So upset & discouraged! :(



  • YepLilly
    YepLilly Posts: 129 Member
    5) "Women just NEED personal trainers. They never lift as much as they should, and if they do, they certainly don't finish all the reps. If you really want to be skinny, you need a trainer."

    I don't know what gets me more. The lame sales pitch or the blatant sexism "women just need someone to rescue them". Give me a break!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I had a Free Fitness Evaluation today with a Personal Trainer at my new gym. Results:

    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 160.2lbs (which is fully FIVE more than my home scale)

    Chest: 34" Waist: 29" Hips: 40" Each Leg: 25" Each Arm: 12"

    Body Fat Percentage: 35%
    Total Body Fat: 57.1lbs

    After telling me that my body fat percentage puts me at OVERWEIGHT bordering on OBESE...

    1) "Running (which I am now at 25mins solid running at 5.7 treadmill speed in C25k) will NEVER get you where you want to go"
    2) "You will likely never have the thin legs you want"
    3) "You MUST spend an hour in the gym three times a week JUST on weight training if you want to be thin"
    4) "You need to see a nutritionist to put together a proper program just for you"
    5) "Women just NEED personal trainers. They never lift as much as they should, and if they do, they certainly don't finish all the reps. If you really want to be skinny, you need a trainer."

    Now I don't know WHERE I am... :sad:

    I can never make out why some people do not consider running will get you where you want to go. That has NOT been my experience, ever.

    How dare they say you will likely never have the thin legs you want - is that so don't believe it, sorry. Mine were 25" each when I first started, they are a smidgeon above 21" now - I only did running, it worked.

    I never went to the gym bar three times during the six 1/2 months I was losing weight - go to the gym if you want to, not because somebody is threatening you will never lose weight unless you do go. That smacks of emotional blackmail plus it is far from true.

    Some women can do quite okay on their own thanks very much, you may be one of those people. Quick question, how much would you be paying that personal trainer? Don't forget they are also touting for business.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I see absolutely nothing wrong with what the trainer said and I dont know how he delivered the news but he's right for a few reasons.

    1) "Running (which I am now at 25mins solid running at 5.7 treadmill speed in C25k) will NEVER get you where you want to go"

    The point of working out is to go from inefficient to efficient and back down to inefficient and up and down. Its about improving. You cant improve on one thing forever indefinitely. If you master your run workout, then you arent challenging your body anymore. Youre just going to have to run more and more and MORE and MORE and harder and farther and all uphill and eventually youre just not going to have time to just make this happen via running. He's right.

    Running is an EXCELLENT SUPPLEMENT but not the be all end all of getting in shape. Sure you'll lose weight... but it most likely wont leave you with a body that you want to show off naked if all youre doing is running >6mph >30 minutes

    2) "You will likely never have the thin legs you want"

    Embrace your actual body type and love who you really are and are meant to be - not trying to get someone else's legs. Watch your own beautiful legs develop like a polaroid and then show off those beautiful puppies like youve got a million dollar insurance policy on them.

    3) "You MUST spend an hour in the gym three times a week JUST on weight training if you want to be thin"

    This is the part I dont necessarily agree with as far as wording, but 2-3 hours a week dedicated to weights is right and will deliver results. Dont want to go to the gym- check out the body weight circuits and such on They will kill you in your livingroom in under 30 minutes and it HURTS SO GOOD.

    4) "You need to see a nutritionist to put together a proper program just for you"

    ... because you didnt go to college to study the little fine points of what eating can really change for you! If you talk to a nutritionist (god i wish i could!!!) and they show you things you could LOVE to eat that would naturally help whittle away that body fat faster than anything you could do without assistance.............. HOW IS THIS BAD??????

    5) "Women just NEED personal trainers. They never lift as much as they should, and if they do, they certainly don't finish all the reps. If you really want to be skinny, you need a trainer."

    You know what- i agree with this. Even if its just to meet with him two or three times. Because its been beaten into girls heads to do 100 reps of 7 pound weights to have small slender girly muscles and you sometimes need to pay someone to beat that OUT OF YOUR HEAD. Most girls dont lift as heavy as they should and and I certainly have to stop sometimes before finishing my last two reps - but having someone there to believe in you and help you get all the propaganda youve been fed OUTTA your system.... is AMAZING help!!

    geeeeeeeeeeeeeez if you dont want your trainer, i'll take him- i think he's awesome.

    Well you seem to be the only one so far who thinks so. I don't think you would have trouble with him fitting you in, there seems to be a distinct lack of a queue.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    what's so wrong with trying what he told her?

    I mean... seriously? My trainer said this so Im DEFINITELY NOT GOING TO DO IT?

    Because Yoovie, it is BS.

    Running is excellent, both for the heart and to assist burning fat along with a calorie controlled diet.

    Not everybody needs weights you know, not everybody wishes to lift heavy. People CAN and DO lose weight without going to a gym, this contradicts what that trainer was rabbiting on about.

    That Personal Trainer is desperately touting for business, he actually made the OP come away on a downer, feeling completely and utterly negative about herself. Yeah, that is a job well done - not.

    What he was saying was not true, he is selling his wares which is for his own benefit, not for the benefit of a potential client.
  • sherrybaby81
    sherrybaby81 Posts: 257 Member
    Total bull. When I lost my weight before, I hardly exercised (maybe once a week for 3 months for like 45 minutes each time) and lost almost 70 lbs. Sure I wasn't muscular, but I was and am fine with that. I was thin and healthier than I had been and happy.
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    Dump that trainer! I have lost 10 pounds on this site and haven't set foot in a gym. I walk, golf, do yoga and pilates in my basement, and stay below my calorie limit. That's all you need to do. Eat better and get more exercise. You can have the body you want.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    what's so wrong with trying what he told her?

    I mean... seriously? My trainer said this so Im DEFINITELY NOT GOING TO DO IT?

    Because Yoovie, it is BS.

    Running is excellent, both for the heart and to assist burning fat along with a calorie controlled diet.

    Not everybody needs weights you know, not everybody wishes to lift heavy. People CAN and DO lose weight without going to a gym, this contradicts what that trainer was rabbiting on about.

    That Personal Trainer is desperately touting for business, he actually made the OP come away on a downer, feeling completely and utterly negative about herself. Yeah, that is a job well done - not.

    What he was saying was not true, he is selling his wares which is for his own benefit, not for the benefit of a potential client.

    You are cynical.
  • Lkoblara
    Lkoblara Posts: 137 Member
    Sounds like making their clients upset and vulnerable is a business tactic for them. Make you think that you can never reach your goals without them so you have to sign up with a personal trainer. "Women NEED trainers." And what kind of sexist BS is that? I wouldn't go back to that gym anymore if I were you.
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    I had a Free Fitness Evaluation today with a Personal Trainer at my new gym. Results:

    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 160.2lbs (which is fully FIVE more than my home scale)

    Chest: 34" Waist: 29" Hips: 40" Each Leg: 25" Each Arm: 12"

    Body Fat Percentage: 35%
    Total Body Fat: 57.1lbs

    After telling me that my body fat percentage puts me at OVERWEIGHT bordering on OBESE...

    1) "Running (which I am now at 25mins solid running at 5.7 treadmill speed in C25k) will NEVER get you where you want to go"
    2) "You will likely never have the thin legs you want"
    3) "You MUST spend an hour in the gym three times a week JUST on weight training if you want to be thin"
    4) "You need to see a nutritionist to put together a proper program just for you"
    5) "Women just NEED personal trainers. They never lift as much as they should, and if they do, they certainly don't finish all the reps. If you really want to be skinny, you need a trainer."

    Now I don't know WHERE I am... :sad:

    Pretty sure that dude sold you a load of crap. Running will get you where you want to go as far as straight weight loss if you are maintaining a deficit
    Number 2 could be true, but it could also not be true. I don't know your specific body type
    You can weight train at home...
    If you can afford a nutritionist, I guess it wouldn't hurt to have one, but I have lost 32 lbs without one just by making better, healthier food choices and trying to hit my macros as best I can.
    You absolutely do NOT need a trainer. Get a copy of the New Rules of Lifting for Women and save yourself hundreds of dollars.

    People that work at gyms get incentives for signing people up for extras. They will tell you anything to make money.
  • rdy2lose
    rdy2lose Posts: 106
    I completely agree this person is only trying to jack up your bill and income for the gym. Go look at the success page and tell them to take a hike!
  • desert_rhino
    desert_rhino Posts: 104 Member
    Nothing I have done in my life has been as efficient at ripping off the weight as eating less and running more. Not everyone wants to get ripped. That's okay. Lots of cardio and a little lifting has and did and does work great for me.

    And honestly, if you're not a little cynical, you are not paying attention.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    what's so wrong with trying what he told her?

    I mean... seriously? My trainer said this so Im DEFINITELY NOT GOING TO DO IT?

    Because Yoovie, it is BS.

    Running is excellent, both for the heart and to assist burning fat along with a calorie controlled diet.

    Not everybody needs weights you know, not everybody wishes to lift heavy. People CAN and DO lose weight without going to a gym, this contradicts what that trainer was rabbiting on about.

    That Personal Trainer is desperately touting for business, he actually made the OP come away on a downer, feeling completely and utterly negative about herself. Yeah, that is a job well done - not.

    What he was saying was not true, he is selling his wares which is for his own benefit, not for the benefit of a potential client.

    You are cynical.

    Yoovie, you and I disagree with regards to this subject, but I am not the only one who thinks that trainer is not sincere. Why are you honing in on my posts. Go take a read at some of the other replies, why are you not replying to them?

    I think the trainer is out for what he can get, his advice is ridiculous.

    There, if you don't like what I am saying, just ignore me.