I am about to get controversial..



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I think the problem has more to do with people not actively teaching their children respect, kindness, and compassion. The rest usually falls into place.

    Boom Goes the Dynamite.
  • jasonr1442
    jasonr1442 Posts: 67 Member
    Why would anyone want to hit a child?? :noway:

    You don't want to hit a child just like you don't want to ground them but certain actions require different punishments. My kids knew well and good that a spanking meant they really messed up. I can count on one hand how many times I needed to spank but I can count on one finger how many times they did what they did to earn it.

    Sigh. The emphasis was on child.

    Why would anyone hit a child?

    Is that better? Forget the "want" part.

    Sigh?! Because they earned it!
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    I love the good old days. Everyone behaved perfecty back then *snicker* I am sorry but that shows a complete lack of knowledge about human nature and the past. The human race has done some gawdawful things to each other and no amount of getting smacked in the mouth has ever really fixed that. Bullying has always been around... And hitting people does not teach empathy.

    But children had respect and they minded their manners. :)

    Yep. And everyone had lollipops and the weather was always nice.

    I blame El Nino.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    I believe in spankings... not beatings or anything like that, but a swat on the butt is NOT the end of the world in my opinion.... HOWEVER I find that with my 9 year old son the absolute BEST way to make him understand how 'wrong' he is behaving is the MOM LOOK... the one that says "I'm so upset by what you have done" followed by the I'm so disapointed speach. When it is still out of control he gets the Gibb's Smack. Anyone that has ever seen NCIS knows what I am talking about... you would think that I beat him to death when he gets that to the back of the head, but whatever behaviour made me get that far usually stops without issue after that because he KNOWS I have had enough. :wink:
  • estitom
    estitom Posts: 205 Member
    Kids do not fear their parents or any authority for that matter.

    Oh really. Really. Seriously, this is all kinds of wrong.
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    I love the good old days. Everyone behaved perfecty back then *snicker* I am sorry but that shows a complete lack of knowledge about human nature and the past. The human race has done some gawdawful things to each other and no amount of getting smacked in the mouth has ever really fixed that. Bullying has always been around... And hitting people does not teach empathy.

    But children had respect and they minded their manners. :)

    Whats funny is every generation toots the same horn. "kids these days"
  • raindance_maggie
    i dont spank. i also dont care if someone does cause, guess what, its not my house so i keep my nose out.

    however, i am a constant (almost) consequence giver.

    i dont have to give out many of those in my household right now.
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    I fully 100% agree with you! There is a HUGE difference between discipline and abuse. My brothers and I received spankings growing up and it didn't hurt us one bit, but taught us to respect our parents and other people too. Not to mention to respect the property of others. Kids today get away with such horrible disrespect and lack the knowledge of authority all because of a MAJOR lack in discipline. I applaud when I see a parent take charge and shut down bad behavior in a good way. However, if I knew a child was being abused (severly beaten, torn down, mistreated, etc.) then I would want to do something to stop that. As I stated before... there is a HUGE difference between discipline and abuse!
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    There is a school in SC that allows the teachers to physically discipline the children. They send home a consent form for the parent to sign. I absolutely would sign it. I grew up that way and was spanked at home. This "new" generation does not and that's what is wrong with the world today
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    There is a school in SC that allows the teachers to physically discipline the children. They send home a consent form for the parent to sign. I absolutely would sign it. I grew up that way and was spanked at home. This "new" generation does not and that's what is wrong with the world today

    With their rock and rolling music and ripped dungarees! Damn you kids!
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
    Oh I would NEVER want someone at school, bus, daycare..etc to hit my child. BUT if my child knew that a call was coming to me about something they did at/in one of those places and they knew the concequence would be a spaking on their bottom the would think twice before they did it.
  • bekkaL85
    bekkaL85 Posts: 133 Member
    Coming from an abusive childhood, I can tell you that there is a MAJOR difference between a spanking and a beating. I don't have any kids, but I have plenty of nephews and a niece. They all respect me and do what I ask them to and I've never had to raise my hand to them. The fact that they do goes to their parents who have taken the time to teach them from right and wrong. To teach them empathy and to care about people other than themselves. THAT'S the problem with these kids. No one is teaching them to care about anything but number one. All that happens when you do that is you raise spoiled, selfish children who turn into spoiled, selfish adults.
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    Why would anyone want to hit a child?? :noway:
    Apparently you haven't seen the video...

  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    There is a big difference between discipline for bad behavior and abuse. Too few parents discipline any more.

    These kids, however, should be smacked in the back of the head and their parents sterilized.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I fully 100% agree with you! There is a HUGE difference between discipline and abuse. My brothers and I received spankings growing up and it didn't hurt us one bit, but taught us to respect our parents and other people too. Not to mention to respect the property of others. Kids today get away with such horrible disrespect and lack the knowledge of authority all because of a MAJOR lack in discipline. I applaud when I see a parent take charge and shut down bad behavior in a good way. However, if I knew a child was being abused (severly beaten, torn down, mistreated, etc.) then I would want to do something to stop that. As I stated before... there is a HUGE difference between discipline and abuse!

    This is also a big difference in discipline and spanking. Discipline is guiding and teaching a child. Spanking is a punishment. One is NOT the other.
  • carolinesmiles
    I don't know about spanking. It can work, depending on the child and his or her disciplinary needs. I was spanked a handful of times as a child, and I definitely remember trying hard to NOT do whatever put me there afterwards. I work with children, and honestly; they desperately need to learn respect. They have absolutely zero respect for authority or their elders, and they suffer from the ~special snowflake syndrome~. But I think a lot of that can be solved by regular, predictable consequences when they misbehave. Spanking should be reserved for repeated crappy behaviour, after all other options are exhausted.

    But as for those kids on the school bus? If they were mine, they'd be on their way to military school to learn some respect.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I believe we should allow physical discipline back in the schools. Put yourself in the shoes of the teacher, this child is being completely rude and has a complete lack of respect but all you can do is take it or send them to the principles office where they get to sit in "timeout" and get out of class for the day.

    Whine all you want but look at the differences between schools from those days to now and parents need to know not every child can be disciplined with timeouts. Discipline is like everything else, what may work for some may not work for others.

    Ah yes, the argument for the "good ole days". Back when things were so much better...

    It isn't whining for me to say I don't want strangers hitting my kids. Not teachers, not school administration and certainly not bus drivers. I will maintain responsibility for my child's behavior. If they act out, just let me know. I don't need anyone stepping in with their brand of justice without my consent.

    For the record my daughter has never once been hit and has never once been anything close to a discipline problem.

    I've been lucky with my kids but I have no problem spanking them if they needed it, luckily they didn't need it much.

    But the problem comes with parents who just don't give a damn about what their kids do. Thats where the true problem lies. They aren't going to spank because they don't care. NOT TO SAY IF YOU DON'T SPANK YOU DON'T CARE, but you truly have to care for your kids to make sure they act right in public, that they have manners sitting at your table and others, that they treat elders with respect (I also think elders must respect them in order to get respect) that they know right from wrong and they have concequences for the wrong and praise for the right. It really isn't about spanking it's about caring. The thugs out doing things like this have no one at home that "CARES" for them.
  • tizzie_14
    tizzie_14 Posts: 72
    I believe we should allow physical discipline back in the schools. Put yourself in the shoes of the teacher, this child is being completely rude and has a complete lack of respect but all you can do is take it or send them to the principles office where they get to sit in "timeout" and get out of class for the day.

    Whine all you want but look at the differences between schools from those days to now and parents need to know not every child can be disciplined with timeouts. Discipline is like everything else, what may work for some may not work for others.

    I need to ask... Do you have children? I don't hit my child and if anyone else put their hands on my son I would lose my *kitten*. In my experience, children with behavior problems tend to have a lack of discipline and follow through at home. This is not a blanket statement. Is my son perfect,? No, but he knows what is and is not acceptable behavior. If he misbehaves, there are consequences and he knows it.
  • _Ivian
    _Ivian Posts: 198
    My parents just instilled the fear of death in me and I was forever a wonderful child :laugh: Still am! I was terrified of my dad, TERRIFIED. Not of the beating he could totally put on me, but of the "I'm disappointed in you" speech. Holy crapoli, that was the WORST. And they knew it! *kitten* haha.

    I got plenty of pops in the mouth for my slick tongue and eye-rolling but full on spanking frenzy - two times. Both of which I deserved. But my "acting out rebellious teenager" stage lasted like 3 months while I was in high school. I'm a freak of nature lol. I realized, rather quickly, that getting straight A's and behaving like a princess, always, was the best bet :laugh:

    If I ever have a kid, I hope they take after me!
  • directorj
    directorj Posts: 537 Member
    Why would anyone want to hit a child?? :noway:
    Apparently you haven't seen the video...


    FYI : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/21/karen-klein-video-bullied_n_1615622.html
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