Let's QUIT the sweets!?



  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    count me in I think:happy: :laugh:
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    count me in I think:happy: :laugh:

    HA, HA..... me too! (she said reluctantly) :bigsmile:

    I have been pretty good on the sugary snacks.......
    NO ice cream all weekend! :cry: :sad: :grumble:

    Luckily I don't like any of the candy that is available at the office.
    BUTT...... a few months ago a co-worker kept bringing in Jelly Belly FLOPS!
    3 or 4 of those tasty buggers stuck together = mucho more flavor! :explode: :bigsmile:
    Boy did I go on a binge or 2 or 3! Calories were OK, but crazy sugar count & I felt like crap! :noway:

    ROCK ON Everybody!!! We're already sweet enough!! :laugh: :bigsmile: :laugh: :love:
  • SusieSonshine
    SusieSonshine Posts: 252 Member
    Thank you for this thread!!

    My problem has always been sweets. I know how to eat healthy, but actually DOING it is the challenge. There are cakes, cookies, and TWO candy jars in my office all the time, and if it is there I eat it. I look at my food diary and I am usually so good and disciplined, but almost every day I am a little naughty and waste 200+ calories on some kind of refined sugar.

    Also, my doctor noticed a while ago that I had high triglycerides, which was unusual because I did not have high cholesterol or any other blood lipid issue. She explained that triglycerides are a biproduct of my liver processing alcohols and sugars. (As soon as she said this, I thought of my sugar intake... I am not a big drinker.) Granted, one main issue was my oral birth control that she took me off right away and my triglyceride levels dropped about 200 points. But she still said that I should be on a low-sugar diet to keep from having to go on medication after I have kids. That scared me. I don't want to go on meds unless it is absolutely necessary...and it would seem twisted if I kept scarfing cake at work and took expensive medication to counteract it at night!
    Overcoming my willpower weakness when it comes to sugar is my last hurdle to eating what I consider to be a very nutritious diet. I look forward to visiting this thread the next time I am tempted!

    If you haven't already, you've GOT to watch the video in my signature! Sugar: The Bitter Truth. I can't even begin to fathom having triglycerides as high as yours were that dropped 200 points?!?! wow!!!

    You don't have to cut out chocolate, ladies! Just use unsweetened, no sodium cocoa powder! Raw cacao nibs or powder is best, but whatever ya got that can satisfy the choco monster! I make the most AWESOME chocolate shake that's low in cals and healthy for ya! Believe it or not, cocoa/cacao is GOOD for ya! It's all the other crap they put in with it that is bad!

    I've posted a version of my recipe in the Recipe Forum, but I'll post it here again:

    Susie's Super Chocolatey Shake (4 servings, approx 230 cals each serving)

    1 can coconut milk (make sure the ingredients are just coconut milk or coconut milk and water)
    10 Tbsp of cocoa powder (unsweetened, no sodium)
    2 Tbsp Blue Agave Nectar
    4 Tbsp of Hemp Protein Powder (or whatever kind of protein powder you use)
    2 or 3 cups of ice

    Blend and enjoy!!!

    I vary this recipe by adding sunflower butter, or almond milk, flax seed meal, almond meal, a banana, etc. It's "to die for!" lol!!!

    Best of all is, I have NO SUGAR CRAVINGS at all! I have a major sweet tooth too! Except for fruit, this is the only "free sugar" that I have, and even that is good for ya!

    All the best on your journey, ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I want to do something special in September so this is a good start for me. So count me in!!! I need a specific place to vent out about sweets. :noway: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I want to do something special in September so this is a good start for me. So count me in!!! I need a specific place to vent out about sweets. :noway: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Vent away. :smile:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I ate tiramisu-so delicious. I'll keep trying. :grumble:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I ate tiramisu-so delicious. I'll keep trying. :grumble:

    I ate a triple chocolate super drumstick. Yah. My daughter and her friend came home from the store with one, and I, being me, had to have one too. (I did workout to burn it off right after though)

    Never quit trying.
  • July
    July Posts: 239
    I'm in!
    I've been doing well, and I find the less I have it, the less I want it, but the social aspect (like my husband wanting icecream!) always comes up! I at least want to be sugar-free until I'm back to my pre-vacation weight.

    Plus, sugar causes wrinkles!
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    I just saw this site and it stopped me dead in my tracks. Yes. Yes. Yes! I am so glad I have someone to do this with.

    I am diabetic but that doesn't stop the playing the sugar-free game. And that stuff is full of fat.
    So the sweetest thing from now on that will cross my lips is fruit and sweetnlow in my coffee.

    And you know what? It isn't tortue for me because I feel so good after a few days
    bless you! kc
  • joa827
    Great job everyone!

    I have been sticking with it; Yesterday I really wanted something sweet after dinner (I usually eat ice cream every night!) but I resisted and brushed my teeth! One day down!
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    Brenda, I just stopped in to say WOW What a picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You're beautiful!!!!!
  • jfilon
    I just now saw this thread! Ah, this is perfect. Moderation with sugar apparently doesn't exist in my world.
  • jaxterbom
    For September, I'll commit to not eating food sweetened with sugar. I use Splenda and I've gotten used to its taste. I know that there are claims about side-effects, but artificials do not bother me at all. I also drink diet soda which has aspartame. I use sugar-free Log Cabin on pancakes. With all of the above, I do not (usually) crave things like Little Debbies (which also contain saturated fat). OK maybe when I go by them in the store I crave 'em a little ... :drinker:

    Good luck to us!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Diet Plans
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    So, I'm wondering: are you people still eating cereal, for instance? How far do you take this challenge? Is it just deserts? I'm doing it primarily because I want to stay away from fruit yogurts. Where else is sugar hidden? (yeah, sodas, but I'm not a bigger consumer of those either :smile: )

    I wonder how much of my mood is sugar deprivation :ohwell: and how much of it is mental. :huh: I wonder how it'll be if I manage to be strong for a few days. From what I remember, after staying away from sweets for a few weeks, they don't even taste THAT good anymore :wink: .

    One thing is sure: this IS a challenge. Good luck everyone :drinker: . And thanks for sharing the ups and downs - that means a lot to me, for one.
  • cjm0014
    cjm0014 Posts: 118
    I'm in with jaxter!
    September, no sugar for me. this is gonna be toooooough. major sugar addict and comfort eater here... will check back in later.
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Hi, I can see I'm not the only one who has a problem with just a little sugar. I can't even control the sugar free stuff. One night I ate two bags of Stovers and it sure came out the other way just as fast.

    No to sugar in September.

    This is day 2 for me. kc
  • Sherry79
    Okay I must confess. . .I cheated today but not really:wink: I broke down and had one of the BIG oatmeal creme pies BUT I had enough extra calories left over to have it. I do have to say where I've not been eating the sweets for over a week now it "tasted" okay (NOT as good as I expected!) but I was literally sick for two hours afterwards and I had to drink,drink,drink lots of water to help with the bad sugary taste in my mouth:drinker: So anyways, my point is I cheated a little on our "no sweets" but it was good for me as I don't want anything like that for a loooong time :laugh:

    Good job to everyone so far & continued success to each of you :smile:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    So, I'm wondering: are you people still eating cereal, for instance? How far do you take this challenge? Is it just deserts? I'm doing it primarily because I want to stay away from fruit yogurts. Where else is sugar hidden? (yeah, sodas, but I'm not a bigger consumer of those either :smile: )

    For me it's the junky sweets like cakes and cookies- the things I can not stop at just one serving, and end up eating the whole thing. I'm good with cereal (love oatmeal crisp triple berry). :smile:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Brenda, I just stopped in to say WOW What a picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You're beautiful!!!!!

    Thank you! :smile:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I've been clean for one day :drinker: - as silly as it might sound (1 day, what's 1 day?) I'm taking it one day at a time and am happy about this little success :glasses: .