Let the bloodbath begin....



  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    I don't get why it matters to anyone what I log. Be it calories, exercise, whatever. People are so critical, as they SIT behind their little computer, telling everyone else how it's supposed to be done. I'm here for myself, first and foremost. If I find a few like-minded "friends" to support/ get support from...great! If not...great! If I have a problem with the way people log, and it bothers me, I unfriend them...pretty simple concept. No need to make a person feel bad about themself. I don't "call people out". If they are "lying" on their log, or logging something you wouldn't, how does that affect you? Answer...it doesn't.

    well said!

    Not well said - it DOES affect me!

    If you chose to share what you are doing and how it works/doesn't work for you then it affects me. It affects me because I don't know as much as I would like to about nutrician/exercise/metabolism, so i come on here for support and to learn

    If you say "I eat cream cakes all day but drink 2 litres of rose water to offset the cream cake calories, and I've lost 30 lbs" I will question it - it DOES affect me
  • aprilgrl27
    aprilgrl27 Posts: 176 Member
    I won't step foot into the cleaning debate, but why, oh why, did I see someone log driving as exercise the other day?
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Because chores are a part of your daily routine. You don't account for them because it's a normal part of your day. You might as well log your trips to the bathroom as Walking, 2 mph, slow pace (2 minutes). It's basically the same thing. I think anything you have to go out of the way to do that requires strenuous effort can be logged. Everything else is null.

    Technically, my workouts are more a part of my daily routine (something that's done EVERY DAY) than house chores and mowing my lawn because I only do those things once per week. And when I log chores, I don't log every time I do the dishes or vaccuum. I only log when I am doing HOURS of deep housecleaning (i.e. vacuuming INCLUDING under furniture and along baseboards, scrubbing tile floors, scrubbing the tub/shower, washing windows, climbing step ladder to dust ceiling fans, scrubbing the front of my cupboards, etc...) These are chores that, again, I don't do every day. When you do this kind of cleaning, you can bet you're burning more than one or two hundred calories, which is DEFINITELY more than I burn during the course of my average daily routine.

    All that aside, it's really none of my business what anyone else logs as exercise UNLESS they specifically ask for advice. Therefore, it's not anyone else's business what I log, nor does it affect them in any way, so do me a favor and keep your snarky criticisms to yourself (Please note: this paragraph is not directed at the poster I quoted in this comment).

    Edited to add: Also, it should be noted that, personally, I don't eat back all my exercise calories anyway because i don't have a HR monitor to get an accurate calorie burn. I DO NOT log my chores as exercise so that I have an excuse to eat more. I don't even log my workouts for that reason. I log any significant activity simply as a way to track what I have done to keep myself moving every week. That way, if I have a week where I gain weight or plateau, I can look back and have a better idea of what I might need to do differently. Do I need to be more active? Am I eating too many calories? And so on.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I don't get why it matters to anyone what I log. Be it calories, exercise, whatever. People are so critical, as they SIT behind their little computer, telling everyone else how it's supposed to be done. I'm here for myself, first and foremost. If I find a few like-minded "friends" to support/ get support from...great! If not...great! If I have a problem with the way people log, and it bothers me, I unfriend them...pretty simple concept. No need to make a person feel bad about themself. I don't "call people out". If they are "lying" on their log, or logging something you wouldn't, how does that affect you? Answer...it doesn't.

    well said!

    Not well said - it DOES affect me!

    If you chose to share what you are doing and how it works/doesn't work for you then it affects me. It affects me because I don't know as much as I would like to about nutrician/exercise/metabolism, so i come on here for support and to learn

    If you say "I eat cream cakes all day but drink 2 litres of rose water to offset the cream cake calories, and I've lost 30 lbs" I will question it - it DOES affect me

    I really don't get how that affects your or hinder your journey. There are people here who swear they eat only fast food, others who eat clean, some who just walk, others who do crossfit, some with thyroid and PCOS. Everyone has their own journey and what works for one doesn't work for everyone. So if someone is logging their chores and that works for them, I don't see how that could stop you from losing weight. This site is for education and support. You take the information you need to help with your goals.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I'd log it if it wasn't something I do daily. My fitness profile is "Sedentary: Spend most of the day sitting (e.g. bank teller, desk job)" which doesn't include gardening, vacuum cleaning the house, cycling for 20 minutes on an exercise bicycle, playing with the kids (if you're a parent with toddlers) or anything else that a bank teller won't do!
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    Because chores are a part of your daily routine. You don't account for them because it's a normal part of your day. You might as well log your trips to the bathroom as Walking, 2 mph, slow pace (2 minutes). It's basically the same thing. I think anything you have to go out of the way to do that requires strenuous effort can be logged. Everything else is null.

    I think it depends...my husband is 64 yrs old and I can guarentee you many could not be able to keep up with him and his "daily routine chores". He's a farmer, does manual labor every day, no way in hell he isn't burning lots of calories every dam day. Hauling hay, digging fence posts by hand, carrying 20+ 5 gallon buckets of feed a day...cutting wood for our outdoor wood burning furnace...

    I on the other hand have a desk job, so I have to get creative in finding ways just to MOVE more throughout the day and I refuse to believe just moving more doesn't count (park farther away, walk to the restroom that is fartherest from my office, do 1 mile (12 mn) walks using Leslie Sansone throughout the day, cardio or wts during lunch hr)...am I''m burning lots of calories, hell no but I am MOVING. I think people get too focused on numbers and make a healthy lifestyle harder/more complicated than it has to be, but thats JMO
  • Prilla04
    Prilla04 Posts: 174 Member
    When I clean the table I don't count that is exercise. If I get my heart rate above 130 doing anything - from jumping jacks to hauling old crap to my basement - it's exercise. And if I keep my heart rate up in my zone for 30 minutes or more then I'm gonna log it. Period. End of discussion for me.
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    It's not part of my daily routine. I know a lot of other people who don't strenuously scrub their floors on their hands and knees daily but they will log it if they do it. My levels are set to sedentary because I SIT almost all day long - so if I do clean, it's outside of my daily routine of sitting. Once again....our ancestors used chores as exercise, so why shouldn't people on MFP?????

    I agree!:bigsmile:
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I log my cleaning that I do once a week, that being said I'm on the floor scrubbing it and the walls etc and sweating my *kitten* off and usually takes me a few hours. But I will only log about 60mins of it. Light cleaning that I do daily I don't log
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    The stuff I log isn't part of my daily routine. I don't vacuum and mop and scrub every day when I clean. So if I'm going to clean for more than 30 minutes straight, I use my HRM and log it. I don't have my activity level set to include that. My boyfriend used to object and say that "gardening" is not exercise. It is if you have to go up and down the 2 sets of stairs on our outside balcony a lot, for various things. I always wear my HRM so I know the exact calories burned and log those. I don't care what anyone else thinks. If it works for me, it works for me.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Chores can be strenuous... and anyone who thinks otherwise either has a maid or a very dirty house.... when I clean a room from top to bottom, I sweat... why? Because I am climbing up and down, moving heavy furniture, mopping, vacuuming... I sweat when I paint a room as well, because I am climbing up and down and sometimes those paint rollers (especially when painting the ceiling) can be pretty heavy and hard to hang on to....

    In the end it depends on what you set your activity level at... if you set it to sedentary then it's assumed all you are doing is sitting on your *kitten* all day with minimal effort at all....

    Which is why I set mine to lightly active... then it already accounts for chores, me standing (and at the moment dancing) at my desk at work, chasing my toddler...

    If I still had it at sedentary I would totally log all the daily activities that I do... including carrying around my toddler.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    I don't get why it matters to anyone what I log. Be it calories, exercise, whatever. People are so critical, as they SIT behind their little computer, telling everyone else how it's supposed to be done. I'm here for myself, first and foremost. If I find a few like-minded "friends" to support/ get support from...great! If not...great! If I have a problem with the way people log, and it bothers me, I unfriend them...pretty simple concept. No need to make a person feel bad about themself. I don't "call people out". If they are "lying" on their log, or logging something you wouldn't, how does that affect you? Answer...it doesn't.

    well said!

    Not well said - it DOES affect me!

    If you chose to share what you are doing and how it works/doesn't work for you then it affects me. It affects me because I don't know as much as I would like to about nutrician/exercise/metabolism, so i come on here for support and to learn

    If you say "I eat cream cakes all day but drink 2 litres of rose water to offset the cream cake calories, and I've lost 30 lbs" I will question it - it DOES affect me

    I really don't get how that affects your or hinder your journey. There are people here who swear they eat only fast food, others who eat clean, some who just walk, others who do crossfit, some with thyroid and PCOS. Everyone has their own journey and what works for one doesn't work for everyone. So if someone is logging their chores and that works for them, I don't see how that could stop you from losing weight. This site is for education and support. You take the information you need to help with your goals.

    It doesn't hinder my journey, but everything that I read on here affects the choices I make. For example lots of people have said that the best piece of fitness equipment they have ever bought is the HRM. I'm about to get one - what they said has affected me!

    If lots of people say "logging day to day chores has not seemed to help my dieting progress" then that will affect the choices of some people. If you share things on here then it affects others so the "It's none of their business what I chose to do" is not relevant if you have made your business public
  • Rohbean
    Rohbean Posts: 45 Member
    I like how people who have no idea what your daily routine entails think they can tell you what you should and shouldn't consider exercise. It's nobody's business what other people choose to log.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I think everyone should log whatever they want to log. I only log actual workouts, to each his own.

    What I don't understand is why people ask questions in an open internet forum, and then get upset when other people give responses that they don't want to hear. If you don't want conflicting opinions from yours, then don't ask a question to the public at large. It's very easy on this site to create your own echo chamber by either starting a closed group for like minded MFPers or by just asking your question to the people in your friend feed.

    When I ask a question, I actually WANT conflicting opinions. The only way to learn is to open your eyes to all sides of a topic, and then make an informed decision. When I just want to give my opinion without any feedback, I'll make a blog post and close it to comments.

    Someone asks why standing/ironing/brushing teeth/driving shouldn't be logged, we answer you, and then you get snippy because we didn't agree? If you don't want the public's opinions, then don't ask the public questions.
  • bfitnbfab
    bfitnbfab Posts: 79
    Let's take the emotion of being a homebody vs. a career vs. younger vs. older out of this whole discussion.

    Let's get scientific for a moment. The tab clearly says exercise and is broken down into cardio & strength training.

    Exercise is defined as planned, structured, and progressive process by which a significant exertion is applied to stimulate a specific desired and positive bodily change.

    Given that, I don't see how work around the house can be considered exercise. Walking the dog can qualify if there is significant exertion applied, obviously based upon your physical conditioning.
  • jadedbutterfly71
    jadedbutterfly71 Posts: 83 Member
    I don't get why it matters to anyone what I log. Be it calories, exercise, whatever. People are so critical, as they SIT behind their little computer, telling everyone else how it's supposed to be done. I'm here for myself, first and foremost. If I find a few like-minded "friends" to support/ get support from...great! If not...great! If I have a problem with the way people log, and it bothers me, I unfriend them...pretty simple concept. No need to make a person feel bad about themself. I don't "call people out". If they are "lying" on their log, or logging something you wouldn't, how does that affect you? Answer...it doesn't.

    well said!

    Not well said - it DOES affect me!

    If you chose to share what you are doing and how it works/doesn't work for you then it affects me. It affects me because I don't know as much as I would like to about nutrician/exercise/metabolism, so i come on here for support and to learn

    If you say "I eat cream cakes all day but drink 2 litres of rose water to offset the cream cake calories, and I've lost 30 lbs" I will question it - it DOES affect me

    Hahaha! I'm sorry, but if what I eat affects you, you might have a problem. You apparently have internet access, so you are capable of doing research. NUTRITION/exercise/metabolism are all searchable terms. Every person is different, so what works for one, may not work or another. Again, if you don't like how someone logs...DON'T LOOK! To say it affects you personally is ridiculous.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I don't get why it matters to anyone what I log. Be it calories, exercise, whatever. People are so critical, as they SIT behind their little computer, telling everyone else how it's supposed to be done. I'm here for myself, first and foremost. If I find a few like-minded "friends" to support/ get support from...great! If not...great! If I have a problem with the way people log, and it bothers me, I unfriend them...pretty simple concept. No need to make a person feel bad about themself. I don't "call people out". If they are "lying" on their log, or logging something you wouldn't, how does that affect you? Answer...it doesn't.

    well said!

    Not well said - it DOES affect me!

    If you chose to share what you are doing and how it works/doesn't work for you then it affects me. It affects me because I don't know as much as I would like to about nutrician/exercise/metabolism, so i come on here for support and to learn

    If you say "I eat cream cakes all day but drink 2 litres of rose water to offset the cream cake calories, and I've lost 30 lbs" I will question it - it DOES affect me

    I really don't get how that affects your or hinder your journey. There are people here who swear they eat only fast food, others who eat clean, some who just walk, others who do crossfit, some with thyroid and PCOS. Everyone has their own journey and what works for one doesn't work for everyone. So if someone is logging their chores and that works for them, I don't see how that could stop you from losing weight. This site is for education and support. You take the information you need to help with your goals.

    It doesn't hinder my journey, but everything that I read on here affects the choices I make. For example lots of people have said that the best piece of fitness equipment they have ever bought is the HRM. I'm about to get one - what they said has affected me!

    If lots of people say "logging day to day chores has not seemed to help my dieting progress" then that will affect the choices of some people. If you share things on here then it affects others so the "It's none of their business what I chose to do" is not relevant if you have made your business public

    Here's the thing, if you're getting a HR monitor ONLY because many people on here say it's their best workout equipment, you're not getting one for the right reason. You should be buying one because YOU see the potential value in being able to get a more accurate calorie count. You should NEVER EVER do something just because someone else says it works for them. What works for others may or may not work for you. We're not saying that you can't get ideas from other people on here. The point is that you can hear something, then CHOOSE to try it or not. If it makes sense to you go for it. If you don't think it will work for you, don't do it. Ultimately, the choice is yours. No one is holding a gun to your head and saying, "You HAVE to log your chores, or else."
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I think everyone should log whatever they want to log. I only log actual workouts, to each his own.

    What I don't understand is why people ask questions in an open internet forum, and then get upset when other people give responses that they don't want to hear. If you don't want conflicting opinions from yours, then don't ask a question to the public at large. It's very easy on this site to create your own echo chamber by either starting a closed group for like minded MFPers or by just asking your question to the people in your friend feed.

    When I ask a question, I actually WANT conflicting opinions. The only way to learn is to open your eyes to all sides of a topic, and then make an informed decision. When I just want to give my opinion without any feedback, I'll make a blog post and close it to comments.

    Someone asks why standing/ironing/brushing teeth/driving shouldn't be logged, we answer you, and then you get snippy because we didn't agree? If you don't want the public's opinions, then don't ask the public questions.

    The problem isn't people giving opinions... it's people giving unsolicited opinions that is annoying.... when a person asks HOW to do something they aren't asking for people to chime in with their opinion on the matter..... If someone asks "what you think about XXX?" Then opinions are warranted... but when someone asks "how do I do XXX?" that does not warrant an opinion.... however, opinions are like aholes.... everyone has one. :indifferent:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Because chores are a part of your daily routine. You don't account for them because it's a normal part of your day. You might as well log your trips to the bathroom as Walking, 2 mph, slow pace (2 minutes). It's basically the same thing. I think anything you have to go out of the way to do that requires strenuous effort can be logged. Everything else is null.

    I understand your point, but the in post to which I believe the OP is refering, the poster clearly stated that this particular activity was out of the ordinary for her. It was not part of her daily routine and was not something that MFP would have figured into her sedentary lifestyle. That topic was finally locked due the bashing by the ever-so-supportive MFP community.

    To use MFP correctly, you really should log any activity, whether strenuous or not, which is not covered in your activity level. It's fine to choose not to do so. It's even okay to use it incorrectly and then call MFP incorrect and say you need "eat more" because it doesn't give you enough calories. But, it's not so fine to bash someone for choosing to use the tool as it was intended.
  • Saiklor
    Saiklor Posts: 183
    I feel like I should get a medal for being the inspiration for so many threads.

    I also feel like people are reallllly weird for still discussing this topic a day later (doesn't the internet move faster than that????)

    I also feel like people should move on with their lives.....this has been discussed to DEATH.

    edit: also, not all of MFP is evil, I've gotten a LOAD of "friends" out of this entire debacle!