Over 200 Club (Open Group) Back to School Week 1

awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Hey guys and gals !! Here is the new thread and yes I am back and ready to pump it up again and spread my motivation and inspiration with you guys.I ready to get back in the game and this time I am not falling off the wagon so here is to BACK TO SCHOOL and making ourselves the best we can be.Send me suggestions on our challenges each week and continue to weigh in on Fridays.We can do this !!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Thanks Momma2four for keeping the group going when I have been gone.Everyone of you have been great and so supportive.LETS DO THIS!!!MY goal is to lose 40 pounds by the end of the year whats yours?


  • conmonja
    conmonja Posts: 28
    I have 1 1/2 to go to 50 pounds since May 18, 09. I want to get below 200 by the end of the year.I am now at 233 1/2. This is my goal, I amm going on vacation with husband and sister. So you know this may be hard. Wish me GOOD LUCK.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hello, hope I at least lost a pound when I weigh in tomorrow. Haven't been hitting the gym, but have been trying to keep up the walking for this challenge. Eating habits have not been too great at all, so I am going to challenge myself to step it up next week. Sister is doing ok, still healing so I think in about a week we will start walking on the trail behind her house for a start. Drank all my water.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    My goal will be to lose another 35 pounds by the end of the year.

    weigh in results this week -

    last week - 256.8
    this week - 256

    not the best, but I had family from out of town staying with me, and didn't really exercise or eat that well. I need to get back on track this week!!
  • lindsay1982
    lindsay1982 Posts: 245 Member
    I AM HERE!! I was suggested to come here by Momma2four (Thanks! :flowerforyou:). Here I am, and I cannot "weight" to weigh next Friday, I just weighed yesterday, so I need to wait until next week. My SW was 281, my CW is 271, and my GW is 250 by 12/31/2009 @ 11:59 p.m., so I can start the new year right. :smile:
  • I want to join your group! I am currently working with a nutritionist and heading to the lap band in December. When my boys started school on Monday I started at the YMCA. My goal is to do some sort of exercise everyday. I work out of my home as a graphic designer & tend to eat when stressed. I do not have a supportive husband in the matter as he has a drinking problem. I will be 40 in April '10 & do not want to spend the rest of my life in a size 24! I was not heavy until about 15 years ago. I know what I need to do to lose the weight I just have real issues with will power and support. Any help will be greatly appreciated! I am in WV, 245 lbs., 5-4" and miserable!

    CW 245
    GW 160
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Welcome lidapi and CristinaAnn!
  • trikstar
    trikstar Posts: 61
    Weigh in: 210.2 (I didn't realize how much my TOM changed my weight last week!)

    That means I hit goal #1, and am REALLY close to goal 2 - no longer obese! Halfway done with my overall goal - be heatlhy by my BMI! :D

    I'll shoot for 30 lbs by the end of the year. Too many food oriented holidays coming up. :tongue:
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    My goal for the end of the year will be 35 pounds. As far as the challenges, I like what we were doing, having the biggest loser of the week (at weigh in on Friday) pick the next weeks challenge.

    cw - 250, went up 6lbs in the last week:explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: , I don't know what happened but not very happy with myself. didn't get as much exercise as I should, but I didn't eat that bad.

    gw - 160

    I have decided to make a goal for myself for the next couple of weeks to be really good at eating and to make sure to have my meals planned so I don't have any excuses to go out.

    I hope everybody is have a good morning and will have a good weekend!!! :flowerforyou:
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Weigh in: 210.2 (I didn't realize how much my TOM changed my weight last week!)

    That means I hit goal #1, and am REALLY close to goal 2 - no longer obese! Halfway done with my overall goal - be heatlhy by my BMI! :D

    I'll shoot for 30 lbs by the end of the year. Too many food oriented holidays coming up. :tongue:

    woohoo!!! Thats awesome, great job!!!!:drinker:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi everyone,

    ♦lidapi, glad you decided to check us out

    ♦Welcome CristinaAnn

    ♦awestfall, thanks for the new thread

    ♦andrea, how is the new nephew?

    ♦jenn, as usual you have lost weight, I am so proud of you. .8 is almost a pound which is great.

    ♦trikstar, yay girl I am so happy for you. You hit that goal big time

    ♦ready2bff, good to see you, you keep chugging a long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:flowerforyou:

    Well, I have bad news I gained, yes girls I gained 1 pound. :mad: I went in the wrong direction this week. :grumble: It is my own fault I knew I was eating too much and I could not control the monster this week.:explode: I am going to move on. There are too many people including myself counting on me to do this. My goal for this year is to lose another 35 pounds by the end of the year.

    I also have good news :heart: my 7 year old(1 of the 4 I am momma to), is getting an award today for doing good on the state testing. I am so proud of her!!!!!:love:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Weigh in: 210.2 (I didn't realize how much my TOM changed my weight last week!)

    That means I hit goal #1, and am REALLY close to goal 2 - no longer obese! Halfway done with my overall goal - be heatlhy by my BMI! :D

    I'll shoot for 30 lbs by the end of the year. Too many food oriented holidays coming up. :tongue:

    I just wanted to tell you again I am really proud of you. How exciting to not only meet goal 1 but to be so close to meeting goal 2. By the way how tall are you? Just curious
  • trikstar
    trikstar Posts: 61
    Thanks, guys. :D
    I'm 5'10" and have a larger frame.

    Congratulations to your 7 year old! You must be so proud. :D
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hi new members! Hello gals, Trikstar great job girl.

    Momma2four> He is good, him and mommy are on opposite schedules right now so she is absolutely exhausted. Also congrats on your 7 year old, what an honor!

    Weigh in today: same weight 238 and on TOM so what the heck lol. Back on track next week ok. I just need to lose 5 more pounds to get to the 20 lbs loss mark wish me luck
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Thanks, I am back from the school and she was so proud. She got a medal and I asked if she wanted me to take it home. Noway, she wants to wear it all day.:smile:

    trikstar, I asked how tall you were because I have to weigh 163 to get out of obese range, :huh: I noticed that you were already almost out of the obese range. I guess my problem is not weight it is my height:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • trikstar
    trikstar Posts: 61
    Thanks, Andrea. :D

    Momma - yeah, height is on my side in this case. :D I am about 2 lbs from being "overweight" instead of obese. (SO excited about this...!) and soooooooo close to being under 200 I can freaking see it. :D I'm not letting anything mess this up. I've come way too far. I can't even remember the last time I weighed less than 200. It has to have been at LEAST 10 years ago.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I am so excited for you. That is such a huge accomplishment. You keep it up.
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Thanks, Andrea. :D

    Momma - yeah, height is on my side in this case. :D I am about 2 lbs from being "overweight" instead of obese. (SO excited about this...!) and soooooooo close to being under 200 I can freaking see it. :D I'm not letting anything mess this up. I've come way too far. I can't even remember the last time I weighed less than 200. It has to have been at LEAST 10 years ago.

    That is soo awesome trikstar, you will do it for sure!!!!!! Great job!!!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey, where are all my girls????????
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Hello Everyone: SW 225 CW 215 (since joining MFP Aug. 15th) :heart: Megan
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    OK ladies, I am having problems again. I am a yo yo when it comes to weight loss and gain..when i get into the grind I get down and exercise like 4 times a week and the weight comes right off me..then I get into the state I am in right now...laziness. I don't know why but I just stop, and my weight loss of course comes to a halt, no weight gain right now but no loss what so ever.

    I am going to make a small goal to try to get into the gym once this week, and on two other days do some sort of activity...just to get back on track again. Any suggestions friends?

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