Asking a guy out



  • Altarian
    Altarian Posts: 230 Member
    But be prepared to catch a lot of lazy beta males and not many alphas.

    If a guy knows you are interested, he will ask you out if he's interested in you. If he doesn't ask you out, he's either not interested or he's missing a pair of testicles. In either case, he's not really someone you should waste any more energy on.

    Not all of us who don't ask woman out are beta males. Some of us get so into other things, such as work, that we don't notice things like woman being interested in them. I for one am not a beta male who also has social anxiety and doesn't like being around large groups of people and have a hard time talking to strangers unless i'm at work where i have to talk to people.

    But i digress, Ask him out and see what happens. If he say's no then either keep working him down until he realizes what the right answer is or leave him in the dust and find mr. right and not mr. right now.

    But this is just the two cents of some random internet stranger
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Can you guys stop arguing this man vs women **** and answer the damned question?

    Ha ha ha! Yes! Just ask him! The worse that happens is he says no, and life goes on. The best? He says yes, and then life might get better? I haved asked a guy out. He was so shy and worried that I'd say no that I'm not sure we would have ever gone out if I hadn't asked go for it!
  • AsrarHussain
    AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member
    it would be nice if a women asks out a guy for once Imto shy LOL i have asked 3 girls out and both rejected me so im not to confident now i dont even try it may seem negative but iv given up sorry to say dont hate me if a girl was to ask me i would change my mind.
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    Do it! I've asked out a guy before, and have been told that men rarely say "No". Men get rejected more often than women... We can step up to the plate every so often!
  • amandager
    amandager Posts: 49 Member
    Im going to give him a call later on today, and I will keep everyone posted! Thanks again!!!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member

    I'm not offended by what he said. It's the truth. The differences between men and women are not just physiological. Refusal to acknowledge this very basic fact is the reason dating has become so dysfunctional and one out of every two couples to get married will end up getting divorced.

    If you want to ask a guy out, do it. But be prepared to catch a lot of lazy beta males and not many alphas.

    If a guy knows you are interested, he will ask you out if he's interested in you. If he doesn't ask you out, he's either not interested or he's missing a pair of testicles. In either case, he's not really someone you should waste any more energy on.

    I couldn't disagree more. Firstly, I prefer beta males. Alpha males are in general not very interested in actually being friends with women, which IMO is the most important step in a relationship. Mostly, they are douchbags. Beta males may be less charismatic, but they make much better husbands, laziness has nothing to do with it. It's not lazy to be too shy to ask a girl out. And why should we put it all on the men anyway? Are we so weak and pathetic as a sex we can't just ask for what we want? One of the most common complaints men have about women is that we sulk and make them guess what is wrong, why is the dating scene any different? Why should we make them have to guess whether we are interested or not? We need more honesty in the world. If you like someone, tell them and save you both the hassle of farting around and second guessing?
  • blittle2
    blittle2 Posts: 94 Member
    I'd say ask away. I'd love it if someone asked me out
  • Sunny_Sunflower
    Sunny_Sunflower Posts: 136 Member
    I did that and got turned down in so many words, he said hes not sure where we are going and what he wants. Because of that he doesn't want to hurt me or jump into anything so I have decided to distance myself from him and keep it casual. We were spending almost every together, that won't be happening anymore. It just all sucks and I am really down about the situation it has been a month of 'seeing' each other and we aren't moving anywhere he's happy where we are just spending time together. Idk I care about him a lot all I can say to you is be careful.
  • dusheck
    dusheck Posts: 2 Member
    Find a real man. Personally it makes me very suspicious when a girl asks me out, and in general it turns me off.

    I'm interested to know what about it turns you off. That is, what does it make you think or feel, specifically?
  • omlax24
    omlax24 Posts: 31
    i understand old fashion views but sometimes you have to take the bull by the horns if you feel ready to ask someone out by all means do it the worst that is going to happen is they say no so if that happens move on and go for someone you find worthy of your greatness
  • TheRUBENone
    TheRUBENone Posts: 20 Member
    I would say its ok to do the asking. he may never get the hint that you want him to ask so you may need to drop some helpful hints his way, like leading a horse to water but not forcing him to drink.
  • Techn0mancer
    For me, I like if a girls asks me out. In a relationship, my confidence is pretty much fine.. outside of one, not so much
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    My husband and I met becuase we both started working with a company about the same time, (different departments) and although we talked, joked, emailed and he'd go out of his way to come by and see me... he NEVER asked me out.

    Finally one day I said "Man, it's been a long day, I think I deserve a margarita at the Mexican resturaunt, wanna come?" and that's all it took. Turns out, he was just a little worried that I may not want to date someone I worked with. He stepped up and took the lead from there on out.

    I'd go for it, nothing really to lose..
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    I wouldn't do it personally but if you feel comfortable doing it then I don't see why you wouldn't.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm 26 now and I've been single for almost a year.
    I haven't asked anyone out, and I most certainly wouldn't know how to if I wanted
  • afigueroa_pr
    afigueroa_pr Posts: 344
    When I was single, I honestly would've loved for a girl to take the first step. Before I was 22 I was super shy and didn't go out on many dates because I was such a loser.
    Thank God that's not the case anymore and I have a beautiful wife and daughter!!
  • derek0311
    derek0311 Posts: 31 Member
    Me personally I am very flattered when a girl ask me out. Im usually pretty shy and can take a while to build up the confidence to ask a girl out.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Been out of the dating game for a while... Guys, how do you feel about a woman asking you out? Do you like it, or do you prefer to do the asking? Wanting to ask someone out, but everyone is telling me to wait and let him ask.

    Ask him! Don't sit there pining over the guy, that's just wasting time you two could be off having fun together. Or you know he's not interested and move on to finding another guy you like. Just my opinion, but I'm a 36 yr old bachelor so it might count for something.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I've asked out every guy I've been in a serious relationship with. They've all been alpha males. Strong men that don't like strong women aren't for me :).

    I asked my husband out (he was at work when we met so it wouldn't have been professional to ask me out) the day we met (right after I told my coworkers I was going to marry him).
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    I don't ask guys out. If a guy is interested, he will ask you.

    I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with asking a guy out, I'm just old fashioned in that way.
    I'm the lady, I want to be courted.