I am about to get controversial..



  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    Why would anyone want to hit a child?? :noway:

    I guess I'm a bad person because I meet children I want to hit quite often.
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    I love the good old days. Everyone behaved perfecty back then *snicker* I am sorry but that shows a complete lack of knowledge about human nature and the past. The human race has done some gawdawful things to each other and no amount of getting smacked in the mouth has ever really fixed that. Bullying has always been around... And hitting people does not teach empathy.

    But children had respect and they minded their manners. :)
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    I think the problem has more to do with people not actively teaching their children respect, kindness, and compassion. The rest usually falls into place.

    That does not apply to everyone. My husband and I have brought our son up to be respectful, kind, and compassionate, responsible, honest, and hard-working. But, more often than not, unfortunately he does the opposite. He has ADHD and has had a lot of behavior issues throughout school and at home. It sucks, but that's just the cards you get dealt sometimes. He's still a lovable, sweet heart of a kid, and I can't ever stay mad at him for long. But it doesn't change the fact he has a lot of issues that are beyond what parenting methods can help. Some kids just like to push the limits, and some kids just don't know when to stop. I was definitely one of those kids. My mother and father rarely spanked me, like maybe 2-3 times my whole life. I was a terror, for sure. Definitely wasn't their failing.

    As the parent of a child on the ASD spectrum, I see your point. But, in this case spanking would do nothing except add to a meltdown.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I believe we should allow physical discipline back in the schools. Put yourself in the shoes of the teacher, this child is being completely rude and has a complete lack of respect but all you can do is take it or send them to the principles office where they get to sit in "timeout" and get out of class for the day.

    Whine all you want but look at the differences between schools from those days to now and parents need to know not every child can be disciplined with timeouts. Discipline is like everything else, what may work for some may not work for others.

    Ah yes, the argument for the "good ole days". Back when things were so much better...

    It isn't whining for me to say I don't want strangers hitting my kids. Not teachers, not school administration and certainly not bus drivers. I will maintain responsibility for my child's behavior. If they act out, just let me know. I don't need anyone stepping in with their brand of justice without my consent.

    For the record my daughter has never once been hit and has never once been anything close to a discipline problem.

    I agree, I would get crazy if someone else hit my kid!

    I don't have an issue if parents spank their own children.. but there will NOT be a stranger hitting my child.

    Call me, I'll handle it, I'll leave work and go straight there. But do NOT hit my kid.

    Agree 100%.
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member

    I personally think the problem these days is that too many parents try to be their kids' friend. Sorry...but I don't need to be a friend to my kids. I need to be a PARENT. Teach them right from wrong and how to respect others.

    Well said.
  • Alluring72
    Alluring72 Posts: 50 Member
    Why would anyone want to hit a child?? :noway:

    "Want to"??????? There is never a wanting to.... for me. I "want" to be friends with my boys - but I tell them my job is to be a mom first and if we can be friends too that would be fabulous!
  • Sockimobi
    Sockimobi Posts: 541
    Why would anyone want to hit a child?? :noway:

    You don't want to hit a child just like you don't want to ground them but certain actions require different punishments. My kids knew well and good that a spanking meant they really messed up. I can count on one hand how many times I needed to spank but I can count on one finger how many times they did what they did to earn it.

    Sigh. The emphasis was on child.

    Why would anyone hit a child?

    Is that better? Forget the "want" part.
  • Grandysl
    Grandysl Posts: 189
    I believe we should allow physical discipline back in the schools. Put yourself in the shoes of the teacher, this child is being completely rude and has a complete lack of respect but all you can do is take it or send them to the principles office where they get to sit in "timeout" and get out of class for the day.

    Whine all you want but look at the differences between schools from those days to now and parents need to know not every child can be disciplined with timeouts. Discipline is like everything else, what may work for some may not work for others.

    I was paddled through Jr. High. Ithink they still did it in high school, I just got smarter and did not get caught!
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I think the problem has more to do with people not actively teaching their children respect, kindness, and compassion. The rest usually falls into place.

    That does not apply to everyone. My husband and I have brought our son up to be respectful, kind, and compassionate, responsible, honest, and hard-working. But, more often than not, unfortunately he does the opposite. He has ADHD and has had a lot of behavior issues throughout school and at home. It sucks, but that's just the cards you get dealt sometimes. He's still a lovable, sweet heart of a kid, and I can't ever stay mad at him for long. But it doesn't change the fact he has a lot of issues that are beyond what parenting methods can help. Some kids just like to push the limits, and some kids just don't know when to stop. I was definitely one of those kids. My mother and father rarely spanked me, like maybe 2-3 times my whole life. I was a terror, for sure. Definitely wasn't their failing.

    As the parent of a child on the ASD spectrum, I see your point. But, in this case spanking would do nothing except add to a meltdown.

    I think a meltdown, at least in my son's case, is an unfortunate necessary step in the learning process sometimes. Believe me, being spanked is not the only thing that causes him to have a meltdown. lol... but I haven't spanked my son in many years, he will be 10 this coming August. :)
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    I don't know that it has so much to do with not spanking as it does lack of discipline and consequences.

    My thoughts exactly. I think lots of kids have not been taught much about boundaries and respect, as well.
  • Sockimobi
    Sockimobi Posts: 541
    Why would anyone want to hit a child?? :noway:

    "Want to"??????? There is never a wanting to.... for me. I "want" to be friends with my boys - but I tell them my job is to be a mom first and if we can be friends too that would be fabulous!

    Oh dear. So people can see the error in "wanting" to hit a child. But not the error in just hitting a child? Oooh dear.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Why would anyone want to hit a child?? :noway:
    Apparently you haven't seen the video...
  • travisseger
    travisseger Posts: 271 Member
    I think there are certain times a child might need to receive a spanking, but there are other ways to discipline your child that will also work. My dad spanked us on almost a daily basis growing up. The problem was, once you spank a kid so much, it starts to lose its effectiveness. Which caused him to continue to up the level of violence of the spankings until they turned into beatings that would probably get him locked up today. We all turned out to be good, responsible, productive members of society, but it's a shame that when we think of growing up, one of the first things we think of are the beatings we took.

    My oldest child is almost 11 years old, and I think I have spanked her three times. I think I've spanked my almost five year old once. That's all it has ever been needed and I hated it each time. We've found other ways to discipline them that work. Spanking is reserved as a last resort and for extreme situations.

    That said, had one of my kids been involved in that incident on the bus, they most definitely would have received a spanking and would also spend every day of their summer vacation putting in eight hours a day of hard work. They would be praying for the school year to hurry up and start.
  • plafleur76
    plafleur76 Posts: 107 Member
    I was raised by the hand, so have my two 7 year olds. They quickly learned to obey and listen. Haven't had to spank in a long time more than a swift tap on the rear here and there, but a full on spanking hasn't occurred in more than a year I would say.

    I say it needs to be done. I was given swats in school by the principal, twice, once for fighting, the other for flooding the bathroom. The principal called my mom asked permission, mom said sure, I will do the same when he gets home. I learned quick!
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    Not every punishment works for every child. Neither does every reward. One of my kids hates ice cream and chocolate. If you try to reward him with that, he won't be motivated in the least to earn it. He likes feeling competent, and knowing he's done a good job.

    One of my kids likes your anger. He absorbs it and it makes him stronger. It fuels him. Spank that one if you want. He will actually move mountains for a hug.

    I've spanked them both. I may again, but probably not. I don't need to anymore, because they know I will.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I don't believe in hitting children/teenagers. I don't think it is an effective form of discipline. There are better ways to discipline children.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I love the good old days. Everyone behaved perfecty back then *snicker* I am sorry but that shows a complete lack of knowledge about human nature and the past. The human race has done some gawdawful things to each other and no amount of getting smacked in the mouth has ever really fixed that. Bullying has always been around... And hitting people does not teach empathy.

    But children had respect and they minded their manners. :)

    Yep. And everyone had lollipops and the weather was always nice.
  • Sockimobi
    Sockimobi Posts: 541
    Why would anyone want to hit a child?? :noway:
    Apparently you haven't seen the video...

    Apparently you make assumptions.
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    Why would anyone want to hit a child?? :noway:

    "Want to"??????? There is never a wanting to.... for me. I "want" to be friends with my boys - but I tell them my job is to be a mom first and if we can be friends too that would be fabulous!

    Oh dear. So people can see the error in "wanting" to hit a child. But not the error in just hitting a child? Oooh dear.

    Hey - how's the view up there on your high horse? It's probably pretty awesome, you know...with the breeze and all.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Spanking is not "illegal", it's simply hard to spank a child into becoming a good adult. Parents have to teach their children how to behave. This requires repeating things over and over and over, because a child is just that - a child. Not a mini-adult. Children have to learn how to behave by parents modeling appropriate behaviors. This is not happeneing in all households today. Too many parents laugh at the very behaviors that later come back to bite them. When parents start giving appropriate consequences for their child's misbehaviors - things will improve. When parents become CONSISTENT with their discipline (and that is guiding and teaching - not punishment) then things will improve. Okay - off my soap box now. Have a great day!
    Oh, and btw, parents are not their children's friends. If they are - things are out of balance already. Your children have enough friends. THey only have one or hopefully two parents. Be your child's friend when they are a grown, healthy adult.
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