Trim for Turkey Day starts today! Join if you want!



  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    I finally had a real move on the scale after two sort of blah weeks. I agree usmcwifeb15 - the scale has a mind of its own. I've been feeling discouraged these last two weeks, but I have to remind myself that as long as I keep an honest food diary and exercise I WILL lose weight. I was going to move my calories back down on MFP to 2 lbs per week, but then I lost 2.5 lbs this week at the higher cal level.

    It is so difficult to be patient!!! I think what is helping me get through that feeling this time is a combo of a couple of things: a) THESE threads!!! Thanks everyone for keeping me motivated! b) started running again - something I used to LOVE but gave up - so an exercise that I actually enjoy and has a goal other than pure weight loss (I want to run in races again - have my eye on 5k, then 10k for a charity that has meaning to me personally).

    Hope everyone has good weigh in! We still have 9 weeks to go, so we still have time to lose a dress size (well, for me a size is usually 13-15 lbs loss) :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    08/27/09 - 168.5 (starting)
    09/03/09 - 165.5 (-3 lbs)
    09/10/09 - 165.5 (-0-)
    09/17/09 - 165.0 (-.5 lbs)
    09/24/09 - 162.5 (-2.5 lbs)
    11/26/09 - Thanksgiving

    TD Goal weight - 152
    Starting weight - 190
    Final Goal weight - 135
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    weight in: 151.0 (although it was lower earlier in the week and now i am about to be in my TOM, so i am not to discouraged., so im down .4 lbs. I also need to take a break from relying on the numbers on the scale. I am doing the shred so I am probably gaining muscle so my weight isn't going to go down as quickly. I usually weigh myself everyday, but I am going to give it a few days, esp during my TOM so i dont get discouraged
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Checking in...
    1 lb for me this week.
    Last week 173
    Today 172
    Turkey Day goal 160
    12 lbs to go!!!

    I'm with sudzie this week. TOM is just around the corner. Hopefully, I'll show more of a loss next week, but I'll take the pound. At least it's not a gain, but it seems to be taking forever to break into the 160s. :grumble:

    Good luck, everyone!!! :drinker:
  • everyday
    Good Morning:smile:

    Down .5 lbs this week. Another 9 to go.....Slow & steady will work.

    Catch up later, HOPE EVERYONE sees the number they want!!
  • hgirl1021
    Happy Thursday Check in everyone!

    last week: 129.0lbs
    today: 129.0 lbs
    no loss, no gain
    td goal: 120

    def happy not to see any gain here as i was fearing the scale this morning :ohwell: but i agree with you thompsons81702...i wish i would have skipped the scale this am. sometimes its more discouraging to see no change or a gain than it is to feel better in clothes! so i hit the gym for 2 hours this morning and will continue to truck on. are we posting a challenge for this week?? i'm sticking with the crunch challenge as its almost become an addiction with me :laugh: and the water of course....

    hope everyone is having a happy weigh in!
    :heart: jessica
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    Thanks, usmcwifeb15. I really need to stop looking at the scale so much!

    alright, checking in

    last week: 161
    this week 161.4
    gain .4, but TOM's here (after nearly 3 years!!) so I'm probably not going to be motivated to do much in the way of exercise! But I plan to up the 3-4 days a week to 5 days and increase the level of intensity. A walk around the block with the kids is not cutting it! I need to sweat and nearly pass out before i see some results! :laugh:

    ok, thanks all, I'm feeling motivated again! This is a new week let's make it GREAT!
  • hgirl1021
    I need to sweat and nearly pass out before i see some results! :laugh:

    LOL:laugh: :laugh: work it..but don't kill yourself!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I weigh myself twice a day----last thing at night and first thing in the morning and record both weights on a chart that I keep near the scale. I don't record a new weight on MFP unitl it's been consistent for a few days.
    last week
    today's weight 126

    starting weight January 14

    goal weight

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • aallen440
    Not much here. Only .4 lbs lost this week .Things have been so crazy though. I homeschool my son and have to work around my oldest daughgter pre-k schedule which is 11:30 - 2;20 everyday. And I also have my 2 yr old to take care of. Not to mention all the activities that they are involved in.
    I feel like the only excercise I have been able to get in is my bike ride (with trailor) to pick up my daugher at pre-k....and that is only a few blocks away:ohwell:

    I am going to have to figure something out with this schedule.......

    Water has been good, missed my crunches this week:blushing: , and not so good on the sweets:blushing:

    However I am bound and determined to kick butt this week! BRING IT!!:explode: WHO IS WITH ME!!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    :sad: im up 1 pound....Can't seem to kick this pound off even though im working out everyday.... hope next weeks better then this weeks....
  • bkoehl
    I am doing this!!!! TD here we come!

    Current Weight 168
    TD weight 155
    Goal weight 145

    Good luck to everyone! We can do it!
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    So a 1.2 lb loss this week. :happy: The TOM is approaching here as well so hopefully a bigger loss next week. Congrats to everyone with a loss! You are doing great barbiecat! Keep up all the hard work everyone only 9 weeks till Thanksgiving. 7.8lbs to go!
    SW 163.8
    09/03/09 - 161.2
    09/10/09 - 157.2
    09/17/09 - 157.0
    09/24/09 - 155.8
    TD GOAL -148
  • hgirl1021
    :sad: im up 1 pound....Can't seem to kick this pound off even though im working out everyday.... hope next weeks better then this weeks....

    make sure you're getting some rest too!! there is such a thing as too much exercise. maybe give yourself a lil downtime, make sure you're getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night. sleep is so important in weight loss so your body can heal and repair. hope you have a better week. good luck :flowerforyou:
  • laughingfox
    Last Week: 192lbs
    This Week: 189lbs (-3lbs)
    TD Goal: 183lbs

    6 lbs to go! I may have to adjust my goal! :flowerforyou:

    Great job everybody!
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    Checking in...
    1 lb for me this week.
    Last week 173
    Today 172
    Turkey Day goal 160
    12 lbs to go!!!

    I'm with sudzie this week. TOM is just around the corner. Hopefully, I'll show more of a loss next week, but I'll take the pound. At least it's not a gain, but it seems to be taking forever to break into the 160s. :grumble:

    Good luck, everyone!!! :drinker:

    ugh i know! it feels like i have been on the cusp of the 140s foreverrr. i would kill to see a "14..." at the beginning of the scale!
  • I lose 2lbs this week. It's actually .5 lbs short. I added 1 hour of ellitical last night but still could not lose that .5 lbs. I'll target the next weight in for 3 lbs to see if I can make it.

    160 lbs by xgiving
    Start September 4
    Sept 10 -4 lbs
    Sept 17 -5 lbs
    Sept 24 -2 lbs
    Oct 1
    Oct 8
    Oct 15
    Oct 22
    Oct 29
    Nov 5
    Nov 12
    Nov 19
    Nov 26 Total : -26lbs & blue ray player
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I maintained this week... I actually started off with a loss earlier on, but after I felt a little better, I gained it back. I think it was water-weight from being sick. I'll be back on track now that I'm able to function!
  • TheNatKitchen
    TheNatKitchen Posts: 33 Member
    Todays check in:

    08/29/09 - 169 (starting)
    09/03/09 – 165 (-4lbs!!!) woo-hoo!!
    09/10/09 – 163.6 (-1.4 lbs)
    09/17/09 -- 162.8 (-0.8 lbs)
    09/24/09 -- 161.5 (-1.3 lbs)
    10/01/09 --
    11/26/09 – Thanksgiving Goal=150.

    It looks like everyone is doing very well!
  • Beautifylgirl
    Beautifylgirl Posts: 55 Member
    Ok so I"m 142 today and my goal at Christmas is 120. My water intake should be 56oz/day.
    I haven't been doing well with my weightloss as I've been fluctuating like 7 pounds in 2 weeks. Up then down then Up than down.. Very frusterating. Well off for a walk.
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I weigh myself twice a day----last thing at night and first thing in the morning and record both weights on a chart that I keep near the scale. I don't record a new weight on MFP unitl it's been consistent for a few days.
    last week
    today's weight 126

    starting weight January 14

    goal weight

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Oh man, I couldn't do that. I HATE weighing myself. I almost have a panic attack every time I step on the scale - lots of pleading as I step one toe on and then another. I don't think my heart could take the stress of weighing every day, twice a day. :laugh:

    I'm leaving on Monday for Munich and Oktoberfest - so I won't be posting. Next week could be a real disaster for me. I made a deal with my husband that we would split meals at the restaurants (German food = yummy beer, potatoes, fried meats, sausages, cheese, and bread = me gaining 10 lbs). I figure even a really bad meal split in two will be tolerable. There is a really nice gym at our hotel - going to continue my C25k and sit ups and push ups. Taking protein bars for my breakfast.

    It is difficult - I want to enjoy my holiday, but I think my priority is not gaining weight. They sell beer by the liter at Oktoberfest!!! Man, I'm scared of blowing up. I just don't think I can face another gain. I was 161 at the start of the summer, then I gained 8 lbs, now I'm barely back to 162.5 - I'm so tired of the 160's!!

    Any advice??