Over 200 Club (Open Group) Back to School Week 1



  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    OK ladies, I am having problems again. I am a yo yo when it comes to weight loss and gain..when i get into the grind I get down and exercise like 4 times a week and the weight comes right off me..then I get into the state I am in right now...laziness. I don't know why but I just stop, and my weight loss of course comes to a halt, no weight gain right now but no loss what so ever.

    I am going to make a small goal to try to get into the gym once this week, and on two other days do some sort of activity...just to get back on track again. Any suggestions friends?


    Hey Andrea,
    I am going through the same thing right now. . I can relate to what you are saying. This is a really hard journey. Especially, for those of us who have been eating as we please for such a long time. We have to pick our selves up, dust off and move on. Start off with small goals. Find a friend near you who would be willing to walk or bike ride with you a couple of days a week. I like to sometimes play "dance dance revolution" with my kids, you can burn a 100 calories or so if you do that for 30 minutes straight. We have a ps2 and the game was only $10 at best buy. I just checked out a work out dvd from the library and I am going to force myself to do that today. We just need to keep encouraging each other. We are all going to have rough times. Going back to our old ways is no longer an option. I am with you, today we both get back on track!!! We can do this. We are worth the effort it takes to get this done:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    OK ladies, I am having problems again. I am a yo yo when it comes to weight loss and gain..when i get into the grind I get down and exercise like 4 times a week and the weight comes right off me..then I get into the state I am in right now...laziness. I don't know why but I just stop, and my weight loss of course comes to a halt, no weight gain right now but no loss what so ever.

    I am going to make a small goal to try to get into the gym once this week, and on two other days do some sort of activity...just to get back on track again. Any suggestions friends?


    I am the same way, I hate it, I wish I could just stick with it really good, but like you said I do good for awhile then stop and do bad. Maybe small goals is the best way to do it.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in after a week's vacation - it's really hard to be motivated today! :grumble:

    last week's weigh in: 240.4
    this week's weigh in: 239.8 ... so at least I lost a little on vacation ... although I know that I had lost quite a bit more in the beginning of the week because I was really doing well with exercising and eating healthy even while on vacation - but then 'fell off the wagon' and did really poorly the last half of the week!:angry:
    but I need to shake that off and be proud that I managed to lose a little from the previous week even while on vacation!

    calories: not great ... ate most of my exercise calories - but at least not all
    exercise:yes - 90 minutes at the Y ... boy was that tough after vacation
    Water: yes

    goal by year end: total loss 30 pounds ... which would put me at 225
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    OK ladies, I am having problems again. I am a yo yo when it comes to weight loss and gain..when i get into the grind I get down and exercise like 4 times a week and the weight comes right off me..then I get into the state I am in right now...laziness. I don't know why but I just stop, and my weight loss of course comes to a halt, no weight gain right now but no loss what so ever.

    I am going to make a small goal to try to get into the gym once this week, and on two other days do some sort of activity...just to get back on track again. Any suggestions friends?


    Andrea - if you don't already have a HRM, I would recommend one. I got a Polar F11 last March for my birthday and for some reason it has really just clicked with me. I like that it tracks my exercising and I get a little 'trophy' at the end of the week if I meet my weekly exercise goals. I haven't missed a trophy since March and I keep upping my goals. If I'm short on exercise time ... I put on my HRM and go for a walk or I get on my exercise bike, when in the past I probably would have just stayed on the couch. I know it's just another 'gimick' but does give lots of good info and for me has worked to keep me motivated to exercise!
    Now where I struggle is with my eating ... I can get into a good/healthy groove but then easily fall into old unhealthy 'binge' eating habits. I need to work especially hard this week because in the past I always struggle after a vacation because I tend to feel sorry for myself and 'comfort eat'. :angry:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    lstpaul, glad your back from vacation!!!

    I am also so pleased to see everyone rallying around and supporting each other. This is what we need we can all relate to difficulties on this journey. I am just so proud of everyone.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am right there with you.I just need to get my stupid but into gear.I think I am stressing out about my 4 year old starting preschool and her being away from me all day.I still have my 2 year old at home but I am just not coping very well with the thought of another baby off to school.Someone help me and tell me it does get easier.On a good note it gives me more time to exercise and do things I would like to do that I otherwise can't without making myself nuts with two toddlers killing each other all day:laugh: :laugh:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    OK ladies, I am having problems again. I am a yo yo when it comes to weight loss and gain..when i get into the grind I get down and exercise like 4 times a week and the weight comes right off me..then I get into the state I am in right now...laziness. I don't know why but I just stop, and my weight loss of course comes to a halt, no weight gain right now but no loss what so ever.

    I am going to make a small goal to try to get into the gym once this week, and on two other days do some sort of activity...just to get back on track again. Any suggestions friends?


    Hey Andrea,
    I am going through the same thing right now. . I can relate to what you are saying. This is a really hard journey. Especially, for those of us who have been eating as we please for such a long time. We have to pick our selves up, dust off and move on. Start off with small goals. Find a friend near you who would be willing to walk or bike ride with you a couple of days a week. I like to sometimes play "dance dance revolution" with my kids, you can burn a 100 calories or so if you do that for 30 minutes straight. We have a ps2 and the game was only $10 at best buy. I just checked out a work out dvd from the library and I am going to force myself to do that today. We just need to keep encouraging each other. We are all going to have rough times. Going back to our old ways is no longer an option. I am with you, today we both get back on track!!! We can do this. We are worth the effort it takes to get this done:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Thanks Momma for always encouraging!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    We can do this guys we can meet our goals the only ones holding us back is ourselves so lets stay focused and supportive to one another and lets look awesome this Christmas.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Calories: went over by 600 :grumble: at least it was healthy food not junk
    Water: good
    Exercise: Didn't get much in, 2 sick kids

    Hope everyone is having a good week!!!! :wink:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    :grumble: ok ... I knew I was going to be struggling after vacation to get back on track - and I am. I've got a bad cold on top of it - so that doesn't help ... I don't want to exercise and I also want to 'comfort eat' everything. I'm home sick today - which makes the refrigerator a temptation ... I'm going to have soup for lunch, and if I'm feeling better I'll do 60 minutes at the Y tonight ... but not the full 120 that I've been doing.
    water: good
    calories: went over by about 200
    exercise: none
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Hello all! I am new to MFP as of yesterday and I would love to give and receive the encouragement we all need from time to time. I am 230, 5'10" and 35 years old. About 6 years ago I had gotten down to 207 and was SOO close, but then I let some pitfalls in my life take me down and I went back up to 250.

    Someone mentioned challenges? I didn't know if this group set challenges or if it was personal challenges (I am going to do the 200 situp challenge and the 100 pushup challenge). Regardless, I look forward to forming some friendships with you all!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    We are all having a pretty hard week this week. We are going to all have to snap out of this and move forward. Here it is Tuesday and we still have no challenge for the week. What's it gonna be girls.?

    I too am finding myself overeating when I should be sticking to the plan. Let's snap out of this. We have come too far. We do not want to fail ourselves once again. I do not know about you all but this is the farthest I have ever gone. I DO NOT want to ever be back where I was at the end of Feb. I want to be below 200 pounds. It is too much food that has put me in the over 200's I want to be "normal" size again. I want all of us to be "normal" size again. I want us to be healthy and energetic. Girls we need to get focused and get remotivated. Remember how excited and eager we were in the beginning. Well today is a new beginning let's get eager. :flowerforyou:

    Malibootie, welcome to our group, you will fit in just fine:flowerforyou:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Momma2four: You are so right ... we need to snap out of this funk. For me, this is also the farthest I've gone after many, many, many attempts before. I want to be 30 pounds down by the end of the year and I'd really like to be under 200 by my birthday in March. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!! :love:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    There must be something in the air, because I am having a really hard time this week. I was sick last week and because it was a respiratory infection I didn't exercise. Then I started eating comfort foods... I am now exercising again (and man am I sore!) but I am having trouble kicking the food habit. I am thinking about food all day long. I have come too far to go back to my old ways. I need to get myself back on track today!
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Who was the biggest loser on Friday, they should pick the challenge, if not maybe everybody just pick something for themselves, but I really liked letting the biggest loser for the week pick the challenge, kind of a reward!! Lets get this going and snap out of the funk. I too am so sick of being like this and want to be "normal"!!!!

    Jennbarrette - I am the same way, always thinking of food, there has got to be something we can do to redirect our attention. Anybody have any suggestions??
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    I was thinking of joining weight watchers, was wondering if any of you had any experience with it? My mother in law has lost 50 lbs and loves it. Thanks!!
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    OK ladies, I am having problems again. I am a yo yo when it comes to weight loss and gain..when i get into the grind I get down and exercise like 4 times a week and the weight comes right off me..then I get into the state I am in right now...laziness. I don't know why but I just stop, and my weight loss of course comes to a halt, no weight gain right now but no loss what so ever.

    I am going to make a small goal to try to get into the gym once this week, and on two other days do some sort of activity...just to get back on track again. Any suggestions friends?


    Hey Andrea,
    I am going through the same thing right now. . I can relate to what you are saying. This is a really hard journey. Especially, for those of us who have been eating as we please for such a long time. We have to pick our selves up, dust off and move on. Start off with small goals. Find a friend near you who would be willing to walk or bike ride with you a couple of days a week. I like to sometimes play "dance dance revolution" with my kids, you can burn a 100 calories or so if you do that for 30 minutes straight. We have a ps2 and the game was only $10 at best buy. I just checked out a work out dvd from the library and I am going to force myself to do that today. We just need to keep encouraging each other. We are all going to have rough times. Going back to our old ways is no longer an option. I am with you, today we both get back on track!!! We can do this. We are worth the effort it takes to get this done:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Thanks Momma for always encouraging!!!

    Yes thx momma don't know what I would do personally without a bud like you!!
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    I was thinking of joining weight watchers, was wondering if any of you had any experience with it? My mother in law has lost 50 lbs and loves it. Thanks!!

    My sister did this like 4 years ago and lost about 40 pounds on it.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    I don't know who the biggest loser last week was, but I think my personal challenge for this week will be not to eat after 9 o clock
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I was thinking of joining weight watchers, was wondering if any of you had any experience with it? My mother in law has lost 50 lbs and loves it. Thanks!!

    My sister did this like 4 years ago and lost about 40 pounds on it.

    My mother lost 40 pounds on WW many years ago and still goes to meetings once a month to maintain ... so it really worked for her. For myself however, I've joined and rejoined and rejoined WW for the last 20 years and never had much success with it- for some reason the 'points' never meant a lot to me compared to 'counting calories' . But like I said, my mom and many other people I know have had success with WW.