Do NOT skip out on a meal!



  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    Acg57 beat me to it. :laugh:

    I'm not about to go on a prolonged fast, but it makes for interesting reading.
  • Jotell
    Jotell Posts: 139 Member
    No, I do not. I take things out of context sometimes, and have re-read everything. Thank you! Please, send me whatever you feel will help me in my learning journey. I know for me that if I don't eat breakfast, I will not be able to eat all of my calories. I have to eat breakfast. NOT everyone does, which is WHY I have been saying EVERY BODY is Different. :)
    The research I have done at my college was a liquid fast. Water only. There are no nutrients in water. Water is good, keeps us hydrated, but you can only live off of only water for a period of time. I guess I should have made that clear. My apologies.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,173 Member
    ....drink tons of water! It's a natural diuretic and flushes all sorts of toxins from your system.

    Now I am confused....I thought a diuretic is something that removes water from the body. How can drinking water remove water from the body? And I also thought the liver was the only thing that removed toxins from the body. I would be educated on these points, please.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    I think we need two different versions for MFP - one for Starvation adherents and one who thinks its a myth.

    My opinion:

    There is a starvation response - but most people who are overweight are unlikely to see it. If you are severely underweight and trying to lose more, maybe.


    There is a true phenomenon known as the starvation response and it is well documented in the Minnesota Starvation experiments and the Hunger Fasts that have been studied. However, it only happens in humans when they lose enough body fat that they fall below the level of essential fat. In a man, this would be below around 5% fat and in women just above that.

    I have gone on three day fasts (not to lose weight but to detoxify) water only not a single calorie of food and I lose weight as expected.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Actually, I know more than I would like to care about fasting.

    Intermittent is the key word in the phrase Intermittent Fasting. It is not only perfectly safe, but quite successful for SOME people. EDIT for clarity:

    People who intermittent fast will still be eating the appropriate total number of calories daily or weekly. They are just doing it with a different feeding schedule. For example, I may wake up at 6am and not eat anything until noon, or even 2pm. I'll also eat most of my calories at night. I guarantee you that I'm eating a reasonable amount of food and that I'm not suffering from any starvation response.

    . By not eating a healthy balanced breakfast you are NOT actually breaking your fast and starting your metabolism.

    Breakfast does not kickstart anything. Every time you eat you burn a portion of that food through Diet Induced Thermogenesis or Thermic Effect of Feeding. This thermic effect is based on the calorie and macronutrient content of the food you eat but it is not frequency based. Your metabolism will run at roughly the same rate regardless of whether or not you are eating breakfast or not eating at all.

    Energy metabolism after 3 days of fasting:

    Resting metabolic rate INCREASE after short term fasting:

    Resting energy expenditure INCREASE after short term fasting:

    Ramadan fasting and body composition changes:

    Different meal timings (eating later vs breakfast):

    Weight loss vs body composition changes. Large evening meals vs large morning meals:

    I would suggest you take a good look at these.

    I would also suggest the following resources. Your intent is great, but the information you've presented is not supported. I am not trying to attack you when I say this, I'm glad you want to help people.

    Lastly, you say that we are all different. I have a good article on that too (not my article, let me stress that. This is Lyle and he is brilliant):

    EDIT: Posting a few other resources in a moment.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    No, I do not. I take things out of context sometimes, and have re-read everything. Thank you! Please, send me whatever you feel will help me in my learning journey. I know for me that if I don't eat breakfast, I will not be able to eat all of my calories. I have to eat breakfast. NOT everyone does, which is WHY I have been saying EVERY BODY is Different. :)
    The research I have done at my college was a liquid fast. Water only. There are no nutrients in water. Water is good, keeps us hydrated, but you can only live off of only water for a period of time. I guess I should have made that clear. My apologies.

    To be clear though, while this does make for interesting reading, what *most of us refer to in terms of fasting and indeed what I suspect Sidesteel is talking about is not the kind of fasting you decribe above. It involves eating the same amount of cals as you would over the entire day or week, just in a shorter window of time.

    ETA - he beat me there...
  • Jotell
    Jotell Posts: 139 Member
    I'm too full by that point to eat anymore. I am at 1500 Cals a day. I can barely eat that amount even with breakfast.
  • Mzchasenpaper
    Mzchasenpaper Posts: 37 Member
    the less water you drink the more your body holds onto it. causes swelling or water weight gain and improper organ function, I got sick when i was 17 from not drinking enough water. I drink it now but this was what my physician told me at the time.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I can not stress this enough! When you skip out on a meal or don't eat all of your calories your body will go into starvation mode and hold onto EVERY calorie it can not knowing when it will be fed again! Trust me, I KNOW.... I didn't eat my calories and GAINED 3 pounds! Now that I am eating ever 2-3 hours with healthy snacks and healthy meals I am losing!!! Every body is not the same, I get that. But, every body DOES and WILL hold onto everything it can! So, Please don't starve yourself to lose weight! It's NOT going to work and you'll only be hurting yourself.

    Ok, rant is over...

    And my calories are usually only 600 a day, by my choice and I'm losing just fine too and I'm NOT going into this "starvation mode". OMG people it's not something that people in this country have to worry about. One missed meal or even a day without eating, and even 9 months on 500 calories a day will make you go into "starvation mode". Doctors put their patients on these amounts every day and for months on end and they may gain their weight back after the diet is over but they sure as heck don't go have this problem...get freaking real.
  • Jotell
    Jotell Posts: 139 Member
    Thank you SideSteal for the information. I will be reading these and discussing them with my professors!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I'm too full by that point to eat anymore. I am at 1500 Cals a day. I can barely eat that amount even with breakfast.

    You should *absolutely* continue doing what's working for you, as long as it continues to work.

    Some people also psychologically need to eat breakfast because they can't stay away from the cupcake truck if they're fasted. They should also eat breakfast.

    But not *everyone* needs to.
  • Jotell
    Jotell Posts: 139 Member
    Thank you Susannamarie for those kind words. And you are right! Not everyone is the same and needs to do the same thing as our bodies are all different. People are this thread don't seem to remember me saying, every body is different so I am NOT pointing this out to just one person.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    ....drink tons of water! It's a natural diuretic and flushes all sorts of toxins from your system.

    Now I am confused....I thought a diuretic is something that removes water from the body. How can drinking water remove water from the body? And I also thought the liver was the only thing that removed toxins from the body. I would be educated on these points, please.

    Drinking water makes you pee therefore your getting rid of more water than the water you drank. Actually drink a beer and see how much you pee.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Thank you Susannamarie for those kind words. And you are right! Not everyone is the same and needs to do the same thing as our bodies are all different. People are this thread don't seem to remember me saying, every body is different so I am NOT pointing this out to just one person.
    I can not stress this enough! When you skip out on a meal or don't eat all of your calories your body will go into starvation mode and hold onto EVERY calorie it can not knowing when it will be fed again! Trust me, I KNOW.... I didn't eat my calories and GAINED 3 pounds! Now that I am eating ever 2-3 hours with healthy snacks and healthy meals I am losing!!! Every body is not the same, I get that. But, every body DOES and WILL hold onto everything it can! So, Please don't starve yourself to lose weight! It's NOT going to work and you'll only be hurting yourself.
  • Jotell
    Jotell Posts: 139 Member
    "Every body is not the same, I get that."
  • MustBeTheRows
    MustBeTheRows Posts: 377 Member
    Wow, I've seen a lot of misinformation in this forum. But wow, just wow.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I appreciate your desire to help. Are you familiar with any research on the effects of short term fasting? You may be surprised at how efficient and resilient the human body is.

    I never skip breakfast as a habit but I some times fast breakfast and lunch for religious reasons. Doesn't affect me other than guarantees a dip in the scale that day. I dont' advocate regularly skipping meals but an occasional day where you fast one or two meals isn't bad for you at all. I think it's actually a great exercise in mental discipline in controlling your food intake and it helps you at other times when you're tempted to binge on food. Mentally you're prepared for the battle because you've practiced already.

    As you mentioned some people do practice short term fasting on a daily basis.
  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 664 Member
    I've got way to much fat to go into "Starvation mode" but with that said I'm to greedy to not eat my calories sure sometimes I skip a meal or two but that just means a larger meal later on in the day ... I eat when I'm hungry or when I feel like it or when I'm happy or sad hell i even eat when I remember too after a busy day of forgetting to eat.

    Thanks for your advice but we are all different I shouldn't skip meals because I need to keep my glucose levels steady but as long as its at a good level I eat when I need or want to ... keeping my calorie goals in mind but not worrying to much about them as long as I'm close.
  • nlhill79
    nlhill79 Posts: 60 Member
  • Jotell
    Jotell Posts: 139 Member
    Wow, I've seen a lot of misinformation in this forum. But wow, just wow.

    What's your advice? Any is good! I love to learn! Please and thanks!