eating clean. But then I get anal and anxious that I will want to look back and see what I've eaten and it won't be there!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    is the Hidden Valley Ranch (dry) seasoning mix ok? i am thinking of making it for veggie dippin, ingredients listed around 15, but states "NO PRESERVATIVES? i was going to mix it with Greek yogurt...or is there a better, cleaner option? thanks in advance! :tongue:
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    you could try fresh snipped dill or chives...or even plain dried herbs instead of a packet--there may sugar in addition to high levels of sodium in the packet of ranch dressing.

    yesterday I made this yogurt dip called souvlaki that I found online:
    1/2 cup greek yogurt
    2 oz feta cheese
    1 tbsp olive oil
    1 tbsp fresh dill or 1/4 tsp dried
    1 garlic clove

    Mix it all together and enjoy.
  • SusieSonshine
    SusieSonshine Posts: 252 Member
    Hi!! I'd like to join. On most days I am eating clean 80-90% of the time. I do take packets of instant oatmeal to work and I also use lite yogurt and bake with sugar once a week. The rest of my family is only at 50% and I am slowly switching things over for them.

    It's a very slow process to switch over from processed foods. I have been working on this since January. In April I also cut out all caffeine, red meat, cheese and milk per my Dr's recommendation.

    My next challenge is the sugar. That has always been my weakness.

    This is a great thread. I've already gathered a couple of breakfast recipe ideas!!

    Hi Spiralgirl!

    Sugar was my weakness too... until I had a heart attack! It's interesting, cuz I've been into fitness and nutrition since I was 16, and I KNEW better about the sugar! tsk tsk! After the heart attack, I joined MFP, as opposed to another site I used to use, and then one of the posters turned us on to the video that's in my signature: Sugar: The Bitter Truth. Ohhh myyyy goshhhh! Like I said, I always knew that sugar was poison, but Dr. Lustig lays it out better than ANYONE I've ever heard!

    Welcome to MFP Clean Eaters!! Hugsssssssssssssssssss!

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Jess, I'm sorry if I missed this somewhere, but I'm very intrigued by the sound of cream cheese banana bread:love: ... would you mind sharing the recipe? :flowerforyou:

    I don't think I shared it here. It still has sugar in it, but it's a pretty good treat for my kids. They LOVE it and everyone I've ever made it for doesn't realize it has healthy ingredients in it!! :laugh:


    This has been a favorite here for ages!! I'll share the original recipe and then the changes that I have made.

    1 cup sugar
    1 (8oz) pkg cream cheese, softened
    2 ripe bananas
    2 eggs
    2 cups baking mix (such as Bisquick)
    1/2 c. chocolate chips
    1/2 c. nuts

    My healthier version:
    1/2 c. sugar/ 1/2 c. brown sugar
    1 (8oz) pkg 1/3 less fat cream cheese, softened (or can even use fat free)
    2 ripe bananas
    1/2 c. eggbeaters
    1 c. whole wheat flour, 1 c. old fashioned oatmeal, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. baking soda, and dash salt (or Aunt Jemima makes a whole grain pancake mix that you can use also)
    3 T. cocoa powder (optional, my kids love that they look more chocolatey!)
    1/2 c. mini semi-sweet chocolate chips (optional)
    1/2 c. chopped walnuts (optional)
    3 T. ground flaxseed, 3 T. wheat germ (also optional, but adds some good nutrition that no one notices! LOL)

    Cream sugar & cream cheese in bowl. Beat in bananas & eggs. Add in dry ingredients & mix well.

    Pour into 5 x 9" pan. Can also be made into muffins. (only cook about 20 min though if making muffins!)

    Bake at 350 degrees for 55 min- 1 hour or until done. (and I almost always make a double batch, it goes fast!)

    I don't have the cal count figured, but if anyone makes it and figures it out, let me know!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Sugar was my weakness too... until I had a heart attack! It's interesting, cuz I've been into fitness and nutrition since I was 16, and I KNEW better about the sugar! tsk tsk! After the heart attack, I joined MFP, as opposed to another site I used to use, and then one of the posters turned us on to the video that's in my signature: Sugar: The Bitter Truth. Ohhh myyyy goshhhh! Like I said, I always knew that sugar was poison, but Dr. Lustig lays it out better than ANYONE I've ever heard!

    Welcome to MFP Clean Eaters!! Hugsssssssssssssssssss!


    Me too! I was a total carb-o-holic. I ate everything fat free for so long thinking I was eating healthy! That was when Snackwells and the other fat free stuff was popular (which is soooo high in sugar!!).

    Anyway, I *gave up* sugar too, and am much heathier because of it! :flowerforyou:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Busy day here!!

    The rest of my day...

    Snack (with kiddos):
    1 c. Cascadian Farms Oragnic Cinnamon Crunch cereal (this tastes just like Cinnamon toast crunch!)
    4 oz milk

    3oz hamburger w/ 1 slice sharp white cheddar in La tortilla low-carb tortilla w/ mustard & pickles (YUM!)
    Cucumbers marinated in vinegar w/ onions

    My homemade sugar-free hot cocoa made w/ skim milk

    Cals a little lower today:
    1,731 (193 left w/ exercise cals, but it's too late to snack now! :wink: )
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    Im just starting to eat clean again, and it definitly works i have done it before and would like it to be a lifestyle change for me, i just have to keep on doing it. From Mid September to mid november i lost 15 lbs and i was so toned last year and then life got in the way and i gained again cuz i had stopped eating clean and working out. So yes Toscas books and cookbooks are GREAT, i own all of them, u can get them for cheap on amazon usually, i learned so much and the recipes are delicious!

    Welcome wks777. I like to read the "clean eating" success stories. So you lost 15 pounds in one month? That is amazing. I try to lose 1 pound a week but it has been slow going... more like .8 pounds a week. :laugh: I don't know how much you had to lose at that time? I have also eaten clean before but recently got back to being dedicated about it. At that time I had about 15 pounds to lose and now I have about 11 pounds to lose. I've found that the weight comes off more slowly -- but at a more realistic pace -- with clean eating than with "crash dieting", and I feel like the weight loss is more consistent and that it will be long-term. I also find that I get a lot more toned and lose inches more quickly with clean eating, and feel way better!!, and to me all of this is more important than weight loss. But I have to admit I would *love* to lose these last 10 or so pounds I have been struggling with for years.
    Not a month mid sept to mid nov approx 2 months, i went from 150 to 135, i wish i would have stayed on track cuz i would have definitly reached my goal by now but life happens so i will just keep on trucking and start all over again. I think i lost so much cuz it was such a lifestyle change, i ate horrible before and never worked out so doing such a dramatic change i lost alot of weight quickly but really it was only approx 2 lbs a week which is average. I completely agree with u, if u crash diet its unrealistic that u will keep it off, thats why im all about clean eating cuz its not a diet its a lifestyle, and u really do feel healthier and have more energy. Good luck to u!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Jess, I'm sorry if I missed this somewhere, but I'm very intrigued by the sound of cream cheese banana bread:love: ... would you mind sharing the recipe? :flowerforyou:

    I don't think I shared it here. It still has sugar in it, but it's a pretty good treat for my kids. They LOVE it and everyone I've ever made it for doesn't realize it has healthy ingredients in it!! :laugh:


    This has been a favorite here for ages!! I'll share the original recipe and then the changes that I have made.

    1 cup sugar
    1 (8oz) pkg cream cheese, softened
    2 ripe bananas
    2 eggs
    2 cups baking mix (such as Bisquick)
    1/2 c. chocolate chips
    1/2 c. nuts

    My healthier version:
    1/2 c. sugar/ 1/2 c. brown sugar
    1 (8oz) pkg 1/3 less fat cream cheese, softened (or can even use fat free)
    2 ripe bananas
    1/2 c. eggbeaters
    1 c. whole wheat flour, 1 c. oatmeal, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. baking soda, and dash salt (or Aunt Jemima makes a whole grain pancake mix that you can use also)
    3 T. cocoa powder (optional, my kids love that they look more chocolatey!)
    1/2 c. mini semi-sweet chocolate chips (optional)
    1/2 c. chopped walnuts (optional)
    3 T. ground flaxseed, 3 T. wheat germ (also optional, but adds some good nutrition that no one notices! LOL)

    Cream sugar & cream cheese in bowl. Beat in bananas & eggs. Add in dry ingredients & mix well.

    Pour into 5 x 9" pan. Can also be made into muffins. (only cook about 20 min though if making muffins!)

    Bake at 350 degrees for 55 min- 1 hour or until done. (and I almost always make a double batch, it goes fast!)

    I don't have the cal count figured, but if anyone makes it and figures it out, let me know!

    Thanks, Jess. I'm a banana bread (and cream cheese) junkie!! I plan on trying it soon- I'll let you know how it is, what the nutrition info is- I love figuring that stuff out!

    Quick question: Could rolled oats be used as oatmeal? I know they're similar, but are they the same, or should I buy the plan quaker that comes in the cardboard canister? I'm not very good with my oatmeal jargon :laugh:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Thanks, Jess. I'm a banana bread (and cream cheese) junkie!! I plan on trying it soon- I'll let you know how it is, what the nutrition info is- I love figuring that stuff out!

    Quick question: Could rolled oats be used as oatmeal? I know they're similar, but are they the same, or should I buy the plan quaker that comes in the cardboard canister? I'm not very good with my oatmeal jargon :laugh:

    Yes, when I said oatmeal I meant the old fashioned rolled Quaker oats. :bigsmile: Let me know if you figure out the cal count. I know I did at one time, but didn't write it down! Everyone that I make this for asks me for the recipe, so it's a popular one! :bigsmile: