Now they are going to ban free refills on drinks?



  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    The government? This is a city government proposal, its not like the feds or even the state have anything to do with this. And while I think this is a really goofy idea, I think its even goofier to take this to the extreme on the other end. Or no wait, lets just pretend that some mayor of some town most of us will never visit is the kick off place of communism in the US. Cause I am pretty sure free refills were way up there in communist manifesto.
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    Even my 14 year old gets it. She asked what I'm arguing about now... and I said that there's a state that wants to ban free refills on soda pop. She asked why. I said because soda pop makes people fat. She said, "no; people's choices make them fat..."

    If a 14 year old can get it, why can't adults??

    My compliments to your 14 year old. She's very astute.

    Which state wants to ban it? lol There is no state that wants to ban this. There is a mayor who is proposing it.

    Is it really too much for people to care about details and facts?
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    All of those out there who say what you eat is just a personal choice, do you not realize the big picture impacts of obesity or do you just think personal freedom is more important than the overall cost to society?

    Yes it is more important. Personal freedom and liberty is the foundation of this country. However, government has taking the responsibility and accountability out of the equation because its the PC thing to do.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    The government? This is a city government proposal, its not like the feds or even the state have anything to do with this. And while I think this is a really goofy idea, I think its even goofier to take this to the extreme on the other end. Or no wait, lets just pretend that some mayor of some town most of us will never visit is the kick off place of communism in the US. Cause I am pretty sure free refills were way up there in communist manifesto.

    I mean ya, its not like the mayor of one of the most populated cities in the country passed a ban on sodas of a certain size or anything.
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    I RARELY drink soda, so im not too worried, but if i did, id f*ckin' flip a table in anger!!!
  • DG_Allen
    DG_Allen Posts: 219 Member
    A better idea is actually a price cap on soda. Max price is 25 cents so free refills could no longer be built into the price :smile: .

    I'm running for mayor.
  • DG_Allen
    DG_Allen Posts: 219 Member
    All of those out there who say what you eat is just a personal choice, do you not realize the big picture impacts of obesity or do you just think personal freedom is more important than the overall cost to society?

    Yes it is more important. Personal freedom and liberty is the foundation of this country. However, government has taking the responsibility and accountability out of the equation because its the PC thing to do.

    So then we really just have a diffence of where the line in the sand is drawn.
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    The government? This is a city government proposal, its not like the feds or even the state have anything to do with this. And while I think this is a really goofy idea, I think its even goofier to take this to the extreme on the other end. Or no wait, lets just pretend that some mayor of some town most of us will never visit is the kick off place of communism in the US. Cause I am pretty sure free refills were way up there in communist manifesto.

    I mean ya, its not like the mayor of one of the most populated cities in the country passed a ban on sodas of a certain size or anything.

    Except for the ban has not gone through and its still just a proposal and will more than likely have people challenge the ban if the health department did pass it. Its not a done deal, no one passed anything yet. So ya, okay.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    OMg, you poor poor soul. What will you ever have to do!

    They dont give free refills on alcohol...suck it up buttercup
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Every time I hear a stupid idea like this, I am reminded to always vote Republican.

  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    :grumble: Hmmm this ban has Michelle Obama written all over it

    It's a proposal in it's infancy stage from the mayor of Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is not a ban nor has anything to do with Michelle Obama of all people O.O There can be legitimate criticisms of initiatives like these but come on now, that's reaching pretty far.

    That's not reaching pretty far to think of her. I did too until I read it. She has already banned McDonald's from giving out caramel for the apples. Heaven forbid kids should have caramel to dip their apples in!
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    The government? This is a city government proposal, its not like the feds or even the state have anything to do with this. And while I think this is a really goofy idea, I think its even goofier to take this to the extreme on the other end. Or no wait, lets just pretend that some mayor of some town most of us will never visit is the kick off place of communism in the US. Cause I am pretty sure free refills were way up there in communist manifesto.

    I mean ya, its not like the mayor of one of the most populated cities in the country passed a ban on sodas of a certain size or anything.

    First you limit; later you ration.
  • bunnylvr
    bunnylvr Posts: 78
    :grumble: Hmmm this ban has Michelle Obama written all over it

    It's a proposal in it's infancy stage from the mayor of Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is not a ban nor has anything to do with Michelle Obama of all people O.O There can be legitimate criticisms of initiatives like these but come on now, that's reaching pretty far.

    That's not reaching pretty far to think of her. I did too until I read it. She has already banned McDonald's from giving out caramel for the apples. Heaven forbid kids should have caramel to dip their apples in!

    Uhhh, how did Michelle Obama ban McDonalds from giving out caramel for apples? She doesn't have the authority to do that.
  • momof4ts
    momof4ts Posts: 118
    Telling us what/how much we can drink is just one tiny step toward our country becoming a communist nation....

    My thoughts EXACTLY!!! What will this nation be likewhen our kids and grandkids are our age!?!?
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    Everyone is getting upset over something being taken away from them that they can already have in the first place. All you have to do is pay for it. Why does it have to be free?

    Wow....I think that you just described what's known as a "WELFARE" mentality.
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    bump for later
  • DG_Allen
    DG_Allen Posts: 219 Member

  • DG_Allen
    DG_Allen Posts: 219 Member
    :grumble: Hmmm this ban has Michelle Obama written all over it

    It's a proposal in it's infancy stage from the mayor of Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is not a ban nor has anything to do with Michelle Obama of all people O.O There can be legitimate criticisms of initiatives like these but come on now, that's reaching pretty far.

    That's not reaching pretty far to think of her. I did too until I read it. She has already banned McDonald's from giving out caramel for the apples. Heaven forbid kids should have caramel to dip their apples in!

    Do you know what your talking about?? McD's did this and she applauded them for it. Why do kids need caramel sauce for apples. You realize this is a site for encouraging health and fitness, not consuming junk calories.

    You just don't like the Obamas. We get it.
  • when did Mcdonalds ever offer caramel with their apples? Thats just stupid, why turn a healthy option into the same level of sugar as an ice cream. Anyone thats complaining about that being removed is health doomed, no matter who decided to have it removed.

    On another point, why are people on a health and weightloss/fitness website complaining what mcdonalds do..
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    McDonald's had been offering a caramel dipping sauce for their apples from the time they introduced them. Apples dipped in caramel sauce is a classic combination that people have been eating pretty much since the invention of caramel sauce.

    Someone dipping a slice of apple into caramel isn't "health doomed," that's the most ridiculous statement I've read all day, and shows a total ignorance of overall health and nutrition.