

  • Guines9
    Guines9 Posts: 137
    Threaten her with a law suit, let her figure out why... I am very sure this will stop her invasion of privacy, harrasment, and an inappropriate touching which can be construed as assualt. Then just sit back, relax, and smile...
  • GeorgiaWin
    GeorgiaWin Posts: 23 Member
    A man and a woman passed my wife and I in a store when she was well along in her pregnancy with our second child. They both smiled and the man reached over and put his hand on my wifes belly. I completely understood the innocence in his act, but I wanted him to understand how inappropriate it is, especially since he didn't know us at all. I reached over while he was talking to my wife and put my hand on his wife's belly. She looked at me like I was crazy and said, "What are you doing?" I just smiled and said, "Same thing he is. Tad bit uncomfortable isn't it."

    He must have caught on because he couldn't apologize fast enough.

    OP, I'm sorry you had to be put in that situation. Kudos to you for having more class than your questioner.:smile:

    You sir, are a genius!

  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    I did that once.
    "Oh, congratulations!":drinker:
    She was not in a family way one bit. NEVER AGAIN!
    Sometimes it's not out of meanness but stupidity. Sorry that happened to you.

    Yeah never ask a woman if she's pregnant unless you see the head coming out of her vagina, assume nothing.

    ^^^Exactly!! Also, do not ever put your hands on me without my permission, or I will punch you soooo hard...unless of course I am choking or having a cardiac episode...