TOPIC: Ready to Rock it! - 12 Week Challenge (CLOSED GRP)



  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Mel2626 - "I'm doing the Philly Color Run on Sunday and I'm sooo excited! It's my first ever race" - Way to go! Good luck!

    Mommamindi - "My motivation was gone, and frankly this challenge was the only think that keps me coming back to MFP.

    This weigh in has remotivated me...shown me what a little hard work and dedication can do. I needed this weigh in!" - Yay! I'm glad that our challenge is helping you!

    "My husband is the same way, except he is home all the time." HARD!! Your exercise will definitely help and still eating the yummy stuff but logging it all and having a lot less of everything will help too. Good luck!
  • JNJN25
    JNJN25 Posts: 60
    I weigh in on Fridays too...I want to post this now or else I am going to forget...


    Current Weight: 239
    Challenge Goal Weight: 212
    07/02: 236
    07/09: 235
    08/06: <<<mini goal weight>>> 230
    09/03: <<<mini goal weight>>> 221
    10/01: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 212
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    Glad I'm not the only one who weighs on Fridays! :)

    I like weighing on Friday because then I know that whatever I do on the weekend (which is typically never anything bad) doesn't negatively effect my weigh in. :D
  • balancejenn
    balancejenn Posts: 234
    Under Calories today AND I got in a bunh of water! WIN WIN!

    How was everyone else's day?

    These are the foods my husband cooked yesterday... a thick, juicy, aromatic steak, chicken mole with beans and rice, and tomato basil soup with garlic toasts. Told you all it's a lot of temptation when he's home! ;-) I made sure to burn lots of calories, stayed in my green numbers and even had a nice deficit! I really like having him home but I have to say... three more days of food temptation! I think I can... I think I can... I think I can... be good!

    Good Job......Might be asking a dumb question but what is chicken mole Kristen?

    Have a good week - end everyone :smile:
  • ginaquinn2
    ginaquinn2 Posts: 136 Member
    It sounds like the challenge is staying under calories? I have managed to stay under calories. Yeah. If this is not the challenge know that this thread is still a bit confusing to me. If someone could message me if this is not the challenge I would love that. Cheers to all.
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hi All! Have been surviving what I think of (dietary wise) as the lion's den - we are at my in-laws for 4 days & my MIL is a great cook - and there is nothing light, low fat, etc. here. We've been spending most of our time at his Aunt's place on the water & no access to any computer/MFP there. I think I've been doing ok. I brought some of my own food & snacks - so hope all is well.

    I bypassed burgers, hot-dogs, potato salad, pasta salad, etc. with 2 bunless turkey burgers & watermelon
    For the delightful trip to Pizza hut, I made 1 trip to the salad bar, had half a breadstick & did treat myself to some chemical laden (but oh so tasty) Diet Pepsi

    Breakfast options have been pancakes, french toast, eggs, toast, fruit - so I skipped all that & stuck with my high fiber oatmeal & added fruit.

    I brought almonds, "puff cakes" (like a larger flatter rice cake) & salsa, fruit & part-skim cheese sticks to snack on.

    Being away from my scale has been tricky as I have no real gauge as to how successful I"ve been. We've been active, and yesterday I did my couch to 5K walk/jog.

    So, enough about me...

    Illusent - great job being under your calorie goal for the 4th!

    Ksraider - great choices made!

    Angela - boy you have a busy full schedule! Yay on your 5K success!

    Tarnold - excellent work!

    ginaguinn2 - yay on your 5K!

    mandmommy3 - yay for getting in extra activity

    Bre - nice to "meet you"! Love that water jug - it looks pretty serious!

    cuddlebug - good job getting your water in!

    Kristen - good luck resisting hubbys cooking!

    kvonjohn - great suggestion about bookmarking!

    pAM - excellent work staing under for the 4th!

    mommamindi - yay on your calorie victories & fantastic job losing this week!

    alicia & 30before40 - hope your weeks turn around. Holidays can really throw a wrench into our best efforts

    Emilie - Yay on your 2# loss!!

    Shanon - sounds like a crazy month!

    Kristin - excellent work planning ahead.

    Ravi - good work hitting the gym!

    Michelle - yay on being down this week!

    Ivan - down 4!!! Way to go!!

    Mel - good luck at your race this weekend!

    delonda - so nice to "meet" you! Did an internship at a hospital in Baltimore just a few (ok, more like 12-15 years ago!)

    deepa - welcome back from vacation!

    Sam - great job getting down this week!

    If I missed anyone - so sorry! I only had a little scrap of paper to make notes on.

    For us Monday Weigh in peeps - 2 days to get our food intake & exercise output fine tuned for a fabulous weigh in!

  • CrysButcher3
    CrysButcher3 Posts: 322
    So I started jotting down my measurements and comparing them from month to month. I thought THAT would be a better motivator when the scale isn't moving. (which my scale likes to STICK in the 230's a LOT longer than I care to mention) SO....I did my monthly measurements today and I lost a total of 5 inches!!!! I lost in my chest, my bust, my calves and my waist. I'm SO happy about this!!!

    I will be weighing in on Monday....I actually work harder (exercise more) on the weekends since the weekdays are a little more hectic for me. But when I got on the scale today it said I lost over 2 lbs since I'm hoping it holds steady for me!

    I see a TON of weight loss so far this week! Great job to you ALL that managed to get through the 4th of July unscathed!
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    Late start today leaving the FIL's this morning, terrible weather on the drive home, TOM decided to bill me early this month, busy busy day at the shop, so busy in fact that I missed the 20 phone calls from my Mom to tell me my Dad was having chest pains so they went to the ER, and up he went to the OR to have a stint placed in his heart, thank the heavens he didnt have a full-on heart attack again, after hours on the phone with her and the hospital, grabbed a quick bite after work, and just got home. Other than the fact that my Dad is alive and semi well, it was a Horrible Day. Going to make me some Sleepytime Tea and see if that takes away my ChocoTaco craving. (and I dont really even care for sweets all that much, aghhhhhhhhhhh!)
  • itsmindovermatter
    Late start today leaving the FIL's this morning, terrible weather on the drive home, TOM decided to bill me early this month, busy busy day at the shop, so busy in fact that I missed the 20 phone calls from my Mom to tell me my Dad was having chest pains so they went to the ER, and up he went to the OR to have a stint placed in his heart, thank the heavens he didnt have a full-on heart attack again, after hours on the phone with her and the hospital, grabbed a quick bite after work, and just got home. Other than the fact that my Dad is alive and semi well, it was a Horrible Day. Going to make me some Sleepytime Tea and see if that takes away my ChocoTaco craving. (and I dont really even care for sweets all that much, aghhhhhhhhhhh!)

    Glad to hear your dad is ok though. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for you.. Hang in there!
  • surferfreak07
    surferfreak07 Posts: 221 Member
    I LOVE how many more posts there are to read now the new challenge is bigger :D

    I had some great news yesterday, I've managed to blag 2 interviews for next week. They're a bit further than I would like to travel but right now I would take anything! The only downside is it does mean I would have to finish volunteering which I do love, I get a great high from helping people and it has been a great experience!
    I've been pretty good with my calories this week, I'm still aiming for 2000 cals a day I was up by a pound in the week but thats back down now and I'm hoping to shift another by Monday to start off with a loss! I was taking supplements as well - CLA not sure if anybody else has heard of them but they helped me bust a plateau last summer, anyway I was taking them for a few days but they seemed to have a bad reaction with my anti-depressants so I've stopped them now and will just hope the plateau ends soon. I would just love to get past the 180's and stop losing and regaining the same 2 lbs!

    Well done to all the losses from yesterdays weigh in, I love seeing so many new faces in our group.
    @kristinkt - That's awesome for staying under on the 4th! I'm from the UK but from what I understand a lot of people on your side of the world seem to go a bit crazy with their food choices on this day.
    @kcthatsme - wow I would not have been able to resist those choices! That all sounds so good!
    @Amybyexample - I'm so proud you've managed to resist all those yummy foods and planned ahead by taking your own. I hope you manage to get a loss after all your hard work!
    @CrysButcher3 - Well done on losing inches, its not always about the scale. By losing just 3 lbs I lose over 15 inches so I understand how frustrating it can be to not see the scale go down. Keep up the measurements it's a great way to keep track of progress!
    @bcdpearce - I'm glad to hear your dad is ok, it must have been a horrible ordeal for you! I'm sure everyone will be praying for you.
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    . I would just love to get past the 180's and stop losing and regaining the same 2 lbs!

    GOOD LUCK! You can for sure do it! This recently happened to me where I was stuck gaining and losing the same 3lbs for a few weeks. I decided to take a break for lifting as i was doing it 4days a week and just have a pure cardio (deloading) week and it came right off plus more. Maybe give that a try
  • Brinasacat
    Brinasacat Posts: 505 Member
    Brinasacat/ Nancy:

    Current Weight: 178.2
    Challenge Goal Weight: 159

    07/02: 178.2
    07/09: 176.8
    08/06: 172 <<<mini goal weight>>>
    09/03: 165 <<<mini goal weight>>>
    10/01: 159 <<<challenge goal weight>>>
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    Ready to Rock It Challenge

    Name / real name:   Roni_M / Roni

    Current Weight:      222.3
    Challenge Goal Weight:    202.3

    07/02:  222.3
    07/09:  219.7
    07/30:  <<< mini goal weight - 215.3lbs >>> 
    08/27:  <<< mini goal weight - 208.3lbs >>>
    10/01:  <<< challenge goal weight - 202.3lbs >>> 

    Off to a good start! Hopefully I can keep it up. :bigsmile:

    It's my 8 month anniversary on MFP, so I have uploaded my latest progress pictures to my profile. I don't really see much difference from my last set but I am down a clothing size so must have just lost it proportionately.

    I am off to see Nickelback, Three Days Grace and I Mother Earth in an all day outdoor concert. There will be no access to healthy food but i will be walking a lot so hopefully that will offset the high calorie food. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Good luck with the scales! :drinker:
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    Name/ real name: legnarevocrednu/Kristy

    Current Weight: 167
    Challenge Goal Weight: 150 (17 Pounds)

    07/02: 167
    07/09: 165
    08/06: <<<159>>>
    09/03: <<<156>>>
    10/01: <<<150>>>
    2 pounds loss during my birthday week and a holiday...pretty amazing! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    Weigh-in #2

    Name/real name: beatrixia/beatrix

    Current Weight: 205.8
    Challenge Goal Weight: 189.8 (-16 lb)

    07/02: 205.8 lb
    07/09: 202.6 lb
    08/06: <<<mini goal weight>>> 200 lb
    09/03: <<<mini goal weight>>> 195 lb
    10/01: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 189.8 lb

    Happy weekend, all. :)
  • Victoire2012
    Victoire2012 Posts: 45 Member
    Name/ real name: Victoire2012

    Current Weight: 213
    Challenge Goal Weight: 198

    07/02: 213
    07/09: 211
    08/06: 208 <<<mini goal weight>>>
    09/03: 203 <<<mini goal weight>>>
    10/01:198 <<<challenge goal weight>>>

    Saturday weigh in!

    Whoo hoo 2lbs down even though I was on vacation. I walked, swam, logged in my food diary, and drank my water goals! Not as hard as I thought it was going to be.

    I am reconsidering continuing with the 30 Day Shred or if I should just stick to cardio and basic strength training. The Shred does not move the scale. Although I like the loss in inches I would like to see the scale continue to move like it did this week. I was stuck at the same weight for the past 3 weeks while doing the Shred. I didn't do it while on vacation and lost 2 pounds! I need the mental boost and for the purpose of this challenge I want to see the scale move....down!

    Love the support and motivation being part of this challenges brings.
  • ASnider007
    ASnider007 Posts: 4 Member
    Name/ real name: Amy

    Current Weight: 198
    Challenge Goal Weight: 174

    07/02: 198
    07/09: 196.5
    08/06: 190
    09/03: 182
    10/01: 174
  • Deedsie
    Deedsie Posts: 348 Member
    Name/ real name: Deedsie/ Deedra

    Current Weight: 137.5
    Challenge Goal Weight: 126

    07/02: 137.5
    07/09: 136.5
    08/06: <<<mini goal weight>>>134
    09/03: <<<mini goal weight>>>130
    10/01: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 126

    Lost a pound!! I ran a 5k last Saturday in 28:11. Then ran a mile in 7:37 on Tuesday. I just finished 4.25 miles when I had to walk 3x in 42:39. I have drank 8 cups of water every day except yesterday though I have been in the red several times this week. Oh well, something is working. :happy:
  • emom3boys
    emom3boys Posts: 84 Member
    Name/ real name: emom3boys/Emily

    Current Weight: 236
    Challenge Goal Weight: 216

    07/02: 236
    07/09: 234.8
    08/06: <<<mini goal weight>>> 230
    09/03: <<<mini goal weight>>> 220
    10/01: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 216
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Just got back from vacation our our boat sailing. :bigsmile:

    A little scared to get on the scale.:ohwell: Instead of Friday I will do it on Monday.

    Have a good weigh in everyone !!