

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    I love Salmon, and of course when we went to Alaska last year, we had the best. Have you ever had “smoked” Salmon? It seems to be a delicacy up in the north western parts of the country, and we loved it!

    We had smoked salmon in June when we were on our RV trip in Eastern Washington. We stayed in an RV park owned by the local tribe and one afternoon there was knock on the door and a man was there wondering if we'd like to buy some smoked salmon. Jake bought a lot of it and we enjoyed it for a week. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Another lovely day in the northwest. The dogs lasted barely 15 minutes at the dog park before lying down panting in the shade.:laugh:

    We're at 100 degrees all week! :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    We have finally recieved 1/2 inch of rain. Thank you God. I could not move the sprinklers fast enough to keep up. I dug a hole to bury my compostables from canning and went down 2 1/2 feet without finding any moisture.

    Every drops a blessing. My little dogs were not in agreement. Chopper and Poppy sat forlornly on the back step watching the rain fall, for most of the afternoon. Mr. Chopper gave up and went down the hall to the bedroom and back to bed.

    Whatever this bug is it's getting iritating I feel better and then worse. Today my teeth hurt from sinus and I am losing my voice. It's just going to have to pack up and "git " because I have things to do.

    Prayers go out for all with real health problems. I am so fortunate.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Was it drowned a cold flush a fever?

    Good Night All Alice
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning ladies:smile: Another gloomy Wednesday on Delmarva:frown: Today is supposed to be "Walk @ Lunch" Sponsored by the Wicomico Health Dept. It is really nice a 1 mile walk around the river. They even give you a goody bag. This year you get an apple, ice cream, (sugar free of course) and a bottle of water. In years past they gave a sandwhich, choice of ham or turkey on whole wheat. This year you can order a sandwhich or salad for about $5 (ahh the economy) I have gotten about 6 others to sign up to walk. Hope the rain holds off.
    :flowerforyou: Alice- I hope you are feeling better soon
    :flowerforyou: Karen- Welcome
    :flowerforyou: Birdie-Hope you are feeling better soon
    :flowerforyou: Susan-keep warm-exercise is the best way ( well almost the Best Way :laugh: )
    :flowerforyou: Lynn- Was there a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow:laugh:
    :flowerforyou: Barbie- So glad to hear Hubby is feeling better
    Gotta go to work :love: :embarassed: :love: :smooched: :love: :embarassed: To all Rosemary
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good morning,.
    Thank you all for your regard. Again just a brief note. My doctor believes that I picked up a "bug" that I was attributing to my "wine on an empty stomach". :sick: I have a slight fever so was told to stay out of work today. :frown: I miss the treadmill but know I would be foolish to even think about it, feeling weak, sick to my stomach and dizzy.:ohwell: I have kept my food clean and have lost another 2 lbs (as today is my weigh in).:happy: That makes 13 lbs since Aug 14th.:happy: Something to feel good about :laugh: I believe the weight loss is legit as I have not been vomiting or had diarea.

    Going to rest, drink water and NOT eat something I shouldn't ,just because I don't feel well.:wink:
    I am reading the posts and send my regards to all even though I don't comment on them individually.:wink: Have a wonderful day everybody:love:
    God Bless!
  • evgal
    evgal Posts: 22
    hi all, raining here in so.jersey, not sure about my walk today, but if it stops i'm going!!!!
    water wasn't as big aproblem as i thought it would be. today 'm going to measure. don't have a scale yet!
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hello All

    Made it to the gym three days in a row. I haven't done that in such a long time. Last week was a rocky start but I kept telling myself I have to do this. I'm getting better at self motivating. Having trouble getting back to logging in my food. However, I have been reading as many post as a can. It sure does help. This is a great site. I know I say it all the time but it is. I almost did not come back. I felt ashamed that I had lost touch with my weight lose. But, I just knew this is the place to be when things are out of control. So, here I am trying again.

    Love this message board the best.

    Tomorrow is weigh in day. I hope to have lost at least 1 pound.

    :heart: Kathy
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    My trainer cancelled on me (he's sick) but I figured, no big deal, I'll do one of the power classes at the gym. (We've got a group weight lifting class, body sculpt classes, abs & core, boot camp, etc.)

    Well, there aren't any on Wed. until 9am and I have a 10am meeting. Then, I figured, I'll do a Cross-ft class -- I've been thinking of signing up at a place near work, anyway. But they want you to take an Intro class first. I thought about just showing up and begging into the 7am class -- my triathlon coach does some classes there, so I've done crossfit before and he thought there was a chance they'd wave the intro class for me. But what if I got there and they didn't?

    So I just went to the gym and tried to do as much of my routine as I could remember. Hopefully I didn't exercise the same muscles over and over and skip other ones because I couldn't remember how to work the machines. :laugh:

    I'm proud of myself for doing it anyway. I should have my trainer set me up with a routine that I can do when he's not around. Or really join the crossfit gym like I've been saying I will for over a month now...
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    This is such a motivated bunch of ladies !:smooched: Muah! I LOVE reading about how every one of you is finding a way to keep on keeping on despite whatever life sends your way. :wink: Happy thoughts and prayers go out to all those who are feeling under the weather.

    We're having simply glorious fall weather. Cool enough to exercise in sweats morning and evening, but warm enough for short sleeves in the afternoon.

    Wednesday is my low key day so I will have plenty of energy for the platform on Wednesday nights. (I sing on our church's praise team.) So I slept in, watched "The Biggest Loser" Online, then did "4 Fast Miles" with Leslie Sansone and fixed myself a veggie only lunch. Now I'm heading outside to enjoy another sunny September afternoon in West Texas on my patio. :glasses: :drinker:

    Tomorrow is weigh and measure day for me. :flowerforyou:
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Kathy, we are all in the same boat! That's why we are on MFP. We have all fallen off the boat, but the difference is that there's that awareness there that you know you have to get up and get going again. Been there done that!:ohwell: It's good to see you posting again. When I first started MFP you were one of the ones who was always encouraging and helpfu. Keep on keeping on! :flowerforyou: l
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    We have finally recieved 1/2 inch of rain. Thank you God. I could not move the sprinklers fast enough to keep up. I dug a hole to bury my compostables from canning and went down 2 1/2 feet without finding any moisture.

    Every drops a blessing. My little dogs were not in agreement. Chopper and Poppy sat forlornly on the back step watching the rain fall, for most of the afternoon. Mr. Chopper gave up and went down the hall to the bedroom and back to bed.

    Whatever this bug is it's getting iritating I feel better and then worse. Today my teeth hurt from sinus and I am losing my voice. It's just going to have to pack up and "git " because I have things to do.

    Prayers go out for all with real health problems. I am so fortunate.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Was it drowned a cold flush a fever?

    Good Night All Alice

    I thought it was "When all else fails, Jack Daniels for a fever:drinker: :drinker: :laugh: :laugh:
    Hey even if it's not, after trying some, you may not care!!!:laugh:

    Seriously, a sinus infection, if that is what you are developing, is nothing to sneeze at. Hmmm, maybe on second thought, it is!!:laugh: Forgive, me my sense of humour is interfering with my desire to give serious medical advice.:noway: I was going to suggest that if you feel your bug is "settling in" PLEASE go to the doctor so he can prescribe an "eviction notice" and get you back to feeling fine!!

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    I need some of your expert advice tonight. Have any of you had experience with or having experience with menoopause. Let me give you a little background. I began perimenopause about 42. Probably about 44 my doctor put me on hormone replacement therapy. This worked fine and my symptoms went away and I was fine. Not sure how long I was on them but probably about 6 or 7 years later I really wasnt feeling great so he took me off of the hormones. Again I felt fine. I went from December 07 until October 08 with not monthly. Then I had a few. Now it has been since May that I have not had one. My doctor and books say one year without and you are in menopause. Anyway before when I had none and now I experienced symptoms. Last time I just kind of waded through them until they went away. This time I am feeling so good having lost weight that I do not want to ignore them and know that I shouldn't anyway. I bought Robin McGraw's book last night and after reading have decided to go and get my blood tested for hormones and thyroid. then I will decide what to do about it. Some of my symptoms are: insomnia, tiredness, headaches ( just sometimes), moody, lack of sex drive, vaginal dryness, forgetfulness, irrability. Anyway my question to you ladies is have any of you experience this and what are you doing about it. I really do not want the normal hormone replacement. I would love natural ones. Sorry to be so long winded but I really value your opinions.
    thank you in advance for your help and comments.
    PS I think this is why it is so hard the last few weeks for me to keep losing. Not trying to make excuses just finding reasons.
    Vicki M
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Vicki- I think you should have a full blood workup and be sure they check Vitamin D too. Until the test results come back, don't stress over it. There are so many things it could be. Good luck and hang in there. Jeannie

    All- Oven buzzer just went off. I guess I will catch up on the posts later.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Another beautiful day in Northwest Washington. I slept a little later today----the dogs and cats are fooled by the sun coming up later and they don't wake me so early. This was another peaceful ordinary day----line dance, lunch, dog park, exercise bike, chores on the computer and then a trip to the store to see if there were any fall clothes that appealed to me. I have to go to a training in Seattle for our business this weekend and my wardrobe is very limited. Jake was supposed to go to the training and I'd stay home with the dogs, but his back is not healed enough for him to drive that far, be on his feet a lot, and sit all day Saturday for the training so I got elected to go.

    Today is my friend's birthday and we're going to meet at six and take a walk together. Since we're both serious about our health we've agreed to meet somewhere without eating. It feels good to get to a place where going out to lunch, dinner, or coffee isn't the norm for getting together with a friend.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy, I didn't find MFP until I was 62 so you can imagine how many starts and stops I've made on the weight loss journey. :laugh: If you keep coming back, you'll catch the enthusiasm again and lose all the weight long before you're as old as I am.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, I don't have any useful menopause info to share with you. I went through it almost ten years ago and I don't remember any symptoms of any sort but my husband apparently gives advice to all his friends based on his perception that I was crabby and hard to get along with for several years.. I didn't have physical symptoms of any sort.

    I watched "The Biggest Loser" for the first time today (I had it on DVR) and I enjoyed it. There was a lot of good information. One thing I learned was to not let anything discourage me and to keep on keeping on not matter what.

    Hugs to all of you :heart:
  • l_mahloy
    Hello all a good day today ate well had my hair cut and colored the roots are all gone.:laugh: Went to boot camp this morning have tennis tomorrow:glasses:
    Welcome Karen we are a fun and supportive group.:blushing:
    Alice my goal is also an 8 I am down to a 10 but am stalled also talking to my trainer Friday for suggestions on getting that scale to go down!:cry:
    Rosemary the trip was the pot of gold it was a graduation gift to our daughter for high school graduation. Took the whole family to Hawaii for 10 days great trip!:love::love:
    Take it easy Birdie and way to drop those pounds keep um coming.:flowerforyou:
    Kathy you are right we have to not give up and come back when we slip up. Everyone on this site understands that we all have our ups and downs but if we stick to it our weight will leave!:laugh:
    Vickie I am in the process of menopause I have many of the same symptoms you mentioned. The insomnia I have treated with Ambien when it first started I would go 7 days with only 2-3 hrs of sleep per nite thought it would kill me.:sad: :sad: Now I take ambien occasionally but use benedryl most nights it relaxes me and I can fall asleep.:wink: I am not allowed to take hormones due to my moms breast cancer she had cancer before menopause so that is a no-no for me. My biggest problems right now are the hot flashes and night sweats. Eating less processed food has helped with night sweats. Alcohol always causes night sweats for me. I also have a massage once a month it also helps me gets rid of toxins with the deep tissue massage as well as he stretches my muscles which is also good for us. Hope this helps a little I am sure others have more advice for us.

    Good nite all,
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Barb, was that your " sick humor ? " I have had problems with my sinus since I broke my nose in the 90s. I zigged when I should have zagged.

    Lynn I wish I was in a 10, still in 12's. Let us know what your trainer comes up with.

    Vickie, I also am in menopause, although I like to refer to my hot flashes as power surges. I also have insomnia, although I have no problem going to sleep, I like to wake up at 2:00am. I do not find my self very moody, but I know I suffer from the" brain fog " fairly regularly. I take B 150 daily along with my, Calcium, E, D, and 25mgs of Black Cohosh morning and night. The B and Black Cohosh were prescribed by my Gyn. and when taken regularly really do help with the flashes and several of the other iritations. I know that when I have something such as this cold the iritations become more prevelant. I do not like to call them symptoms because this is not an illness. I think it has a definate impact on my weight loss. I can not take hormone replacement either due to estrogen receptor cancers in the family. I also do not take soy or herbs with plant ( phyto) estrogens because they react with your receptors like regular estrogen. My mother had breast cancer twice after menopause, my aunt died of cancer at 32, and my sister had it prior to menopause. My mother bless her heart died of old age at 92, despite the cancer and lived alone until the last few months of her life. My sister is in good health 6 years later. She is also in menopause but hers was brought on early by the chemotherapy she had as treatment. My mother passed in September of 2007 and I started menopause.

    Your monthlies may come and go as they see fit, I had one in Feb. 2008, and May of 2009. Nothing abnormal about them just really far apart. I feel like I am cycling every month with out actually. When I started on the weight loss quest I lost weight fairly easily for those 10 pounds and since then I have been battling the dragon to no avail. I know my schedules are very erratic and some days I push my body to the limit without ever doing any workout type exercise, while others are spent primarily on office activities. It is hard to balance. Definately see your Dr. and maybe a Gyn for some of your other concerns. My Gyn. moved and I really miss him.

    My DH brought my weight up before an appointment with this Gyn. and told me to discuss it with him. I did dutifully bring my husbands comments up to Dr. Connely. He asked me what my husband weighed, and I told him 195 pounds. He told me to tell DH, if he brought it up when I got home,
    " That the Doctor recommended I lose 195 pounds of *kitten* immeadiately." I really miss that doctor.
    (Pardon my language)

    So my drippy nose and I are off to bed as soon as we finish our evening rounds.

    Thank you all for your support and concern.:smile:

    Good night All Alice
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ladies. Well I got busy tonight and didn't get the chance to challenge the snake for my bike:grumble: maybe tomorrow night. Another not so good eating day I went to taco bell with my daughter and her family (seems like this is becoming a routine every 2 weeks when we get our nails done.) I didn't do too much damage though because I did the mile walk at lunch time ( I only ate an apple and a 50 calorie ice cream for lunch) I played hide and seek with Matthew for half an hour and danced for another half hour, plus I did Leslie Sansone 2 mile tonight when I got home :wink:
    I actually have 137 calories left.:smile:
    :flowerforyou: Lynn and Vicki I went through menopause at an early age. I had my last child when I was 36, got my tubes tied about 43 days later and started going through menopause when I was about 40. I also have cancer in my family and I tried to take the hormones. I bled for 26 days and had a vericose vein going up my leg that looked like a snake. I quit taking the hormones and haven't had a problem since. Some people can take hormones with no problem, I just don't happen to be one of them.
    I did have night sweats and mood swings and a friend told me about soy milk and sweat potatoes. I tried drinking Silk Soy Milk and started eating sweet potatoes (fresh and canned ) and it really helped.
    Going to bed now. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday:embarassed: :love: :embarassed: :love:
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Rosemary
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I was pleased to step on the scale this morning and learn I lost another pound since last week. So guess I really am over the plateau I was on. Its so exciting to finally be below 180 and actually STAY there! :happy: Now if I can lose another pound between now and the end of the month I'll actually be on track for my September goals.

    MENOPAUSE- I began perimenopause in my late 30's. Estroven helped and so did inserting a vitamin E oil capsule vaginally. Then I had a complete hysterectomy a few months before I turned 46 and my doctor put me on a plant Estrogen patch. I stayed on it for a year then tried weaning myself off of hormones altogether.

    With no HRT, I was changing nightgowns 2-3 times a night, rarely slept without Ambien, and was dry as a bone everywhere - including my eyes. I couldn't concentrate worth spit, and sex was downright painful. I tried Extra strength Estroven and Vitamin E again, but this time it didn't even phase my symptoms. So I finally gave up after 6 months of misery, and went back on HRT as my doctor recommended. He said he liked to see women take HRT until their mid fifties, but the choice was up to me. He said otherwise I would look and feel 10 years older than I was. There is no breast cancer in my family, so my plan is to follow his advice. Hope this helps you decide what to do.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Well, I gain 1 pound. I’m not to shocked by it because I had not concentrated on my food until yesterday. I was going to the gym but eating with bad habits. Now, I am logging in my food again and I am going to log in on the message board every day. Again I was not going to log in and spill my misfortune but I told myself that is why I am on the site to get help and support. I am not embarrassed about the weight gain. I am determined to get my weight down as best I can.

    I have read all of yesterdays comments and thank you for all the encouragement:heart::heart: .

    I think I am going through menopause because I have a lot the symptoms that you all have expressed. Not sure though. I still have my monthly visitor. So really can’t help on that topic yet.

    So off to the gym I go now. I hope you all have a great day.

    :heart: Kathy
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    I want to say how much I appreciate all of your input and info on menopause. I was not trying to pry into your lives, but I like to be informed and need all the info I can get. I am going to call my doctor and get my blood work done. I just have come too far with this weight loss to let this mess up my good feelings. I just know my body and I do not feel right. I was taking some vitamins from a place online but am out so maybe the difference is not having them. Honestly for me the worst part is the irratability and the loss of sexual desire (hope that is not too much info). But I just wanted to say thank you for sharing and I will let you know how it goes. I hope you all have a great day. Susie I am so glad the scale is moving for you again. Gives me hope.
    Vicki M