Why wear glasses and not contacts?



  • ScottFree_66
    ScottFree_66 Posts: 200
    I'm near sighted, and wore contacts for several years. I agree that when allergies kick in or when I didn't take my contacts out for a week I had to wear glasses.

    Now though, as I've gotten older, I find I'm having trouble reading (maybe its working at a computer all day) ... If i'm wearing my glasses and need to read something, I have to take them off (or look over the top of them) to read. When I wear contacts I don't have that option, but the cheapo reading glasses at the drug store work great.

    So what's the point of wearing contacts if I have to put reading glasses on. I know on my next eye exam I will have to ask for bifocals.
  • crl102
    crl102 Posts: 4
    I have had them both over the years to correct nearsightedness. I prefer glasses but I think that might be due to the fact that my vision is not too bad yet.
    The only issues i ever had with contacts was having to put eye drops in constantly and I usually had a few people staring at me while I do it.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I would like to wear contacts but I have tri-focals so contacts are not for me. I've worn glasses since around second grade so I guess I'll be wearing them until I die. :ohwell:
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I also started wearing glasses (far sighted) in the 2nd grade & switched to contacts by middle school - swearing that I would never go back to glasses again.
    I had the Lasik surgery 10 years ago, but it failed & I am now back in glasses due to one lens being cracked & the other one not laying flat on my eye which makes wearing contacts again impossible.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I love my glasses....they suit me I think. But I started wearing them because I got an eye ulcer from contacts. I only wear contacts if I am going to be outside where I need to wear sunglasses.
  • directorj
    directorj Posts: 537 Member
    Glasses make you look smart :smile:
  • itsrierie
    itsrierie Posts: 28
    I can see alright without my glasses, so I take them on and off throughout the day -- if I wear them for too long, I get a headache. If I don't wear them for too long, blurriness starts to annoy me.

    I usually only wear them when it's dark and I'm driving.
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    I like my glasses - tried contacts for a while in my teens and hated them.

    I like to be able to take my glasses off and defocus any time I want. Also I have really nice frames.

    WOuld like a better range of frames to choose from for sunglasses though.
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    I used to wear contacts until I spent time in hospital because I got micro scratches on my eyeball caused by the contacts. The pain and scare factors associated with these scratches put me off contacts for life.
  • honeyrose25
    Im near sighted so I can get away without wearing them most of the time but I need them for tv, reading or when im tired so my eyes dont strain. I prefer them to contacts. they're easier to get out when needed and put away when they're not. easier to clean. and harder to lose.
    glasses are not what they used to be. i remember big chunky ones that people wore when i was a kid. now people wear them with fake lenses because they have become part of fashion. I guess it depends on the person really.
    I agree that they can get in the way sometimes but then again I think there are more problems with contacts than there are with glasses.
    Im lucky coz I have a small head (you may laugh now) so its cheaper for me as i get kids frames. but in the long run are one pair of glasses not cheaper than renewing contacts.

    But this is just one persons oppinion.
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 273
    I want them so bad. I tried for 2 hours, with the help of my husband who is a contact wearer to put them in. I cannot do it. Went to the eye doctor, he tried to help me. Couldnt do it. :( I am heartbroken.
  • Octopies
    Octopies Posts: 157 Member
    Also, whats with contact users caring so much about people who wear glasses? It's super weird. This isn't the first time I've seen forum topics (even facebook posts) dealing with "why not contacts?! I dont understand! why?! i like contacts and everyone should use them!"
    I guess it's kinda like the saying "The difference between tattooed people and those without tattoos is that tattooed people don't care if you're not tattooed", substituting "contacts" and "glasses" when appropriate.

    (tried to put this in my original post but the edit button is missing?)
  • Sockimobi
    Sockimobi Posts: 541
    I have glasses for computer work / reading. I hate them and often don't bother to use them (the prescription is very weak, so it's not a major issue).

    Does anyone else have an issue with a wide bridged nose? Glasses leave a massive mark either side of my nose. Could get a nose job I suppose :/
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm photosensitive and have been wearing glasses with photocromatic lenses since I was 14. In my 30s -after years of monitor abuse, myopia set in and I now have varifocal lenses in my specs.

    As far as I know they haven't designed photochromatic contact lenses yet, but I've never had an issue when wearing glasses apart from when working out and the sweat runs down the lenses :laugh:
  • rikwaynik
    rikwaynik Posts: 724 Member
    I like glasses and only need them for reading.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I have dry eyes and using a monitor I can only last about four hours with lenses before my eyeballs shrivel up like the last peach in the fruit bowl. I have a high level of astigmatism so my disposable lenses are quite expensive and they take a good hour to "settle in" so I can see properly, so I save them for special occasions.

    And I'm loathe to admit it but over the last year I've realised I need varifocals as my arms aren't long enough to read the newspaper :laugh:

    Plus I have little eyes with heavy bags. People don't notice that I'm not wearing glasses, they only say I look tired :embarassed:

    By the way, if your glasses slip off or give you poor peripheral vision, you just need different glasses :glasses:
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I have to wear my glasses all the time, I'm short sighted but it's that bad that if I don't wear my glasses I get terrible headaches. Though to me, my glasses are an accessory, I buy gorgeous frames because I cannot live with boring, plain frames if I have to wear them all the time!
    I don't think an outfit is complete without a pair of glasses, and it makes you look smart. ;-)
  • mikejacobs1958
    I prefer Glasses to Contacts any day.

    I only started wearing glasses for reading when I hit 45.

    However I did have the Lasik eye surgery done over 5 yrs ago, which did away with glasses completely.

    Only recently started using glasses again, for small text in poor light.
    Might have to have some more Lasik done by 55 ?
  • Nicola1944
    Nicola1944 Posts: 348 Member
    I wear glasses for work.

    I actually can't wear contacts due to dry eyes caused by incomplete blinking (my eyes dont full shut when i blink, hence the dryness) I also have blocked tear ducts.... Lucky me!! haha
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    I wear my glasses every day all day as I am near sighted and I can honestly tell you they do not bother me at all! sometimes i get into the shower and forget to take them off! LOL! They gotta be real dirty before it bothers me much too! :D I have been wearing them for more then 13 years though the last pair I had the frames were so light i coudl hardly feel them! These are heavier and I am so used to them i dont feel them anymore! :D