I am about to get controversial..



  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    I think the problem has more to do with people not actively teaching their children respect, kindness, and compassion. The rest usually falls into place.

  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    I believe we should allow physical discipline back in the schools. Put yourself in the shoes of the teacher, this child is being completely rude and has a complete lack of respect but all you can do is take it or send them to the principles office where they get to sit in "timeout" and get out of class for the day.

    Whine all you want but look at the differences between schools from those days to now and parents need to know not every child can be disciplined with timeouts. Discipline is like everything else, what may work for some may not work for others.

    I would have a very big problem if anyone else ever hit my child.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I think the problem has more to do with people not actively teaching their children respect, kindness, and compassion. The rest usually falls into place.

    +1 million
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Spank or not is your choice.
    I asked and received plenty growing up.

    I think the issue with kids these days is lack of respect towards other adults.
    Is it lack of spankings? I personally don't think so.
    I think is has to do with the lack of respect adults show each other.
    Dad to Mom, friend to friend,etc.

    What children see is what they emulate.
    Just my thoughts........
  • Sockimobi
    Sockimobi Posts: 541
    Why would anyone want to hit a child?? :noway:
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    I think the problem has more to do with people not actively teaching their children respect, kindness, and compassion. The rest usually falls into place.

  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    If they're beating my child that would be one thing, but a good ol' Catholic smack with the ruler, go for it.

    If your child isn't a problem child, good but not every child is as such.

    In my opinion for those eight or how ever many hours your child is in school, those teachers are the parents, so to speak.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I think the problem has more to do with people not actively teaching their children respect, kindness, and compassion. The rest usually falls into place.

    That does not apply to everyone. My husband and I have brought our son up to be respectful, kind, and compassionate, responsible, honest, and hard-working. But, more often than not, unfortunately he does the opposite. He has ADHD and has had a lot of behavior issues throughout school and at home. It sucks, but that's just the cards you get dealt sometimes. He's still a lovable, sweet heart of a kid, and I can't ever stay mad at him for long. But it doesn't change the fact he has a lot of issues that are beyond what parenting methods can help. Some kids just like to push the limits, and some kids just don't know when to stop. I was definitely one of those kids. My mother and father rarely spanked me, like maybe 2-3 times my whole life. I was a terror, for sure. Definitely wasn't their failing.
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    I love the good old days. Everyone behaved perfecty back then *snicker* I am sorry but that shows a complete lack of knowledge about human nature and the past. The human race has done some gawdawful things to each other and no amount of getting smacked in the mouth has ever really fixed that. Bullying has always been around... And hitting people does not teach empathy.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I was spanked as a kid and it only took a couple of times for me to decide it sucked. If my kids act up, they get spanked as well. And you know what? I can't tell you how many people tell us how well behaved they are (they're 3 and 6).

    I personally think the problem these days is that too many parents try to be their kids' friend. Sorry...but I don't need to be a friend to my kids. I need to be a PARENT. Teach them right from wrong and how to respect others.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    I think the problem has more to do with people not actively teaching their children respect, kindness, and compassion. The rest usually falls into place.

    ^^ this
  • jasonr1442
    jasonr1442 Posts: 67 Member
    Why would anyone want to hit a child?? :noway:

    You don't want to hit a child just like you don't want to ground them but certain actions require different punishments. My kids knew well and good that a spanking meant they really messed up. I can count on one hand how many times I needed to spank but I can count on one finger how many times they did what they did to earn it.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    i was spanked/beaten as a child and vowed that I would find some other effective means of discipline for my child. So yes I did and I feel that she is not the only person who benefits from it as I do also. I can also look at her knowing that I did not have to beat her into submissiveness (or even touch her for that matter) to motivate her to do what I needed her to do and in the end, what she wants to do. I used respect and communication and of course the occasional time out. Yes it requires a lot of patience which obviously my parents didn't have. I have no problem with the odd spanking or whatever, but it can quickly transform itself into abuse if the person spanking can't control themselves or whatever. However, abuse and teaching your children respect for others feelings are two separate things, which may be intertwined or not.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I think the problem has more to do with people not actively teaching their children respect, kindness, and compassion. The rest usually falls into place.

    That does not apply to everyone. My husband and I have brought our son up to be respectful, kind, and compassionate, responsible, honest, and hard-working. But, more often than not, unfortunately he does the opposite. He has ADHD and has had a lot of behavior issues throughout school and at home. It sucks, but that's just the cards you get dealt sometimes. He's still a lovable, sweet heart of a kid, and I can't ever stay mad at him for long. But it doesn't change the fact he has a lot of issues that are beyond what parenting methods can help. Some kids just like to push the limits, and some kids just don't know when to stop. I was definitely one of those kids. My mother and father rarely spanked me, like maybe 2-3 times my whole life. I was a terror, for sure. Definitely wasn't their failing.

    Do you feel your child's behavior would be improved if a bus driver were allowed to hit them based only on their own judgement and discretion?
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    Spank or not is your choice.
    I asked and received plenty growing up.

    I think the issue with kids these days is lack of respect towards other adults.
    Is it lack of spankings? I personally don't think so.
    I think is has to do with the lack of respect adults show each other.
    Dad to Mom, friend to friend,etc.

    What children see is what they emulate.
    Just my thoughts........

    Also, have anyone noticed at all the complete lack of respect the kids on TV, particularly on the Disney Channel, have for adults and parents. It amazes me how disrespectful some of the kids on there can be.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    We lack the evidence necessary to make this determination.

    I'd bet these children are no strangers to spankings. You assume they are. We don't know. So thinking that hitting them will fix the problem, when it may in fact be the cause of it, is pure speculation.

  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    I was spanked by my parents...once. And I was smacked by my mom....once.
    One time is all I needed to be set straight.

    There's no consequences for children nowadays...like from God, their teachers or parents.
    The legal system basically has teachers' and parents' arms tied behind their backs, rendering them helpless.
    When people feel there are no consequences for their actions, they do whatever they want.

    Plain and simple.

    I could write a thesis on this but I have to return to my work..:tongue:
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Well, spanking can work if you use it very sparingly... but, I think the cut off age should be about 4-5 years old, personally. After that, it doesn't do much good.

    I think it's up to the parents to use more creative forms of punishment on their children these days, because times are indeed very different than when we were children, and even more different than when our parents were children. Different strategies should be applied to different children, no?

    From my own experience with my son, spanking did not work at all on him after he was about 4 years old. He would often just giggle and then run off to do something else wrong. I did time outs with him for a while, which kind of worked for a while. I usually had to reset the time on them 10-20 times though. That moved on to taking privileges away, which is honestly the best strategy I have encountered. Allowance, video games, pool time, outside time, TV time, toys, etc. He values those things most of all - so I think once your kids get to a certain age, you've got to figure out what matters most to them and if it's necessary, take it away until their behavior is corrected.

    ^^This is what works with our 6 year old. Right now his latest obsession is his Wii Harry Potter game. That's the first thing that gets taken away when he acts up. And he knows it.
  • Alluring72
    Alluring72 Posts: 50 Member
    I think the problem has more to do with people not actively teaching their children respect, kindness, and compassion. The rest usually falls into place.

    Bingo! It isn't about spanking or not spanking. I do on rare occassions spank my boys for way over the top behaviors, but most of the time I can use "the look" and I remind them that computer, Wii, TV, etc are all privaleges and they have to work each day to earn those privlages - they are not "rights" and automatically available.

    I also discuss lots of emotional issues with my kids and since one boy is on the autism spectrum we are always discussing actions and how others might feel as a result.

    It is all about parenting (not apanking) and getting it right at home or getting the help you need to get it right at home.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I think the problem has more to do with people not actively teaching their children respect, kindness, and compassion. The rest usually falls into place.

    That does not apply to everyone. My husband and I have brought our son up to be respectful, kind, and compassionate, responsible, honest, and hard-working. But, more often than not, unfortunately he does the opposite. He has ADHD and has had a lot of behavior issues throughout school and at home. It sucks, but that's just the cards you get dealt sometimes. He's still a lovable, sweet heart of a kid, and I can't ever stay mad at him for long. But it doesn't change the fact he has a lot of issues that are beyond what parenting methods can help. Some kids just like to push the limits, and some kids just don't know when to stop. I was definitely one of those kids. My mother and father rarely spanked me, like maybe 2-3 times my whole life. I was a terror, for sure. Definitely wasn't their failing.

    Do you feel your child's behavior would be improved if a bus driver were allowed to hit them based only on their own judgement and discretion?

    Honestly? I don't know, but I don't think it's a definite "no". I think it's very possible it could have helped in a number of situations with him at school, like when he ran off school property during recess in kindergarten. That happened several times, and I do believe if he had been whooped on his bottom the first time, it most likely would not have happened again. Because yes, that is what I would have done myself if I'd been there. That is not a safe thing for a child to do, and at that age, there was no reasoning with him. He needed a whoop on the butt, in my opinion.
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