~ Clean Eaters Thread ~



  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Tomorrow is my official weekly weigh-in day. I will also take my measurements tomorrow although I've been taking them on Wednesdays - but I didn't want to today due to bloating from it being my TOM. I hope that doesn't affect my weight tomorrow -- hopefully it will be all gone.

    This is what I ate/exercised yesterday:

    8:30 am -
    3/4 cup oatmeal
    1/2 cup skim milk
    Sm amt Nature's Path Flaxplus Pumpkin Raisin Crunch
    1/2 scoop choc. protein powder
    25 blueberries

    (This was a bit more oatmeal than I usually eat and extremely filling. I wasn't hungry at all all morning.)

    11:30 am -
    Low fat low carb tortilla wrap
    About 2.5 oz grilled chicken tenderloin
    1 oz jalapeno gauda cheese
    Assorted grilled peppers

    Workout: 12:10 pm -
    Muscle Hour - Intense full body workout w/ weights & conditioning.
    45 minutes.

    1:45 pm -
    Grilled tilapia fillet
    Cucumber slices
    Baby carrots
    With lemon squirted on top
    (I am going to buy some olive oil for dressing)

    3 pm -
    About 30 Grapes
    4 strawberries

    6 pm -
    1 cup plain nonfat yogurt
    25 almonds
    20 blueberries
    1 pear

    9 pm -
    About 1.5 oz grilled chicken tenderloin
    3/4 cup fresh green beans
    1 tbsp pumpkin seeds
    Sm amt shredded cheese
    Sm amt leftover assorted grilled peppers

    (Here comes my non-clean cheat :P):
    1 serving (13 chips) tortilla chips and 2 tbsp salsa
    (They weren't even baked. My boyfriend and I ate them while we watched TV and I vegged out because I had been feeling crappy all day.)

    8 glasses of water
    (Vic, I'm not sure how many liters this is?? I'm bad at conversions. I will have to look into it)
    1 cup black coffee
    1 cup hot tea w/ 1/2 tbsp honey

    All together I ate 1850 calories and 126g of protein. I burned 550 calories for a net calorie amount of 1300. I try to keep this closer to 1200-1250, but the day before I was under net calories. I was also really hungry all day yesterday due to it being my TOM. So all in all I am pleased although the tortilla chips were definitely a splurge.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    for those of you who have been eating clean for a while, how soon is it that you start feeling the results? just curious. i tried yesterday and was pretty good for the most part. today i wake with a little less 'fog' and my body doesn't feel as achy?? i have to say this is very time consuming, but i am so very interested....and on ch 6 of JM MYM. she does a pretty good job of explaining the wha't and why's. we have Walmart, Target, Sam's, Hy-Vee, Aldi's and Fareway's here. I need to check out all the organics available at each one. kinda excited to get my 'new' groceries. i think too, maybe a meal at time is going to be the best for me and my family. it is a bit overwhelming, so will take some time to adjust. i just am happy you guys are here and have offered so much help already. THANKS! so, here is my brkfst the last 2 days...tell me if i did ok?

    1/2 c 100 % oatmeal w/
    1/2 c. 2% milk ( i will be gettin skim soon)
    7 walnut halves
    1 tbsp ground flaxseed
    1/2 c. frozen blueberries

    unbelievable how filling it is! :tongue:

    hope you are all having a great Wed! will check in later!

    It is exciting to get new healthy foods!! I went back to Kroger today for MORE of the Cascadian Farms cereals and granola bars. My kids loved them so much and for the price, I can't beat it!! :bigsmile:

    That's an awesome breakfast. You have good carb, good fat, good protein, and the blueberries are an awesome antioxidant fruit! I know on days (not often, I eat my usual breakfast nearly every day!) that I don't eat my usual oatmeal, I get hungry much faster and end up eating more later in the day.

    Oh, and I noticed a difference in the first week! And I can really tell when I eat out at a restaurant. Things taste so much saltier and I just don't enjoy it like I used to!!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hello CE's!! I'm back!

    Pre-2nd workout snack: (had a fun crazy workout at the Y w/ a friend. Used the stepper, elliptical, then swam and did pullups on the side of the pool, hopped out for pushups, etc)
    1 c. Organic Clifford Crunch cereal (100 cals and 5g fiber!!)
    2 oz skim milk

    Cherry Pie Larabar

    4oz chicken breast, 1 hard boiled egg
    Broccoli, cauli, and carrots w/ vinaigrette & salsa
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Tomorrow is my official weekly weigh-in day. I will also take my measurements tomorrow although I've been taking them on Wednesdays - but I didn't want to today due to bloating from it being my TOM. I hope that doesn't affect my weight tomorrow -- hopefully it will be all gone.

    All together I ate 1850 calories and 126g of protein. I burned 550 calories for a net calorie amount of 1300. I try to keep this closer to 1200-1250, but the day before I was under net calories. I was also really hungry all day yesterday due to it being my TOM. So all in all I am pleased although the tortilla chips were definitely a splurge.

    I think you did well, even on your cheat! You portioned it out and didn't just dip into the bag of chips!! :laugh: You're still in your cal range! I try not to eat after 8PM, but that's just me. I'm usually in bed by 10, so that gives me a couple hrs!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I'm in! ...but do I have to give up dark chocolate? :smile:

    Nope! The darker the better, full of antioxidants. :bigsmile: Just watch your portions! :bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Can I join? I started eating like this a while back. I truly believe in it. I used to have eczema really bad and I quit all artificial sugar and preservatives and the eczema left! Hallelujah!!!! I'm going to check out "Clean
    Eating" Thanks!

    Yes, you can! It has made a huge change in my health. I used to constantly deal w/ headaches, fatigue, and felt yucky most of the time. Now I have tons of energy and feel great!!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Tomorrow is my official weekly weigh-in day. I will also take my measurements tomorrow although I've been taking them on Wednesdays - but I didn't want to today due to bloating from it being my TOM. I hope that doesn't affect my weight tomorrow -- hopefully it will be all gone.

    All together I ate 1850 calories and 126g of protein. I burned 550 calories for a net calorie amount of 1300. I try to keep this closer to 1200-1250, but the day before I was under net calories. I was also really hungry all day yesterday due to it being my TOM. So all in all I am pleased although the tortilla chips were definitely a splurge.

    I think you did well, even on your cheat! You portioned it out and didn't just dip into the bag of chips!! :laugh: You're still in your cal range! I try not to eat after 8PM, but that's just me. I'm usually in bed by 10, so that gives me a couple hrs!

    Yeah, in the past I ate tortilla chips and salsa many many nights of the week, and had no portion control. Now I take my one portion amount of chips and give the bag to my boyfriend, and I eat them much less frequently than I used to... more like a special treat for a bad day, whereas before I would eat them *plus* drink alcohol and maybe have a dessert or a bowl of sugary cereal, etc. I also don't go to bed till around midnight. I try not to eat after 9pm but that often doesn't work out.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Yeah, in the past I ate tortilla chips and salsa many many nights of the week, and had no portion control. Now I take my one portion amount of chips and give the bag to my boyfriend, and I eat them much less frequently than I used to... more like a special treat for a bad day, whereas before I would eat them *plus* drink alcohol and maybe have a dessert or a bowl of sugary cereal, etc. I also don't go to bed till around midnight. I try not to eat after 9pm but that often doesn't work out.

    Good for you! Learning portion control is huge! I used to eat half a bag of chips w/out thinking about it!! Or a *few* brownies, etc. Yeah, no wonder I was fat! :laugh: I was eating WAY more than I should have been, and definitely not healthy choices! :huh:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Ok, guess I will finish up my day!

    1 c. plain yogurt + 1 c. organic Clifford Crunch cereal
    1 T. NM PB (just on the spoon, yum!)

    Dinner: (perfect summer meal!)
    4oz lean hamburger on la tortilla small tortilla w/ 2% cheddar cheese, pickles, mustard, and fresh tomatoes!!!
    Cucumbers & onions soaked in vinegar

    2,096 (and 198 cals leftover and will probably take a walk after we get back from the school tonight!)
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    Hi Everybody!
    I'm glad to see more people are joining--welcome. Today was my first day of school, it wasn't so bad as expected which is a relief.

    I just had my afternoon snack and am planning dinner. I'm trying to stick to 40 carb-30 protein-30 fat and it's hard to do!! I finally got my protein up but am over in fat & sat fat, and often under in carbs, and so I have to figure out what adjustments to make there. I have a question re: chicken, which I cook with the skin on but don't eat the skin--so I think I'm overestimating the fat amount there. Should I use the value for skinless chicken? What do you guys think?
    Here's my food for today--my diary is public so you can check it out in detail:

    2 scrambled eggs with swiss chard
    sprouted cinnamon bread
    Peach blueberry smoothie

    Chicken salad: chicken breast, tomatoes, cucumber, olives, souvlaki (yogurt/feta sauce)

    PM snack:
    roast beef
    cheddar cheese.

    red cabbage salad
    sprouted cinnamon bread

    I get almost 2000 cals today. Thanks for your input!!
  • TankLily
    TankLily Posts: 34
    So When I go to Kung Fu like a good little black belt I stay for an hour or two.
    An hour of Kung fu burns like 600 calories, if I do two Hours I burn 1200...

    So I eat and eat and eat during the day.

    Then something Terrible happens.

    :sad: :sad: :sad: I end up not going!!!!:sad: :sad: :sad:

    But If I DON"T extra when I plan on going I don't have the stamina to do as much as I want to.

    obviously I need to just stick to my workout routine but occasionally stuff happens... What do ya'll do?
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    If I'm 100% certain I'll be working out I spread the extra calories through the day--have a bigger breakfast, lunch. But if I'm not sure I will have them all at dinner if the workout is small (<400 cals) or split the calories between dinner and the next day's breakfast. But I never burn 1200 at one time so it's easier for me--my hardest workouts are ~600-700 cals.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Well, I just went for a power walk and burned 800 cals. I was on an incline as far as my treadmill would go. I'm so upset-one of my kids, my 17 yr old son, started a huge rif in my family. So, between that, and my health issue, I spent alot of the day in tears, have a headache and have no appetite. I'm so :explode: at my son, I can't believe what he told his brother. They were together last night at the lake and he told my oldest that my daughter, my Mom and I sit around a bad mouth his girlfriend. Which, we admittedly have stuff, but I had also told my oldest of my concerns. So she phones bawling, and alot of hurt was done. I can't even face him right now I'm so :explode: he'd talk family personal business. I'll try to eat later. I'm only at 1000 cals.:cry:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126

    Figured out the calories last night for your banana bread. Of course it may differ a little bit based on which brand or slight variations are used, etc. For example, I calculated it with light brown sugar instead of just brown sugar because that's what I already have at home. I calculated that you would get 12 slices out of each recipe (that's what I get out of the recipe I make).

    Here are the totals without the chocolate chips and without the chopped walnuts, per slice:
    calories- 167
    carbs- 35
    fat- less than 1 gram
    protein- 6
    sodium- 317

    With the chocolate chips, and with the walnuts, per slice:
    calories- 212
    carbs- 37
    fat- 5
    protein- 7
    sodium- 317

    Thanks again for the recipe! :bigsmile:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    hmo4 - I hope you feel better today. I know how hard it could be on us moms when we have problems with our children. Hang in there! And try to take care of yourself first. :flowerforyou:

    My day started on the right track of course. Last night I entered all my foods for today but now we have car trouble so my day has changed completely. My husband needs my help and we are both taking the day off. He already said he woud like to our favorite Korean Rest. for lunch....I am salivating already :laugh: :grumble: :grumble: I am a little upset cause I had everything planned for today as far as food was concerned...when I go I usually eat grilled fish with all the little korean side dishes, veggies. I don't eat the rice but bring it home for my son. :laugh: I do have some kimbap, I just love them!!!! So I guess that will be my "splurge" today.

    Kelynn, thanks for calculating the recipe. It looks pretty good, now I want to make it!!! :laugh:

    Have a great day!!! :drinker:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member

    Figured out the calories last night for your banana bread. Of course it may differ a little bit based on which brand or slight variations are used, etc. For example, I calculated it with light brown sugar instead of just brown sugar because that's what I already have at home. I calculated that you would get 12 slices out of each recipe (that's what I get out of the recipe I make).

    Here are the totals without the chocolate chips and without the chopped walnuts, per slice:
    calories- 167
    carbs- 35
    fat- less than 1 gram
    protein- 6
    sodium- 317

    With the chocolate chips, and with the walnuts, per slice:
    calories- 212
    carbs- 37
    fat- 5
    protein- 7
    sodium- 317

    Thanks again for the recipe! :bigsmile:

    Thank you!!! I think I figured it was about 200 cals a slice, so pretty close! :bigsmile: You're welcome, it is always popular every time I make it!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Well, I just went for a power walk and burned 800 cals. I was on an incline as far as my treadmill would go. I'm so upset-one of my kids, my 17 yr old son, started a huge rif in my family. So, between that, and my health issue, I spent alot of the day in tears, have a headache and have no appetite. I'm so :explode: at my son, I can't believe what he told his brother. They were together last night at the lake and he told my oldest that my daughter, my Mom and I sit around a bad mouth his girlfriend. Which, we admittedly have stuff, but I had also told my oldest of my concerns. So she phones bawling, and alot of hurt was done. I can't even face him right now I'm so :explode: he'd talk family personal business. I'll try to eat later. I'm only at 1000 cals.:cry:
    Oh, man! I hope things work out. Sorry you had a rough day and I hope you were able to get in some clean cals. ((HUGS))
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    My day started on the right track of course. Last night I entered all my foods for today but now we have car trouble so my day has changed completely. My husband needs my help and we are both taking the day off. He already said he woud like to our favorite Korean Rest. for lunch....I am salivating already :laugh: :grumble: :grumble: I am a little upset cause I had everything planned for today as far as food was concerned...when I go I usually eat grilled fish with all the little korean side dishes, veggies. I don't eat the rice but bring it home for my son. :laugh: I do have some kimbap, I just love them!!!! So I guess that will be my "splurge" today.

    Have a great day!!! :drinker:

    Those hubbies!! Ruining our plans! :laugh: I don't think I've ever eaten at a Korean restaurant! Sounds good though! I always skip the rice when we go for Chinese. Grilled fish is a good choice and of course veggies! Enjoy!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    g'mornin all!

    cool, cloudy and very wet here for 2 days now...hope my new 'energy' level can pull me thru the dreariness. i am still so excited i came upon this thread....you guys are so helpful and it is makin my crap to clean transformation so much easier! :happy: again, thanks for all your advice, positive comments, and sharing recipes!

    neeterskeeter ~ is your lowfat carb tortilla whole wheat? organic? when i looked at my tortilla corn chips they didn't look too bad as far as ingredients...or are they? and i would assume these are the more healthier chips out there?

    hmo4 ~ hope the shoulder gets better for you and good that you are able to workout, everything counts! those darn teens! sure know how to stress us! hang in there! re your trip...just try to do the best you can, and take some snacks like neeter said. i am tryin harder to treat my weekends like a weekday...every day should be a priority when taking care of me!

    jess ~ yum! your dinner yesterday! luv grilled burgers and cuke's! :tongue:

    astridfeline~ glad your school day went ok for you. we have 1 wk down, and i am already changing seat assignments ( bus driver) :grumble:

    alf ~ enjoy your day w/dh and hope all checks out ok w/car.

    have a good 'clean' Thursday! :bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    So When I go to Kung Fu like a good little black belt I stay for an hour or two.
    An hour of Kung fu burns like 600 calories, if I do two Hours I burn 1200...

    So I eat and eat and eat during the day.

    Then something Terrible happens.

    :sad: :sad: :sad: I end up not going!!!!:sad: :sad: :sad:

    But If I DON"T extra when I plan on going I don't have the stamina to do as much as I want to.

    obviously I need to just stick to my workout routine but occasionally stuff happens... What do ya'll do?

    Uh oh!! That's why I like to work out in the morning. I know how many cals I burned and can adjust my day accordingly! I would try *not* to eat a ton more than usual on those days if you aren't sure you are going to go. Or if you can't go, can you go for a run or do another workout to burn some cals??