Disgusting much?



  • L00py_T0ucan
    L00py_T0ucan Posts: 1,378 Member
    Clearly that would be less disgusting if they used Froot Loops instead of Trix and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. :laugh:
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    That crap is found everywhere. We don't HAVE to eat it. I get so pissed off every time I hear of some obese person suing McDonald's for "making" them fat! It's called SELF-CONTROL. I certainly haven't always had it...that's why I am now here, trying to lose a lot of weight. But, no one else made me eat the crap I ate...that was all me.

    I can honestly say that fried ice cream is probably the only non-typically fried food item that I have ever eaten. It *is* about self-control, for sure. But, this type of stuff wouldn't be offered if people didn't buy it.

    People buy it because it's fun to try every now and then, and usually it's tasty too. These foods, McDonalds, hot wings, beer... those things don't make people fat. Their choices on how to enjoy those foods are what make them fat.

    Please don't try to fear-monger and hate on novelty fair foods.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    The obesity problem is not because of novelty food that's eaten once a year at a fair.
    Thank you, Captain Obvious. I was talking about the deep frying - ANYTHING - part. Not the fact that a person can buy it at the fair once a year when it moves through town.
    Are you saying we should never deep fry anything? There's nothing wrong with it in...wait for it...moderation. (I hate that word...)
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    For the record, I'm disgusted by the fact that they are now deep frying cereal. My point in sharing the link was that obesity is due largely (no pun intended) in part to the disgusting, fat-laden foods that people willingly consume. They wouldn't come up with novelty fair food like this to share if people weren't willing to buy it and eat it. As another member pointed out, there are restuarants that sell this stuff year-round.

    It's not just about novelty items or splurging on something once a year. Most people that will eat that stuff don't eat it just once a year at the fair.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Last year the Iowa State Fair had deep fried butter! Coated it and fried it till all the buttery goodness melts :)
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    We are indeed a nation of fatties.
    If you deep fried raccoon butts on a stick, Americans would eat them with salsa.
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    The obesity problem is not because of novelty food that's eaten once a year at a fair.
    Thank you, Captain Obvious. I was talking about the deep frying - ANYTHING - part. Not the fact that a person can buy it at the fair once a year when it moves through town.
    Are you saying we should never deep fry anything? There's nothing wrong with it in...wait for it...moderation. (I hate that word...)

    If it can be baked instead of deep fried, my stomach and intestines thank me every time since I have IBS. Yes, there are some of us who prefer not to eat deep fried foods. Does that mean I *never* eat it? No. But, it's certainly not my preferred, go-to method of cooking.

    I was at my husband's uncle's house last weekend and his cousin deep fried some french fries for dinner. Why not toss them on a baking sheet and bake them in the oven?
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    We are indeed a nation of fatties.
    If you deep fried raccoon butts on a stick, Americans would eat them with salsa.

    So true! LOL
  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    What? You don't want breaded deep fried butter? Why not?
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    also. fat is not always the enemy.

    True... but BAD fat IS.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I find it funny that Americans think their cuisine can be disgusting.

    America is considerably a "newer civilization" compared to other regions where culture have developed over thousands of years. While one can discuss about the native Americans, they are considered to have their own culture rather than the typical American.

    American cuisine isn't just about deep frying everything, its about taking in other countries cuisines and making it suitable for our own environment. For example, biscuits that you see in the south are nothing like the original biscuits from Britain. The original biscuits were hard and tough, kinda like a cracker except it was mildly sweet rather than mildly salty.

    Pizza same thing. Its very different from the pizza in Italy. In italy pizza is a way for people to use up the left over ingredients but here pizza is a complete different thing

    So no! American food isn't disgusting. Americans are just trying to americanize other foods and sadly that means trying ot deep fry most of these things. Some work out well, others don't
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    Last year the Iowa State Fair had deep fried butter! Coated it and fried it till all the buttery goodness melts :)

    So, all your left with is fried buttery batter? It sounds disgusting and I love butter. lol
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    It's about shock factor and drawing customers in with something new and wild. Fried bubblegum, fried candy, fried shoes -
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Gross? yes. would I eat it...yeah.
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    So what if its offered year round? Alcohol is offered year round but that's not an excuse to be an alcoholic because its there. That's honestly stupid. The problem is that we have no self control and eat it. No one is forcing you to eat a deep fried whatever it is a choice!
  • RunnerBlonde808
    RunnerBlonde808 Posts: 257 Member
    we actually eat 1/6th more than those in other countries also. when I went to Russia they ate way less on their portions.

    Even the portions in Canada are much smaller for fast food and even just in general. Plus most of our food has less calories in it, if you look at the labels, I can eat an extra 1/4 cup of special K in Canada but if I bought it in USA it would have more calories.

    Now how does that work? How do you get special K cereal in Canada with less calories?
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    I find it funny that Americans think their cuisine can be disgusting.

    America is considerably a "newer civilization" compared to other regions where culture have developed over thousands of years. While one can discuss about the native Americans, they are considered to have their own culture rather than the typical American.

    American cuisine isn't just about deep frying everything, its about taking in other countries cuisines and making it suitable for our own environment. For example, biscuits that you see in the south are nothing like the original biscuits from Britain. The original biscuits were hard and tough, kinda like a cracker except it was mildly sweet rather than mildly salty.

    Pizza same thing. Its very different from the pizza in Italy. In italy pizza is a way for people to use up the left over ingredients but here pizza is a complete different thing

    So no! American food isn't disgusting. Americans are just trying to americanize other foods and sadly that means trying ot deep fry most of these things. Some work out well, others don't

    Does it count that I would still think it was disgusting if it was another country that was doing it? My point of reference for Americans and obesity is mostly just b/c I'm American. I would still think it was disgusting even if it was from another culture.

    That said, American cuisine is a blend of other cultures that has been modified. Except maybe for hot dogs and apple pie.

    Mmmm... pie! lol
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    The obesity problem is not because of novelty food that's eaten once a year at a fair.
    Thank you, Captain Obvious. I was talking about the deep frying - ANYTHING - part. Not the fact that a person can buy it at the fair once a year when it moves through town.
    Are you saying we should never deep fry anything? There's nothing wrong with it in...wait for it...moderation. (I hate that word...)

    If it can be baked instead of deep fried, my stomach and intestines thank me every time since I have IBS. Yes, there are some of us who prefer not to eat deep fried foods. Does that mean I *never* eat it? No. But, it's certainly not my preferred, go-to method of cooking.

    I was at my husband's uncle's house last weekend and his cousin deep fried some french fries for dinner. Why not toss them on a baking sheet and bake them in the oven?

    My MIL deep fries everything! It's insane. But my husband and SIL have never had weight problems.. I rarely ate fried foods growing up.. I'm the one with the weight problem.. does NOT seem fair!
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,237 Member
    The obesity problem is not because of novelty food that's eaten once a year at a fair.

    Thank you, Captain Obvious. I was talking about the deep frying - ANYTHING - part. Not the fact that a person can buy it at the fair once a year when it moves through town.

    Really? I love eating the things at the fair...deep fried snickers, twinkies, oreos, reeses. I've even done them at home.

    Does that mean that I'm obese because of that?

    Or do you think I'm obese because I had dessert after every single meal. Soda with every single meal. And sugary coffee drinks every morning? Could it be because every night after dinner I'd sit on the couch and snack on candy? Could it be that I spent 90% of my free time on the couch?

    Nope...it must be the 2-3 times per year that I eat foods that aren't normally deep fried.
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    So what if its offered year round? Alcohol is offered year round but that's not an excuse to be an alcoholic because its there. That's honestly stupid. The problem is that we have no self control and eat it. No one is forcing you to eat a deep fried whatever it is a choice!

    Of course it's a choice. I never said it wasn't.

    Now, some deep fried alcohol...that I could wrap my brain around! :tongue: