Strangest Thing You Ever Seen At The Gym



  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    Theres a guy at our gym, he's there "working out" every time we are, he usually logs about 10 miles on the treadmill, its how he does it thats so funny though, he starts the treadmill, put his feet on the sides, backs off, then lets the treadmill just go while he watches it, when he's ready to stop, he gets back on, stops the treadmill, and then snaps a photo of the console. Its amazing! 10 miles and he doesnt even break a sweat!

    That is the lamest thing on the whole thread (what you describe I mean, your post isn't lame lol).... all the others you can make some kind of excuse for, perhaps they're just starting out, getting used to being in the gym, working their way up to doing actual exercise, have confidence problems, etc.... but there is no excuse for this!! I hope whoever he's trying to impress at this catches him red handed....!
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    this guy was hanging on the pull up station but he wasnt doing pull ups. He was like.... doing the worm... but hanging. I'm not sure what it was for.... but he does it pretty often when I see him at the gym... It is pretty strange.

    ANyone have any idea what that could have been?

    I know someone who after a back injury was told by a doctor to do this, I think it stretches the back in a particular way.

    I knew a triathlete who was told to do this by his chiropractor. He used to hang there like a bat and wiggle around. He had sciatica or piriformis or similar...
  • mandimuscles
    mandimuscles Posts: 107 Member
    Well, I guess it's not super strange, but people texting while working out, half-assedly I might add. I was just thinking, wow, way to waste your time!

    Ever think they might be texting/changing the song during rest between sets?

    Lol, oh no, this was their whole entire workout some weeks!
  • Soon2BeMrsThomson
    Me in flip flops after I forgot my trainers!! They were sparkly in my defence :laugh: if I would have gone home I probably wouldn't have come back out (it was when I first started the gym and hated it!!)

    Nothing on the parrot though!!
  • mandimuscles
    mandimuscles Posts: 107 Member
    Theres a guy at our gym, he's there "working out" every time we are, he usually logs about 10 miles on the treadmill, its how he does it thats so funny though, he starts the treadmill, put his feet on the sides, backs off, then lets the treadmill just go while he watches it, when he's ready to stop, he gets back on, stops the treadmill, and then snaps a photo of the console. Its amazing! 10 miles and he doesnt even break a sweat!

    BAHAHAHAH!!!!!! I found that SUPER amusing, thanks! :)
  • matabiau
    matabiau Posts: 59
    Perhaps it is kipping pull ups as done in crossfit
  • matabiau
    matabiau Posts: 59
    this guy was hanging on the pull up station but he wasnt doing pull ups. He was like.... doing the worm... but hanging. I'm not sure what it was for.... but he does it pretty often when I see him at the gym... It is pretty strange.

    ANyone have any idea what that could have been?
    Keeping pull ups like in crossfit perhaps
  • Barkley87
    Barkley87 Posts: 126 Member
    Probably not unusual, but weird running guy at the gym all the time....with Tourette's. Seriously. He wears his headphones and grimaces and grunts sings and lets out an occasional LOUD curse word. I'm not sure if he's just really into it or something is wrong.

    We have a weird running guy like this at our gym too. He just runs and talks really loudly to himself. If there are any females in the area he will also try to hit on them (while still running and not actually looking at them). I now use the treadmills on the other side of the room. He may have a condition but I don't know.
  • stuartadair1
    stuartadair1 Posts: 46 Member
    Weirdest thing I've ever seen in the gym is me in the mirror :laugh:
  • Ceffy
    Ceffy Posts: 235
    Old guy in nothing but (see through) boxers & a towel woddling out on to the gym floor to the scales!
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    How about a guy in a 'sperm' costume running on a treadmill handing out leaflets?

    That was quite surreal!

    It turns out he was doing a charity event for a men's health charity?!
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    There's a guy who works out at our local YMCA wearing a kilt. It's made out of work material, sort of like what construction worker pants are made of. I think it's awesome.

    I would totally LOVE to see a guy working out in this!! Wonder if the dude is going commando....

    It's a very strange interpretation of a kilt IMO
    I hated when the uber camp guy in Glee wore a "kilt" for prom, and it's like dude, that's not a kilt, that's a skirt.
    At least these are...kilt...ish...I don't know why you would choose to wear a kilt to work in though, they re formal wear these days!
  • lativida
    lativida Posts: 4
    A man in a Elvis wig and a Columbo Trench coat runnning on the treadmill and had the nerve to look at me funny because I was just staring at his crazy behind. If you don't want people to stare, them don't do weird stuff.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    There's a lady at my gym that always works out in a dress. But she's super fit and runs marathons! I find it a little bit strange but she's doing better than me so I'm not gonna judge!
    I knew a girl who did this as well but she did this for religious reasons.
    Pentecostal ladies are not allowed to wear pants, shorts or make up, and never do they cut their hair.
    You can tell those rules were written by insecure men who need to keep their ladies homely.
  • Ohmydaze
    Ohmydaze Posts: 403 Member
    I haven't seen this personally, but I heard about it from a friend just yesterday..

    This rather well built guy was lifting weights and grunting a fair bit. (As you do? ) Once he'd finished, he walked over to the mirror, and RIPPED HIS SHIRT OFF. With his hands, growling. Like the Incredible Hulk.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    My husband tells me that a man in his locker room who will go there to pleasure himself. This isn't exactly in the gym but still creepy.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I haven't seen this personally, but I heard about it from a friend just yesterday..

    This rather well built guy was lifting weights and grunting a fair bit. (As you do? ) Once he'd finished, he walked over to the mirror, and RIPPED HIS SHIRT OFF. With his hands, growling. Like the Incredible Hulk.

  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    My husband tells me that a man in his locker room who will go there to pleasure himself. This isn't exactly in the gym but still creepy.

    Actually burst out laughing!!!!!!
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    bumping it for later.
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    a guy I see regularly at my gym: tiny little Asian guy, maybe in his 50s with a very slight beer belly, much too tight clothes, also wearing a headband AND wrist bands, you know, for all the sweat. He mostly does strength excercises, some of which apparently consist of standing REALLY close to the mirror and air-boxing while grunting in a high-pitched voice.

    Most of the time I don't mind or even notice but there have been moments when he's blocking the whole mirror and I need to see my posture/don't want to block the squat/lifting mirror.