Let's QUIT the sweets!?

BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
I came to a conclusion this morning...sweets are not something I can have in moderation, because there IS no moderation for me when it comes to sweets! The only thing I can do at this point is to quit them- COLD TURKEY. No more cake, no more chocolate bars, and NO MORE COOKIES. I can't have one cookie, and I end up eating...well, I won't say how many I end up eating. :tongue:

Sooo...any other serious sugar addicts wanna take this challenge with me? I figure it will be easier to suffer through if we suffer together. :smile:


"When foods are digested, they are broken down and the nutrients are moved into the bloodstream. Because sugar is made of only one substance, it breaks down rapidly and moves quickly into the bloodstream. Sugar in the blood triggers the production of insulin by the pancreas. Insulin is a hormone that moves sugar out of the blood as it binds with receptors in the body. On average, Americans consume about 150 pounds of sugar per person, per year. This excess sugar is stored in fat, which is why we gain weight from eating sugar. However, there is another reason that sugar causes weight gain; when the pancreas is producing insulin, it cannot produce another hormone called glucagon, which is responsible for telling the body to release and burn fat stores for energy. So, your body grows its fat stores and prevents them from being burned for energy when you eat sugar."

A great article: http://www.pr.com/article/1058


  • Sherry79
    Sherry79 Posts: 74
    I'll suffer with you BrendaLee!!:laugh: :laugh: I too have a serious sweet addiction and I truly believe it really is something I am "addicted" to. I feel like I am having withdrawals from sweets when I go a day without eating them! And when I do give in I will eat the whole box of Little Debbie brownies (or whatever might be in the house at that moment!!) So, I'm all for this challenge and having to confess to others if I give in to temptation will hopefully keep me on board. I will say from the beginning I have the 100 Calorie Packs of Fudge Stripe cookies but am going to limit myself to one pack a day (and I didn't even have one pack yesterday!!) I ate an apple instead :smile:

    Thanks for starting this challenge and I know we can do it!!!
  • tazspastic
    tazspastic Posts: 62 Member
    I'll take the challenge with you! I can't just have one cookie either! I eat the whole batch! :grumble:

    That article quote you added is awesome! :flowerforyou:
  • schlieffen
    schlieffen Posts: 269
    tagging to read the article later! :smile:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    I will join you in the suffering. Hello, my name is Sandi, and I'm a Chocoholic!
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    Word up. I hate sugar. I can't even tell you how much I hate it! Its in everything and it pisses me off.
    My next food goal is to try real hard to cut back on the sodium and sugar from my food. I'm gonna have to start gettin inventive. Any suggestions people?
  • HOPEful27
    I will get on board. I did this for a week during the 4th of July- not smart!!! It was painful, but I made it the whole week. My body felt great & my energy level went through the roof. I too LOVE the sweet stuff so it will suck but at least I won't go through the withdrawals alone!
  • crystalscott0906
    i have a really big problem with sugar too...and my sodium...with the sugar i try to have gum...and if i try really hard i can almost get the craving to go away lol. with the sodium i cant seem to get salt out of my diet, but i switched to garlic salt instead of regular salt because it has much lower sodium. i am defiantely open to any suggestions about the sweets though...i really need help with that!
  • marisa0918
    marisa0918 Posts: 178
    When I was in my hardcore dieting I cut out all sweets and honestly you do stop craving them eventually just making it through the initial cravings is hard as heck. I am trying to cut them out again as well....soo good luck everyone :wink:
  • jlefton1212
    jlefton1212 Posts: 171 Member
    Thank you for this thread!!

    My problem has always been sweets. I know how to eat healthy, but actually DOING it is the challenge. There are cakes, cookies, and TWO candy jars in my office all the time, and if it is there I eat it. I look at my food diary and I am usually so good and disciplined, but almost every day I am a little naughty and waste 200+ calories on some kind of refined sugar.

    Also, my doctor noticed a while ago that I had high triglycerides, which was unusual because I did not have high cholesterol or any other blood lipid issue. She explained that triglycerides are a biproduct of my liver processing alcohols and sugars. (As soon as she said this, I thought of my sugar intake... I am not a big drinker.) Granted, one main issue was my oral birth control that she took me off right away and my triglyceride levels dropped about 200 points. But she still said that I should be on a low-sugar diet to keep from having to go on medication after I have kids. That scared me. I don't want to go on meds unless it is absolutely necessary...and it would seem twisted if I kept scarfing cake at work and took expensive medication to counteract it at night!

    Overcoming my willpower weakness when it comes to sugar is my last hurdle to eating what I consider to be a very nutritious diet. I look forward to visiting this thread the next time I am tempted!
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    I honestly don't crave sweets much. Not a big fan of chocolate, so that works in my favor. For me, its the sugar masked by food manufacturers to peddle their "diet" non sense. I mean, you can barely buy a loaf of bread, that doesn't have freaking sugar in it. Soda was the big one for myself. I couldnt' cut it out cold-turkey, so I just switched to a diet soda that I like. And started drinking less. Of course I understand there is quite a controversy over artificial sweetners and additives as well. Its like you just can't win sometimes.
  • MommyofM
    I'm new and you all are helping me so much! I HAVE got to stop eating all the sweets. I do good until around 4 o'clock then it all breaks loose and I can't seem to stop. How long does the time period of agony last until you don't want them any more and all the time?

    Thank for all the encouragment and fellow sufferers.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I'm in -been good for over a week and feel great. I made a ticker on my homepage to keep track. I have been an addict-refuse to go back, and havent given up my art sweetners. One day....one step at a time...:drinker:
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Good for you, BrendaLee. I was also addicted to sweets/sugar and the only way I weened myself was to go cold turkey. Now I rarely even want them. I do occasionally have a cookie or tortilla chips (<--- which I used to be really addicted to). But I eat it in moderation and know to just have one serving. Before I didn't know the concept of a serving and once I started eating, there was no stopping me. :laugh: I do plan to have a sundae from Coldstone on my birthday but not on just any old "occasion" (I always used to find excuses/"occasions" to indulge). So I am not saying no sweets ever but on a daily basis I do not eat them. But at first I had to tell myself "NO" to all sweets/salty treats to give my body time to adapt to the change. I am still pretty much sugar and sweet free and sometimes it is hard -- like when it's my TOM and I'm craving a hot fudge sundae! So I am down for this challenge.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Awesome guys! I feel so much better knowing I won't be going through this TORTURE alone. lol Let's try to check in daily, and report how we did/ how many days we have in.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    me me me!! i wanna join!!!!! can i??? *puppy dog eyes*
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    You know what? I'm gonna join too. After today - b/c I want some m&ms right now. I generally do pretty well, but I would like to do better. I've cut back a lot on the bad carbs, now it's time to cut back on sweets.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    me me me!! i wanna join!!!!! can i??? *puppy dog eyes*

    Yes! :tongue:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    OK. I joined the "after today" crowd after the lunch I had. Way too much tempting stuff in my work cafeteria all free. I'm going to rely on reporting to you all to keep me in check after this!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I'm glad this thread was created.
    Congrads Brendalee on your choices. I'm in.

    So many other threads talking about sugar, and people saying "it's ok in moderation".. "it's ok if you don't binge". "Just cut back and make sure you have room to count calories"

    I say fooey. It's all choices and some people are weaker than others when it comes to addiction.
    Some of these people are saying.. it's ok to have sugar, just don't over do it. What does that mean to some people. Well i've been good today so i'll have a cookie, or I did my exercise, so I'll have a piece of cake..... Maybe once a month that's ok, but some people probably do that 2-3 times a week.

    Another thread was comparing food to alcoholic's.
    Some people cannot have just 1 cookie, some cannot have just 1 piece of cake.

    I used to be a 3-4 pop a day person. Then I started with the diet pops which I didn't enjoy much, and found out about aspartame. Then went to the clear pops(Sprite, 7-up, ginger ale - like it made a difference.. shrug in my mindset it did, it wasn't coke or pepsi.)
    Now i'm pop free for over 6 months.
    About 2 weeks ago, my fiancee and I were out , and we were having lunch. I ordered grilled halibut, vegetables, and had some rice. For some reason I ordered a ginger ale, I ended up having 2 sips of it and left the rest of it at the table. That made me feel real good on where I am with pop.

    (others can relate) Previously, before leaving the restaurant, I made sure and downed whatever pop i had left at the table

    .....venting over..

    An example when I watched the tv show with Jamie Oliver, he was explaining that even spaghetti sauce, they put in salt to help with flavour, and then put in sugar to cover the salt and also help with flavour.
    We can easily make your own spaghetti sauces.
    So I guess it depends on what food you are finding your sodium and sugar.
  • jlefton1212
    jlefton1212 Posts: 171 Member
    I love Trader Joe's organic marinara sauce. It's the only spaghetti sauce in a jar that I can find that doesn't have any added sugar at all, and it happens to taste delicious!