RANT: I wanted to punch his face.



  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    maybe one of the girls farted or picked their nose and he was talking to HER, not you.
    how do you know he was talking about you?

    because both girls started laughing like idiots right after he said it, and it was pretty obvious, even my friend caught it.

    He was probably acting like a jerk to impress the girls. I would've smarted off with something like "Yeah well I'm busting my butt a whole lot harder than you are right now!"
  • munkey418
    munkey418 Posts: 139
    OMG had the same thing happen! my friend and I were just finishing our cool down walk from C25k and were just about to her Apt when a dude driving by yelled out the window "look at dat @$$!" I just gave him a thumbs up :/ but another time I was just walking to another friend's car to help her switch the plates (she had just sold it) when someone driving by, stopped and started mooing and their buddy was oiking really ,oudly out the window. I was the only person outside :(
  • fightingautism
    I was jogging on the treadmill one day at the fitness club. I saw a dude staring at me. I have to hold "the girls" 'cause they're so big. I thought he was staring at that. Then I realized my backside was feeling cool. I reached around. My drawstring pants had fallen down below my cheeks, but because I was wearing beige spandex tummy control to hold in my floppy belly (2 abdominal surgeries for tumor & hernia, I HAVE to wear this) I didn't feel the breeze right away. SO here I am, 30lbs overweight, holding my boobs, pants below my butt cheeks showing my tan spanx & I don't even know it.

    THAT was attractive <giggle>

    Hope I made you laugh. I had to stop my workout I was laughing so hard after that happened.
  • Kathy53925
    Kathy53925 Posts: 241 Member
    You should have said " I know RIGHT!" Smacked your *kitten* and kept on running... idiots...


    This would be an awesome reply! LOL
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    OK (shields up) here goes. if the individual in question did in fact use a sarcastic tone, then he deserves to be throtteld about the head and neck.

    However; (and mind you I wasn't there and depending on other factors including age and whatnot) if it was said in a tone of admiration, though it may have been a poor choice of words, it might well have been meant as compliment. Again I wasn't there to judge tone or inflection.

    Respecfully said, after seeing the OPs profile photo, from my point of view, It could very well have been the case.
  • lilylight
    lilylight Posts: 128 Member
    This is so infuriating. It reminds me of a similar incident when I was in college (many years ago)! I jogged past a group of guys and one of them yelled out something about my weight. I was SO DEMORALIZED I stopped running for awhile. You know the funny thing? I weighed about 125 at the time and was by no means overweight! There are jerky, immature guys who just make a practice out of harassing women like that. ...It's good that you have a forum like this to vent to; I wish I'd had this 30 years ago! So don't be like me and let it get to you! Flick it off like a piece of lint on your shoulder and keep running wherever you want!
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    I hope he wasn't saying that at you but.... Who knows. He might have been in to one of the girls with him and "proving" to her that he wasn't looking at you. Around week one of trying to lose weight I went to the park to run/walk/skip/stumble. I took extra care to warm up good because I had knee problems,back surgery,was new to excercise and over weight. When I stood up to run there was this man who was very obese, imitating me for a chick and a teen boy. She saw me first. We did a little stare off. He shoulda imitated the running part . Yea, well, I'm now in maintanance.And at 44, I can give my 11 year old a run for his money on a good day and have pretty good tone thanks to weight lifting. I bet he's still over weight.:heart:
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    OMG had the same thing happen! my friend and I were just finishing our cool down walk from C25k and were just about to her Apt when a dude driving by yelled out the window "look at dat @$$!" I just gave him a thumbs up :/ but another time I was just walking to another friend's car to help her switch the plates (she had just sold it) when someone driving by, stopped and started mooing and their buddy was oiking really ,oudly out the window. I was the only person outside :(

    ugh, totally unnecessary, i'm sorry you had to go through that, people can be such *kitten*!
    honestly when I see bigger people jogging outside, I get excited, I want to cheer them on for going out and doing something that most people don't do. this one time me and my friend were walking and we saw this really old man jogging (more like walking fast, but to him it was jogging) and I just smiled and thought, 'rad! he's doing his thang!
    I was jogging on the treadmill one day at the fitness club. I saw a dude staring at me. I have to hold "the girls" 'cause they're so big. I thought he was staring at that. Then I realized my backside was feeling cool. I reached around. My drawstring pants had fallen down below my cheeks, but because I was wearing beige spandex tummy control to hold in my floppy belly (2 abdominal surgeries for tumor & hernia, I HAVE to wear this) I didn't feel the breeze right away. SO here I am, 30lbs overweight, holding my boobs, pants below my butt cheeks showing my tan spanx & I don't even know it.

    THAT was attractive <giggle>

    Hope I made you laugh. I had to stop my workout I was laughing so hard after that happened.

    oh no! haha
  • MIchelleH2027
    MIchelleH2027 Posts: 1,239 Member
    As the saying goes "some people deserve a high 5, in the face, with a chair", that guy is one of them!
    ^^This is too funny. Also very true most of the time.^^
  • JCwasere
    JCwasere Posts: 5
    As the saying goes "some people deserve a high 5, in the face, with a chair", that guy is one of them!

    Amen to that......

    I wonder how well he'd do at tough mudder....you go girl....
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    So I get that this isn't a switch we can just turn on and off, but I'm confused as to why this would even register as something worth acknowledging with an emotional response?

    I guess when I'm working out, I don't really care how attractive other people think I am or whether or not they choose to verbalize their thoughts. By giving him the power to have that kind of effect on you, it makes him more important than I think you want him to be.
  • lilylight
    lilylight Posts: 128 Member
    I was jogging on the treadmill one day at the fitness club. I saw a dude staring at me. I have to hold "the girls" 'cause they're so big. I thought he was staring at that. Then I realized my backside was feeling cool. I reached around. My drawstring pants had fallen down below my cheeks, but because I was wearing beige spandex tummy control to hold in my floppy belly (2 abdominal surgeries for tumor & hernia, I HAVE to wear this) I didn't feel the breeze right away. SO here I am, 30lbs overweight, holding my boobs, pants below my butt cheeks showing my tan spanx & I don't even know it.

    THAT was attractive <giggle>

    Hope I made you laugh. I had to stop my workout I was laughing so hard after that happened.

    :laugh: Thanks for sharing!
  • JCwasere
    JCwasere Posts: 5
    I don't think he was talking about you, you're hawt!
    If he was, sod him! :-)

    Amen to that too......
  • lilylight
    lilylight Posts: 128 Member
    So I get that this isn't a switch we can just turn on and off, but I'm confused as to why this would even register as something worth acknowledging with an emotional response?

    I guess when I'm working out, I don't really care how attractive other people think I am or whether or not they choose to verbalize their thoughts. By giving him the power to have that kind of affect on you, it makes him more important than I think you want him to be.

    Just curious: have you ever had women yell out unflattering remarks at you on the street?
    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    You should have said " I know RIGHT!" Smacked your *kitten* and kept on running... idiots...

    hahah this ^^^^ Love it!
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    I would have stopped, turned and said....HEY FU*CK FACE, WHAT THE F*UCK DID YOU JUST SAY? Thats what I thought....
  • jessicae1aine
    "Some people need a pat on the head. With a hammer, chair or brick. Choose your weapon wisely."

    That was my lesson of the day the other day. Seems quite fitting.
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    Okay I just needed to vent out, It's weird because it made me angry when I heard that, which gave me the extra boost to keep running longer (we were doing intervals),
    let it be known i'm over it, i understand that there will always be guys(and girls) out there who think they're being "cool" by making stupid remarks like that, but you know what? i had FUN running, and eff what people think, ima keep doing ma thing.

    I just wish people would learn to stfu because not everybody will take it like I did, I'd hate for some *kitten* to say something like that to someone and make her feel insecure or cry and never start running again. people just irritate me sometimes!
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    just so you know, that is a very small minority response - from a minority that the rest of us don't want anything to do with!

    most of us DO think it's very attractive to see someone getting out and being active!
  • MIchelleH2027
    MIchelleH2027 Posts: 1,239 Member
    well just keep on running outdoors and enjoy yourself. Don't let *kitten* discourage you. If you ever see him again, maybe you "accidentally" stomp on his foot or elbow him in the rib or something, haha!
    ^^ This sounds like something I'd do!