Let's QUIT the sweets!?



  • klaflamme
    klaflamme Posts: 109 Member
    Oh my... Quiting sweets... that is like giving up air. LOL Sweets are my biggest enemy.

    A few years ago, I had lost about 60 pounds and my new boyfriend was trying to spoil me - he bought me two big bags of chocolates. Normally, a guy would be expecting the girl to hug or kiss him and say thanks. I literally think my reaction was, "You can't buy sweets for me! You don't understand, I have no control and I will eat the whole bag." I did gain about 5-10 pounds during a relationship because he wanted to treat me out.

    I would love to join but I am scared to death that if I quit sweets, that I will end up binging on them later on. Has anyone had this same addiction, quit cold turkey, and been successful? Just curious?
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    My daughter asked what a twinkie was the other day. "You've never had a twinkie?" "What kind of mother am I?" So I bought twinkies and vanilla and chocolate zingers. She tried them and remembered that maybe she has had them before. However, I can't leave them alone. Note to self: Daughter doesn't know what a twinkie is because mom will make all 3 boxes disappear like magic before anyone else in the family can have one.:ohwell:
  • pniana
    pniana Posts: 254 Member
    I'm joining! Late but not too late. This is something I strugglew with and while I am convinced that if I cut the sugar my belly fat will shrink, I just can't seem to do it. Suffering with others may help. Sorry Skinny Cow. You will need to sit in the freezer uneaten!

    My only exception in the limited sugar I put in my coffee. I keep trying without and just can't. I set a goal of 30 grams of sugar a day. I will try to stay under that!
  • pniana
    pniana Posts: 254 Member
    Oh my... Quiting sweets... that is like giving up air. LOL Sweets are my biggest enemy.

    A few years ago, I had lost about 60 pounds and my new boyfriend was trying to spoil me - he bought me two big bags of chocolates. Normally, a guy would be expecting the girl to hug or kiss him and say thanks. I literally think my reaction was, "You can't buy sweets for me! You don't understand, I have no control and I will eat the whole bag." I did gain about 5-10 pounds during a relationship because he wanted to treat me out.

    I would love to join but I am scared to death that if I quit sweets, that I will end up binging on them later on. Has anyone had this same addiction, quit cold turkey, and been successful? Just curious?
    I give up chocolate every year at Lent and last year gave up sweets altogether. The craving does get less as time goes on. And each year I bing less at the end of Lent. Although, last year, I think I did sit down and go through my kids Easter baskets and nibble on quite a few items before breakfast!!
  • precious0814
    Omg! I'm Nicole and I too am an addict, a sugar addict! I had my last chocolate bar and sprite yesterday! I was going to try my hardest to go cold turkey too!

    I had read that sugar is like a drug! Once you eat something sweet your brain wants more, it takes about a week to get out of your system!

    So let's do this together! I'm with ya!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    The thing about sweets is I don't know why I bother...I could eat as many cookies or as many chocolate bars as I could fit in my body, and there's never a feeling of satisfaction. Even if the craving passes for a bit after I eat something sickeningly sweet, it's back in NO time. That's what I'm using as my little sugar-free mantra now. "There is no satisfaction with sugar". I can't really ignore it either, because I know how true it is.

    Deep breath, and repeat, "There is no satisfaction with sugar"!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Bump. :smile:

    How's everyone doing?
  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    I havent had anything sweet in bout a week Im doing good with it although I want some ice cream right now:sad: :sad: does that count :laugh:
  • pniana
    pniana Posts: 254 Member
    Not doing so well. Had aparty yesterday and people brought brownies and pumpkin pie. Had a bit of both. Today the craving for a skinny cow truffle bar overwhelmed me. There's always tomorrow!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Haha, this is funny :laugh: - I have been meaning to allow myself some junk desert today - for the first time this month. Yet, when I wanted to open the vanila pudding which has been sitting in the fridge for days, I loked at its "eat before" and that was the end of August :laugh: . Good bye, sweet temptation :laugh: .

    I had a scoop of icecream on Sunday and I must say, I could've lived without it (is this really me?). I would have loved a pancake, though, but I didn't find the spot where they were selling them at the street fair we went to. And (is this me again?) I skipped the chocolate-coated fruits.

    I am planning on introducing honey in my diet. Plain oatmeal with honey and a bit of milk - yummy.

    pniana, keep trying. Actually, portion control is the ideal way. Looks like you did that ("a bit"). Keep trying.

    Btw, how long did it take you to lose those 10lbs and how are you maintaining now? Well done! :flowerforyou:
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    Hey y'all! I saw this thread last week and was planning on starting my no sweets for atleast two weeks yesterday. I did awesome... until I saw the chocolate fudge poptarts my mom had bought. She kindly agreed a few days before to hide anything sweet she bought. But she asked me to help with groceries and I grabbed the wrong bag, lol.
    Ever since I started eating healthy it has been SO easy for me to stop drinking soda, no fried food, no fast food... but the chocolate and sweets (any kind, I swear) are my downfall. I can't stop with just one of anything.
    I ended up eating a poptart again for breakfast (but only one - not the 4 that I'd love to eat haha) so I'm going to really try my hardest to keep away from anything sweet all day.
    Good luck to everyone!
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    Ok, over the weekend I went through some out of control binging over cookies and icecream. Although I'm a big believer in "everything in moderation", I'm going to accept the fact that I don't do well with "just a taste". Other people can but I can't: at least not right now. I'm going to have to go cold turkey. I'm on day 2 with no sweets. I'm allowing myself a little bit of brown sugar in my morning oatmeal but, other than that, no candy, cookies, cake, icecream, donuts or anything else that can be interpreted as dessert.

    This will be especially hard at work where there's a candy bowl and donuts around every corner.

    Luck to us all
  • HeatherBurke
    Ok... so I am having HUGE issues with sweets and wrote about it yesterday.. the ice cream did win last night but after I told my boyfriend about HIS ice cream being in MY belly and he said "Well I guess when we make the plunge to live together I can't have sweets in the house can I?" NOW, how can i punish him who can have a PINT of ice cream for a month or more just because I don't seem to have any self control?? NEGATIVE... It's not fair to him or to my body... SOOOO... Starting today I am trying my damndest to turn over a new leaf, I have done it before... If I wanted something sweet I would eat one of the 100 calorie yogurts that taste like cinnamon rolls, cherry cobbler, etc and be done with it... So, today I have not had anything sweet... I had frosted mini wheats and silk vanilla soy milk for breakfast but I don't count that as "sweets" that are my issue! I will be checking in and logging every single thing I put in my mouth as I have before and made such a huge difference... I can't solely blame my weight gain on my birth control anymore... it's just a cop out! So there! lol... The day is young but hopefully my mind frame will stick and continue... OH! Also, I was going to start going back to the gym like a crazy person and OF COURSE today started my TOM.... Joy!!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    HeatherBurke, lemme make a comment here - take it in the positive way it is said, k? Just because the icecream does not show (yet) on your bf's belly, it does not mean it is healthier for him than for you. Unless it is homemade and you know exactly what goes in it, it must have some preservants, so portion control cannot hurt him either :wink: . Once in a while, as a treat, it's OK, but not as a rule, you know? So try to teach him to substitute fruits for sweets. Good luck and stay strong :flowerforyou: .
  • HeatherBurke
    HeatherBurke, lemme make a comment here - take it in the positive way it is said, k? Just because the icecream does not show (yet) on your bf's belly, it does not mean it is healthier for him than for you. Unless it is homemade and you know exactly what goes in it, it must have some preservants, so portion control cannot hurt him either :wink: . Once in a while, as a treat, it's OK, but not as a rule, you know? So try to teach him to substitute fruits for sweets. Good luck and stay strong :flowerforyou: .

    The whole thing is that he has the control to make it just a treat as opposed to myself... I have caught myself thinking about it for hours and looking forward to it after I get off work like it's just calling my name or something.. It's sick really.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    The whole thing is that he has the control to make it just a treat as opposed to myself... I have caught myself thinking about it for hours and looking forward to it after I get off work like it's just calling my name or something.. It's sick really.

    Oh, I get it! Changing habbits takes hard work and perseverance. I am sure you can do it, just stay strong. The first days are the most difficult usually. (Btw, TOM's not the perfect time to start a diet and such, so don't beat yourself up if you slip off - just keep trying).
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    The whole thing is that he has the control to make it just a treat as opposed to myself... I have caught myself thinking about it for hours and looking forward to it after I get off work like it's just calling my name or something.. It's sick really.

    Believe me, it calls to me in the same way!
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    I love this thread because I lie to myself and take that first bite and I'm a gonner. I made some no flour, no sugar cookies that I make my kids for school snacks. All it is is oatmeal ground up with an egg, spices, applesauce and sometimes some dried fruit.

    Well, i told myself this is okay. it's not sugar. Ha! I ate a pan of those things. Okay, i got a problem. If is looks sweet, tastes sweet, sounds sweet I have a control issue.

    And what really started me on this lie was that little serving of sugar in the lean cuisines I was buy. Well, I think I put back the 5 pds I lost. But that's okay. I will get this. I will. I will. I wil with the grace of God. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. And I will become a healthy weight kc
  • MelinaJ
    ohhhh man, I think this challenge is totally up my ally! (darnit!)

    I think the last time I quit cold turkey, I ended up SO ruining like a week in a row!. Soooo, nothing all week. My reward is that IF I can stick with it all week, on Sunday, I will go down and SPLIT a frozen yogurt with the hubby. Topped with fruit only. And only 4 oz.

    Good deal.
    Fingers crossed!
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    When i first decided to diet i did sooooo good, then came aunt flo......i could probably kill someone for a snickers bar...so what i did was went and bought 100 calories snickers, reese's and york bars....it really helped fill that sweet void. I also bought weight watcher cookies and icecream, and i allow myself to have 2 snacks a day of these sweets.. I ran out of the icecream and looked online and mcdonalds cones are actually not that bad...1 gram of fat and 150 cals