How do I ask my Uncle if he will borrow me money?



  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    Yes would like to put it more kindly than the previous posters who I think are being pretty tough.
    This is a big problem and although lending money off your uncle might help in the short term in the long term it will make things worse as you still have to pay it back - if you aren't making ends meet as it is where will you find the spare money to do this?
    You need to completely look at your budget with your boyfriend. Finding extra work is all well and good but as we all know these days that takes time too.
    Accommodation is a big cost - how can you reduce that? should you find a smaller apartment, do you have family you can move in with for a while or friends you can house share with? Do you have room for a boarder to help with the costs?
    You need to drive 30 mins to work? Can you reduce this cost by cycling, or public transport is there any way you can do that?
    Is your food budget wise, or can you spend less that way.
    you need to really examine your outgoings and make sure they are as low as possible, seek budgeting assistance if possible.
    Instead of borrowing from your uncle perhaps an extended overdraft which you set immediately to reduce every week so that it is being paid back straight away.
    And yes increase income, either by a boarder, more work for both of you whatever it takes.
    but don't just look at debt as a way out because things can very quickly spiral out of control that way.
  • ShanniLee
    ShanniLee Posts: 69
    Now that's out of the way (it's lend!)...

    Just be upfront and honest. Tell him you need help, or you'll have to skip rent this month.

    Thank you!!!

    It drives me crazy when people say "can you borrow me some money"
  • FatStoatLondon
    FatStoatLondon Posts: 197 Member
    Sell one of the cars and share the other one? It'll cut down on fuel, tax and insurance costs too.
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    Good job on finishing school. And I take it you did that without help from parents because you mentioned they were tight on money. You should be proud. That takes dedication. And you have found your way here to be healthy. I think you try. Your Uncle must see this in you also. I NEVER offer to help people who don't try to help themselves. I'm not going to offer money to the local crack head. Family or not. Things always seem harder when you play them over in your mind. HE told YOU he could help you. So, just go to him, tell him what's going on. Assure him if you have 5.oo extra bucks you wont spend it on a burger. You will give it to him. Tell him you would be willing to do any odd jobs for him that you could if he wants. If he lets you work it off, then do more then he asks of you. After all, no interest on this loan. I wish you the best here. Keep your head up.
  • jaimemariel
    jaimemariel Posts: 183 Member
    No one "borrows" you money but you could try asking him to loan you some.
  • SCVSarah
    SCVSarah Posts: 231 Member
    Borrowing money is always bad; it ruins relationships. You may not be living within your means. I'd figure out what you can cut back on, get an additional job, get a roommate, move into a smaller place, etc, etc...... I wouldn't ask him to loan you money.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    How many hours a week do you work? If it's less than 80, get a part time job.

    ^^^^This^^^^ And please don't use the 'I can't find a job' line. You could babysit if nothing else, assuming you are honest, reliable and dependable. If you have those qualities and have any gumption whatsoever, you'll have a clientele built up in no time and be able to make quite a killing. If you don't have those qualities, or you're waiting for the perfect job that pays great but doesn't interfere with your life or require much effort, well good luck to ya...

    two people who just don't live on this planet right now ^^

  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    If you ask for money I suggest you have a plan on how much money you need to get you through your rough spot.and what you are going to spend it on. I would also suggest you provide a payback plan in advance. Asking for just enough money to pay your share of the rent and having no plan to pay next months rent will leave you in the same position next month.

    Oh.. you might want to consider different living arrangements if you guys can't afford rent.

    I was going to come up with some type of plan for how much I need. I do have a plan for next month, which is having a second job and getting caught up from being in a tough spot.

    Yes, find different living arrangements, that makes sense?! Wtf, really? I've never in my life had problems paying my rent before now. People get caught in jobs that don't pay well or that I must spend 1/3 of my paycheck on gas. I don't want to be in this situation, but right now I'm really behind.

    i think this forum is rather silly.

    Just ask him.

    I think it's ok to borrow money from relatives. I have done it. I have had to. I was unemployed. The problem was, I couldn't find a job (took me about three months after passing the bar exam to nail down a job)....

    he can say no.

    but if he says yes, you better pay him back.
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    Never borrow money from a relative. I suggest you find other means some how some way.
    ↑↑↑ This! It will effect your relationship - he will no longer be your uncle but the guy you owe money to. Anytime he sees you, if you happen to have a new outfit, new jewelry, or be eating out at a nice restaurant, he will be thinking, "WOW! They have enough money for that, but cannot pay me back."

    Well, I guess I'll just move my stuff to the street now, because I need to pay rent somehow!

    OK I understand some people are being rude on here but you seem so mad! You knew you were going to get these answers since you kinda answered your own question. He already offered so be a grown up and be honest with him or figure out another way. My rule, NEVER ask for money from can get ugly.
  • jennismagic
    jennismagic Posts: 243 Member
    Ask him for the money. He will give you what you need. Draft a repayment plan, complete with payment dates, and explain to him what your financial situation is, and when you expect to start making payments on the loan. You and your boyfriend don't need two cars, let alone a car that comes with payments. Either sell it to someone who can make the payments, or let it go back to the dealership after you make the next payment. His credit would take a hit if he opted to send it back, but it wouldn't be nearly as bad as it would be if he lost the car. The two of you are in dire financial straits, and a car that isn't completely paid for is a luxury. It shuld go. He can get a cash car with the money he saved from not making payments. You don't have to live like this forever. Just until you get things on an even keel again.
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    You can come borrow from Uncle it off a little at a time.....
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    OK, forgive me for a minute - the English major has taken over my keyboard. Your uncle cannot "borrow you money." He may "lend you money." You may borrow money from him. OK, lesson over. Just ask your uncle if he'll lend you money. If you don't ask, you already know the answer.
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    Just steal it from him.
  • mfp_junkie
    mfp_junkie Posts: 359
    I have a 21 year old niece. I would be upset with her if she needed $150 for her rent and DIDN'T ask me for my help, after I offered it.

    Give him a call and explain that you are short for your rent, and could really use a little help this month. We all need help at some point in our lives.

    Keep up the job search, and I hope you find both more hours, and something closer to your home.

    Oh, and ignore the jerks on this thread. Easy to be glib from their ivory thrones.
  • jennismagic
    jennismagic Posts: 243 Member
    OK, forgive me for a minute - the English major has taken over my keyboard. Your uncle cannot "borrow you money." He may "lend you money." You may borrow money from him. OK, lesson over. Just ask your uncle if he'll lend you money. If you don't ask, you already know the answer.

    The decent person in me has taken over my keyboard, and she says that people really need to chill and get over their obsession with proper grammar. If they can't do that, maybe they should stay off the boards entirely. It's an internet message board, not the New York Times. We don't need editing and proofreading here. It's bad form to pick at someone's grammar, especially when it's done in such an arrogant and inconsiderate manner. OP is looking for help, not a grammar lesson.

  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    The bills come in every month at the same time for about you? Better put your big girl panties on cause the uncle is only good for one loan. What will you do next month? You will be on the streets if you don't get it together. There is nothing wrong with working ANYWHERE part time along with a full time job if the other option is living on the street. (forget prostitution, if you can't pay your bills you will not be able to pay for health insurance to take care of the STD's you will receive from your kind customers.)
    Seriously. That was rude. :huh:
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    It doesn’t sound like you had any unexpected expenses pop up that depleted your savings, so why are you suddenly in a tight spot? it also doesn’t sound like you have the means to pay your uncle back, so it would be pretty unfair to borrow money and then stiff him. Time to grow up and be an adult and pay your own bills. asking for a loan when something unexpected comes up is different than just asking for a handout because you arent managing your money correctly.
  • BoyfriendandLover
    Looking at this issue from a different point of view:

    I lent a relative of my girlfriend some money, I never expected to get it back and I haven't been disappointed. However it made my girlfriend happy and if I compare it to the amount of Tax I pay it is a small amount. It meant much more to my girlfriend than the money ever meant to me.

    I have also given financial help to another couple with a tight financial situation, They have a very young family and I am happy to help. To see a young couple work extremely hard (as you appear to do) to try and make ends meet and get their feet on a sustainable ladder is payment in itself. Sometimes helping those that you love is much more important than money.

    Don't have the attitude of a scounger and it may well give your uncle a great deal of pleasure to help you in today's tough world. State clearly the case you have dicussed here, without the emotion. This will probably be enough.

    PS I would be very very angry if a neice or nephew of mine were asked if they wanted help, but turned me down and took a payday loan instead,

    PPS I am not rich,I just have a balanced view of what makes me happy.I suspect your uncle may have the same outlook on life.
  • simonek91
    simonek91 Posts: 18
    Hey OP, I'm sorry you're in such a tight bind. I can't give you too much advice on asking your Uncle for help (I'm pretty bad at asking for any type of help myself), but I can suggest that you check out SitterCity if you're really considering babysitting as a source of extra income. It's just a really neat way of finding clients and the site protects its sitters 100%. I use it a lot and have gotten quite a few gigs from it. Just thought I'd share =) Sorry I can't be of more help, though!!
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    OK, yes, there are some rude comments (stripping and hooking? Really?) but trying to tell someone who cannot make ends meet how to make or find some extra money without having to resort to borrowing from an uncle is NOT rude. I have been a broke 20 yo college student. I graduated college when we were in a different recession and there were no jobs. I drove 35 miles each way for $8/hr working 30 hours/week. If there had been a bunch of people giving me advice I didn't know on how to cut expenses or earn extra income I wouldn't have brushed it off with an "I don't want to make money or save money I want to know how to ask someone to lend me money." To me that sort of attitude says you really don't plan to pay it back and just want an easy way out. I could be wrong and I'm sure my stalker will point it out if she thinks I am.

    But reality is, things aren't going to get better in 30 days. What will you do when next month's bills arrive? I hope you can get another job. I hope you can get 2 or 3 other jobs since you are young, single, and have no dependents. This is the best time to do that extra work (and it is out there. Daycares and nursing homes have extremely high turnover rates. Parents are always looking for reliable babysitters.) It just might not be ideal or fun or even pay well. At the very least, if your job is having you drive an hour a day for a 3 hour shift (who even offers 3 hour shifts? I've never heard of anything less than 4 minimum.) try asking if you can work 3 six hour shifts instead of 5 three hour shifts. It will consolidate your commuting days and give you extra hours. Of course, if you really don't want any real help or advice you can brush that off along with the other suggestions but be prepared to have to come back and re-read some of the posts as you cannot go to your uncle every month for the foreseeable future until you can get another job. You need to have some sort of plan and a budget or you will be in the exact same spot next month.

    Call it harsh if you want. Reality is harsh sometimes.