Trim for Turkey Day starts today! Join if you want!



  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    i know our weigh in isn't today, but i weigh myself more than once a week and today i saw something beautiful!!!! a 14- at the beginning of the scale!! i have finally (after an interminable plateau) broken into the 140s at 149.0!!! I could not be more happy!!! AND to top it all of its my TOM so i am hoping in a week ill see even more dramatic results!!!

    finally feeling like all my hard work shredding, gymming, and eating well is paying off :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    YAY, sudzie!!! :bigsmile: I'm still waiting to see a -16 at the beginning of mine. Getting closer!!! My work has been paying off in my measurements tho! I posted my progress on our 30 day shred thread.

    I also weigh in more than once a week, but I'm in a few groups here at mfp and my official weigh in is on Sunday with my "Sunday Successes" group, so whatever weight I post in that thread, I carry through for the week. Even though by Thursday, I sometimes show an additional loss, I stick to the Sunday weight. It's sometimes hard to try to keep track of the 3 weigh-in groups I'm in, but it keeps me motivated! :laugh: I'm also in 2 other groups where we don't weigh in. One is a 30 Day Shred group where we post our progress, the other is a cycling group where we post our mileage. :happy:

    All of these other groups are why I don't really participate in the challenges, but I do enjoy reading all the posts. I do make the water challenge and the no soda challenge, but those come easily to me because I started stepping up my water a few years ago and only drink an occasional Ginger Ale. Can't do the sweets, I'd end up bingeing :tongue: Well, I'm done rambling now :laugh:

    Good luck for Turkey Day, everyone!! :drinker:
  • Lose26LbsByXgiving
    Goble! Goble!
    Yup, I weight almost everyday. For sure the last 3 days before the weight in so I know whether I have to push myself a little harder to meet my 2.5 lbs weekly goal. This week I did not dare to get on the scale. I ate too much sodium.. I hope I won't gain weight tomorrow. Well I know I won't have a carefree weekend this time :explode:
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    officially checking in today!!

    148.2!!!! i am down 2.8 lbs! i have officlally broken my plateau!!! :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Checking in...
    No change for me this week.
    Last week 172
    Today 172
    Turkey Day goal 160
    12 lbs to go!!!
    At this rate I'll never get there :tongue: :laugh: :tongue:
  • everyday
    everyday Posts: 127
    Good Morning ALL:smile:

    I really hate to post this but I am up a whopping 4 lbs :cry: .. its TOM !!

    ON TO next week !!

    ~~ Happy October~~
  • hgirl1021
    hgirl1021 Posts: 115
    Morning everyone!

    last week: 129.0lbs
    today: 129.0 lbs
    no loss, no gain
    td goal: 120

    no change for 2 weeks now, on the scale that is :bigsmile: loving the shape my body is taking with my dedicated strength training. now i just need some advice on how to strength train and STILL lose numbers on the scale! getting the hang of my new hrm and trying to figure out how to get this figured out so i can see numbers reflect as well...but i know i'm gaining muscle, so i'm happy this week! started week 4 of the crunch challenge today and it's amazing how easy its becoming!! i feel strong is so many ways compared to 4 weeks ago. I hope everyone has a great week!!

    :heart: jessica
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I weigh myself twice a day and am aware of how much my weigh fluctuates just based on how full my tanks are
    you can't drink 32 ounces of water in the last 30 minutes before bed and not expect to see the scale number jump up:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I don't record a weight until I've been there or below for a week so I don't get crazy about the small fluctuations.

    So here's the report for today:
    Last week 126 lbs
    Today 125 lbs :bigsmile:
    Goal 118 lbs

    I'm leaving today for a long weekend trip----bringing some of my food but there will be restaurants to deal with every day :explode:
    I'm keeping up with my crunches, water drinking, no soda, no sweets, and positive attitude. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: .
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    WOW, Barbiecat...I didn't realize you have lost 58 lbs!!! That is awesome!! :drinker: You go girl!

    ok, checking in

    161.6 today
    161.4 last week
    up .2...given I was sick all week and didn't work out and with TOM, I think I got lucky!
    TD goal: 145

    ok, so I have 16 lbs to lose to meet my goal with 8 weeks until TD, I have to lose 2 lbs a week every week from this point on! I can do this, I won't adjust my goal right now, I really have to pick this up!! :ohwell:

    Good job everybody and keep up the support and encouragement!!
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Good Morning Everyone :smile: I am down 1.2 lbs this week and I have 6.6 more lbs to lose to make my TD Goal! Congrats to everyone and keep up the hard work only 8 more weeks till Thanksgiving.
    SW 163.8
    09/03/09 - 161.2
    09/10/09 - 157.2
    09/17/09 - 157.0
    09/24/09 - 155.8
    10/01/09 - 154.6
    TD GOAL -148
  • laughingfox
    Last week: 189lbs
    This Week: 189lbs
    Loss: 0 :grumble:
    TD Goal: 183lbs
  • Lose26LbsByXgiving
    Did not lose any weight neither :mad:

    target 165 lbs by xgiving
    Started September 4
    Sept 10 -4 lbs
    Sept 17 -5 lbs
    Sept 24 -2 lbs
    Oct 1
    Oct 8
    Oct 15
    Oct 22
    Oct 29
    Nov 5
    Nov 12
    Nov 19
    Nov 26 Total : -26 & blue ray player
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    where is everybody??:laugh: I need someone to tell me to go work out!!:bigsmile:
  • everyday
    everyday Posts: 127
    akgrant.... TIME TO get up and start moving it!!! :smile:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    where is everybody??:laugh: I need someone to tell me to go work out!!:bigsmile:

    Get moving, akgrant!!! Get your butt in gear!!!! :laugh: :drinker: :laugh:
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm back from holiday.

    I didn't weigh myself, but I'm sure I've gained a bit. I did keep up with my workouts while on holiday, but ate terribly and had alcohol. I'll be back on track the rest of this week until Thursday. Hoping the scales will be kind to me!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    I went over my calories yesterday:sad: but ate healthy
    it was a combination of very little exercise (less than 9000 steps on my step counter) and lunch in a restaurant. The place we planned to go was closed and the next one (we were on foot) was "The Rock wood fired pizza & spirits". I found a Thai chicken salad but even with only a bit of the dressing on the side and one bite of the tortilla bits (on the side) I figured it was about 500 calories. :sad: I could have skipped my bedtime snack, but I didn't :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    At least I wasn't like the heavy woman at the next table who getting handfuls of candy out of the bowl on her table and I said no to the Twinkies and M&Ms that were offered to me. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: And I drank more water than usual.

    This was the night I wore my new dress and it looked great. All the hard work paid off. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    I know it was the weekend, where is everyone? I went to Octoberfest the real deal in Munich. It was amazing! Only bad part is I ate terrible though! Well just to remind you all this Thursday when it is weigh in I will post a new thread. I will put the link on this page first.

    i see u live in in graf! i went last year. this year im not i cant fit into my dirndl :(

    i wouldnt have gone anyways. i have no willpower when it comes to that beer, or the half meter bratwurst.
    How crazy is that! I go to Graf about once a month. Maybe we will have to meet up some time. If I lose more weight I am so going to buy a drindle and wear it next year.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Welcome all new faces! Also hello to all of you! I am sorry that I did not post a new thread yet. I am going topost one right now and I will put in the link to it. I had to take my daughter to a medical apt on Thursday and was so busy I forgot. I swear I have taken on to much and need to start focusing on me. I think if I do I can lose the weight I have gained back. Ah I am up to 16 lbs since June. Anyway sorry! Please forgive me for slacking.
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    Here is a link to the new page. I labeled it Trim for Turkey day October Page.