How do I ask my Uncle if he will borrow me money?



  • megmay2591
    megmay2591 Posts: 621 Member
    And if you would all really like to know, I'll tell you how much I make right now! I make $10.50 an hour and work about 15 hours per week. My first check was only $89 because it was short training days. My second check was $125 and my third was $135. I drive 25 miles to get to the job because it was the first place to call me back, and I needed a job. So since I've started I have made $349. I spend $30-$40 a week on gas so about $135 towards gas, then groceries for my boyfriend and I $100, then utility bill $25, and then not have enough money to buy deodorant and taking toilet paper from random stores. Trying to save up what's left over for rent, which is $235 for my portion. I want to make my own money, I'm just considering options in case I really NEED the money. I still have two weeks till rent is due (at the latest) so I could get another paycheck from my new job, in the meantime I'll search for something.

    I'm considering my options people.
    Do you drive a tank? Or do you work 3 hours/day, 5 days/week? Because that's the only way I see it's possible for you to drive 50 miles round trip for work for 15 hours/week and still pay $40 in gas each week.

    That's quite the tattoo you have too. I assume it's going to remain partially done for a while?

    I'm not sure what having a "physically demanding" job has to do with not being able to sell your plasma, especially when it's only 15 hours/week. You said the center is on the way to work. Seems like that's a good reason to stop on your way home. I did that when I was a struggling college student. Back then they paid $15/donation and I think you could donate twice a week.

    It's 50 miles in one day so 250 miles a week, and gas is at $3.69 where I live. So for 8.3 gallons of gas it's $32 and the tank holds at least 10 gallons so I pay $35-$40 per week. I don't drive a tank. I drive 5 days a week.

    You're right actually, my tattoo is going to remain partially done for a while, not only because of my money situation but also because I want to be able to enjoy the sunshine and not have a healing tattoo that needs to avoid sunlight, and I want to reward myself when I get to my ultimate fitness goal.

    Having a physically demanding job does matter to donating plasma. I've donated blood before and they don't recommend strenuous activity after donating, I'm sure donating plasma is the same. By the way, my job is lifting packages ranging from 50-100lbs for three hours straight, so that's pretty strenuous. I don't think I could do it after work because I work 2:30 or 3 to 6 pm and the centers would be closed by the time I got there.

    I'm not saying I'm not going to do anything and just ask my Uncle, I've been searching this entire morning for odd jobs or babysitting. I don't want to owe someone money, but if I can't find a source of extra income by the 10th then I need to borrow money.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Wow. Good luck OP, both with the crankiness around here, and your financial situation.

    The anger and condescension in this thread is pretty high......not too sure why.

    She just asked for advice, not a lot of mean-spirited judgment.......
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    You say, "Hey oh hey, oh uncle o'mine, I have some money in me pocket, it's more than a dime. I want to loan it to you, oh yes I do. Will you borrow me money from me, oh uncle o'mine?"
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    Never borrow money from a relative. I suggest you find other means some how some way.

    I can't imagine what that would be....

    Try finding a full time job closer to home. Don't be above any job as you're not in a position to be picky. At the moment, yeah you need the money from Uncle Moola, but after that you should be looking for a better job as this seems to be an ongoing thing.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    And if you would all really like to know, I'll tell you how much I make right now! I make $10.50 an hour and work about 15 hours per week. My first check was only $89 because it was short training days. My second check was $125 and my third was $135. I drive 25 miles to get to the job because it was the first place to call me back, and I needed a job. So since I've started I have made $349. I spend $30-$40 a week on gas so about $135 towards gas, then groceries for my boyfriend and I $100, then utility bill $25, and then not have enough money to buy deodorant and taking toilet paper from random stores. Trying to save up what's left over for rent, which is $235 for my portion. I want to make my own money, I'm just considering options in case I really NEED the money. I still have two weeks till rent is due (at the latest) so I could get another paycheck from my new job, in the meantime I'll search for something.

    I'm considering my options people.
    Do you drive a tank? Or do you work 3 hours/day, 5 days/week? Because that's the only way I see it's possible for you to drive 50 miles round trip for work for 15 hours/week and still pay $40 in gas each week.

    That's quite the tattoo you have too. I assume it's going to remain partially done for a while?

    I'm not sure what having a "physically demanding" job has to do with not being able to sell your plasma, especially when it's only 15 hours/week. You said the center is on the way to work. Seems like that's a good reason to stop on your way home. I did that when I was a struggling college student. Back then they paid $15/donation and I think you could donate twice a week.

    Wow, is there really a need to be such an *kitten*?
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    I would suggest that you pay your Landlord what you can and supply a note stating that you are behind and ask if you can arrange a payment schedule?

    In the mean time I'm sure if you put as much effort and time into looking for a job that you are spending on-line you may not need someone to lend you money.

    Just my two cents!

  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Tell him exactly what you need the money for, and be prepared with a plan of when and how you will pay him back.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I would suggest that you pay your Landlord what you can and supply a note stating that you are behind and ask if you can arrange a payment schedule?
    In the mean time I'm sure if you put as much effort and time into looking for a job that you are spending on-line you may not need someone to lend you money.
    Just my two cents!
    Not sure how that answers her question. You have no idea how much time she's putting into looking for a job. I hope your daughter is never in a situation where she needs a little help, or if she is, I hope she doesn't get landblasted and judged for it.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    Never borrow money from a relative. I suggest you find other means some how some way.

    I can't imagine what that would be....
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Tell him exactly what you need the money for, and be prepared with a plan of when and how you will pay him back.
    Lookie here! Advice for the question asked without judgement. :flowerforyou:
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I can't imagine what that would be....
    I hope you don't have any daughters. What a horrible thing to suggest to a 21 year old college student.
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 476 Member
    Also, not to be a grammar nerd, but it's lend, not borrow, in this case.

    Yep! This! :)
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I can't imagine what that would be....
    Says the guy who wants to be a good example for his wife and kids. Nice.
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 749 Member
    Just be honest with never hurts to ask :) A little favor can go a long way. Hope your able to get out of your pickle
  • BamaGirl_Tricia
    BamaGirl_Tricia Posts: 70 Member
    Never borrow money from a relative. I suggest you find other means some how some way.

  • DianeSwartzs
    DianeSwartzs Posts: 18 Member
    YOU DON'T!!! Do it on your own. Never borrow from anyone, bad situation!
  • dunc289
    dunc289 Posts: 54 Member
    Without wanting to come across as a killjoy, if your BF can't make the rent, he probably shouldn't have a car he can't afford.

    There's probable loads of places the two of you can make cutbacks to reduce your monthly outgoing, and I appreciate you're both young, and still learning this stuff.

    Try googling "Mr Money Mustache".
    It's an excellent blog for setting you up to save more than you earn early in life, so you can enjoy your kids and lovers later on.
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    My 2 cents, answering the question -

    If he offered to loan you money before, it's probably because he sees you as a responsible, hard working, struggling college student and he wants to help. Just ask him and make sure you pay him back. Every single penny. Do not make any frivolous purchases until you've done so.

    I will keep my opinions on lending/borrowing money to myself since that wasn't the question.
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    Never borrow money from a relative. I suggest you find other means some how some way.


    Do NOT do this....