Disgusting much?



  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,237 Member
    Just to throw this out there...and maybe I'm wrong since I can't see your diary or progress...

    But are you any better? You're here for weight loss right? Why are you judging all of the things other people ate to get here when you are obviously here with us?
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    How about buying our kids gaming systems and smart phones at an age in which they should be coloring pictures and going outside to play - Yes I said it....OUTSIDE.
    Coloring is now aerobic exercise? I never knew.

    I must have missed the part where I actually said that - oh no wait. You were taking it out of context....I get it now.

    Let me try and be more precise, in stating that we have grown our children into a societal sense of entitlement & laziness...where a simple pleasure such as art AKA: coloring OR playing outside...is essentially unheard of, and certainly not "good enough".
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    That crap is found everywhere. We don't HAVE to eat it. I get so pissed off every time I hear of some obese person suing McDonald's for "making" them fat! It's called SELF-CONTROL. I certainly haven't always had it...that's why I am now here, trying to lose a lot of weight. But, no one else made me eat the crap I ate...that was all me.

    I can honestly say that fried ice cream is probably the only non-typically fried food item that I have ever eaten. It *is* about self-control, for sure. But, this type of stuff wouldn't be offered if people didn't buy it.

    People buy it because it's fun to try every now and then, and usually it's tasty too. These foods, McDonalds, hot wings, beer... those things don't make people fat. Their choices on how to enjoy those foods are what make them fat.

    Please don't try to fear-monger and hate on novelty fair foods.

    THIS "Please don't try to fear-monger and hate on novelty fair foods." +100!!!

    I am really tired of the fear mongering that goes on regarding food. Keep buying into the nanny state people. "oh this is so disgusting..." Whiny *kitten*. Live and let live, stay the F! away from the stuff, and do what you have to do. I personally would love to try it, and I'm sure my kids would too. Fried candy bars are delicious btw. I have a friend who deep fries his own twinkies occasionally, and he's a freaking doctor and has several videos online doing crazy cross fit excersizes. It is possible to have it all people. Seriously, this turned into a dumb rant, but STOP BEING SO SCARED AND JUDGMENTAL!!!!
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    For the record, I'm disgusted by the fact that they are now deep frying cereal. My point in sharing the link was that obesity is due largely (no pun intended) in part to the disgusting, fat-laden foods that people willingly consume. They wouldn't come up with novelty fair food like this to share if people weren't willing to buy it and eat it. As another member pointed out, there are restuarants that sell this stuff year-round.

    It's not just about novelty items or splurging on something once a year. Most people that will eat that stuff don't eat it just once a year at the fair.

    You said it... willingly... obesity has nothing to do with the food, it has to do with the amount the person chooses to consume -- it is a choice... lets not forget that there are obese people who do not eat in large amounts or splurge, they are simply not active enough
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    How about buying our kids gaming systems and smart phones at an age in which they should be coloring pictures and going outside to play - Yes I said it....OUTSIDE.
    Coloring is now aerobic exercise? I never knew.

    It is if you have a big enough coloring book :angry:

    They make those wall sized crossword puzzles too....
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    How about buying our kids gaming systems and smart phones at an age in which they should be coloring pictures and going outside to play - Yes I said it....OUTSIDE.
    Coloring is now aerobic exercise? I never knew.

    I must have missed the part where I actually said that - oh no wait. You were taking it out of context....I get it now.

    Let me try and be more precise, in stating that we have grown our children into a societal sense of entitlement & laziness...where a simple pleasure such as art AKA: coloring OR playing outside...is essentially unheard of, and certainly not "good enough".

    Preach on brother sweeping generalization!!!!!!!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Watch any cooking show on the Food Netwok and that's what tbey'll tell you. Can you make things taste nomtastic using seasonings and whatnot? Of course, that's how I cook most of the time, but sometimes, the savory goodness of fat is crucial to a recipe. We need fat to live...just a thought.

    I'm a food network junkie and cooking is my hobby...but I don't subscribe to the fat=flavor BS....

    Yes fat=flavor...so does brining your meat...does that mean its necessary? No of course not...you can still make delicious meals without brining.

    Same. You don't have to add 5 cups of butter into every recipe like Paula Deen to make things yummy. I cook decent food and besides a few dishes, all the meals I make can be eating by the biggest foodies AND people who're watching what they eat. You just gotta learn the tricks, different cuisines and techniques for this to workout.

    Use spices more than dressings. use herbs. You can "hide" veggies into your meals to make it healthier
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    The obesity problem is not because of novelty food that's eaten once a year at a fair.

  • kaylurzz
    kaylurzz Posts: 121 Member
    Not going to lie, I'd try fried cereal if I ever saw it at the fair. I haven't had any fried fair food in a long time. lol
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    Let me try and be more precise, in stating that we have grown our children into a societal sense of entitlement & laziness.

    My grandparents said the same thing about me because I learned to use a computer in grade school and wanted to go to a good college rather than work in a weld shop....
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    You haven't lived until you've tried a deep fried oreo.


    Food porn. Yum!
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    That crap is found everywhere. We don't HAVE to eat it. I get so pissed off every time I hear of some obese person suing McDonald's for "making" them fat! It's called SELF-CONTROL. I certainly haven't always had it...that's why I am now here, trying to lose a lot of weight. But, no one else made me eat the crap I ate...that was all me.

    I can honestly say that fried ice cream is probably the only non-typically fried food item that I have ever eaten. It *is* about self-control, for sure. But, this type of stuff wouldn't be offered if people didn't buy it.

    I've never had fried whatever other than ice cream, fries, chicken. Not all at once, lol. wth is fried cola and pizza? Yuck. I can't believe people knowingly choose to eat these fried things. :/
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 567 Member
    Most people that will eat that stuff don't eat it just once a year at the fair.

    How do you know? Have you done studies?

    Look - I've never had a deep fried candy bar or any other fair novelty... I became obese because I drank too much, ate too large of portions, and sat on my *kitten* too much. It had nothing to do with what McDonald's was selling, either... the majority of my weight was gained eating wholesome, natural foods that I mostly grew myself. It was the excess of calories in my salad with grilled chicken, and my enormous turkey sandwiches, and the fabulous cheesecake I make from scratch, and all of those frittatas I made for breakfast, and the roast with red potatoes and carrots.... I could go on .... these foods, in excess of my caloric needs are the ones that made me fat. Not fried Fruit Loops.

    I said most. You're one person. Clearly you wouldn't fall into the category of "most". My comment was that most people who would eat deep fried stuff at the fair (whatever it is) would most likely eat it all year round.

    And you are wrong. I like to split a deep fried oreo with the hubby. And do not indulge in eating such things other than at the fair. I say get over it, it disgusts you...then don't eat it.
  • terri0527
    terri0527 Posts: 678 Member
    Oh geez....and I just had fried pickles last Thursday! :ohwell: To each his own:drinker: Does not mean I will have them every week or even every month...key words here are moderation and self control.:bigsmile:
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    The obesity problem is not because of novelty food that's eaten once a year at a fair.
    Thank you, Captain Obvious. I was talking about the deep frying - ANYTHING - part. Not the fact that a person can buy it at the fair once a year when it moves through town.
    So let's get this straight. You say provocative things and throw out links to sensational articles, but when someone calls you on it you get to claim that wasn't what you meant at all and it's just silly to reference the links you were bolstering your claim with. I see.
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    Sometimes I go to the CNE (Canadian National Exhibition)... avoid the gross food lines and BEE LINE for the tiny tom donuts. HOLY H3LL those donuts are GOOD! *wants deep fried oreo*
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Yep I had the same thought when I saw that article! Made my stomach turn just thinking about trying to eat it
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    Ew....just looking at that made my stomach hurt. :(
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    hahahaha what you worried about? In Scotland you can get deep fried mars and snickers bars

    In parts of England you can get battered deep fried pizza.

    Tell me. Is that as delicious as it sounds??? Also, would I likely need Pepto Bismol afterwards?
  • Bilbobradshaw
    Bilbobradshaw Posts: 79 Member
    The obesity problem is not because of novelty food that's eaten once a year at a fair.

    This right here.
