Physical activity you don't log????



  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I only log when I go to the gym and take a walk around our local lake.. other then that, nothing else I do gets logged.

    I figure that any calories burned, will be reflected in my body telling me it's more hungry than usual.. and then I can eat a bit extra if I want to make up for those extra calories burned.
  • krazykristen123
    krazykristen123 Posts: 103 Member
    If i did it before i started losing weight then i don't log it
    I only log what i go out and do for a cal burn
  • dotti1121
    dotti1121 Posts: 751 Member
    :blushing: Wish I could log s*x... xD anyway...

    how do I log ab workouts? It's a legitimate question, since I'm in a pickle here.

    I did:

    25 crunches
    25 reverse crunches
    25 bicycle crunches
    40 Russian twists
    20 side crunches
    30 sec. plank

    I heard someone once say to log that as Calisthenics?
  • histora
    histora Posts: 287 Member
    I log some things and not others.

    I log housework on days that I don't sit down from breakfast until naptime. Those days usually involve hanging multiple loads of wash on the clothesline outside, multiple trips up and down my stairs, lifting baskets and kids, sweeping and mopping, taking out the garbage. I don't log the whole time, but I'm moving more than usual, so I log it.

    I also log yardwork because I include feeding the chickens, hauling water to them, hoeing the 5/8th acre plot of corn, mowing 4 acres of yard. It's a long walk from the feed shed to the chickens, with a 25lb pail on each arm.

    I don't always break a sweat from activities whether they are intense or not. I didn't break a heavy sweat butchering chickens this weekend, but I was bone tired and muscle sore after 4 hours of it. It was a lot of walking there, stepping up here, lifting that, dropping this.

    Considering that I got fat from living in town with too many appliances and not enough chores, I count them.
  • angemarie23
    I have a FitBit and it's integrated with MyFitnessPal so it automatically accounts for any activity above and beyond my set activity level. So, typically, I only count scheduled workouts like TurboFire or ChaLean Extreme. Technically, I wouldn't have to log anything, actually, because the FitBit adjusts my calories even if I don't do anything. So, when I add TurboFire or a stroller walk...I end up with the same calorie burn for the day even if I didn't log anything because it replaces what FitBit has already calculated for that time slot with what I enter. So 300 calories still equals 300 just shows up as "TurboFire" instead of "FitBit Calorie Adjustment".
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    :blushing: Wish I could log s*x... xD anyway...

    how do I log ab workouts? It's a legitimate question, since I'm in a pickle here.

    I did:

    25 crunches
    25 reverse crunches
    25 bicycle crunches
    40 Russian twists
    20 side crunches
    30 sec. plank

    They have a "Situps, Vigorous" Category in the cardio section. It gives the same cals per min as Calisthenics, so your choice on what to use.

    I don't log standing
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    i walk a lot....but i never log the first hour of walking i do. i dont have a hrm and i know mfp cals are not accurate so thats kind of like my buffer. yesterday i walked for 3 hours!!! i logged 2 hours of it, idk. not having a car sucks.:sick:
  • livies_mommy
    I used to log sex until my profile became public!!!! It's a GREAT workout, we all should be logging it :o)

    How would you log it? Just curious.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Personally, I ONLY log workouts. My running, or workout classes, or if I get on the elliptical and my 90 minute salsa lesson.

    I don't log housework, shopping, or anything else that I do. However I am not a 1200 calorie a day person, so I don't see the need to log my normal daily activities.
  • madisonsteelex
    If I don't perform the activity specifically to burn calories, I don't bother logging it.

    ^^ exactly that. I walk about 3-4 miles a day when walking to and from class/ friends apartments. I don't log sex, but my roommate was curious once and wore an HRM during.. she said she got a pretty good burn hahaha
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    The only exercise I log is the exercise that requires me to put workout gear on and I acknowledge that what I am doing is purely for exercise purposes. Everything else that "may or may not" burn some extra cals is just considered a little bonus.

    Edited to add:

    So I don't log walking from my desk to the printer, standing, sex, eating, driving, sleeping, shopping, house-cleaning, etc.

    ^^^^ this ^^^^^
  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    I've had my success by underestimating calories burned and overestimated calories I intake. I don't log any of my physical activity on here it's way too friendly, and probably gets a lot of peoples hopes up.

    It's my opinion that people shouldn't log standing, or driving, or anything like that.

    anytime I enter my weight into machines I go greatly under my actual weight in order to get a more accurate count. Makes you work harder too and makes you realize how much work goes into burning off that crap you put in your body. You need to slave over the treadmill for about a half hour at a pretty good intensity just to knock off probably half a can of soda. which is why It was the very first thing I cut out when I decided it was time for a change.
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    The only kind of non exercise thing I log is when I am painting or doing something really physical. Other than I think of it as just a bonus burn day.
  • hey_robbie
    Like most people are saying, I log workouts and not everyday activities, as I've already set MFP on an active lifestyle. e.g. I walk just over a mile to and from work every day and have a standing desk in my office and that doesn't count. An exception is stairs. I live on the 8th floor and work on the 10th floor, and I want to reward myself when I take the stairs. It's only a few calories, so it probably doesn't make a big difference in the calculations (I would bet less than the inaccuracy of foods), but it makes me feel a little satisfaction each time I put in those flights of stairs at 3 calories each.
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    I wear my fitbit all the time, so time spent walking, up and down stairs, long distances, are logged automatically into MFP. I only log sex when I could use the extra calories to balance out my log. If I logged it every time, it would seem really shallow and boasty... so I only log it when I need it for my log. Other than that, when I am doing other activity like mowing lawn or biking. And then of course when I actually work out, I log it.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member

    Chopping wood is in the database, so is mowing the lawn, gardening isn't but unless you are doing some serious hoeing I wouldn't count it.

    Actually, there is a "gardening, general" section. I use it all the time for my 1,600 square foot garden. I usually cut the time in half, though, because I spend about 1/4 of my time standing around out of breath from digging weeds between the rows with a rake, and a good bit of the other 3/4 bending over to pluck individual weeds. So I'm sure I'm not burning as many calories as MFP suggests. But in the spring when I spend 4 hours tilling the garden with a hand rake, you bet I log every second. That there's a fine workout!

    Still, I spent over two hours in the garden yesterday, and I'm sure I burned far more than the 250 calories I ended up logging.

    To answer OP: I set my lifestyle as sedentary so I COULD log everything. I also try to log everything so I'm sure I'm feeding my body properly.

    I also frequently exercise for the specific purpose of earning calories to eat. It's a good incentive to get exercise, and as long as I actually do the exercise and try to be accurate or conservative in the number of calories I burned, I see it as beneficial to my health.
  • NU2U
    NU2U Posts: 659 Member
    I don't log any of it...I'd just be tempted to eat back the calories, which defeats the purpose.

    Actually , that's not true. Unless you set up your goals manually w/ your TDEE info. Otherwise, the way MFP is set up is that if you don't exercise , you will still lose weight because it already gives you a deficit. If you exercise, you further increase that deficit

    to a possibly unhealthy level. If you follow how MFP is set up, you're supposed to eat your exercise cals back. You need to fuel your body. Food is fuel.


    I simply don't buy into all of that. My body gets enough fuel. I could go a month without eating (that's how much "fuel" my body has). I can afford to miss a few meals. I eat when I'm hungry..and I stop eating when I'm satiated. My body is thriving and actually shedding weight at a slower pace this way...rather than gaining weight slowly by eating in excess. Working out, for to condition my body..shrink it. It works for me. I don't feel the need to refeed just because I workout.

    Then why are you even on this site if you don't agree with how it works?

    Girl, Please!!!! I can join any site I doggone please. I don't have to agree with everything this site believes...or everything YOU believe.
    My ONLY concern is logging and tracking my foods. I'll do ME...and you do YOU!!

    You don't have to agree with what I do...and I CERTAINLY don't have to agree to..or follow your beliefs. So..step off!!!!
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member

  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I don't log things simply because I don't know how to classify them. I live in the country with about 1 acre of lawn to cut. I don't log that, or my gardening. How would that be rated? Also, when I chop firewood, how would you classify that?

    When I walk to the corner and back (2 miles) I log that, but not the other stuff.

    You should get an hrm or fitbit.....I bet you'd be surprised how many calories you burn doing these activities. :smile:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    I don't log sex, because I'd make people feel bad about their own sex lives with the frequency, no joke.

    LOL, so you're getting my share too! doesn't make me feel bad though :happy: