Turbo Jammers 8/24-8/30



  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good Morning everyone! I am so proud of myself this morning-I got up and went for my run! I ACTUALLY got my butt outta bed early on my day off, had a quick 1/2 a banana/chocolate protein/soy milk shake and about 25 minutes later I was out the door and feeling GREAT! I have only been running about an hour-I do jog a song, power walk a song still-but I am just starting out and eventually hope to build on that:happy: I love seeing that calorie burn once I am finished and stretching it out-what an awesome feeling!:smooched:
    I just got back and just had to gush because I feel so pumped-:blushing:
    Ghanie-great job with CE, I can't believe it has been a month already:noway: , Sunday starts Push for me!:tongue:
    Erika-That dvd sounds intense! Awesome work! I think it WOULD be a big change since doing CE to change up with reps and things like that-but as long as you had fun and got into it-great!:happy: You and your hiphop-I had a trial of one of his ab dvds, and I just couldn't get into it!
    Have a great rest of the AM ladies! I'll be around all day! haha
  • ccleadbyexample
    Hey jammers,
    You guys suck..I have to work ALL day and in a cubicle! I want to go home:sad: It's a normal day for me..and busy too...lots of working out..and getting chores done for my fun day of tailgating and football tomorrow! Got my am run done...CE EXTREME abs over lunch..then CE Lean 3 tonight!
    Lilangel: Man I cannot believe it has been a month you've been rockin that out! Way to go..and the running will come..good for you! I used www.halhigdon.com-free online training programs for all distances and levels...might be something to check out!
    Fitz: You and your hip hop..I just can't do it. I'll leave that forte to you:laugh:
    Ghanie: Your schedule is crazy..good for you to keep working out!:flowerforyou:
    Keep it real jammers..enjoy labor day weekend!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I think the local fire is starting to make me sick. :sick:
  • ecrb77
    Hi Everyone!

    Since I last checked in on that awful day at work I've been having a rough time. I'm not going to get in to it- but I fell in to some bad habits. It didn't help that I had a few visitors from home and we definitely ate a lot! I haven't weighed myself because I'm scared :embarassed:

    Today is the first day I have to go to work with both the nurse and the hospital manager which whom have been making my life a living :devil: . So- I woke up this morning and ran for 20 minutes outside. This way no matter what happens at work today I've still started my day out on the right foot.:wink: My goal for the day is to get back on track with my calories, do AB Jam and 20 TJ tonight, and leave my work at work.

    -->I bought a new scale that has weight, body mass, body fat and body water. Do you think I should track all of those?

    Angel- I'm a veterinarian! We'll have to swap stories sometime!

    Have a terrific day everyone- it feels good to be back!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers! I hope you are all having a great weekend! I can't believe it is Saturday already! Yikes:noway: I also can't believe I start the CE Push phase tomorrow:tongue: just wow-I am feeling great. I can tell it has gotten easier each time I did the Burn circuits, so I am looking forward to a new set to challenge me:happy:
    I went for my run this AM again! Only thing is my HRM went ballistic and didn't want to register! I don't know what it's problem was, it seems to be working now...needless to say I continued my run and just estimated that I burned about what I did yesterday--:grumble: I hope that is correct- felt like I was pushing harder because I was so mad at it and I wanted to make sure I burned at least what I did yesterday..:laugh: I am going to try (on the weekends for now) to get up and go run, it makes me feel so good for the rest of the day! Pre-run made my small protein shake (w/4 oz FF soy milk and half a banana blended), post-run other banana half, and later for breakfast I made myself some whole wheat pancakes and even planned my day so I could have a lil Brummel and Brown on em! haha! Gotta "indulge" sometimes:laugh: Delicious!:love:
    I have to go into work for a few hours this afternoon, but I get out at 4 so I can still rock it out a bit later:smooched:
    Casey-Thanks for the running tip site! I checked it out and it is definitely helpful:smile:
    Ghanie-Where do you live?? I've been hearing about the forest fires and such-someone else posted on this site about feeling sickly because of the smoke-geez:frown:
    Erica-I had no clue you were a vet! I thought you meant Dr, as in human! hahaha! That is AWESOME! I love being a tech, I don't know if I could deal with the pressure of being the doc, but then again I am pretty young:tongue: I graduated tech school, got my license a little over a year ago so I'm still learning each and every day!:happy:
    I'll check back later, have a good day everyone!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Morning Ladies! I just got back from a 7 mile run! My legs just wanted to keep going, so I let them. I think tomorrow they won't want to move, but hey, that's ok. It was sure fun!!!

    I plan to play the rest of the day, now that the "work" is done! I hope you all have a fantastic Saturday!!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Ghanie-Where do you live?? I've been hearing about the forest fires and such-someone else posted on this site about feeling sickly because of the smoke-geez:frown:

    I'm in North Hollywood so I'm close enough to have ash collecting in our parking lot. It's enough to make me wonder if I should be working out each day. I guess we'll see.
  • ecrb77
    Started my morning with a cardioparty! :smile: Off to work now.

    Ghanie- hope you're feeling better.

    Angel- have you heard of the new specialty technicians? Something to think about for your future if you're every wanting more but do not want to go through the many glorious years of schooling to be a vet!

    have a happy sunday!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Hey all,

    I haven't posted here in MONTHS :noway: :indifferent: :sick: :cry: and REALLY feeling the bad effects :explode:

    Tomorrow is back to "normal" for me so I will hopefully be logging all my workouts each day.

    I hope to get to know all the new jammers that i've not met yet! Also Hi Megan & Janet!!:cry: Has Lyn been back here yet :laugh:

    Anyways, I will be updating my profile from tomorrow and changing my weigh in day from a Thurs to a Mon and as you can see from my ticker, I dont have long to lose a LOT of pounds..

    Rite, back to my reading of "Master your Metabolism" to get me motivated.. :drinker: Talk to you all tomorrow :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good afternoon Jammers! I had a pretty great day today:bigsmile: I did not run first thing like I have been, but completed CardioPartyMix1 this AM-had to do some quick grocery shopping, picked up some staple items as well as a few new things to try:tongue: -and get some stuff for a cook-out tonight. I have my little bags of "goodies" all ready to take with me so I am not tempted with junk at the party:blushing: It's kind of a Labor Day "bring your own meat" BBQ so veggie burger it is!:drinker:
    Anyway, I got home did Push1 which is GREAT! I think this is going to be good:happy: I also ended up going for a shorter half hour run just because the weather is soooo nice (it was a debate between run and biking..:laugh: ) And now here I am checking in! I hope you are all having a great weekend! Tomorrow PM brings another picnic my way, I'll probably pack the same snacks:tongue:
    Hoping to get a long run in the AM, Push2, and probably a bit of pilates or something tomorrow before going:wink: Have a good night everyone! Oh! and welcome back deedun! Nice to meet you!
  • ecrb77
    happy labor day! Hope you can all enjoy your day today. I have to work but I have the next 2 days off:glasses:

    I finally weighed myself and I gained 2 lbs from my 1 week off the wagon:angry: I think it's ok and could have been worse. I'm going to start tracking my % body fat now as well. I'm still ahead of my long term goal so I'm trying to keep that in perspective.:smile:

    Didn't get up early enough to run today, going to do a turbo sculpt tonight!

    Check you out later!